Rebirth of the Excellent Daughter of the Marquis Household

Chapter 48: 48 Secret Road of Huguo Temple


Habit is a very scary thing. Even though he stretched out his hand towards her, he still hurt her with his words.

But even so so what? Does Gu Yuqi think that she can escape from her own hands in this life as she thought

Yun Ke's hands tightened tightly, as if he was using actions to prove what he thought in his heart, and Gu Yuqi was in pain. She couldn't help frowning between her brows, but she couldn't hold back the pain.

He is so powerful. Almost crushed her hand bones.

Seeing Gu Yuqi's furrowed eyebrows, Yun Ke realized how hard he was, and he slowed down his strength.

Yun Ke squatted down in front of Gu Yuqi, and Gu Yuqi jumped up from the stone bench in fright, what rhythm? He's not going to lift his skirt, is he? Did he take the wrong medicine, or was he released without taking the medicine.

"Sit down!" Gu Yuqi jumped up as if being pricked by a needle. Yun Ke frowned slightly, and he said in a cold voice. "If you don't want to hurt your ankle a little bit more, I'll let you sit down!"

He really wanted to see what was going on with Gu Yuqi's ankle, but he didn't feel how horrified Gu Yuqi's actions were in Gu Yuqi's eyes.

"My lord, this is not in line with etiquette." Gu Yuqi hurriedly raised her feet, jumped back with one leg, and said eagerly.

Is it wrong with etiquette? It's really fresh. Didn't she do too many things that were incompatible with etiquette in her previous life? What's more, he was her husband in the previous life, what parts of her body have he never touched or seen? Now I just want to see how badly she is hurt. Is this impolite

With a cold light in Yun Ke's eyes, he straightened his body, "Miss Gu's family is really educated and reasonable." A faint sneer appeared on the corner of his lips, "It's this king who is abrupt." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and put Gu Yuqi's slender waist was embraced in her arms.

When Rouge saw it, she immediately became hairy. Jumped over and grabbed Yun Ke's arm, "Let go of our lady, so what if you are a prince? Can you be rude to my lady if you are a prince?" She shouted while trying to rescue Gu Yuqi, but Yun Ke pushed her away. open.

Rouge was just an ordinary little maid, who was suddenly thrown by Yun Ke. His body flew out like a kite with a broken thread, his forehead hit the trunk of a peach blossom tree, and he fell limp to the ground instantly.

"Rouge!" Gu Yuqi was shocked, and wanted to shake off Yun Ke and rush over to see if Yanzhi was still alive. She has already seen bright red blood oozing from Rouge's forehead.

"It's just a maid!" Yun Ke snorted coldly. "Overreaching."


Gu Yuqi was really angry now.

"Yes! She's just a maid!" Gu Yuqi raised her hand and slapped Yun Ke across the face, her eyes filled with raging anger, "In your eyes, everyone else is nothing! She is just a maid in your eyes But not in my heart!" Her hand was opened by Yun Ke before it fell on the side of Yun Ke's face.

"You want to beat me because of a maid?" Yun Ke was also angry, why did she have to do this to herself? In the previous life, as long as she was held in his arms, she would be even more obedient than a kitten. Now it looks like a kitten, but a wild cat with teeth and claws!

Gu Yuqi's figure turned around, her hands turned into fists in the air, and hit Yun Ke directly on the lower ribs. The speed and strength were completely beyond Yun Ke's expectations. He only thought that she was Gu Yuqi in the previous life, and what she had learned was nothing more than beautiful fists and embroidered legs, so he didn't pay attention. This blow really hit his weakness. The pain made him almost suffocate, and he couldn't help throwing himself to the side crooked.

Seeing that the blow was successful, Gu Yuqi took advantage of Yun Ke's tilted body, soared into the air, kicked Yun Ke's stomach straight up, and kicked Yun Ke back several steps. Sometimes, the focus was on her sprained foot. As soon as the toe touched the stone slab, a piercing pain hit her. She couldn't stand herself, she leaned back, and sat down on the stone bench.

It didn't matter if she sat on it, the stone bench didn't know if it was because it was too old or something, but there was a muffled sound, and then the stone slab split from the middle, and Gu Yuqi fell to the ground together with her and the stone slab. The corner of the stone slab touched a stone brick on the ground, and Yun Ke and Gu Yuqi heard a crisp sound, and then the stone slab under their feet quickly separated to the two sides, revealing a bottomless gap. The big hole, the two people were caught off guard, and fell down together. At the same time as the two people fell, the stone slab closed quickly, and there was no trace at all.

Gu Yuqi couldn't help screaming in a panic, she couldn't help falling down, suddenly her waist tightened, and an arm pulled her tightly into her arms, as if being hugged by someone, it was Yun Ke!

