Rebirth of the Film Emperor’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 72: 072 Eighteenth points


85_85051 Guo Zekai's drinking capacity is really good. If it wasn't for Su Yanyi's share of the offensive, Qin Jiran would have to fall at this time.

"Are you all right?" Su Yanyi looked at the man with some amusing and asked, she was thinking of drinking Guo Zekai, but not Qin Jiran.

"It's all right." Qin Jiran shook his head, trying to say calmly. In fact, a few people who drank too much would say that they had something to do.

Su Yanyi pouted, obviously not believing the man's words, and said to Jiang Xiaobin, "Help me bring him back."

Jiang Xiaobin was waiting for Su Yanyi to say so, and immediately came over to support Qin Jiran, but Qin Jiran refused.

"I'm really fine, I'll go back to rest by myself, and you can play for a while." Qin Jiran said and walked away with her back straight, and she walked relatively steadily. It didn't look like she had been drinking too much, but Su Yan Yi noticed the confusion in his eyes, a little funny, but went back with him uneasy.

Qin Jiran really drank too much, but fortunately, the crew had to stay here for two days, and the room was booked. After Qin Jiran returned to his room, he didn't take off his clothes and just lay on the bed.

Su Yanyi followed behind Qin Jiran, and when she saw this scene, she twitched her eyes, thinking that the man's wine was still good, and he could find his own room to rest when he was drunk, and he didn't cry or make trouble, nor was he crazy. Very good.

It's just that before she finished her praise, the person lying on the bed suddenly sat up, his eyes were a little confused at first, and then when he saw Su Yanyi, his eyes lit up, and it was revealed in an instant. A very bright smile, that smile almost blinded Su Yanyi's eyes. It was the first time she saw this man smile so brightly and so brightly. It was pure like a child, without any impurities. .

Su Yanyi felt that she seemed to have been defeated by the handsome man again, so she couldn't help but walked over and stared at Qin Jiran.

"Yan Yi..." The soft, low voice was a bit sexy, but more of a coquettish feeling.

Su Yanyi felt that she was a little bad, otherwise why would she feel like she wanted to blush when she saw Qin Jiran like this, shyness is not the rhythm that a cold and cold queen like her should have!

Su Yanyi was a little embarrassed and angry, she stretched out her slender hand and patted Qin Jiran's head, letting you act like a spoiled child, let you be cute, let you use the handsome man's trick, and see if it hurts!

Su Yanyi's strength was not light, Qin Jiran also felt pain, and covered her head with her hands, so she looked at Su Yanyi pitifully.

"Yan Yi, you despise me." Qin Jiran complained in a hoarse voice, really like a puppy that was despised by its owner.

The corners of Su Yanyi's mouth also began to twitch. Why did Qin Jiran look like this when she was drunk? Is it really appropriate to act coquettishly and cutely

"Sleep!" Su Yanyi said with a cold face and gritted her teeth. She was not angry with Qin Jiran, but at herself. Why did she still think she was cute when she knew that Qin Jiran was acting coquettishly and cutely through the wine!

If it was Qin Jiran when he was sober, he would naturally do what Su Yanyi said, but the problem is that now it is Qin Jiran who is drunk, so he has no intention of sleeping at all.

Qin Jiran took Su Yanyi's hand, rubbed the back of Su Yanyi's hand with her face a few times, then raised her head and squinted her eyes and smiled brilliantly at Su Yanyi: "Yanyi, I like it. you!"

Su Yanyi's face was cold and she couldn't see her expression, but she always felt a little dumbfounded.

"Sleep!" Su Yanyi wanted to take her hand out of Qin Jiran's hand, but found that the man was holding it so tightly that he couldn't take it out at all.

"Yan Yi, I like you, I like you very much." Qin Jiran continued to smile brightly with squinting eyes, and continued to express his love in a hoarse and low voice. cute.

Su Yanyi felt that she was really bad. Qin Jiran like this, how should I solve it

"Yan Yi, I like you, Yan Yi, I like you..." Qin Jiran kept saying it over and over again, as if to express her love, but also to please Su Yanyi. Squinting her eyes with a smile on her face, Su Yanyi finally let out a helpless sigh.

