Rebirth of the Genius Charlatan

Chapter 114: Solve the problem!


The New Year is almost here, and the whole city is immersed in a lively and festive atmosphere. There are lights and colorful decorations everywhere. Neon lights are all over the streets at night, and snowflakes are falling. Many people are still carrying large and small bags home, with smiles on their faces. Joyful and warm. Shu Xunfen

In this joyful and warm New Year atmosphere, no one can imagine that there is still a dark place in the city that cannot see the light. It was a secret cell with steel walls and only one light on. The light dazzled people's eyes. Inside, two people with black cloths covering their heads fell to the ground and were being punched and kicked.

The two men's heads were covered with black cloth, and their necks were tied with belts. Their hands were cut behind their backs, and their feet were also tied with belts. Those belts were thin and tightly tied. As the two struggled in pain, their skin had long been worn. The more he struggled, the more he cut inside, causing the people on the ground to scream in pain.

This is not over yet. Among the people punching and kicking next to him, one of them was holding a whip in his hand. He would whip the whip every once in a while, and he would swing it quite rhythmically. It looked like he had practiced it. That whip was no ordinary whip. It was not thick, but it was braided with barbs. When the whip was thrown down, the skin and flesh were torn apart!

This whipping punishment is specially used in the Anqin Association to deal with people who have violated gang rules. However, the number of whips varies according to the size of the gang rules violated, but no matter the severity, even if it is ten lashes or twenty lashes, this crime is not People suffer. The executioners had all practiced their skills, so they were sure to be able to hit no one to death and not damage major blood vessels, but the whip would still be hooked into the flesh, which was unspeakably painful. For serious crimes such as treason, one must be whipped thoroughly before death. Often the person is beaten to a bloody pulp and cannot be seen as a human being, but he is still alive.

Whipping is considered a very painful punishment in the gang, but the two people who were beaten today were not from the gang. No one asked these two what they had committed. Anyway, if the boss asked them to be beaten, then they would be beaten!

Outside the steel cell, there is a long corridor. The walls are also made of high-grade steel. The cold material reflects the silhouette of people. No matter how you look at it, it is a high-tech secret cell. It's hard to imagine that such a place could exist in a city like Dongshi, but it does exist, just underground at Yitian Club.

The light in the cell was bright, but there was no light in the corridor. The light reflected a blurry figure. The man was leaning against the wall, and after looking at it for a while, he raised his hand.

The man inside stopped waving his whip immediately, "Boss."

"Okay. Let's give these two people a break and wait for Miss Xia to deal with them." The person who spoke was Gao Yitao, the boss of Dongshi Anqin Hall.

Gao Yitao glanced at the two people groaning on the ground in the cell. Their resolute faces were expressionless, and there was no trace of pity in their eyes, but rather a hint of interest. After the Peace Society arrested these two people, they would naturally be able to find out their identities. These are relatives of Miss Xia's family. He remembered that half a year ago, she had dealt with two relatives in the family, so why did two more blind people show up

Are you coming all the way from Qingshi to look for trouble? Oh, it’s really eye-opening. Dongshi is Miss Xia's hometown. The Anqinhui has already issued a ban on the underworld before she established the Huaxia Group. Anyone who dares to mess with her will be punished by the Anqinhui!

The father and son didn't ask anything before they bumped into each other. They were just looking for death by messing around in Dongshi!

Or else, what if people sometimes throw their lives away on their own

Gao Yitao snorted silently, and the law enforcement officer came out with a whip, and the other two people also came out, locked the cell door, and stood on both sides. Gao Yitao gave instructions and turned to leave. He had to wait for Xia Shao's arrival at the club.

Xia Shao didn't come until midnight.

She had to comfort her grandma and parents at home, especially her grandma. Jiang Shuhui didn't know that her granddaughter had been studying metaphysics and Yili with Tang Zongbo since she was a child. Li Juan and Xia Zhiyuan had to talk to Xia Shao about these things. Xia Shao also talked about how she had established connections for the Huaxia Group. In the process, the old man finally believed that his granddaughter was not being bullied by any man in private when running this company.

People of the older generation believe a lot in Feng Shui. Jiang Shuhui believes that so many bosses and high-ranking officials seek Feng Shui advice from their granddaughters. But she was very surprised. Her granddaughter had lived in her hometown for several years when she was a child and would go to the house in the back mountain every day. She thought her granddaughter saw the old man in the back mountain who was lonely, so she often went to accompany the old man to relieve his boredom. Unexpectedly, she secretly worshiped a master! This has been hidden for many years!

