Rebirth of the Excellent Daughter of the Marquis Household

Chapter 96: 96 If you are well, it will be sunny


After completing a major event, Gu Yuqi was very happy from the bottom of her heart.

She knew that after today, she and Liang Huaiyu would become regular visitors to the guardian's mansion. She has already joined the line of guarding Mrs. Si, and no matter what she does in Kuizhou City in the future, it will be very smooth, and she will not need to carry the name of Mrs. Guarding Si in the future. The Liang Mansion in the south of the city alone is already a golden lacquer sign.

After returning home, she spoke a few more words to Liang Huaiyu. She was afraid that Liang Huaiyu would be busy from today onwards. The wife of the guardian department handed over a sign to invite them, and the other official families in Kuizhou would not For those who fall behind, start tomorrow. Posts from each government will be handed over one after another.

It would be best to leave this kind of communication to Liang Huaiyu. The nominal owner of the Liang Mansion is Liang Huaiyu. Whenever she comes forward, it will not make people feel awkward.

The news that the mistress of the Liang family was from the Liang family in the south of the Yangtze River also spread like wildfire. She lived in such remote and remote places, even if she was not a small official, she would never see anyone from a noble family throughout the year. You must know that the family members are all big families with hundreds of years of accumulation. If you just pick one out, the relationship inside is intricate, so you can't afford to offend.

What's more, the flowers bloom inside the door, the fragrance outside the door, poor families and ordinary officials' families are envious and jealous as long as they mention the aristocratic family, if there are children from the aristocratic family outside, many people will rush to make friends. In addition, the stunning appearance of Gu Yuqi and Liang Huaiyu at Ganquan Temple yesterday confirmed the legend of noble and beautiful women from aristocratic families, and how could they be seen in such remote places.

It did not meet Gu Yuqi's expectation. The next day, the concierge became busy, and invitations and invitations from various prefectures poured in, breaking Zhang Lan's leg. Liang Huaiyu's eyes were also exhausted.

There are too many greetings and invitations, which is also a worrying thing, who is answering. Whoever is not allowed, who's house to go first, and whose house to go later are all particular. Liang Huaiyu was good at dealing with these things, but she was also overwhelmed by so many greetings and invitations. In desperation, she had no choice but to take these posts to the study to find Gu Yuqi.

Gu Yuqi was immersed in writing and drawing, when she saw her mother come in, she hurriedly dropped the pen in her hand and walked over to greet her.

"What are you doing?" I was too busy outside, but this girl was very leisurely, she seemed to be painting, Liang Huaiyu asked as she walked to the desk. Nuo Da's desk was covered with a huge piece of white paper, on which the street was outlined with a brush. "Are you painting the city of Kuizhou?"

Liang Huaiyu looked at Gu Yuqi in puzzlement. The simplicity of the painting does not look like a copy, it looks very strange.

"That's right. I'm drawing the floor plan of Kuizhou City." Gu Yuqi laughed.

"Floor plan?" Liang Huaiyu was slightly taken aback, and then suddenly realized, no wonder she felt strange, isn't it just looking down from above. "It's new." She laughed. What is going on in this child's mind? Why do these inexplicable thoughts always pop up.

"Mother came to me, not just to watch me draw pictures." Gu Yuqi gave the chair to Liang Huaiyu, let her sit down, and picked up the post she put on the desk to read.

"You still say it." Liang Huaiyu complained with a smile, "Look at these posts, your mother and I are getting dizzy. Hurry up and take a look, which one should we agree to first?"

"Yes." Gu Yuqi counted the posts, there were no less than a dozen of them, large and small.

"Yes?" Liang Huaiyu was taken aback, "You're kidding! You're going to be exhausted after running more than a dozen houses a day!" She gave Gu Yuqi a deep white look.

"How dare I tire you." Gu Yuqi immediately smiled and pulled Liang Huaiyu's sleeves, and said coquettishly, "I mean simply invite all these people back to the mansion, the lotus in our mansion has bloomed a lot , wouldn’t it be elegant to hold a lotus banquet, and won’t neglect and offend others because of the order.”

Yes, why didn't she think of it!

