Rebirth of the Excellent Daughter of the Marquis Household

Chapter 188: 188 The concubine's hometown is far away


Smelling an obvious stench, everyone present frowned in disdain.

The eldest son of the Xia family must be too useless, isn't he already scared to pee at this level? It's hard to imagine that he was responsible for all those unspeakable crimes.

Yun Ke said to the people beside him, "I will put some medicine on his tongue in a while to stop the bleeding, so that he can take good care of him. We must not let him die so soon."

"Yes." The hidden guards on one side clasped their fists together.

"Oh, right. I heard that Xia Shizi likes spicy food. Get him some spicy food. Let him eat better. He is the son of His Majesty." Yun Ke sneered.

What kind of feeling does it feel to touch pepper on the wound

Xia Shuangcheng's legs trembled more and more as he listened.

Prince An is determined to torture him.

"Xia Shizi, I'm going back first, and I'll come to see you tomorrow. You should be well." After Yun Ke finished speaking, he smiled at Xia Shuangcheng, turned and left.

Seeing the hidden guards approaching him, Xia Shuangcheng asked with wide eyes in horror, "What are you doing!"

"Apply the medicine!"

Yun Ke went to the Ministry of Punishment again. Since Xia Shuangcheng was imprisoned in the Ministry of Punishment, he had to do a full set of plays. He interrogated the guards who pretended to be Xia Shuangcheng in the Ministry of Punishment.

After dispersing everyone in the torture room, Yun Ke asked, "Can someone hand you a note today?"

The dark guard nodded. Take out the notes stuffed in by the Xia family trustee one by one and show them to Yun Ke.

Yun Ke sneered while watching. He had been wary of the Xia family's people for a long time, and even changed the yamen guards here in the Ministry of Punishment. Unexpectedly, the Xia family still had the ability to pass the note in.

What those notes said was nothing more than that Yun Ke sent people to investigate what matters, they had already solved them one by one, and what words he wanted him to say. Hong fluttered in Pakistan.

In just one day, Xia's family has bribed all these people, and their ability is really not small.

"You have worked hard." Yun Ke said to the hidden guard after reading them one by one.

The hidden guard chuckled, "My lord, don't make jokes about your subordinates. You are served here with delicious food, and even the bedding has been changed by Xia's family. Why are you here to suffer?" .”

As soon as Yun Ke exposed it, it was true, except that he had to squat in the prison, he had no freedom at all. This hidden guard was sent here to enjoy the blessing.

"Just treat it as a disguised rest." Yun Ke patted him on the shoulder as encouragement.

"Yes." The hidden guard grinned, "This subordinate will definitely rest well."

Yun Ke talked to him about some things in detail, and then he yelled a few times, and then pretended to be angry and called the other people outside.

"Let me starve him!" He said angrily, leaving this sentence and walking away.

The guard who pretended to be Xiashuang City was respectfully invited back by the people in the cell. Lie down comfortably on the dry and soft quilt, close your eyes and start to sleep deeply.

After Yun Ke came out of the Ministry of Punishment, he went straight back to the palace.

Entering Tongxinyuan, I saw Jiaxi and Jiamin were there, talking with Gu Yuqi.

Although Gu Yuqi's complexion was still not very good, she was in good spirits.

Sensing Yun Ke's entry, the county magistrates of Jiaxi and Jiamin stood up together and saluted.

"Princess, she took the medicine at noon, and she hasn't taken the medicine for the evening. In the afternoon, the imperial doctor came to see the concubine and said that there is no serious problem with the wound, but she still needs to rest." Rouge said hurriedly, "If the prince is free .So let someone give the concubine the evening medicine. Daimei is boiling the medicine, and it should be fine in a while."

"I thought, since the lord is back, we'll take our leave first." County Mistress Jiaxi also said with a smile.

Yun Ke nodded, after Jiaxi and Jiamin went out, Yun Ke sat down beside Gu Yuqi's bed.

"Does the wound still hurt today?" He asked softly.

"It's much better. In the past few days, some of the lightest wounds have scabbed over, so there's still no pain." Gu Yuqi said.

Ever since Yun Ke confided his heart to her that day. She always felt that she didn't know how to face Yun Ke now.

The Yun Ke she is familiar with has always been cold, but now he treats her in every possible way. Although she also enjoys his care, it always feels a little unreal.

Knowing that Gu Yuqi's knot in her heart has not really been untied, she has always been polite to herself, which makes Yun Ke's heart sink, but there is nothing she can do.

He had already told Gu Yuqi everything he could say, and he hurt her too much, so he could understand Gu Yuqi's vigilance.

As long as Gu Yuqi doesn't push him away again and again, he believes that after spending his whole life, he will slowly mend the crack in Gu Yuqi's heart.

"Let me take a look?" Yun Ke asked in a low voice.

A blush rose on Gu Yuqi's cheeks, and she turned away a little annoyed, "What's so interesting."

