Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 103: It must not be forgiven


Xiao Yueru was already so frightened that she was shaking all over.

How could she have imagined that this matter would become such a big deal

Now almost the whole Internet is scolding her, saying that she has no moral ethics and is completely unconscionable.

Some even said that people like her should die.

All in all, there are all kinds of ugly things to say.

Xiao Yueru deeply realized that no matter what she said at this time, it would turn into sophistry and she would only be scolded worse.

I had no choice but to apologize profusely, "I'm sorry, sorry, sorry. Principal and leaders, I'm really sorry. I betrayed your trust in me."

"As a teacher, I should treat every student fairly and fairly, but I was confused and protected my nephew, which led to such a huge mistake."

"I never thought that my personal reasons would have such a big impact on the school. I'm really sorry!"

"But fellow school leaders, I swear that I really love the profession of teaching. This time I made a mistake. I am willing to admit it, and voluntarily apologize to the public for the mistakes I made, and publicly ask for everyone's forgiveness. But I just hope that the school can treat me again and give me a chance to change my ways!"

After Xiao Yueru finished speaking, she bowed deeply.

It looked very sincere, as if he was really willing to change his ways.

The principal saw it and asked several shareholders to discuss the matter.

However, the shareholders of the school all lost their composure and firmly disagreed, "No, this matter is such a big deal and cannot be tolerated!"

"This matter is very serious and has affected our school's image in society! If we let her go, the Internet will not know how to evaluate our school."

"And who can guarantee that when she returns to her job, she will really be able to change her ways?"

"What's more, the things she did have seriously violated the education law! Even if we give her a lenient sentence, it is impossible for her to let her go legally. Then we might be accused of shielding her."

"Our school is categorical and will not protect such a teacher with no ethics!"

When the principal heard this, he immediately understood what the leaders meant.

After all, the school is a well-known public first-level university, and now everyone knows that such a scandal has occurred.

If Xiao Yueru is not dealt with, there will be no way to give an explanation to the general public.

Besides, what Xiao Yueru did did indeed violate the law.

From this point of view, Xiao Yueru cannot be kept.

The principal had no choice but to look at Xiao Yueru sternly and said, "Xiao Yueru, what you did is really too much. The school can only expel you."

When Xiao Yueru heard this, her face immediately turned red.

"No, principal, I am willing to apologize in public! I am willing to admit my mistakes to the people, please give me another chance!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several people wearing dark blue uniforms suddenly appeared at the door.

"We are from the Education Bureau." The few people said as they came in.

When the principal heard that he was from the Education Bureau, he immediately came forward to greet him, "Hello everyone, may I ask you..."

Before he finished speaking, he was severely interrupted.

"Xiao Yueru, as a professor, you have seriously violated my country's education law. Not only did you protect students, you also taught privately and collected huge profits from tuition fees..."

"For all the evil deeds you have committed, our Education Bureau has decided to deprive you of your educational qualifications for life and require you to apologize in public."

In an instant, Xiao Yueru seemed to have been struck by a bolt from the blue!

He stood there stupidly, his mouth kept trembling, and he couldn't speak.

the next day.

The school specifically found the victim Lin Nanxiang, called reporters, and held a public apology meeting at the school.

Then she asked Xiao Yueru to come on stage and apologize to everyone she had hurt.

Xiao Yueru was already frightened into a trance, so she could only apologize while trembling all over.

"I'm sorry, classmate Lin Nanxiang. I deliberately wronged you in order to protect my nephew. I'm sorry, those classmates who were harmed by me in the past, it's my fault and my poor character. I'm sorry to everyone, please... forgive me Bar."

After saying that, I shed a lot of tears of repentance.

However, the people in the audience became furious and said, "I can't forgive you, shameless woman!"

"That is, you have done so many evil things and you still dare to ask for forgiveness?"

"get out!"

Upon seeing this, the principal hurriedly took the microphone.

"Dear reporters and viewers, our school knows that an apology alone is not enough to make up for the harm Xiao Yueru has caused to society."

"Therefore, the school decided to expel teacher Xiao Yueru and deprive her of educational qualifications for life. As for the boys she shielded, they will also be expelled from school."

The people in the audience finally calmed down after hearing these words.

"That's pretty much it. This is the retribution she deserves!"

"Man is doing it, God is watching, and the wicked will be punished by God."

In order to calm down the public anger, the principal had no choice but to announce in public, "In view of Lin Nanxiang's difficult family situation and the great grievance she has suffered, the school has decided to waive all subsequent tuition and miscellaneous fees for this student and give her a huge scholarship subsidy."

"In addition, there is also the opportunity to study for free. In short, we will definitely provide her with the greatest learning resources. Please rest assured!"

"Next, I would like to invite classmate Lin Nanxiang to speak on stage."

After the principal said sincerely, the audience burst into applause.

How could Lin Nanxiang have thought that he would still have a chance to clarify

As soon as he took the stage, he shed tears of emotion.

He shuddered and said, "I never thought that one day I would be able to prove my innocence..."

"Here, I sincerely thank all the friends who support and help me in life and on the Internet! Thank you."

After speaking, she bowed deeply.

There was another round of warm applause from the audience, and everyone cheered.

At this time, Lin Nanxiang suddenly said, "But here, I also want to express my gratitude to a friend."

"Without her help, I would not have the chance to stand here. During this period of time, due to being wronged, my family and I have been very depressed. I even had thoughts of suicide... "

"At this critical moment, it was this friend who was unwilling to give up on me. He always encouraged me and gave me a lot of help, which made me strong today. Forgive me for not being able to name him, but I really Thank you so much to her!”

The applause at the scene was deafening.

Tang Nuanhua guessed that this would be the case, so she did not go to school today.

But because the apology meeting was broadcast live.

So she could clearly see the scene on the TV.