"You kid, you can't hide anything from grandma!" Jiang Shuhui complained, but no matter how much she complained, it couldn't equal the feeling of relief at this moment. She quickly took her granddaughter's hand and looked around, patted her back like she did when she was a child, and told her that it was really not easy for her. It wasn't until he saw that she was indeed fine that the old man slowly felt relieved. She has loved this granddaughter since she was a child, and it really hurts her heart. She is well-behaved and has been considerate of others since she was a child. If anyone bullies her, her old lady will be the first to fight him!

Xia Shao had no choice but to laugh along with her, "What else can we do? I said at that time that no one in the family would agree."

Xia Zhiyuan and Li Juan could only smile bitterly after hearing this, right? How old was she then? If she told her family, it would be impossible for the whole family to agree to her learning this.

"Mom, don't worry. This child has always had an idea since she was a child, and she knows what she does. If someone really dares to bully her, our family will have to seek justice for her even if we risk our lives! You can Don't worry." Xia Zhiyuan advised.

Jiang Shuhui could only sigh and patted her granddaughter's hand.

Xia Shao saw her grandma calm down and then told her not to mention this matter to her grandpa. He has a tough temper and accepts death, and is afraid that he will not be able to turn around.

"That old man has a bad temper! You can't change it in this life! Don't worry, he hasn't treated you well since you were a child. It's right for him to worry, and it can be considered as compensation for you. Let's hide it from him and don't tell him!"

Jiang Shuhui immediately nodded in agreement, making Xia Shao chuckle. Grandma is torturing Grandpa! In fact, she didn't let her grandma say it, just because she didn't want Xia Guoxi to meet Tang Zongbo when the time came. The fewer people who knew about the master, the better. Today is to appease grandma and prevent her from worrying about herself at such an old age, and she can trust grandma.

In the evening, Xia Shao personally cooked several delicious dishes, which made the old man smile. After the meal, she coaxed the old man to go to bed early.

Xia Zhiyuan and Li Juan were very angry because of what happened today. The couple asked their daughter to go back to the house to rest early. Then they closed the door and held a small meeting in the house. Although they didn't believe Xia Zhiwei and his son's unflattering words, they were still worried about Cao Li, the boss of Jinda Real Estate, falling in love with their daughter. Although they believe that with their daughter's skills in Feng Shui, those high officials will not easily offend him, but if a man has evil intentions and wants to harm his daughter, no matter whether he has this ability or not, parents will not be relieved if they know about it.

The couple was worried and angry that Xia Zhiwei and his son had ruined their daughter's reputation! Xia Zhiyuan immediately told his wife that he would call someone early tomorrow morning to make Xia Zhiwei and his son suffer a little before leaving Dongshi, so that they would not dare to cause trouble again.

The two talked until very late before turning off the lights and going to sleep.

But little did he know that after the lights in the main room were turned off, a figure quietly came out from the east wing and climbed over the outer wall of his yard. He was agile and silent.

Xia Shao walked out of Taoyuan District openly. Although the security guard was a little strange about her going out in the middle of the night, he didn't ask any questions. Xia Shao took a taxi on the road and arrived at Yitian Club. When getting out of the car, the driver shook his head silently and looked at a girl with a good temperament. Why did she come to a place like this in the middle of the night? well!

Xia Shao got out of the car and entered the Yitian Club with a steady pace.

Even though the Chinese New Year will be here in two days, there are still many men and women partying all night long on the dance floor of Yitian. The waiter at the door strolled in wearing a white trench coat, and he couldn't help but think of that midsummer, when she wore a white dress and entered Yitian. scene. The little-known girl at that time has now transformed into the chairman of Huaxia Group, a star figure in Dongshi, and a leading entrepreneur in the province.

Not daring to show any signs of neglect, the waiter immediately came out respectfully, opened the door for Xia Shao, and took her to the elevator to the reception room on the top floor.

Gao Yitao is waiting there.

Xia Shao entered the reception room, exchanged a few words with Gao Yitao, and then got straight to the point. Gao Yitao took Xia Shao into a built-in room in the reception room. The room looked like a built-in lounge, with a video phone installed on the wall. Gao Yitao pressed a few numbers on it and scanned his fingerprints. The two solid wood bookshelves in the room separated to both sides, revealing a hidden elevator.

Gao Yitao asked Xia Shao to go in, and the elevator dropped directly to the second underground floor. When the two of them got out of the elevator, a steel corridor appeared in front of them.

