Rebirth of the Excellent Daughter of the Marquis Household

Chapter 186: 186 I am the heir apparent of the emperor


There was a moment of silence in the room, and Gu Yuqizhi heard her heart beating like a drum—

In the previous life, she had kissed him in various ways, and even in this life, it was not the first time that she was forcibly kissed by him. No matter which time it was, it was not as good as this one that shocked Gu Yuqi's heart.

The piety on his face just now was not faked, nor was the tear that slipped down from his tightly closed eyes. And the cautious and slight trembling of his lips when they touched her was not faked.

Gu Yuqi could feel all this.

Does he really love himself? What he said just now also deeply shocked Gu Yuqi.

According to taking care of Yuqi's understanding of Yun Ke, he can say that. It must not be lying to him.

It turns out that everything that was never obtained in the previous life was obtained just now.

What about yourself

Gu Yuqi looked at Yun Ke who was in a daze to wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes. Now he still looks a little mature and stable, just like a reckless big boy.

"Those words were not said to you because your hand was injured." Yun Ke finally wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes in embarrassment, because the thing called tears just now seemed to be unable to be wiped clean, so It will come out again unknowingly, making him completely unable to deal with it, and he is at a loss.

Seeing Gu Yuqi looking at herself, Yun Ke managed to calm down and said slowly, "No matter what you become, my mind will not change. You once said that I am a heartless person .I don’t know what kind of feelings it is. It took me two lifetimes to realize that it’s not that I don’t have a heart, but that I haven’t found my own heart.”

"Oh." Gu Yuqi replied dumbly. She is really confused now, everything that Yun Ke said just now makes her feel like she is dreaming, and it is a lie to say that she is not moved. After all, in the previous life, he liked him so much, loved him more than everything, including life.

But Gu Yuqi was really a little scared.

"By the way. You still remember..." Yun Ke was a little hesitant to speak, he actually wanted to ask Gu Yuqi if she knew who was the person who arrested her and tortured her. But he didn't dare to admit it, he was afraid that Gu Yuqi would think of that dark past and feel fear in his heart. Macro died with beans.

"The lord wants to ask the concubine if he remembers who arrested the concubine." Seeing Yun Ke's hesitant and hesitant appearance, Gu Yuqi already guessed what he wanted to ask.

She still resumed the titles of prince and concubine, it seems so. Only then could the embarrassment in her heart be a little less.

Sensing the restoration of her title, a trace of disappointment flashed across Yun Ke's eyes.

I still can't get her to open up.

But after Yun Ke thought about it again, he felt a little secretly joyful in his heart. At least when he kissed her just now, she didn't struggle away immediately.

That was an excellent phenomenon. Thinking of this, Yun Ke's gloomy heart jumped for joy again.

"It's Xiashuang City." Gu Yuqi took a deep breath and said slowly.

As soon as Gu Yuqi uttered the words Xia Shuangcheng, Yun Ke's eyes suddenly burst into a monstrous anger.

He also guessed it was him! It really was him!

"Understood." He slowly squeezed out these three words from between his teeth. There is no need to make too many promises to Gu Yuqi, Xia Shuangcheng dares to do this kind of cruelty to Gu Yuqi. Then he will ask him to repay ten times more.

Cut to pieces! It's not enough to eliminate the hatred in his heart!

He had ordered Du Xia to protect the young man who sued Xia Shuangcheng last night, and he had a faint feeling in his heart that this matter was related to him.

"Ah Nan, I have something to deal with these few days." Yun Ke said to Gu Yuqi. "I can't stay by your side all the time. I've already told Her Royal Highness the Princess to ask Yan Zhi to come over and see you more. When I'm not around, she will be by your side. Remember to be careful of your sister."

"The concubine knows." Gu Yuqi nodded.

The next day, Yan Zhi moved to Prince An's Mansion for a short stay.

Even though the eldest princess and Prince An's mansion have been concealing the news that Gu Yuqi was taken away, some rumors still leaked out. After all, the team looking for Gu Yuqi that night was too powerful. People with good deeds ask around, and they can always find a clue.

However, Prince An's Mansion didn't mention it, and the people in Princess Chang's Mansion kept silent about it, and others didn't dare to ask openly.

The Lord Jiamin suddenly moved to Prince An's mansion, which made the people who spread the news more certain of this conjecture.

All of a sudden, there was a rumor circulating in the elite circles in the capital that Prince An's side concubine was kidnapped and lost her virginity.

If not, why are Prince An's Mansion and Princess Chang's Mansion so oblivious to this matter

Rumors also spread to Dingyuan Hou's Mansion, Gu Huaizhong felt a little weird about this rumor. He has experienced the fierce fighting power of his own daughter. How could it be easily taken away by others

But people's rumors are strict, as if watching Yun Ke chased out of the city gate overnight and then came back with a person in his arms.

Gu Huaizhong couldn't sit still anymore, so he went to Gu Siyu's side and sent her over to find out the news.

