Rebirth of the Genius Charlatan

Chapter 1: Back to childhood


cold. shu mark 玷癞癹

Xia Shao woke up from the biting cold, and there were noisy sounds in her ears. It was so chaotic that she couldn't tell where was where for a while. Her teeth were chattering with the cold, her hands and feet were stiff, but she still couldn't stop shivering. The cold stimulated her memory of what had happened.

After graduating from college, I worked a complicated job in a real estate company. I often had to follow the engineering team until two or three o'clock at night. I lived the life of a nine-to-five office worker with dark circles under my eyes, but had to work overtime at night. In a first-tier big city, you work from morning to night every day, earning a salary that is the envy of second-tier and third-tier cities, but only you know that with this salary in the capital, excluding food and clothing, you can't even buy a house of two square meters in one year. .

After working for seven years and working as a department manager, Xia Shao gradually realized the rules of society and the difficulty of life. But she has a kind of perseverance in her bones that is rare for girls. When faced with pressure, her way to relieve herself is to go out for a run every morning, rain or shine, to exercise.

Her few friends were puzzled by this habit of hers. Because Xia Shao, excluding working hours, can be said to be a lazy girl in her free time, as lazy as a cat, the type who wants to lie on the sofa in a small apartment and never wake up.

But only Xia Shao herself knew that by doing this, she felt refreshed after morning exercise and could be in good condition when working. Only when your condition is good can your performance be outstanding and you have the opportunity to be promoted. Secondly, the body is the capital of revolution. How can we work hard without a body? As for the third reason, it’s actually just to save money on going to the gym.

The cold winter in the capital came early, and it snowed just last night. At five o'clock in the morning, Xia Shao got up, dressed and went out for a run.

Before dawn, a park near the small apartment had been cleaned by sanitation staff. Xia Shao was jogging along a cobblestone path when she heard a cry for help.

The cry for help was not loud. Normally, the security in this park was okay. Xia Shao was not sure if someone had been robbed or something. It was still dark at this time. She was a girl who was not afraid, but she gradually heard that The cry for help had changed its tone. After all, she couldn't pretend not to hear it, so she followed the sound and ran over.

After some searching, I discovered that an old man doing morning exercises fell into the lake!

This park is quite big, and the lake area is also wide. In order to prevent people from falling into the lake, there are usually guardrails along the road. However, two guardrails on this road were broken at some point. It was probably caused by an old man walking along the road. While doing morning exercises, he slipped and fell into the lake.

Xia Shao immediately lay down on the ground and stretched out his hand several times, but found that he could not catch the old man at all. He looked back several times and found no other people passing by for morning exercises. At this time, the old man's hands were already a little stiff, and the lake was too frozen. The old man flopped twice in the lake and was about to sink.

Although it was dark, Xia Shao could still see the old man's face clearly through the light of the street lamp in the distance. He was an old man with a very kind face. The deep crow's feet at the corners of his eyes showed that he was usually a cheerful and cheerful person. At that moment, for some reason, there was a kind of pain that hit Xia Shao's heart.

In the year she just started working, her grandmother, who had watched her grow up, died of a serious illness. At that time, she was working on a project, and her family knew that she couldn't take time off, so they were afraid that she would quit her job and go home. You know, working in the capital was considered very respectable by her hometown. Naturally, her family didn't want her to quit, so they hid the news from her. It wasn't until she finished the project, got her first bonus, and called home with a smile that she wanted to buy her grandma a beautiful Tang suit for the New Year in Beijing that she learned that her grandma had passed away for more than a month! She couldn't accept it at all at the time, so she immediately flew back and cried in front of the tombstone for a whole day.

This incident caused the biggest regret in her life, so when Xia Shao saw the old man who fell into the water, her mood was indescribable. She took out her mobile phone from her pocket, called an ambulance, and jumped into the cold lake water without saying a word.

Xia Shao's swimming skills are not very good, let alone rescuing people in the freezing lake water in winter. She used all her strength to push the old man to the shore, but she no longer had the strength to go ashore.

She clearly felt herself being swallowed up by the ice water inch by inch. Her only thought at that time was that maybe this life was really over...