Xia Shao walked on top, walking steadily, not squinting, only looking ahead. Gao Yitao who was watching aside secretly nodded, showing a rare expression of appreciation.

This kind of equipment is not something that ordinary people can see in their homes, and I'm afraid they can't even think of it. But this girl had a calm and calm demeanor from beginning to end, not curious, asking questions, or even looking at her. With this calm demeanor and clear thinking, it's no wonder that Brother Yan called some time ago and said that the head of the family had given a secret order to Dongshi to protect her and pay attention to the people in the Triads.

However, Qi Chen, the leader of the triad, heard that something happened recently and he almost died! If it hadn't been blocked by a life-saving charm he had worn since childhood, he would have probably died. This matter is tightly sealed in Dao'er, but the family reunion will naturally have a way to find out, but they don't know what's going on...

The doubts in Gao Yitao's heart were swept away. The two of them walked in the corridor. Xia Shao's demeanor was calm and there was almost no movement in his steps. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that he had a good kung fu foundation. But Gao Yitao's footsteps gradually spread through the long corridor to the cells in the distance.

In the cell, Xia Zhiwei and his son fell to the ground. They were in so much pain that they wanted to faint, but they did not dare to make even a sound. The two of them heard the footsteps coming from far away, and they were shocked and frightened!

They have no idea who they have offended. The two drove from Shili Village to the city, checked in at the hotel, and were planning to go back to the village to have fun on New Year's Day. In the eyes of father and son, although Xia Shao is young and has achieved a lot, she has little social experience after all. The Xia family is an ordinary family, and no one is an official. If their daughter is rich, it will only make others jealous, which is not a good thing! Once someone is interested in her, she doesn't even have the connections to protect her.

Xia Liang has been following Cao Li for many years and is considered a confidant. He knows many powerful people. If the Xia family is smart, they should know that Huaxia Group needs the connections Xia Liang brings. It just so happened that Cao Li had a crush on Xia Shao. If Xia Shao could be persuaded to follow Cao Li, not only would Huaxia Group have a backer, but when Cao Li was happy, Xia Liang would definitely benefit! However, he is the uncle of the boss of Jinda Real Estate and the cousin of the chairman of Huaxia Group. The father and son can spend the rest of their lives as much as they want!

Unexpectedly, while the two were discussing in the hotel room, several cold-faced people rushed in. Without waiting for the two to react, they kicked them to the ground, dragged them out of the hotel, and got into a car at the back door. .

The two of them were naturally horrified when they got to the car, but Xia Zhiwei had been involved in society when he was very young and had been involved in various religions for a long time. He had seen this kind of battle before. The same goes for Xia Liang. He has followed his father since he was a child and has encountered this kind of thing frequently. When he was a teenager, he was a famous ruffian in Qingshi. After being attracted by Cao Li, he organized a group of thugs for him, specializing in debt collection and violence. The matter of demolition. Xia Liang himself had often done such things as kidnapping, extortion and intimidation, so although he and his father were frightened by this scene, they quickly calmed down.

The two of them opened their mouths and shouted, "Are you Gu from Xia? Do you know who you have offended!"

"You dare to tie up your grandpa, and you don't even want to know who he is in Qingshi! I'm going to blind you... ugh!"

Before the father and son could finish shouting, they were punched in the stomach by someone. The person who did it was obviously a good boxer. With one punch, they almost vomited out their stomachs! As soon as he lowered his head, his head was covered with a black cloth, and his neck, hands and feet were tied with belts! The belt was quite thin, and it could cut the skin if you struggled. The pain made the two of them grimace, and they felt a little scared.

Xia Liang didn't know, but Xia Zhiwei knew it. How could you not know Xia Zhiyuan's temper before leaving home? He was a well-known honest man in the village. How dare he kidnap himself? Xia Zhiwei didn't believe it!

With Xia Zhiyuan's temper, even if he was angry, he would at most dare to find someone to beat the father and son. This looks like a kidnapping, but it's not like he's brave enough to do it!

This matter today is obviously serious!

The father and son had no idea where they were being taken, and the people in the car didn't say a word along the way, which was very different from ordinary gangsters kidnapping people. Moreover, the two of them were knocked unconscious before they got out of the car. When they woke up, they didn't know where they were. They knew that the floor beneath them was cold and the lights above them were dazzling through the black cloth.

Then, the two of them were punched, kicked, and whipped! It wasn't until the whip fell that the two of them were convinced that the other party was definitely serious, and it was definitely not as simple as threatening them!