[Zero Zero One, is this a private habit when he is drunk?]Su Yanyi asked the system, she felt that Qin Jiran like this, only she could see it, if it wasn't private, she really didn't know what else could be.

[Master, this, you have to say something special about the male master, otherwise the stubbornness of the system and the old-fashioned gentleman will not give you extra points.]The soft and glutinous voice of Zero Zero One came out, and while being cute, he also betrayed System Jun.

[Life attack is strictly prohibited!] Before waiting for Su Yanyi to react, System Jun also suddenly appeared, his old-fashioned voice not only did not seem to be a refutation, but seemed to be authenticating Zero Zero One's words.

Su Yanyi couldn't help laughing and crying, but the main task at present is to find Qin Jiran's special place.

Su Yanyi began to look at Qin Jiran seriously, and Qin Jiran still squinted and smiled brightly at Su Yanyi, saying things she liked very much.

[When he is drunk, he will squint his eyes and smile brightly?]Su Yanyi asked the system tentatively.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the second-level task once, plus one point, the current point is 18 points, please continue to work hard!]

Su Yanyi was satisfied, and didn't mind the drunk Qin Jiran, she touched Qin Jiran's hair in a very good mood, and her voice was no longer indifferent, "Okay, go to sleep when you're coquettish enough, and toss me again. I got really angry."

I don't know if Qin Jiran really understood what Su Yanyi said, so she closed her mouth and finally lay on the bed, but she still held Su Yanyi's hand and looked pleadingly in her eyes. Wearing Su Yanyi, the meaning seems obvious. She hopes that Su Yanyi will not leave, and she also hopes that she can sleep with him.

Su Yanyi smelled the smell of barbecue all over her body, thinking about her habit of taking a bath before going to bed, and thinking about the safety of sleeping in the same bed with a drunk...

Su Yanyi thought about it a lot, but in the end she didn't pull Qin Jiran's hand away, and lay on the bed and rested with Qin Jiran.

Closing her eyes, what Su Yanyi thought about was Qin Jiran's splendid smile with squinted eyes, and then she couldn't help thinking that it would be a good idea to make Qin Jiran drink more wine occasionally.

Oh, and remember to prepare the camera equipment next time, to record all the scenes when Qin Jiran was coquettish and cute, and the brilliant smile with squinting eyes, let Qin Jiran wake up and take a good look.

When Su Yanyi thought of that scene, she felt very happy until she fell asleep, with a happy smile on the corner of her mouth. She felt like she must be able to have a good dream. The eyes are smiling brightly.

The next morning, Su Yanyi woke up first. It wasn't an accident to find that she was pressed on Qin Jiran's body again, the corners of her mouth twitched, and then she calmly got up.

The human-shaped pillow is obviously very useful. Although there are so many worries before going to bed, this sleep is very comfortable. Su Yanyi is in a good mood. After washing up quickly, she returns to the bed.

Qin Jiran guessed that he drank a little too much yesterday. He has always woken up early and he still has no intention of getting up. This also made Su Yanyi rare to see how he looked when he was asleep. His deep facial features seemed slightly softer. With a warm taste.

Su Yanyi looked at it for a while, before she felt a little stupid. It was really inappropriate to watch a man sleeping.

Stretching out her finger and poking at the sleeping man, Su Yanyi didn't admit that she was a little bit wicked, but she wanted to wake this man up so that he wouldn't be late!

"Get up!" Su Yanyi used a finger to poke the man's nose, poking a hole, very interesting.

Qin Jiran was about to wake up, but after being manipulated by Su Yanyi like this, he naturally woke up, but as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Su Yanyi's appearance close at hand, and the slender figure placed in front of his face. Jade finger.

what's going on? Qin Jiran looked at Su Yanyi in confusion.

Su Yanyi stood up immediately, looked at Qin Jiran very calmly and said, "You should get up, or you will be late."

After Su Yanyi finished speaking, she left, leaving Qin Jiran alone in a daze, but she always felt that something was not right. When she lowered her head, she realized that she was still wearing yesterday's clothes, and the smell of alcohol was all over her body, and she suddenly thought of it. I changed the way I drank yesterday, and then my whole person became bad.