The medicine on the wound these few days was applied by him himself. Although there was relatively no pressure to be honest with him in the previous life, it was a matter of the previous life after all, and she would still feel a little lumpy in this life.

Suddenly seeing the faint rosy glow on Gu Yuqi's cheeks, Yun Ke felt her heart was suddenly hit by something, the shyness and a little coquettishness revealed in her eyes, just like this straight It crashed into the bottom of his heart, making him love it and pity him endlessly.

Leaning over to kiss her smooth forehead, Yun Ke said softly, "Why are you shy, you are already my wife."

Why is this person like this... Gu Yuqi couldn't help thinking a little annoyed.

"It's just a side concubine, not a wife." Gu Yuqi reminded.

"In my heart, there is no concubine or concubine, only you." Yun Ke said slowly.

Gu Yuqi was stunned. Is this still the cold and pure Prince An? It turned out that when he talked about love, he couldn't lose to anyone.

"By the way, Yunluo came to greet my concubine today." Gu Yuqi suddenly thought of something and said, "Did the prince ask him to come?"

"Yes." Yun Ke said with a faint smile.

"So Your Highness thinks that concubines should also regard Yunluo as their son?" Gu Yuqi felt a little tight in her chest when she said this.

It's not that she can't tolerate a child, no matter what is between her and Yun Ke, it has nothing to do with childishness after all, she just sees Yun Luo and thinks of the child in her previous life who had no chance to show up, and her heart hurts.

Hearing Gu Yuqi's tone was a bit uncomfortable.

Yun Ke's complexion darkened a bit, and the joyful mood just now was also depressed, "If you don't like it, then I will tell him not to come tomorrow."

Sure enough, Gu Yuqi still minds Yunluo's existence.

But Yunluo is his son...

"It's not that the concubine doesn't like him. It's just..." Gu Yuqi wanted to explain, but she gave up halfway through, "Forget it, what's the point of saying this. Since the concubine is already the concubine of the prince, the concubine will definitely Abide by your duties. Will take good care of Yunluo. "

Yun Ke's heart tightened, seeing the distant and lost look in Gu Yuqi's eyes, he already guessed what she was hesitant to say.

He couldn't help holding Gu Yuqi's hand, and carefully wrapped her slightly cold hand in his big palm, "Don't think too much, okay?" He almost used a pleading tone.

He knew that what Gu Yuqi was thinking of was the child between them who had died in her stomach before she was born.

Thinking of the children they once had in the past, Yun Ke's heart also felt prickly. It was his acquiescence that allowed Gu Yuqi to suffer all the hardships in the world, and now she has become like this again , This made Yun Ke fall into deep self-blame and guilt, unable to extricate himself.

"Forgive me." After thinking for a long time, he said slowly, "Let them pass the past. We still have a lot of time, I will give you whatever you want, as long as you don't get angry with me again , don’t leave me again.”

Gu Yuqi turned her head away, not wanting to look at Yun Ke again, her eyes were also sore, but she suppressed the tears that had welled up to the edge of her eyes.

"Forget it." Gu Yuqi said slowly after a long time, "These concubines have thought a lot about the past few days when the prince is away. What is the rebirth in this life for? What the concubine cares about It is the mother's first life of peace and happiness. As for the concubine, she should have died a long time ago. The concubine's last life was also stolen. In fact, the concubine's hometown is not here, but in a place far, far away. The concubine stays in this world as a trace of soul. This way, the prince may not understand. The prince can understand the concubine from the previous life as returning the soul from the corpse. It may be more common to say that the prince does not need to be afraid. Ten years old in the first life. The concubines have never harmed the prince in the future, and they will not in the future."

Gu Yuqi paused when she said that, seeing Yun Ke's eyes widened in horror, she smiled slowly, and continued: "It's not that the concubine was not touched by what the prince said that day, but the concubine still couldn't pass the threshold in my heart. The prince I'm sorry, the concubine will not open her heart yet, but the concubine will stay by the prince's side. As promised before, when the prince needs money, the concubine will spare no effort to support the prince. Nothing will change Unless one day the prince is tired and bored, the concubine will leave on her own, and will never cause the prince any trouble."

When Yun Ke heard that Gu Yuqi said that he wanted to leave on his own, he was so frightened that he lost half of his soul. He wished he could wrap Gu Yuqi into his arms and keep it safe, as if no one would come to rob him , she will not disappear the same.

"I don't care where you came from, whether you are a dead body or not. I like you, I love you. You can't go." Yun Ke said anxiously.

It's not that he doesn't believe in these unbelievable things. After all, he can be reborn with Gu Yuqi with the memories of his previous life, so he has no doubts about what Gu Yuqi said.

What he is afraid of now is that since Gu Yuqi said that she is resurrecting her soul from a dead body, will one day her soul disappear before his eyes!