The other party was silent the whole time when he was beating the person, not even a word of curse, but his fists, kicks and whips were all in place every time. This was definitely not an ordinary little gangster!

They have offended someone!

Xia Zhiwei knew that his father and son had offended many people, but when they were in Qingshi, they were all doing it for Cao Li's sake, and no one dared to seek revenge against Xia Liang. However, he was sure that no one would know that his father and son were coming to Dongshi, so he hired Are people taking action in Dongshi? Because the other party was obviously a professional, Xia Zhiwei felt that although he offended Xia Zhiyuan, he shouldn't have the courage.

The two of them received a severe beating and were frightened, thinking that it was very possible that both father and son would have to pay for it this time! They probably died in vain, because they suffered physical pain, but they didn't know who they had offended from the beginning to the end.

At this time, they heard the first words after being tied up.

"Okay. Let's give these two people a break and wait for Miss Xia to deal with them."

The man only said one word and then left, leaving behind a dead silence. However, Xia Zhiwei and his son felt terrible in their hearts!

Miss Xia? !

Which Miss Xia

Could it be...that girl Xia Shao

There was a buzzing in their heads. They didn't know whether it was due to excessive blood loss or something else. Xia Zhiwei and Xia Liang suddenly felt dizzy. They couldn't even feel the burning sting on their bodies. They only felt that their eyes were turning black! Xia Liang really couldn't imagine that his cousin, who looked so sweet and peaceful after meeting her twice, would be so bold

Xia Zhiwei was also shocked. If it was really that girl Xia Shao, who was she asking to help? How did you hire such a professional person? What does she, what does she want to do to them, father and son

The two of them were horrified and uneasy. They lay on the cold floor, with the bright lights above their heads shining, and they felt their heads fainting little by little...

Until I heard footsteps coming.

The two woke up in a daze, but they didn't dare to move until they heard the footsteps and walked forward.

The man who spoke had a low voice. He was still the one who left before. "Take off the hoods on their heads. Miss Xia wants to say hello."

After hearing this, the people from the Anqin Association who were guarding on both sides immediately entered the cell and roughly removed the black cloth covering the heads of Xia Zhiwei and Xia Liang. The strong and dazzling light above their heads shone, and the two of them immediately closed their eyes. They suddenly felt their eyes stinging. The contraction of their bodies pulled the injuries on their bodies, and they suddenly grinned in pain.

Before the two of them could adapt to the light, they heard the man speak again.

"Brothers heard that these two people caused a lot of trouble for Miss Xia, so they treated them first. They can't die, so they will be left for Miss Xia to deal with."

But the person called "Miss Xia" did not speak.

Until Xia Zhiwei and Xia Liang adapted to the light, narrowed their eyes, fell to the ground and looked up.

Outside the cell, a girl in a white windbreaker stood with her hands behind her hands, looking down, with a faint smile on her face, but the smile in her eyes was cold. But her voice was still leisurely and unhurried, as if she was talking about the weather, "You two, how are you?"

This leisurely voice sounded out of tune in the silver-gray backroom cell. It made the father and son feel cold from head to toe, and their hearts trembled!

Xia Shao!

Did she really do it? !

She, if she dared to appear in front of their father and son, wasn't she afraid that they would end up with her after they returned to Qingshi

Or is she not planning to let them go back and wants to kill them here

No! impossible!

She is a girl who grew up in an ordinary family. Her achievements are better than those of ordinary people. She cannot be so courageous! She would never dare!

"You, you..." Xia Zhiwei stared at Xia Shao, his beard still stained with blood on the ground, his voice was hoarse, and his eyes were full of anger and fearlessness.

"I've never been able to figure it out. Why did you two come here to bring bad luck to me during the Chinese New Year?" Ask, there’s nothing wrong with the etiquette, right?”

When the father and son heard this, their eyes suddenly darkened again! They have done this kind of kidnapping and intimidation before, but they can guarantee that they have never been so shameless!

Xia Liang stared at Xia Shao in disbelief. His usually handsome face was stained with blood. He never expected that this soft-looking cousin would be like this

Etiquette? What kind of etiquette is this

Xia Zhiwei narrowed his eyes and his heart trembled! Etiquette? What etiquette is she referring to

Xia Shao raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Don't speak? It seems that I didn't entertain you well."

"Speak!" Two people from the Anqing Association in the cell shouted coldly, and one of them kicked the father and son in the stomach. The pain made them retching, and they shrank, which caused the injuries on their bodies, and they suddenly screamed in pain. The sound of pain.