Did he drink too much yesterday? So how did he get back? Qin Jiran thought about it for a while, but his mind went blank, and he didn't even remember how he came back!

This made Qin Jiran's complexion change again. It doesn't matter if he is drunk, but why did he get drunk in front of Yan Yi, to the extent of amnesia! Did he do anything he shouldn't have done yesterday

Qin Jiran felt the tightness of the clothes on his body, and knew that the last thing he should have done should not have been done, which made him quietly relieved, but then he felt a little regret, and then he didn't know what to think of. , his face turned slightly red.

Afraid that Su Yanyi would come back and see her like this, Qin Jiran rushed into the bathroom and took care of herself, but when she came out, she still looked a little dejected.

Obviously, Yan Yi drank a lot of wine yesterday, so why did you end up drinking too much? Could it be that she is not even as good as Yan Yi! It's also a bit of a blow to a man's confidence.

Qin Jiran thought about it for a while, and then left the bedroom with a blank face. There is a restaurant in the villa. When Qin Jiran went, Su Yanyi had already started eating. Ji Ran breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from everyone's reaction, it seemed that he did not make a fool of himself, or, even if he did, he was only in front of Yan Yi...

Just thinking about it, Qin Jiran, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, felt a little depressed again. He would rather make a fool of himself in front of everyone than make a fool of himself in front of Yan Yi. How hard he tried to show it in front of Yan Yi. The best side of yourself!

"Yan Yi, cough, was it okay yesterday?" Sitting next to Yan Yi, Qin Jiran tentatively asked.

"I'm fine." Su Yanyi glanced at Qin Jiran and said calmly.

Qin Jiran smiled uncomfortably, and was embarrassed to talk any more, so he had to eat breakfast with his head down.

Su Yanyi's eyes were full of smiles. The man obviously didn't remember what happened yesterday, so should she tell him? Su Yanyi thought about it for a while, and felt that it was better to wait and tell him, and let him worry for a while, it was fun to watch.

Qin Jiran doesn't know Su Yanyi's thoughts, but it's better not to know such thoughts, otherwise, even if he knew he was being tricked, he wouldn't be willing to settle accounts with Yanyi.

After the uneasy breakfast, Qin Jiran and the crew started work again. This time the studio was set up outside the villa, and there were more intense shootouts, but Su Yanyi was going back. She had another one in the morning. The meeting is going to start, and we must rush back.

After filming the scene all morning, Qin Jiran rolled and rolled on the ground, and the whole person was suddenly gray, but fortunately, the effect of the filming was very good, Guo Zekai patted Qin Jiran's shoulder with satisfaction and said: "Jinran is the Amazing, not only good acting, but also good drinking."

Hearing the word "drinking capacity", Qin Jiran felt that he was not good, looked at Guo Zekai, and said, "Yanyi's drinking capacity is better."

In fact, the three of them drank yesterday, and each of them drank the same amount, but according to the analysis of the results, it is obvious that Yan Yi has the best amount of alcohol.

Guo Zekai was choked for a moment, smiled a little embarrassedly, and said, "Yes, as expected of Her Majesty the Queen, it's really embarrassing to even drink so well."

Is ashamed, he is also ashamed, but he can not say! Qin Jiran stared at Guo Zekai coldly, if it wasn't for Guo Zekai, he wouldn't drink too much, it's all Guo Zekai's fault!

"Cough, what are you staring at me for? Could it be that you were trained by Her Excellency the Queen yesterday for drinking too much?" Guo Zekai suddenly became excited and stared at Qin Jiran very curiously, like a typical schadenfreude.

It's okay to be trained, at least it means that this matter is over, but Her Lady Queen didn't say anything, which made him feel quite uncertain, and he didn't know if he had done anything embarrassing.

Qin Jiran doesn't think that Yan Yi didn't show anything, that is, nothing happened. He always felt that something must have happened to make Yan Yi so calm. It's hard to say whether he is still thinking about himself.

Thinking of this, Qin Jiran felt a bit of a headache. Fighting wits and courage with his sweetheart is really not suitable for him!

