Rebirth of the Excellent Daughter of the Marquis Household

Chapter 200: 200 out with Yunluo


Time gradually passed, and another month passed in the blink of an eye, and it seemed that the end of the year was approaching...

The streets and streets of the capital are also decorated with lights and festoons. The scattered red lanterns bring a strong New Year atmosphere, and the shops in the streets and alleys are also full of goods for the New Year.

Prince An's mansion was also hung red inside and out. Normally, there are only the prince and the little prince in the palace, but now that there is another Gu Yuqi, it will bring a new atmosphere.

Gu Yuqi went to her mother's room to see her mother. Yunluo is really a patient child and obedient. Ever since Gu Yuqi said that if Liang Huai'yu woke up and agreed to let him learn the Liang family's marksmanship, then she would teach him . Gu Yuqi was just talking, but Yunluo took her heart, and came to see the mother-in-law who was lying motionless on the 'bed' every day, and asked a question by the way.

The child's commendable persistence gradually softened Gu Yuqi's heart. It is not difficult to come for a day or two, but it is difficult to come every day. Every time I come, I am not perfunctory. But a sincere greeting. This made Gu Yuqi very moved.

Yun Ke's own personality is not good, but his son does teach well.

This day when Gu Yuqi came out from her mother's side, she happened to meet Yunluo who came over to say hello to Liang Huai'yu, so she stood at the door and waited for him for a while.

Seeing that he also came out, Gu Yuqi slowly stretched out her hand to Yunluo.

This was the first time that Gu Yuqi showed her kindness to Yunluo actively, but Yunluo was a little surprised, and after a moment of hesitation, she slowly held Gu Yuqi's hand. She raised her head, "Concubine Mu, do you recognize Luo Er?"

His father told him that if his mother refused to recognize him, they would not have a good life in the future.

So Yunluo has been working hard.

Gu Yuqi smiled, and said softly, "Have you done Luoer's homework today?" , she is the 'woman' in the family, so he has to protect the concubine mother, and can't pull the concubine mother's hand hard. Yunluo held Gu Yuqi very carefully. "Then how about I take you out for a walk?" Gu Yuqi laughed.

When Yunluo heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, "Really? Concubine mother?" Which child doesn't like to go out? Especially since it's almost Chinese New Year, the streets are so lively. "Really." Looking at Yunluo's bright little face, Gu Yuqi suddenly felt that she might have been too harsh on him before.

Although he is Yun Ke's son, he doesn't know anything after all.

With Gu Yuqi's consent, Yunluo was really happy. Yunke rarely took him out because Yunke himself was very busy. No one else in the palace dared to take him out. Yun Luo is really yearning for the world outside the Gaoqiang palace.

Let Yunluo's personal eunuch change into a light blue jacket for him, and Gu Yuqi also added a bright red cotton cape. Talk about two people, one big and one small, and they walked out of the palace hand in hand.

Yun Luo, who had just left the palace, felt novelty about everything outside, but he could still firmly remember Yun Ke's words, that is to take care of Gu Yuqi.

But the various candy stalls on the long street really made Yunluo a little immobile.

Gu Yuqi saw that Yunluo liked it, so she asked the boss to pack a little of everything, and then 'handed' it to Daimei.

Dai Mei smiled and said, "Miss like this, I'm afraid I'm going to spoil the little prince. He can buy whatever he wants."

Gu Yuqi was slightly taken aback when she heard the words, and then she smiled absent-mindedly, "It's okay, that's probably all I can do for him."

Daimei's words actually touched the scar in Gu Yuqi's heart.

Because Yunluo is very lively, cute, smart and obedient, Gu Yuqi can't help but think of the child in her previous life who died before she had the chance to come to this world. If the child can be born smoothly, it should be no worse than Yunluo.

When Yunluo turned her head, she saw Gu Yuqi's slightly lonely expression. Children's nerves are actually very delicate and sensitive, especially for children like Yunluo who have never had a mother since childhood. "Is the concubine mother unhappy?" Yun Luo hurriedly put the candy back in her hand, "Luo Er doesn't want it anymore."

See Yunluo like this. Gu Yuqi couldn't help feeling sore again in her heart. She squatted down and raised her hand to brush away the wind-blown hair on Yunluo's face, but found that her wrist was really disobedient, and her heart was even more so. Sadly, "No, it's just that I thought of some bad things randomly. It has nothing to do with you. Don't guess randomly." "Really?" Yunluo asked doubtfully. "Really." Gu Yuqi sighed slightly, stood up, and said to the boss, "Just wrap up what Luoer likes just now." "Then can the concubine not think about it?" Shaking Gu Yuqi's hand, she raised her face and asked. "Yes. Maybe I will gradually forget it in the future." Gu Yuqi finished speaking to Yunluo with downcast eyes, and smiled slightly.

The child's mind was not very stable, and soon Yunluo's eyes were attracted by other things on the street, and he pulled Gu Yuqi to squeeze in, only to find out that it was a juggling.

Where has Yunluo seen this before? He was amused by the little monkey who could do somersaults.