Could it be that two people fell to their death in Huguo Temple in this life? Gu Yuqi couldn't help but burst into tears, this shouldn't be the life of a time traveler! Well, falling to death is at least slightly better than burning to death in the previous life, but Rouge doesn't know whether she is dead or alive, and Mother, if she knows that she is gone, will she be heartbroken.

Gu Yuqi fell down unable to be held by Yun Ke, her mind was full of wild thoughts.

Just when she thought that the two of them were about to fall into mud, she suddenly found that the speed of her falling slowed down.

She raised her eyes, and once the stone slab on the roof of the cave was closed, she couldn't see her fingers inside, and she could only see sparks rubbing off the stone wall from time to time. It was Yun Ke who pulled out a sharp dagger from nowhere, and the dagger actually penetrated into the stone wall. With the help of the dagger, the downward trend of the two of them was slowed down.

Sparks flew, and the stars lit up Yun Ke's face. He frowned and looked at the soles of his feet. Gu Yuqi suddenly had a thought, if she grabbed his throat now, what would happen

Before Gu Yuqi could put this idea into action, the two of them seemed to have slipped to the bottom of the cave.

The feet of the two had just touched the ground, and they hadn't stepped on it yet. The ground under their feet seemed to open to both sides like the stone slab above their heads.

I'll go, come back! Gu Yuqi and Yun Ke were caught off guard and rolled down again. Fortunately, this section is not vertical, but a slope.

Yun Ke withdrew the dagger, and tightly protected Gu Yuqi in his arms with both arms. The two of them kept rolling down like this, and they didn't know how far they rolled, and finally rolled onto the flat ground.

A rancid smell formed from not seeing the sun all year round came over the surface.

Gu Yuqi resisted the feeling of vomiting, and broke free from Yun Ke's arms.

She still couldn't see her fingers, and there was pitch blackness in front of her eyes. Gu Yuqi touched her body, and there should be no fractures. Except for the sprained ankle pain, the other places were skin injuries caused by the stones on the slope just now.

Gu Yuqi couldn't see it, but she could hear the sound of breathing coming from her side, "Are... are you alright, my lord?" She asked tentatively.

No one answered her.

Gu Yuqi was startled, and touched the place where she broke free just now.

She first touched the fabric on Yun Ke's body, she pressed down, it should be the leg, she moved up along the leg, first the calf, the knee, then the thigh, when she just touched the thigh, she heard Yun Ke's voice came from the darkness, "Don't mess around! I'm fine."

Your uncle, if you have nothing to say, you didn't say it earlier! Gu Yuqi really wanted to kick him away, but remembering the consequences of her kicking him just now, Gu Yuqi still held back. It was pitch black and nothing could be seen, so it's better to move less.

There was a burning pain in Yun Ke's lower back. He had practiced martial arts since he was a child, and his inner strength was profound. Although he couldn't see it in the darkness, he was better than Gu Yuqi. When the second mechanism was opened just now, he could see the sparks from the dagger and the stone wall clearly under his feet, so he put away the dagger and used his arms to protect Gu Yuqi. Because he saw a sharp protrusion on the ramp.

It's a pity that the speed of the slide was too fast. Although he saw it, he still couldn't dodge it. A solid cut was made on his lower back, and he was bleeding now. He just tapped his acupoints to stop the bleeding without saying a word, but I didn't expect Gu Yuqi to touch his thigh randomly. If he didn't make a sound to stop her, I don't know what embarrassing place this woman will touch.

Knowing that teaching others is inappropriate, what about herself? Facing a man, if the person who fell with her now is not herself, but someone else, will she do the same

Thinking of this, Yun Ke felt angry again.

As long as he met Gu Yuqi, he couldn't suppress his anger.

"Are you bleeding?" Although Yun Ke had already tapped his acupoints to stop the bleeding, he still did not avoid Gu Yuqi's nose.

In addition to the smell of corruption, there was also a strong smell of blood in the air. Gu Yuqi herself had scratches all over her body. Although it hurt, the smell of blood was not so strong. The only explanation was that Yun Ke was injured. Department of agricultural wood death.

"Don't worry about Miss Gu." Yun Ke said angrily, if she hadn't beaten herself up because of a maid, and even flew up and kicked him, how could she have touched the underground mechanism of Huguo Temple. After all, the culprit is this dead woman! correct! She actually did it for a maid and herself! I really ate the bear's heart and leopard's guts! The maid Yun Ke naturally knew her, but he couldn't remember what it was called. A maid is not worth his brains to remember, but he remembered that this little maid also died for the master when Gu Yuqi died in the previous life. A loyal servant, but so what!