It is already summer now, and the lotus leaves in the man-made lake in the mansion have grown into one piece, covering the entire lake surface, and a lot of lotus buds have emerged, which are slim and graceful, and many of them have already bloomed, and the wind blows past. , lotus fragrance.

"Yes, this method is good!" Liang Huaiyu patted the table lightly, and said to Gu Yuqi with a smile, "You still have a quick brain." After getting the solution, Liang Huaiyu immediately stood up, "Then you continue to draw your For the floor plan, I will prepare and prepare, I will reply to the invitation, and I will buy things when I buy things."

"En." Gu Yuqi nodded with a smile, "Mother, remember that you don't need to save me money. I have money!" She did not forget to remind her.

"Look at your frightened look! You still don't look like a lady!" Liang Huaiyu, who walked to the door, looked back and spat at her daughter, and walked out of the room with a smile.

She naturally knows how her daughter's financial resources are now. She was also bored a few days ago. She saw Qiuyue and Runying settling accounts, so she glanced at it. After seeing it, she was shocked for a long time. Speak up.

Not to mention the money earned by the three shops in the capital, the amount of money earned by Jishun Suda in Jiangxia City alone is astonishing. Gu Yuqi now seems to have monopolized the freight in Jiangxia City. What kind of place is Jiangxia City, the North and South Wharfs, there are countless merchants coming and going every day, and one out of ten people needs to transport goods, which is enough to keep them busy for a long time.

This silver really flew over as if it had grown wings.

She could see that her daughter would do something in Kuizhou, and she asked herself that she was not as smart as Gu Yuqi, so she could only help her with all her strength and share some of the burden for her. After Liang Huaiyu went out, she called Chunxing over, and then she went to contact to see if there was any better troupe in Kuizhou City.

This is the first time to entertain the wives and ladies of officials and eunuchs from Kuizhou. Of course, Gu Yuqi can't fall into the guise of Gu Yuqi. Anyway, they have money now, so they don't have to think about spending money. Let Daimei go to the market to choose tableware. In the Hou Mansion, there were many sets of these things in the treasury, but now in Kuizhou, I had to prepare them now. Daimei went all over the shops in Kuizhou to choose a set that caught my eye.

At night, the Liang Mansion was shrouded in darkness. After Gu Yuqi took a bath, she asked Yanzhi to go down to rest, and sat alone on the balcony in the house with bare feet and looked at the floor plan she had drawn. She has already begun to design what the future Kuizhou city will look like.

Gu Yuqi felt drunk when she thought about it. Before time-traveling, her family was engaged in real estate development, and she also had a name as a manager in her father's company, but she had never participated in the actual business of any company. The mission is to play!

Unexpectedly, in ancient times, she actually designed the industrial development by herself. If her father in modern times knew about it, she would wake up with laughter.

Thinking of this, Gu Yuqi felt a deep sense of melancholy in her heart. Her sudden death must have made her parents heartbroken. Fortunately, there is an older brother at home, which can give them a little comfort. Traveling through a lifetime and being reborn once again, Gu Yuqi felt that the parents on both sides were the ones she felt most sorry for. Now it is impossible for her to return to modern times, and she cannot be filial to her parents, so she can only stay here to protect Liang Huaiyu.

She suddenly felt a little cold on her body, Gu Yuqi turned her eyes, and it turned out that the window behind her was blown open by the wind. Even in the summer of Kuizhou City, the wind at night is cool. Gu Yuqi simply got up and walked to the window. Just as she was about to raise her hand to close the window, she felt a blur in front of her eyes, and a black shadow appeared in front of her.

"Come..." Gu Yuqi was startled, subconsciously opened her mouth to shout, but she also reacted very quickly, raising her hand and slashing towards the black shadow.

The hand that had been slightly cold covered her mouth, and the palm she split was also caught in the air.

"It's me." A deep voice came from the top of her head, hoarse, with indescribable exhaustion and the joy of seeing her for the first time.

Gu Yuqi was shocked all over, and immediately froze on the spot, her hands were still raised high, caught by someone, she raised her clear eyes to look at the handsome figure standing in front of her across the window sill.

"It's me." The exhaustion all over her body and the dust in her eyes disappeared the first time she saw her.