"Zhou! Zhou..." When Xia Liang came to his senses, he answered before his father. When he looked at his cousin again, his eyes were filled with fear.

Unexpectedly, Xia Shao smiled again after hearing this, "How can you be so considerate? I invited you two here, and I kept asking my friends to entertain you. I was really neglecting the etiquette. In order to express my apology, I went to entertain you two personally. ."

As she spoke, she smiled and looked to the side. An executioner from the Peace Society was standing outside the cell door, holding a bloody whip in his hand. The man had a strong and burly build, a type of burly man that everyone feared. The man had a cold expression, but when he saw Xia Shao coming, he handed over the whip in his hand.

There was blood on the whip, and there were skin flakes on the barbs. The girl in clean clothes took it, and her expression didn't change. She didn't even look disgusted or disgusted. She didn't even look at the whip in her hand, she just smiled lightly. Looking at the father and son in the cell. The two people looked at each other with frightened expressions on their faces again. After suffering the severe whipping, the two of them couldn't help but move back, and they couldn't care less about the wounds on their bodies.

Seeing this scene in Gao Yitao's eyes, the resolute man had a rare look of shock in his eyes. From the time she came in until now, he has been by her side. The way she greeted people calmly and the demeanor of holding the whip reminded him of... the head of the family in his youth

"What, what do you want to do! I, I am your uncle!" Xia Zhiwei fell to the ground and looked up outside the prison, uttering his first complete sentence.

But it made the girl laugh, as if he was joking with her, "Uncle? How could it be? It's really my uncle, how could he be angry with my grandparents, beat my father, and insult my reputation?"

She spoke slowly, and by the end of her speech her eyebrows were cold and cold. But the more they talked, the colder their hearts became. Xia Liang looked at his father eagerly with fear and complaint. It was all him! What kind of uncle or kinship are you talking about? If she had such concerns, would she still find someone to deal with them like this

"Do you two have a bad memory? I remember I said that you recognized the wrong person, why are you still pestering me?" Xia Shao lowered his head and looked at Xia Zhiwei, "I told you once," and then looked at Xia Liang, "I told you twice," then he looked down at the whip in his hand with a puzzled expression, "Why don't you have a long memory?"

Gao Yitao coughed silently next to him and suppressed a muffled laugh - like! so similar! This look of being annoyed is so similar to the head of the family when he was a boy!

At this moment, Xia Zhiwei and Xia Liang couldn't care less whether Xia Shao would really greet them? At this moment, the two of them were looking at Xia Shao as if they were looking at a pervert!

She's definitely not kidding! They no longer dared to think she was joking!

And Xia Shaoguo really said what he said, "Since your memory is not very good, you have to prescribe the right medicine. It won't work on your body, so I'll help you treat your brain."

She exchanged the whip to the executioner of the Peace Society next to her, but the two people in the cell did not feel at ease because of her move. Instead, their eyes widened and they became more and more frightened.

Treat your brain

What's the meaning

Just as the two of them were speculating in fear, they suddenly felt cold all over, and the scene in front of them suddenly changed!

The two of them were lying on the operating table for some reason, with their hands and feet tied. Xia Shao came in wearing a white coat, holding a bright and sharp scalpel in her hand, and said to them lying on the bed: "Let me come and see." Look at your brains."

This, are you going to open their skulls

"No, no, no, no, no..." Xia Zhiwei trembled and shouted in fear.

"Don't open my skull! Don't open my skull!" Xia Liang even shouted.

But Xia Shao still smiled calmly, completely ignoring their fear, and took a scalpel and slashed their scalps!

"Ah-" The two of them screamed, their eyes were horrified, their whole bodies were shaking, and Xia Liang even wet his pants.

But the terrifying scene did not continue, but it changed again!

This time, Xia Zhiwei saw a woman with a big belly walking towards him, holding a sharp knife in her hand, her eyes were filled with hatred, and her legs were still bleeding. That was his deceased wife. She stabbed him in the abdomen crazily with a sharp knife, her voice was stern, "Xia Zhiwei! Even if I were a ghost, I would never let you go! Even if I were a ghost, I would never let you go!"

Xia Zhiwei was shocked. He didn't know how he saw his wife who had been dead for many years and heard what she said before she died. Could it be...that she really turned into a ghost? He subconsciously ran away, but found that his hands and feet were still tied. He couldn't escape. Seeing his wife rushing towards him, he had to shout in a hurry: "It's not my fault! It's not my fault! It's you who blame the old man! It's him who has fallen in love with you. I owe him money. If you don't go, My son and I must die! You, when you left, your belly was not this big! You, you go find him! Go find him! He was the one who killed you!"