She actually beat herself for a servant, Yun Ke's mind is full of entanglement with this now! He was fascinated by ghosts, so he reached out to protect her just now. A woman like her had better fall to her death!

"If you don't need it, you don't need it. You think I want to." Gu Yuqi snorted, and touched her surroundings. She stretched out her hand cautiously, touched the cold stone, and then moved her finger slowly, still The stone should be a stone wall, but I don't know how high it is. Gu Yuqi touched the wall to endure the pain in her feet, and stood up slowly. The place seemed to be quite high, and the top would not touch her head.

"Ha." Yun Ke was so annoyed by Gu Yuqi's words that he laughed back, "I haven't seen you for four years, and Miss Gu's courage is getting stronger and stronger. This king has seen it."

Gu Yuqi curled her lips in the darkness, turned her head and made a grimace at Yun Ke, anyway, he couldn't see it, and when she turned her head back after she was done, there was a light in front of her eyes, and a skeleton appeared in front of her. His eyes were facing the hollow eye sockets of the skull.

"Ah!" Gu Yuqi couldn't help screaming, and swung her fist. I don't know how many years that skeleton was. Gu Yuqi punched it to pieces, and the skeleton fell to the ground. A skull also landed with a bang and rolled to Gu Yuqi's feet.

Gu Yuqi screamed, jumping up as if being scalded, and the skull seemed to have eyes. Wherever Gu Yuqi's feet landed, it rolled to that side. Gu Yuqi's bad feet hurt her body Leaning back, he was about to fall, but was still caught by Yun Ke.

Yun Ke led Gu Yuqi back a few steps, and the skull finally stopped following Gu Yuqi, but spun a few times on the spot and stopped.

Gu Yuqi was so frightened that her soul was about to fly away, completely unaware that she had been embraced by Yun Ke again, she covered her eyes with her hands and curled up.

After living for several lifetimes, Gu Yuqi can be regarded as a pampered one. Where have I seen this kind of thing, especially in this kind of cave.

Gu Yuqi's body trembling uncontrollably when being embraced by Yun Ke, Yun Ke originally wanted to say a few words to her, but when he lowered his eyes to see the person in his arms was really frightened, he was still terrified. He swallowed back what he wanted to say.

She was really scared.

In fact, the moment Yun Ke took out the fire folder and lit it up, he was also taken aback, not to mention that Gu Yuqi's nose was almost glued to the skeleton.

Yun Ke didn't speak, but quietly hugged Gu Yuqi's body, feeling her trembling.

It took a long time for Gu Yuqi to calm down. She raised her head slightly, and when she saw Yun Ke's calm eyes, she was slowly relieved.

She was really scared to death, okay? It’s not that she is cowardly. Anyone who falls into a black hole can’t see his fingers at first, and then suddenly his eyes light up, and a skull appears in front of him. Everyone will be scared and fly away. Two souls and a half!

"It's okay, it's just a dead person." Seeing Gu Yuqi looking at him pitifully, those bright eyes were still full of fear, Yun Ke moved his lips, and still spoke a word of comfort.

Of course you're fine, killing people is like chopping vegetables! Even his own brother did it! It's just a dead man...

Gu Yuqi withdrew her gaze, lowered her head, "I made the lord laugh." She realized that she was hugged by Yun Ke, and twisted her body backwards. Yun Ke didn't mean to keep her this time, With a slight struggle, she let go of her arms.

"This should be the secret path of Huguo Temple." Seeing that Gu Yuqi had calmed down, Yun Ke blew on the fire in the Huozhezi a little bit brighter, looked around and said.

nonsense! Gu Yuqi really wanted to give him a supercilious look, of course it was a secret way, could it be Mingdao

In her previous life, she didn't even know that there was such a place in Huguo Temple.

Knowing that Gu Yuqi felt puzzled, Yun Ke seemed to be explaining to Gu Yuqi and said, "The Huguo Temple has been passed down for hundreds of years, and it existed in the previous dynasty. I remember that this king once read a book, which recorded the protection of the country in the previous dynasty. In order to resist the riots, the monks and soldiers in the temple once dug tunnels to cover the nearby people and store food. It’s just that the tunnels have been gradually unknown for a long time. I didn’t expect that we would fall in.”

Gu Yuqi glanced at the pile of dry bones scattered by her punch with lingering fear, "I don't know if there is a place to go out here." Her heart sank suddenly, "It might be the same as it..."

Yun Ke fell silent.

When Gu Yuqi was afraid, he had already roughly looked around, and it seemed that there was really no way out.

Their greatest hope is that the little maid who was knocked flying by him just now and fainted under the tree.