In the evening, because there was still a day of filming, Qin Jiran still had to live in the villa, but when he went back to rest after dinner, the indoor phone rang, and the service staff notified that someone wanted to see him outside the villa. The reported identity Qin Jiran is also very familiar, it is Zhang Yuanzhuo, the personal assistant of the old man of the Qin family who has made several calls.

To see or not to see? Qin Jiran only felt bored. Thinking of the Qin family and the attitude of the Qin family at the birthday party, he didn't care about the Qin family at all. If possible, he really hoped that he was just an orphan, even if his parents died without relatives and no reason. Kind, but also make him more comfortable than his current status!

In the end, Qin Jiran still chose to meet. After all, hiding is not the way to go. If you don't see him this time, there will always be times to meet him in the future.

Qin Jiran asked someone to arrange a small meeting room. Zhang Yuanzhuo also came alone, and the two sat face to face.

Zhang Yuanzhuo is also well-known in city a, but he is a gold medal in the assistant world. He is in his 40s. He has been with the old man of the Qin family for a long time, and he has the right to speak. Qin Jiran doesn't know as much as he does.

"Mr. Qin, it's the first time we met. I'm Zhang Yuanzhuo, Mr. Qin's assistant, and it's a pleasure to meet you." Zhang Yuanzhuo's attitude towards Qin Jiran was very respectful, but no matter what he showed on his face, But it didn't represent what he was thinking.

Qin Jiran had never met Zhang Yuanzhuo, but just by taking a look, he knew that he was a very shrewd man, and it was no wonder that he could be with the old man of the Qin family for more than 20 years.

"Mr. Zhang, you should know that no matter how many times you come, my mind will not change." Qin Jiran's attitude was very indifferent, and he didn't even want to say false scenes, so he directly expressed his opinion.

"It's a matter of human beings, nothing is impossible to change, Mr. Qin, don't you really want to know how Mr. Qin will make a will? Maybe it has something to do with you." While Zhang Yuanzhuo said this, his eyes were always blank. Having left Qin Jiran's face, he does not believe that Qin Jiran is not interested in the Qin family's inheritance, especially when this inheritance is very likely to be related to him!

Money, power, who wouldn't like it? In his opinion, Qin Jiran is just an entertainer even though he is an actor. How can he compare with the wealth of the Qin family, and there are problems with the Su family. From a man's point of view, he doesn't want his wife to be stronger than himself. Doesn't Qin Jiran want to inherit the Qin family's inheritance and then stand on an equal position with the Su family

In order to convince Qin Jiran, Zhang Yuanzhuo also thought about a lot of questions, and then came to visit at the suggestion of Mr. Qin.

The choice to visit Qin Jiran in this villa is also the result of Zhang Yuanzhuo's careful consideration. After all, he wants to lure Qin Jiran to see Mr. Qin with his inheritance. He doesn't want too many people to know about these people, nor does he want the people of the Su family to intervene. So I found this time.

Qin Jiran felt that Zhang Yuanzhuo had a problem with his brain. He had refused so many times, how could he still ask such a meaningless question!

Qin Jiran was angry, and said even more rudely: "You like money, you are willing to do anything for it, and you are even willing to recognize the person who abandoned you as a father for the sake of inheritance, but I don't want to, I don't want to be with the Qin family. It doesn't matter, anything they give me, even if it's a billion, I don't want it, I said that, do you understand?"

Zhang Yuanzhuo's face became ugly. Qin Jiran obviously said that he was crossing the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. He thought so in his heart, but it made people feel embarrassed to say it.

"Mr. Qin, you don't need to attack yourself." Zhang Yuanzhuo's face was a little gloomy, but thinking of his mission here, he still couldn't turn his face.

"I just want you to know that these words you said won't impress me at all, so please don't talk nonsense, my time is also very precious." Qin Jiran is already a little impatient, this Zhang Yuanzhuo looks very You're polite, but it feels like a dog-skin plaster. She finds herself again and again, and her words become more and more unpleasant.

"I don't want to waste your time, but the task that Mr. Qin gave me is to meet you, so no matter what, I will take you there!" Zhang Yuanzhuo's tone was very firm, whether it was Mr. Qin or him , The result of doing things has always been the result, the process is not important, so even if it is shameless, he will grind Qin Jiran to see Mr. Qin!

