Rebirth of the Excellent Daughter of the Marquis Household

Chapter 198: 198 He should be hooked


"My lord, it's all the fault of the slave family. What can I do?" The young woman spoke with a slight northern accent, but her voice was very soft, with a touch of Jiangnan woman's accent in it, and her voice was very pleasant. "This..." Gu Huaizhong looked at his embarrassed appearance. "Why don't you borrow a towel, my little lady."

"Okay, okay." The young woman nodded hurriedly, "If the master doesn't dislike it, why don't you come in and sit for a while, and wait for the servant to dry the master's clothes."

"Aren't you afraid that I'm a bad person?" Gu Huaizhong asked with a smile.

The young woman was startled, and looked at Gu Huaizhong with slightly red eyes, not knowing how to answer.

Gu Huaizhong laughed, "Don't worry, I'm not a bad person."

Only then did the young woman feel relieved, and smiled with relief, "Master, come in." After speaking, she let Gu Huaizhong in.

Gu Huaizhong walked into the yard and looked around. It was a very ordinary small house, and the yard was very clean. There is still a small piece of land at the corner of the wall, where some radishes were planted, but it has not been confiscated, and it is covered with some clear snow. The clothes were still drying in the yard, dripping wet.

The house is just one main house with two side rooms.

"Sir, sit down for a while, and wait for the servant to find a piece of my wife's clothes." The young woman let out a wooden chair, poured a cup of tea for Gu Huaizhong, and then turned and walked into the inner hall.

After a while, he came out with clean clothes. There is a little redness on the face. "Master, this is the clothes left by my husband. If you don't mind, please change them first. Take your clothes to my servant, wash them and dry them, and then you can change them back."

"Okay." Gu Huaizhong nodded, and the young woman walked out. Looking at the young woman's slender waist and round buttocks, he couldn't help feeling a little bit of regret in his heart, that such a beautiful woman was buried in such a place.

Putting on the clothes of the young woman's husband, Gu Huaizhong sat in the hall drinking tea, the tea in this house is very special, the tea is not tea but roasted round wheat, with a special aroma.

The young woman was busy in the yard, and it was almost time to light the lanterns. The young woman was able to light up the lanterns under the eaves. The stretched figure came into view. With a different style.

A hasty knock on the door broke the silence in the evening. The young woman was startled, glanced at Gu Huaizhong, and went to open the door of the yard.

As soon as the door was opened, a woman with a loud voice came in, "Xiu Niang, you already owe a lot of rent here, it's time to pay."

It turned out that her name was Xiu Niang, and Gu Huaizhong was sitting in the hall. Raising his eyebrows slightly, he quietly watched what happened outside.

"When my husband comes back, I will definitely give it to you." Xiu Niang looked back at Gu Huaizhong who was sitting in the hall a little shyly, "There are guests at home, so Aunt Qin can talk about it later."

"Hah. A guest? I think it's your concubine. It really is an outhouse. She looks like a coquettish fox. If you don't have a man for a few days, you want to hook up. It doesn't matter who you hook up with, but the old lady You have to pay the rent." The aunt said resolutely.

"Don't talk nonsense, that master is a good man!" Xiu Niang looked a little angry.

"Good guy?" Aunt Qin poohed disdainfully. "I don't care if he is good or bad! If you don't bring the money today, you can move out overnight!"

"I really..." Xiu Niang was forced to feel helpless, touched the bun, and pulled out a sandalwood hairpin from her hair. When the hairpin was pulled out, her hair immediately poured down like a waterfall. "Why don't you use this hairpin to resist it first, and I'll figure out a way tomorrow."

"This broken hairpin has a use for nothing!" Aunt Qin threw the hairpin on the ground and stepped on it, Xiu Niang exclaimed, and hurriedly picked up the hairpin carefully, brushing off the dust on it, "This is my mother's relic, how could you do this!" Xiu Niang glared.

"How much money does she owe you?" Gu Huaizhong finally said slowly.

"Not much, the monthly rent for this small yard is three taels of silver." Aunt Qin looked at Gu Huaizhong and smiled strangely, "What's the matter? You have to help her!"

"So what if you help?" Gu Huaizhong smiled coldly, took out a five taels of silver from his purse and threw it over, "Take it and get out!"

When Aunt Qin saw that there was money to collect, she immediately changed her face, hurriedly collected the money that had rolled on the ground, and left cheerfully.

Xiu Niang walked in very embarrassed, "Thank you, master, for saving the slave's siege, the money owed to the master, the slave's family will definitely repay the master."

"No need." Gu Huaizhong waved his hand, "Did she just say you were someone's concubine?"

As soon as these words came out, Xiu Niang's face turned pale suddenly, and she couldn't help but shed tears, "Master, don't ask any more." After she finished speaking, she covered her face and ran out.

The more Xiuniang refused to let Gu Huaizhong ask, the more Gu Huaizhong cared more. When he came out from Xiuniang, he sent the servants in the mansion to inquire about Xiuniang's whereabouts when he returned to the Hou's mansion.

