Rebirth of the Famous Wife: Li Shao and the Thief

Chapter 70: It's like I've been tricked


Waist? What an excessive request!

Tang Nuanhua couldn't help but feel ashamed, thinking that a young coach is a young coach, even the request was so strange.

She just wants to learn martial arts, not dancing. Does she need to lower her waist

"You don't seem to be willing?"

Seeing her not moving, Wen Moxuan's tone seemed a little unhappy.

Tang Nuanhua really didn't want to, but after thinking about it, since he was already here, he might as well see what kind of tricks Wen Moxuan was playing first.

So Tang Nuanhua followed his instructions and got down.

When he was a child, Tang Nuanhua studied ballet and had certain dance skills.

Although since my mother left. It has been abandoned ever since.

But it is not difficult for her to lower her waist. This lower waist is very beautiful and standard.

Seeing this, Wen Moxuan didn't say he was satisfied or dissatisfied.

He continued the order coldly, "Now start kicking, stretch the muscles across the body, and kick as high as you can."

Tang Nuan painted accordingly.

The slender and straight legs were lifted up into a straight line and passed over the head perfectly, which was breathtaking.

Generally speaking, few people can do this easily.

It can be seen that Tang Nuan has a solid foundation in painting.

Then when training in the future, the major difficulty of basic skills will be eliminated.

Thinking of this, Wen Moxuan's expression seemed to have softened a lot, and was no longer as cold as at the beginning.

Finally, he asked her to do some stretching exercises.

Tang Nuanhua followed the instructions one by one. Fortunately, his body was extremely flexible, so it was not difficult at all to do these things.

Although Wen Moxuan said nothing, he was quite satisfied with her flexibility.

Such a woman is worthy of being her own student.

"Martial arts is not as comfortable as you think. It can even be said to be very painful. If you are really ready, you can start taking classes tomorrow."

Finally, Wen Moxuan said lightly.


"Yeah." Wen Moxuan nodded.

After hearing this, Tang Nuanhua nodded happily, "Well, thank you coach, I will definitely work hard."

Then, Wen Moxuan turned and left.

Tang Nuanhua was very happy. He didn't expect to start learning so soon!

So she didn't leave in a hurry. She had just arrived in this place and was not familiar with it yet.

Since he was going to study here in the future, Tang Nuanhua planned to walk around and learn more about the surroundings.

Then Tang Nuanhua started jumping around happily.

No one noticed that two young female coaches were sitting in the corner of the martial arts gym.

Their eyes were like hooks, staring straight at Tang Nuan's paintings.

One of them looked very arrogant and even looked at Tang Nuanhua with a hostile look.

"Tell me, why on earth did the manager appoint Wen Moxuan to take care of that woman?"

The other woman shook her head, "I wish I knew! Oh, I really don't know where that girl is from, but she can still let our gold medal coach teach her in person."

"We usually want to see Wen Moxuan, but we can't. It's good for her. From now on, senior Wen Moxuan will be with her every day!"

The arrogant woman said with a jealous tone.

The female coach next to her immediately nodded in agreement.

Then, he suddenly suggested, "How about we check out that girl's background? I think her life experience is definitely not simple!"

The woman with a proud face heard this and felt that this method seemed feasible.

So he nodded immediately, "Okay! Then go check it out and report to me as soon as you have any information."


After walking around the martial arts hall, Tang Nuanhua was in a happy mood.

The environment of this martial arts hall is quite satisfactory.

The overall decoration color is pure black, and the aisles, fighting arena and taekwondo venues are all covered with passionate wallpapers.

Especially upstairs, there is a large gym with various facilities, such as treadmills, dumbbells, abdominal muscle wheels, etc.

It has everything you need, including entertainment facilities, which can be said to be very beautiful.

All the trainers in the gym have eight-pack abs, broad shoulders and strong muscles.

Wearing tight clothes that reveal their tall and toned bodies, they are not shy at all.

The relationship between the coaches and students seems to be very harmonious.

Like friends, we occasionally joke and have a rough time.

Tang Nuanhua thought that if he was too tired from practicing or bored, he could come here to rest.

Thinking of this, Tang Nuanhua's mood became very good.

After everything was settled, Tang Nuanhua left the martial arts hall.

He didn't go home after he left, and went looking for Li Jingyi.

Courses are busy these days, and the teacher's lecture speed is also very fast.

Tang Nuan had fallen behind a lot in the original painting course, so naturally there were many things he didn't understand.

When I was in school, I could rely on Lin Nanxiang to help me with my revision.

But after school, he had no choice but to ask Li Jingyi for help with the important task of reviewing for himself.

Li Group.

After a while, Tang Nuanhua came over with a bag.

However, after walking around the office, Li Jingyi was nowhere to be seen.

At this time, Xu Mo saw her and came over and said, "Madam, the president went out to work in the morning and has not come back yet."

"Ah?" Tang Nuanhua was slightly disappointed when he heard this.

If he is not here, who will review it for me

Then he changed his mind and asked, "Then do you know where he went?"

Xu Mo only knew that the president went with Gu Yunzheng, so he shook his head, "I'm sorry, madam, I don't know about this either."

"That's it..."

Tang Nuanhua's tone couldn't help but feel disappointed.

But there are still so many problems at hand. If there is no one to help with tutoring, I will become increasingly unable to keep up with the course.

"Xu Mo, why don't you do me a favor?"

Suddenly, Tang Nuanhua looked at Xu Mo with great energy.

After all, Xu Mo was also a top student from a famous university.

Since Li Jingyi is not here, then it should be okay to ask him for help

For some reason, Xu Mo felt a little sinister when he looked at her expression.

He could only say timidly, "Young Madam, just give me your instructions."

Tang Nuanhua chuckled, "I have a difficult problem here that I don't understand. How about you help me review it?"

When Xu Mo heard this, he broke into a cold sweat.

The last time he helped the young lady adjust surveillance, he was almost killed by the CEO's gaze.

If this helps, if the CEO comes back later and sees him, won't he want to kill him

So he quickly waved his hand and refused, "No, no, Madam. I'd better contact the president for you as soon as possible. You can go in and wait."

When Tang Nuanhua heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "Okay, I'll help you then."

With that said, he strode directly to sit on the sofa.

Seeing her so happy, Xu Mo suddenly felt as if he had been cheated.