Qin Jiran's face is even more ugly, this person obviously wants to have a fight with him!

"Don't go!" Qin Jiran stood up, spit out two words coldly, and walked away with a cold air. He didn't even need to meet this person.

After three days of filming in Tianxiu Villa, Qin Jiran felt a little impatient when he returned home. Although he hadn't seen Yan Yi for only two days, he still missed him, especially when he was drunk. What he did made Qin Jiran want to see Su Yanyi even more, so as soon as he returned to the city, he called Su Yanyi, saying that he was going home to cook at night, and asked Yanyi if he would come back for dinner.

Su Yanyi naturally agreed very happily. What she likes most now is Qin Jiran's craftsmanship, which is more and more in line with her taste, so that night, Su Yanyi also left work early, and had dinner when she got home. Before it was done, Su Yanyi went to change into the home clothes, checked the time, it was still a little early, and when she felt bored, she went to the kitchen to find Qin Jiran.

Qin Jiran, who is wearing a blue and white plaid apron, has the taste of a family man at this time, warm, warm and comfortable, and also makes people very appetizing. Of course, the appetite is because the taste is very fragrant.

"What are you doing? It's fragrant." Su Yanyi felt even more hungry just by smelling it.

Hearing the voice and turning back, Qin Jiran was still holding a large spoon in his hand, looking at Su Yanyi's bright eyes, and said with a smile, "The seafood soup includes yuba, shrimp, scallops, and fresh squid, etc. Don't worry if you can eat it."

Su Yanyi chose to ignore Qin Jiran's tone that sounded like coaxing a child. She looked around and found the sweet and sour steak on the table next to her. Her eyes lit up and she grabbed a piece and put it in her mouth. , the sweet and sour taste is very good.

Seeing this scene, Qin Jiran's smile grew even stronger. Such a childish Yanyi is really cute.

"There are also many treasure fish and mapo tofu on the plate over there. You can try it." Without Su Yanyi continuing to look for it, Qin Jiran took the initiative to provide the food, and Su Yanyi gave Qin Jiran one. You are very good. eyes, and continued to lower his head to stealthily eat.

Su Yanyi was eating and eating, and suddenly felt that it seemed a little too rude to do so. After thinking about it, she took a spoonful of tofu and brought it to Qin Jiran's mouth.

Flattered there are no! Qin Jiran looked at the tofu in front of him, and without hesitation, he opened his mouth to swallow it, and even put the spoon in his mouth.

Su Yanyi tugged and found that the spoon could not be moved, she looked at Qin Jiran suspiciously and said, "A spoon is delicious too?"

Qin Jiran was embarrassed to let go, and said calmly, "It's delicious tofu."

"Do you like tofu?" Su Yanyi kept digging out Qin Jiran's preferences all the time. Hearing this, her eyes lit up, but the expected system sound did not sound.

Tofu? The tofu in the mouth is delicious, but it's not like I like it, but if it's that tofu... Qin Jiran looked at Su Yanyi and couldn't help but want to get into trouble, mainly because his contact with Yanyi has become more and more intimate recently. , and even had the experience of sharing the same bed several times, which made Qin Jiran unable to stop thinking about it, at least he is a normal big man, his sweetheart is in his arms, and those who are indifferent are definitely not healthy!

Qin Jiran thought about it, but was also embarrassed. The reddish tips of his ears were the most powerful proof.

Su Yanyi saw this scene very sharply, and after thinking about it, she asked suspiciously, "I'm feeding you something to eat, are you embarrassed?"

Do you want to be so straightforward in this question? Isn't this really Chi Guoguo's molestation? Qin Jiran felt that not only his ears were red, but his face was turning red.

Su Yanyi's frank and straightforward attitude is obviously too lethal, making Qin Jiran basically unable to resist, she can only turn around speechlessly and continue to cook soup seriously, he really doesn't want to talk to Su Yanyi Now, the fact that the big man was molested by the little woman to the point of blushing is too shocking!