But it seems that is not the case. Looking at this situation, she must have been rescued, right

At this time, apart from shivering from the cold, Xia Shao's mind was much clearer than when she first woke up. Although the sounds in her ears were noisy, she could still distinguish them.

At this time, she felt a kind old man hugging her, crying sadly, and kept calling her, "Little Shaozi! Nothing can happen to you! If something happens to you, how will grandma explain to your parents? My My dear granddaughter, please open your eyes and look at grandma!"

Xia Shao was stunned for a moment and didn't react for a long time.

"Why are you crying! Come back quickly from outside with a basin of snow and rub the child's body!" Another old man's voice sounded. He had a loud voice and a bad temper. He spoke with a majestic tone that could not be resisted.

Xia Shao recognized this voice instantly!


"That's right, Aunt Jiang. Shao'er and her grandfather are right. Rub the child's body quickly! We'll have a hot kang burning at home to keep the child warm for a while." The woman's voice was urgent. She was in her thirties or forties.

"Mom, Grandma Jiang, I brought the snow back." There was a sound of running, and the girl who rushed in had a childish voice, about eleven or twelve years old.

"Tui'er, thank you for this child. If it weren't for you, Shao Zi would be gone..."

Grandma cried and thanked her, but Xia Shao felt someone taking off her cold and soaked cotton clothes.

"Hi! Aunt Jiang, we are all from the same village, why are you talking about this? Our Cui'er has been called "Sister" and "Sister" by Shao'er since she was a child. How can we call her "Sister" in vain?" Aunt Meng said. Bian also lends a hand to help.

A group of people took off Xia Shao's clothes and rubbed her body with snow. Xia Shao was stunned and speechless. By this time she had opened her eyes, and after a blur of whiteness, she finally saw her hand.

They were a pair of children's hands. The small hands were purple from the cold and a little red from being rubbed by the snow.

All this stirred up Xia Shao's childhood memories.

She still remembered this scene. It was the winter when she was nine years old. During the winter vacation, her mother, who was working in the city, sent her to live with her grandma. She followed Sister Cuicui from Aunt Meng's house next to her to play in the snow and slide by the village river, but she didn't want to fall into an ice hole. Fortunately, Sister Cuicui saved her.

But, but... that happened when she was nine years old, how could it happen now? !

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't she be lying in the ward of the Beijing Hospital now, receiving an intravenous drip, maybe meeting the family of the old man she saved

But now the feeling of being so cold that I want to shrink up, my body slowly being warmed by the snow, the wall in the northern countryside in front of me with floral wallpaper, and the old-fashioned calendar hanging on the wall all tell Xia Shao clearly that what is happening in front of me is Everything is not an illusion!

She was reborn and returned to her childhood in the winter of 1991 when the Spring Festival was approaching!

She saw her grandma's kind face again. At this time, her grandma was not yet fifty years old. Although she had gray hair, she was not seriously ill yet.

She saw her majestic grandfather again. At this time, he had not vented his anger on his two daughters-in-law because his two sons had daughters after they got married. He often made things difficult for Xia Shao's mother and cried secretly behind her back.

She also met her father again, who had rushed back after hearing the news. At this time, his father had not yet been laid off, and he had not yet gone to the southern city to work alone because he wanted to give her a good living environment. Once he left, he was with her mother for ten years. Years of separation.

Naturally, she also met her mother who rushed back. At this time, her mother was still very young and had not yet raised her up alone. She did not choose to stay because she had to take on the responsibility of the eldest daughter-in-law and take on the responsibility of taking care of the elderly for her father. He didn't cry secretly at night because he missed his father.

Xia Shao didn't know why fate gave her a chance to come back. She didn't know if this was a reward for her good deeds. She just threw herself into the arms of her relatives and cried loudly.

If everything is not a dream, she must change her destiny in this life and let her family live a better life!


Hello friends~ Let me introduce myself, I am Feng Jin [hiding my face~]. Dear friends, you can call me Jinzi or Jinjin from now on. I hope I can become friends with everyone through this article~

New articles need everyone's love, collection and comments, please don't be careless!

Hold a paw, give everyone a group hug, and wish us a happy life in the future! love you~

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