But his wife seemed unable to hear what he said, so she rushed over and stabbed him randomly! He saw his own blood coming out of his belly, similar to when she had died of miscarriage.

But what Xia Liang saw in front of him at this moment was different from his father Xia Zhiwei. He saw too many people, all of whom were old people who were killed during violent debt collection and demolition. An old man appeared in front of him with his granddaughter, and the two She pounced on him and bit his flesh. She was so frightened that Xia Liang screamed: "It's none of my business! It was Mr. Cao who asked for the demolition. Mr. Cao bought the land! Who told you not to move! You, if you move out obediently, you Then she wouldn't have died, and you, your granddaughter wouldn't have been killed by the brothers... I, we didn't expect that she would die so easily, in one night... "

"What about me?" Another woman who looked like a young woman asked.

Xia Liang screamed in fright and backed away desperately, "That's what President Cao likes about you, and he rewarded you to us afterwards! Find him, find him!"

The father and son screamed in terror, and the horrific scene in front of them drove them almost crazy. But in the corridor outside the prison, Gao Yitao and the three people from the family reunion had strange expressions on their faces.

They saw Xia Shao standing outside the prison with her hands behind her hands. She did nothing, and the two people inside went crazy for some reason! They said some words that were incomprehensible, and they seemed to have seen something terrible. Their hands and feet were tied and they couldn't stand up, so they rolled around on the ground, their spelling moved, and their expressions were ghostly. Generally, blood bursts from the fundus of the eyes. Because the action was so intense, the wound split open and there was blood all over the cell.

This weird thing made the people at the Anqinhui, who had experienced many battles and seen all kinds of scenes, look at Xia Shao, always feeling that this matter had something to do with her!

What did she do

It seems like she didn't do anything

Xia Shao naturally did something. She had her hands behind her back at the moment, and the dragon scale dagger in her hand opened a very thin gap. The strong evil spirit came out, and was attracted by Xia Shao, and it was approaching Xia Zhiwei and Xia Liang's father and son. between the eyebrows!

When the Yin evil spirit binds a person's hands and feet, they will feel numb and cold and lose consciousness. When it enters the person's mind, it can cause hallucinations.

Usually, some people see spiritual bodies. One possibility is that they really see the spiritual body, and another possibility is that they are hallucinations caused by evil spirits invading their minds.

In the past, when burial was still the custom, older generations often had some folk tales with ghost stories. For example, someone was driving at night and passing by a cemetery in the wilderness. As a result, he encountered a lonely ghost and became insane after returning. thing. Folks generally believe that this kind of story is about ghosts taking over the soul, but this is not the case. Most of this kind of thing is caused by the evil spirit of Yin Zhai, which makes people crazy and produces hallucinations.

And artificially attacking people with Yin evil spirits can also produce this effect. Depending on the degree of Yin evil spirits, the time of hallucinations will be longer or shorter, ranging from just some hallucinations to severe nerve damage and death!

Hallucinations often see the most fearful things in people's hearts. This is the first time Xia Shao has dealt with someone like this tonight, but it seems that the father and son usually do harmful things!

There is a lot of debt!

Xia Shao narrowed her eyes. Just listening to the words from their father and son, one can imagine how many harmful things they have done!

"Boss Gao, I want to be alone with the two of them for a while, okay?" In the prison, Xia Zhiwei and his son were still talking incoherently, but Xia Shao turned to Gao Yitao and said.

Gao Yitao nodded immediately, "Okay, I'll take people out. Leave them at the elevator where they came from to wait for Miss Xia. Just let them take you up after you've taken care of things."

Xia Shao smiled lightly and nodded. After thanking him, Gao Yitao took him away.

Leaving the person at the elevator entrance, Gao Yitao took the elevator up alone and returned to the reception room on the top floor of Yitian Club. In the reception room, a computer was placed on the desk. The computer was turned on, but the screen was turned off.

Gao Yitao walked to the chair and sat down, turning on the screen. What came out on the screen was the scene in the underground cell. These pictures are being transmitted in real time on the computer through the internal system, and the recipient is the headquarters of Taiwan Anqin International Group.

In Taiwan City, in the chairman's private room on the top floor of Anqin International Group's headquarters, a picturesque man was drinking tea and looking at the transmission screen in front of him with a smile. The picture is extremely clear, shot from multiple angles, and even the girl's trembling eyelashes can be clearly seen from the nearest distance.