Su Yanyi looked at the man's awkward look, and smiled happily. The disappointment just now disappeared. She took a spoon and scooped another spoon of tofu and put it to Qin Jiran's mouth, saying: "Don't be embarrassed, you'll get used to it if you eat too much."

Qin Jiran looked at the spoon for two seconds, feeling that Su Yanyi was deliberately teasing herself, and silently ate the tofu in the spoon.

Yan Yi's tofu is delicious! Qin Jiran felt that he didn't dare to molest publicly, but thought about the head office in his heart!

The two of them ate a lot for dinner. Su Yanyi felt like she was holding on again, and she felt uncomfortable when she sat down. Qin Jiran was still there preparing cakes and fruits, and she didn't want to watch it at all.

"Don't do it, go for a walk." Su Yanyi took Qin Jiran's hand and left. The two walked around the community, but the hand they were holding did not loosen, but Qin Jiran held Su Yanyi with a big hand. His little hands were completely wrapped, the weather was a little cold, he was afraid of freezing Su Yanyi.

"I have already asked people to contact the small shareholders of Tiansheng Media and Wang's Media. Because of the Wang family, these two companies have had some internal conflicts recently. Their reputations are getting worse and worse, and their stock prices are falling. The actual acquisition funds should be It is much less than the expected acquisition funds." As the two walked, Qin Jiran reported the progress of the acquisition plan.

"Is there enough money? If it's not enough, I have it here." Su Yanyi actually didn't know much about Qin Jiran's company. The two companies belonged to two different fields, and she didn't specifically investigate it. such a question.

Qin Jiran smiled and said confidently: "It may not be enough to deal with Wang's company directly, but if it is to acquire those two media companies, it is enough, don't worry."

Company sq is not an industrial business, its main business is venture capital, so the company has a large amount of working capital. Of course, these are not all his own money, and there are also funds raised by various forces, but as long as they can take these Money makes money, those investors don't care what you want to do.

Su Yanyi nodded and said no more. She believed in Qin Jiran's ability very much. In her last life, before her death, Qin Jiran gradually went behind the scenes in the entertainment industry, but she was an upstart business in the shopping mall. Qin Jiran's own ability developed, and if it wasn't for taking care of him, this man's development should be better, which shows that this man is really capable.

Thinking of her previous life, Su Yanyi inevitably thinks of Wang Zhilin again. It has been several days since the last time Wang Zhilin fainted. Would she like to go visit with Qin Jiran again

However, such an idea was only fleeting, and some methods were enough to use them once, and they would feel boring if they used them again, so what new idea should she come up with to make Wang Zhilin feel uncomfortable.

"What are you thinking, you seem very happy?" Qin Jiran looked at Su Yanyi's bright eyes and felt very excited, so she couldn't help but ask curiously.

"I'm thinking about how to deal with Wang Zhilin." Su Yanyi didn't hide her dark side, and spoke her thoughts very frankly.

Qin Jiran was stunned for a moment. He didn't seem to expect this answer, but he soon felt a little funny. He didn't know why. He knew that Yan Yi was scheming people, but he still thought that Yan Yi was cute and black. cute, but also domineering cute.

"Do you need my cooperation? Or should we go to the hospital together?" Qin Jiran asked very proactively, but he still remembered the situation when he visited the doctor last time. Yan Yi's words dear, just called into his heart. For such a sentence, not only to go to the hospital to visit a doctor, but to go to the mountain of swords and the sea of fire, he is also willing.

"It's no fun to play again after you've played it. I want to come up with a new idea. If you have a way, you can tell me for reference." Su Yanyi was quite satisfied with Qin Jiran's reaction. The man really stood up on her side.

Looking at Su Yanyi like this, Qin Jiran felt that she was more and more cute, and there was a hint of evil in the quirky spirit, very smart and very attractive.

In the dark night, Qin Jiran's eyes are full of Su Yanyi's shadow, and every frown and smile are his favorite.

"Yanyi, I'll support you in whatever you want, you can do whatever you want." Holding Su Yanyi gently, Qin Jiran whispered in Su Yanyi's ear, and then said very devoutly in Su Yanyi's ear. A kiss was placed on his forehead, stamping his promise.

… .

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