The performers in the rivers and lakes knew Yunluo and Gu Yuqi's attires, and they knew that they had met a benefactor today, so they couldn't stop teasing the little monkey to make a bow to Yunluo, beat him, and then beg for a reward.

At the moment Daimei lowered her head to take out the money, an unknown naughty child picked up a stone on the ground and threw it at the monkey. The monkey bared its teeth and grabbed Yunluo with its paw.

Gu Yuqi was shocked, without even thinking about it, she kicked the out-of-control monkey away with one kick, and held Yunluo in her arms.

Her wrist is not good, and it hurts to pull it hard, but Gu Yuqi didn't care about the pain, and hurriedly checked Yunluo up and down carefully. Fortunately, apart from being a little frightened, Gu Yuqi was not injured, so Gu Yuqi felt relieved from her fear.

The monkeys in Jianghu are very dirty. If they scratch Yunluo, they don't know what kind of disease they will contract.

Gu Yuqi, a performer in the Jianghu, kicked his monkey away, and was also angry. When he came over, he wanted to grab Gu Yuqi's sleeve and ask her to lose money.

The vulgar voice of the Jianghu entertainer frightened Yunluo, he tightly grabbed Gu Yuqi's clothes, and stuck to her side tightly, not daring to leave even a step. "Give him some money. Don't talk too much." Gu Yuqi said to Daimei. "Yes." Daimei gave a piece of silver to the performer in the Jianghu, and the performer closed the stall cursingly. "Concubine Mu, that person is so scary just now!" Yun Luo said with lingering fear as she was led away by Gu Yuqi. "En. There are all kinds of bad guys outside, so you can't come out alone." Gu Yuqi said slowly.

If Yunluo was scratched by a monkey just now, she wouldn't know how to explain to Yunke. "Mufei's action just now is so handsome!" Yun Luo thought of Gu Yuqi's action of protecting herself just now, and said enviously. "Father said that mother and concubine's martial arts are very good, and it is true." "It is not easy to get your father's approval." Gu Yuqi chuckled lightly.

At least in the last life, Yun Ke didn't take his two tricks seriously.

Seeing that the shopping was almost done, Gu Yuqi took Yunluo back.

Yunluo said he needed to urinate, so Gu Yuqi took him to the toilet.

Most of the latrines in the capital are in small alleys with no one in them. Daimei was holding a bunch of things in her hand, so Gu Yuqi asked Daimei to wait where she was, and took Yunluo in by herself.

Just turning into a small alley, Gu Yuqi saw a few people behind her out of the corner of her eye.

Gu Yuqi's heart skipped a beat, and an ominous premonition hit her. Hall died.

I don't know if there are any hidden guards around, there should be. But after the last time, Gu Yuqi was particularly sensitive to these.

She bent down and said to Yunluo, "Can you bear it a little longer?" "Yes?" Yunluo nodded knowingly. "Then you hug my neck, okay?" Gu Yuqi smiled slowly at Yunluo, "I'll show you something new." "Okay, okay!" Yunluo immediately put her arms around Gu Yuqi's neck , Gu Yuqi hugged Yunluo with her arms, she couldn't use strength in her hands, she still had strength in her arms, but she couldn't take the initiative to hug Yunluo with her hands, but now Yunluo hugged her neck by herself, she just It saves a lot of effort.

Gu Yuqi's figure suddenly rose, rising from the ground like a white crane, and jumped onto the roof amid Yunluo's exclamation. "Hush." Gu Yuqi made a silent movement, and Yunluo immediately closed her mouth knowingly.

The two hid on the roof, watching the person who followed them sneak in sneakily, "It's strange, I saw them coming in. Why did they disappear in the blink of an eye?" "Go look for them over there. !” Someone pointed to the toilet.

Several people also searched the toilet, but they couldn't find anyone, so they walked out of the alley together. "Concubine Mu, those people..." Yun Luo was very smart, seeing Gu Yuqi looking at them nervously, he whispered in Gu Yuqi's ear after they left. "The one who came to catch you was here to catch me." Gu Yuqi flew down from the tree with Yunluo in her arms, "Let's go, let's go back to the palace." She didn't dare to let Yunluo go to pee by herself. "Be patient first. Can you hold back?" "Yes." Yunluo thought for a while and nodded.

Sure enough, as soon as Gu Yuqi came out with Yunluo, those people immediately looked at them again.

Gu Yuqi didn't dare to stay any longer, she called Daimei and hurried back to the palace with Yunluo.

It was night, when Yun Ke returned home, Gu Yuqi told Yun Ke what happened during the day, and Yun Ke frowned.

It seems that Prince An's Mansion is being targeted.

I just don't know who is following Gu Yuqi and Yunluo today. "You and Luo Er shouldn't go out alone these days." Yun Ke said with lingering fear, if it wasn't for Gu Yuqi's cleverness, Luo Er might be captured by them. "Let me find out who did it." Even though there were hidden guards following Gu Yuqi, when Yun Ke thought about what happened that night, a little cold sweat broke out on Yun Ke's back.


The addition is completed today, and the debt will continue to be paid tomorrow.