In the picture, the two people on the ground in the prison were still shouting in panic and panic, but the girl walked into the prison. She knelt down, dipped her fingers into the blood on the ground, and then walked out again.

She squatted down on the ground outside the prison and drew something. When the blood was not enough, she went in to get some. Gradually, incomprehensible patterns appeared on the ground. It looked like a talisman or some kind of strange formation. After drawing it, she sat down outside the formation, crossed her legs and moved her fingers. The changes were very fast. After a while, she just heard a shout, " Stay!"

The father and son in the cell suddenly stopped moving.

The two of them lay on the ground with empty eyes, as quiet as death, with their eyes open and motionless. Xia Shao walked into the cell, wiped his fingers with a piece of black hooded cloth thrown aside in the corner, took it out and stepped on it to wipe away the formation blood stains on the ground, and then stood leaning against the wall. Wait.

After a while, the father and son moved, and their eyes gradually became clear. But when the two of them came back to their senses, they had not yet recovered from the horrific scene they had just seen. When they saw Xia Shao standing outside the cell, their eyes became terrified!

This fear is no longer the same as when she first came in, the look between the two of them was filled with anger and suspicion. They no longer dared to be fearless. They really believed this time that this girl's courage and temperament were different from ordinary people's. She really dared to do it. Let the two of them die here!

"You, you... let us go! We will never come again!" Xia Zhiwei's voice was trembling. Looking at the fierce-looking man, there was nothing but fear in his eyes at this moment.

Why did the old Xia family have such a girl


When they return to Qingshi...

"Let you go? Let you go back to Qingshi and continue to cause trouble for me?" Xia Shao smiled, "Do I look so stupid?"

"Don't dare! Don't dare! Cousin... uh no, Miss Xia! You, your master, have a lot of money, let us go! I, I will definitely advise Mr. Cao after I go back, no, don't take your idea..." Xia Liang quickly begged. .

"Oh? Are there only people named Cao? You made my grandparents angry, beat my father, and ruined my reputation. How do you deal with this?" Xia Shao calmly leaned against the wall and asked with a smile.

"We, let's apologize to the old man!"

"That's right! Apologize! Apologize! Miss Xia, you have a lot, please let us go!"

How can father and son care about their dignity now? He even said the word "begging", and his head banged on the ground.

Only then did Xia Shao smile with satisfaction, "It's the best if you can correct your mistakes and correct them. The day after tomorrow for the Chinese New Year, I have booked a New Year's banquet at the Ruian Hotel in the city. I hope you can come and tell the old man clearly what you need to say. As long as you How about speaking humanly so that the old man won't worry anymore, and I'll let you and your son go back to Qingshi?"

"It's all up to you! It's all up to you!"

"Whatever you say, we will do it!"

"Okay." Xia Shao smiled with satisfaction and turned to look at the end of the corridor, "Is there anyone there?"

As soon as she called, the three people waiting at the elevator came back immediately. When they saw Xia Shao, they asked, "Miss Xia, what are your orders?"

"I'm afraid I'm going to trouble you for these two people. Please get them some medicine, wipe their wounds, and let them go the night after tomorrow. I'll make it clear to Boss Gao if it's troublesome." Shao said.

The three of them responded immediately.

But Xia Zhiwei and Xia Liang in prison were suddenly stunned!

Because there is a person in Xia Shao's words - Boss Gao? Which boss? It couldn't be... Gao Yitao, the master of the Anqinhui Dongshi Hall, right

Xia Zhiwei and Xia Liang had no chance to see Gao Yitao's appearance, but they were familiar with the name! Besides Yan Longyuan, he is the second ruthless member of the Anqin Association in Qing Province!

So, the ones who kidnapped their father and son today were from the Anqin Society? !

The father and son had no doubts about who was kidnapped today. After all, the other party was well-trained and did not look like an ordinary gangster. But too many things happened, the two of them were beaten and had their heads covered, and they were in a state of fear. How could they still be in the mood to consider these things

At this moment, listening to the mention of "Boss Gao" in Xia Shao's words, and looking at the three people with solemn expressions in front of them, and this unusual dungeon, apart from the Anqin Society, which other gang has such... Kind of a gift

This discovery horrified Xia Zhiwei and Xia Liang. They were both on the street. They had heard too many ruthless stories and legends about wedding arrangements. How could they not be afraid

Moreover, they never expected that Xia Shao would be able to invite the people from the Anniversary Meeting to arrange the two of them in such a secret location!

This obviously has an unusual relationship with the Anqin Association!