The servant quickly found out about Xiu Niang's origins. It is true that Xiu Niang was really a businessman's concubine as the aunt said, but after the businessman brought her to the capital, she appeared without a trace and disappeared within a day. Missing, Xiu Niang must have been cheated by the businessman.

Be cheated? In Gu Huaizhong's mind, Xiuniang's trembling little eyes appeared, like a bunny.

The more I think about it, the more itchy my heart becomes.

The more itchy it feels, the more it feels like something is missing...

"Miss Hui, he should have taken the bait. Someone has already come to inquire about it just now." Lin Xiuer said to Gu Yuqi who arrived late at night.

"Are you sure you really want to go this way? It's too late to regret it now." Gu Yuqi said slowly.

"I don't regret it." Lin Xiuer smiled, "People like me should have died long ago. Miss doesn't need to persuade you anymore. The first step has been taken. If I quit now, wouldn't all previous efforts be wasted? Don't worry, Miss. Xiu'er will Protect yourself."

"Thank you very much." Gu Yuqi took a step forward, "Maybe I won't be able to visit you in the future, so be careful in everything and remember the code we sent the letter."

"En." Xiu'er held Gu Yuqi's hand and smiled lightly.

Gu Yuqi talked to Lin Xiuer a few more words, and then Lin Xiuer helped her put on the hood, turned around and walked out of the small courtyard.

Yun Ke was waiting for Gu Yuqi outside the door, seeing Gu Yuqi coming out, hurried over to support Gu Yuqi.

Gu Yuqi didn't hide her plan from him, because even if she wanted to hide it, she couldn't hide it. If someone like Yun Ke really wanted to know what she was doing, how could she not find out.

Since concealment is meaningless to Yun Ke, it is better to confess to him.

"Do you think Xiu'er can do it?" Yun Ke looked at the yard behind him and said to Gu Yuqi.

"It should be fine." Gu Yuqi actually didn't know much about it, "But all of Xiu'er's dresses are based on the preferences of the caregiver, so it is not difficult to attract his attention. She is so self-sufficient. Liu Yue is not an easy-going lamp, she was able to poison my mother in her previous life, and this concubine sees that she will not allow any woman who can threaten her status to appear."

"En. If she is in danger, I will find a way to get her out of Dingyuanhou's Mansion." Yun Ke nodded and said.

"Thank you, my lord." Gu Yuqi raised her eyes and smiled slightly at the man beside her.

Yun Ke, who rarely got Gu Yuqi's initiative to smile, couldn't help but look a little crazy.

Although the hood of the cloak half covered her gorgeous face, the shape of the lips exposed in front of her was so beautiful, and the smile on the corner of her lips was also so sweet, with a sincerity that was never seen before.

If only time could stay at the moment when she smiled at him.

It's a pity that the beautiful moments are always fleeting. Sensing the hotness in Yun Ke's eyes, Gu Yuqi couldn't help but restrain her smile, and lowered her head in a panic.

"By the way, why don't we go back to the palace for dinner today?" Yun Ke looked away, and Gu Yuqi's smile suddenly disappeared, which made Yun Ke feel a little disappointed. He thought for a while and said.

"Where are you going?" Gu Yuqi asked.

"Whatever, the capital is so big, there is always a place to eat." Yun Ke said with a smile. "Let's just walk around and stop wherever we go."

"Everything is up to the prince." Gu Yuqi nodded. Shanghai Guangzhou Gongba.

"Can you stop being so polite with me?" Yun Ke sighed silently and said slowly. "You can call me Yunke, or Qilang." Gu Yuqi in the previous life called Qilang in his ear.

Thinking about it now, how intimate and beautiful the name Qilang is.

Gu Yuqi kept her head silent and did not speak, but quietly walked with Yun Ke.

"Forget it, you can call it whatever you like." Yun Ke raised his hand and brushed away the messy strands of hair scattered around Gu Yuqi's cheeks, and sighed, "Everything can be as you wish."

"By the way, has the lord found out the identity of Cousin Liu Yue?" Gu Yuqi asked.

Yun Ke frowned and said, "In Rouran, the identities of the witch doctor family are very mysterious, and it is very difficult to trace them, because they did not show their true colors in Rouran, and when they appeared, they all painted their faces with oil paint or He is wearing a mask. So far, no one can match up with Liu Yue's cousin."

He paused, then continued, "But what is certain is that Liu Yue's background is fake. She is of mixed race. Her father is from Rouran, and her mother is from Daqi. She has always said that she is an orphan , she was adopted as a servant girl by a rich family. In fact, her mother was the servant girl of that family. She was taken captive by the Rouran people, and she was pregnant after returning. She is not an orphan girl. Her mother gave birth to her Just ran away with the others."

Is Liu Yue a mixed race? Gu Yuqi was slightly startled, this was something she didn't know.

At the beginning, she also sent someone to investigate Liu Yue's life experience, but after so many years, it turned out that people on the border died or fled, and it was almost impossible to investigate.