She was standing in the bright room, the candlelight swaying in the wind behind her, deeply engraving her beautiful figure on his body, her lips were covered by him, but what could not be covered was the light in her eyes The shock and disbelief projected in it. She should have just taken a bath, and her long hair was scattered behind her like this. Was the smooth hair blown on the back of his hand by the wind, as if tugging at his heartstrings. Come to Asia to plan.

He looked at her and smiled. Although his face was full of exhaustion, all the colors that burst out from his eyes were brighter than the stars in the sky.

"It's me." He said softly to her for the third time, "I'm here to see you."

In just an instant, moving and surprise intertwined, overwhelming Gu Yuqi, she could feel her eye sockets becoming hot and red in an instant. I haven't seen him for two months. The boy seems to be taller than when we first met him in Jiangxia City. His broad shoulders and narrow waist are wrapped in a layer of black clothes. There is a faint smile on his face. The smile is full of surprise and embarrassment, but it is like the warm sun in winter, ironing people's hearts. His eyebrows are also longer, and he looks more masculine. If he was too delicate before, now he is handsome and elegant, without losing the masculine look of a man.

"It's good that you're fine." He murmured, as if to himself, or to Gu Yuqi.

She would not know the great happiness and joy when he landed in front of her window and saw her suddenly, like a huge wave in the sea, soaking his whole body in it, At this moment, he forgot that he had been running around for days without sleep, he forgot the wounds on his body that he hadn't had time to treat, he forgot everything, in front of his eyes, in his heart, in the world, she was the only one who stood vividly in front of him. in front of.

Yes, even though she has all the worlds, there is only one her in his world.

He didn't know how much he wanted to hold her in his arms, feel her body temperature and her heartbeat, so that he could clearly tell him that she was alive, so that he could remind him that nothing happened to her. The worries along the way disappeared the moment he saw her, and the only thing left was the joy of reunion, which permeated into his eyes and heart little by little.

He had a lot of things he wanted to say to her, but when he saw her, he seemed to be stuttering and dumb, and could only repeat, it was me, it was me, it was me.

I'm here, I'm here to see you, I have crossed thousands of rivers and mountains, regardless of everything, if you are well, it will be sunny, it will be his sunny day!

It's great that you're all right!

"Miss?" Yan Zhi's ignorant voice came from outside the yard, "But what's the matter?"

Her voice instantly pulled Gu Yuqi back from her mind. She hurriedly dragged the handsome man in front of her into her room, and then closed the window with a slam, "It's okay, go to sleep quickly. I just opened the window Breathe."

"But I seem to hear something." There was a sound of opening the door from Rouge's side.

Gu Yuqi pushed the man onto her bed, quickly lowered the gauze curtain, then opened the door, went out and said to Yan Zhi who was already walking this way, "Hurry up and sleep, it's just a wild cat running away. That's all in the past."

"Oh." Rouge saw Gu Yuqi leaning against the door, rubbed her sleepy eyes, and turned back to her room again.

Gu Yuqi leaned against the door and waited for a while, and after making sure that Yan Zhi had left, she let out a long sigh of relief, she patted her chest in shock, she was really scared to death, if Yan Zhi saw a big man Standing in her room, I'm afraid that everyone in the courtyard will know about it.

After closing the door. Gu Yuqi looked at the gauze curtain hanging down on her bed in a daze, and the wind from nowhere slightly stirred the gauze, giving her the illusion of being in a dream.

Gu Yuqi was stunned for a long time before she came back to her senses. She walked quickly to the bedside, calmed herself down, and then suddenly picked up the gauze curtain.

An incomparably handsome face came into her eyes, and he sat awkwardly on her bed, not daring to move, all the muscles in his body were tense, for fear of touching her things too much.

Seeing her lift the bed veil, he immediately showed her a big smile.

"Why did you come?" Gu Yuqi bit her lip and asked, she asked very quickly, with a hint of anxiety.

A smile suddenly froze on his face, and he looked at Gu Yuqi with a little trepidation, why was there a hint of irritability in her voice? Is he doing something wrong? Or did she not want to see him at all

This cognition is like a big hand suddenly grabbing his heart, making him feel unable to breathe, his throat is dry, his lips are parted, but he doesn't know what to say to her, he There was a trace of uneasiness in his eyes.

He looked at Gu Yuqi pitifully like a frightened deer.