There is nothing wrong with a younger sister going to see her older sister.

It's fine if Gu Yuqi is safe, but if something happens, he has to think of a way, so that a humiliated daughter can humiliate Prince An's mansion, and even go back to Prince An's mansion and the emperor to annoy him. It wouldn't be fun if there was another drama like Xia's.

Gu Huaizhong asked someone to inquire about the news, Concubine De also vaguely learned about this matter, and also asked someone to inquire about the news.

The person she was looking for was the Lord Jiaxi.

Jiaxi County Lord can get close to Gu Yuqi, that child is good to everyone, if he can find out some news, I believe he will tell her.

Concubine De is shrewd, and County Lord Jiaxi is not a fool. Even though Concubine De was so euphemistic, County Mistress Jiaxi still keenly felt that Concubine De was using her as a spy.

Who is really good to her? As a child who lost his father since childhood, how could the Lord Jiaxi not feel it. What's more, growing up in the royal family, I have seen these intrigues since I was a child. Although the county magistrate of Jiaxi looks delicate and naive, he is actually very shrewd.

Following Concubine De's wishes, Jiaxi also took the opportunity to live directly in Prince An's Mansion.

Anyway, she won't go out for a while after living in. If she doesn't go out, Concubine De can't go to Prince An's Mansion to arrest her and come out for questioning. If Concubine De summoned her, she would just pretend to be sick and not enter the palace. In this way, she will not offend Concubine De, let alone embarrass herself.

So the Jiaxi County Lord began to complain about illness as soon as he moved into Prince An's Mansion.

Gu Siyu went to Prince An's Mansion several times but was stopped by Jiaxi County Lord, and Gu Yuqi was never seen.

The Lord Jiaxi coughed and sneezed in front of her. Gu Siyu went there a few times because he was afraid of being overwhelmed by the illness of the Lord Jiaxi, and gradually he was unwilling to go.

She also doubted that the rumor was true, but since she hadn't seen Gu Yuqi, everything could not be concluded. Suspicion was just suspicion after all, and she couldn't take action based on this alone. What if it wasn't the case at all? Didn't he annoy Prince An again

The rumors about Gu Yuqi were quickly suppressed by another major event in the capital.

That is, Xia Shuangcheng of the Xia family was rushed into the Xia family of Anlehou Mansion by Prince An Yunke personally and was arrested and taken to the prison of the Ministry of Justice!

It is said that the Xia family once brought out the gold medal for avoiding death given by the late emperor, and asked people to stop Prince An from handling the case.

Prince An didn't accept that at all, saying that if his ancestors were to be blamed in the sky, he would find his ancestors to confess his mistakes a hundred years later, and now he is arresting people for interrogation, not beheading. What's the use of the death-free gold medal!

Prince An acted resolutely and overthrew all the guards in Anlehou's mansion, blocking Xia Shuangcheng who was trying to slip through the back door.

Xia Shuangcheng was thrown into the prison of the Ministry of Justice. He was already scared out of his wits, but when he thought that his family still had a gold medal for avoiding death, his confidence hardened again.

Father would never let him die.

It's just a few days of guilt.

But it seems that he is the only prisoner in this gloomy criminal prison!

How did Xia Shuangcheng know that he was not in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice at all, but a prison under Yun Ke's hands.

Yun Ke had been building the plank road and crossing Chen Cang secretly, and replaced the person.

An Lehou would not allow his son to be taken away by him like this, he would definitely bribe the jailer to give him good food and drink, and maybe he would find someone to rescue him.

So he asked the dark guard to disguise himself as Xia Shuangcheng early in the morning and put him in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice for him.

When Xia Shuangcheng was tied up to a wooden stake by several people dressed as servants, he was still yelling, "Young master is the son of Marquis Anle, and he has a title! You can't punish a scholar-bureaucrat! Do you understand? "

"Understood!" All the yamen servants nodded back expressionlessly, but the movements under their hands did not stop at all.

Xia Shuangcheng, who was tied to a cross-shaped stake, couldn't help but have a smug look in his eyes, "If you understand, let me down, and I will serve you with delicious food and drink! I just stay here for a few days. You guys I am happy to serve the young master, after the young master goes out, I will miss your kindness."

"Really?" A cold voice without any warmth, like the voice from hell, came in from the door of the execution room. It made Xia Shuangcheng shudder and goosebumps all over his body!

"Then, would you like me to serve you as well, so that you can remember me?" Yun Ke's figure slowly appeared at the door of the execution room.

The torture room was so dark, and the torches reflected his body lightly and darkly, and he slowly walked towards Xiashuang City with an unspeakable sense of oppression.

"An'an...Prince An." Xia Shuangcheng felt a little numb for a moment, but there was still a slack in his neck, "So what if you are a prince? I am the emperor's son!"

He has a title, Yun Ke dare not really do anything to him! Thinking about it this way, Xia Shuangcheng regained his confidence.