Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 108: Doesn't she like him the most?


At this time, the second floor.

Li Jingyi and Gu Yunzheng had just concluded a business deal and were about to leave.

At this time, Gu Yunzheng glanced downstairs subconsciously and was suddenly stunned.

"Jingyi, look..."

When Li Jingyi heard this, he looked at it calmly.

Unexpectedly, he saw Gu Yihan at a glance.

And at this time, he was smiling at Tang Nuanhua next to him, not knowing what to say.

After Tang Nuanhua heard this, he seemed to smile at him.

Seeing this scene, Li Jingyi's face instantly became very gloomy.

At this time, Gu Yunzheng kept tutting his tongue and complained, "You really won't die if you don't do something. Jingyi, look what I said? There are thousands of women in the world, you have to choose such a wanton person, oh, say What's good about you..."

Li Jingyi's expression immediately became darker.

At the same time, Gu Yihan was feeling proud.

Because his movements were very standard, the coach even praised him.

Then he looked at Tang Nuanhua with a smile, "Look, what did I say? How could it be so difficult to get me with such a simple action?"

Hearing this, Tang Nuanhua smiled hypocritically, "Really? Then you are thinking too much. It's still early for real training."

"Tch, I'm not afraid anyway."

"Then we'll see." Tang Nuanhua said with a smile, unaware that Li Jingyi was looking at her.

At this time, as soon as the words fell, the coach spoke.

"Alright, the free training is almost over. Now, each of you will choose your own opponent and prepare for mutual training between the two of you."

Song Yijun and Gu Yihan couldn't help but be confused after hearing this.

The two of them are just here to have fun, so they also need to train, right

So he asked, "Coach, what about us? Do we also need to train?"

The coach turned back and glanced at them roughly, "Of course, go find your opponents quickly!"

The two were immediately stunned.

Isn't it

They are just here to join in the fun, why should they join in

But the coach's attitude was very strict and he didn't give them a chance to refuse.

"Hurry! In three minutes, I want to see you confirm your partner!"

After hearing this, all the students became anxious and began to look for their partners everywhere.

Song Yijun looked at so many students and thought to herself, what should I do

At this moment, Tang Nuanhua suddenly walked over and said with a sweet smile, "Yijun, why don't we become partners?"

Song Yijun thought about it and thought that since their relationship was so good, she should let her go.

I agreed immediately.

At this time, a big, strong man with thick shoulders walked over and looked at Gu Yihan.

"Hey, brother, can we partner up?"

When Gu Yihan saw the man, he was immediately frightened.

This man looks quite powerful at first glance. How can he beat him

Just as he was about to refuse, Tang Nuanhua said with a smile, "Okay! Gu Yihan, I think this eldest brother and you should be on the same level, so you can also use your skills, right? I Take good care of you."

After saying that, Tang Nuanhua turned around and left.

Gu Yihan was stunned for a moment, what was he thinking

Is Tang Nuanhua deliberately trying to trick him

At this time, the big man patted Gu Yihan on the back and said, "Brother, take care of me."

Gu Yihan instantly wanted to die.

Soon, the two-person training match began.

The coach said sternly from the side, "This is a training match that tests your true level. Please respect your opponents and never give in. If you give in, I will let you start over from the first lesson. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" everyone said in unison.

Then, several rounds of competition began.

Everyone kept the coach's words in mind, no one gave anyone away, and the coach was quite satisfied.

After a while, it was Gu Yihan's turn to compete with the big guy.

Gu Yihan started to tremble before he came on the stage. He said in his heart, wouldn't that guy kill someone with a punch

that's the truth.

The big guy was really a real person. In order not to let go, he grabbed Gu Yihan's arm and gave him a beautiful over-the-shoulder throw.

The people next to him immediately applauded and said that his action was very neat and beautiful.

The big guy smiled happily after hearing the compliment.

Gu Yihan was already grinning. Even though the floor was covered with soft cushions, he still felt a dull pain.

But before he could recover, he was dragged up by the big guy again and started to throw him violently.

Within a few seconds, Gu Yihan was knocked unconscious.

That way, he looks like a fool.

Looking at this scene, Tang Nuanhua was smiling from ear to ear.

I had to hide behind the coach, laughing so hard that my stomach hurt, and I almost hammered the wall.

He said in his heart, Gu Yihan, Gu Yihan, who makes you feel good about yourself, are you suffering now

At the same time, Li Jingyi and Gu Yunzheng couldn't help but look at each other in shock when they saw this scene.

"Is there something wrong with this situation?" Gu Yunzheng asked strangely.

Li Jingyi was equally puzzled.

Originally, when he saw them together just now, his eyes were still full of anger.

At this moment, he was confused.

Doesn't she like Gu Yihan the most

Why was she so happy to see Gu Yihan being beaten

Gu Yunzheng looked at it for a while and couldn't help but ask, "Is this Tang Nuanhua's brain okay? Is he sick?"

Just as he was talking, the coach suddenly shouted, "Stop!"

Then he stepped forward and said strictly, "The student just now is a typical negative teaching material. When he was beaten, he did not make defensive movements. This is wrong!"

Then he patiently taught everyone how to defend and what to do.

After finishing speaking, the coach looked at Gu Yihan and asked, "Have you learned it?"

Gu Yihan was already pale after being thrown so hard.

My heart says, just follow your sister’s example, you are sick!

As a result, one of them couldn't hold it back, so he lay down on the edge and vomited.

When the coach saw that he was vomiting, he was not nervous and said naturally, "This is the consequence of not defending. Once we are in a battle and are not prepared to counterattack, we will be beaten until we vomit. I hope everyone can Be able to remember that.”

Everyone nodded.

Then, the coach asked Gu Yihan to slow down for a while and the training continued.

At this time, Song Yijun, looking at Gu Yihan's miserable condition, was already pale with fear.

Because the next group was painted by her and Tang Nuan.

I couldn't help but think to myself in horror that I didn't know how to do Taekwondo at all.

Could it be that Tang Nuanhua also beat himself up like this

Just as he was thinking about it, the coach shouted, "Tang Nuanhua, Song Yijun, come out!"

When Tang Nuanhua heard his name, he stood up confidently, with an innocent smile on his face, and looked at Song Yijun.

Song Yijun felt extremely frightened, and her legs could not stop trembling.

An ominous premonition forced her, and Song Yijun felt that she was going crazy.

I couldn't help but said loudly, "Coach, I'm not a student here. I don't need to participate in this kind of training, right?"