Xia Liang had heard about Xia Shao's acquaintance with Gong Muyun, the head of the Anqin Society, but he didn't take it to heart. This is just like Mr. Cao fell in love with her. Beautiful women will always attract men's attention. To put it bluntly, they are just treated as women's playthings. What is the identity of the head of the Anqin Family Association? How could he be serious about his cousin? This is a joke!

Therefore, the father and son did not take this seriously at all, but they did not expect that they would fall into the hands of the Anqin Family Association today!

Xia Zhiwei and Xia Liang began to stare at Xia Shao in shock, as if they couldn't understand. The Xia family was just an ordinary family. How could she, from such a family background, be involved with the Anniversary Society

If she really had the protection of Mr. Gong, then in her eyes, Mr. Cao would not be afraid at all! Even Mr. Cao would not dare to offend Anqinhui! But today, they took advantage of Mr. Cao's influence and ran back to their hometown to cause trouble

This this…

The father and son finally knew what kind of stupid thing they had done!

Xia Zhiwei was still thinking just now that as long as he could bring his father and son back to Qingshi, he would definitely give this ignorant girl a good look! But it was only for a moment. Now in his heart, how could he dare to have such an idea again

The two of them kowtowed as if they were grandma, and repeatedly promised to make amends to the old man and restore Xia Shao's reputation on New Year's Day. Xia Shao said nothing more, turned and left.

But when she turned around, neither father nor son saw the coldness in her eyes.

Let them go back? Of course it has to be released. But what happens between the two of them after they go back has nothing to do with her.

Xia Shao took the elevator back to the reception room and thanked Gao Yitao.

Little did he know that at this moment, late at night at the headquarters of Tai City Anqin Group, Gong Muyun put down his tea cup, lowered his eyes and raised a faint smile on his lips. His slender jade-like fingertips were wrapped around the warm tea cup, and the temperature of his fingertips was cool.

"Cao Li?"

It was already late at night, and it was already midnight when Xia Shao came out of the house. Gao Yitao sent a car from the funeral to take Xia Shao back to Taoyuan District. Xia Shao refused and went out to take a taxi.

After getting into the car, Xia Shao called Xu Tianyin. She knew that he would not sleep because she used dragon scales today. When she went out in the middle of the night, because she was afraid that she would use the dragon scale tonight, she sent a message to Xu Tianyin in advance, briefly mentioning that there was some trouble with a relative at home, and she wanted to solve it. If he felt the dragon scale coming out of its sheath, , don't worry about her, it's not an important matter.

After receiving such information, with Xu Tianyin's temperament, he would definitely not sleep. Therefore, Xia Shao called him in the car. As soon as the phone rang, the other party picked up the phone.

"Hello?" The man's cold voice in the quiet car made the girl's lips curl up unconsciously.

"Okay, it's solved. I'm going home now, senior brother, don't worry, go to bed early." Xia Shao told Xu Tianyin.

"Yes." There was a response on the other end of the phone, but the man did not hang up.

He didn't hang up the phone or speak, but he could hear breathing coming from the phone. Xia Shao suppressed her laughter. If he didn't speak, she wouldn't speak either. The two of them remained silent.

After a while, a man's voice came from over there, "Well, let's chat."

Xia Shao chuckled, and the cold feeling in her heart all night was dispelled by these words - chatting? How can he hold a conversation with his taciturn temperament

She smiled, but Xia Shao knew that this man most likely wanted to hear her voice, so she asked, "The Chinese New Year is coming soon, has your family been well prepared recently?"


"How is the old man doing?"


"Senior brother, do you miss me?"


Xia Shao couldn't hold back her laughter as she asked and answered questions. Well, this is chat.

If this was chatting, she really wanted to try what it would be like to quarrel with her senior brother one day. Can we make a noise

Xia Shao smiled and her anger for the day was gone. It wasn't until she got out of the car in Taoyuan District that she told Xu Tianyin to rest early and then hung up the phone.

She walked into the community, but she didn't know the direction of the capital. The man stood in the dark room and did not move. He was sitting in a chair with a stack of information on the table in front of him. They are all about her relatives. At the bottom of this pile of information, there was a piece of information that did not belong to a relative of the Xia family.

The man's eyes fell on the photo posted above. The moonlight shone into the room and fell on his back, peeling off the sharp outline, and a dangerous atmosphere settled in the room.

"Cao Li!"


Keep asking for monthly votes! Until the end of the month, I will keep begging and begging~ until my monthly ticket pockets are empty!

ps: I opened Sina Weibo yesterday afternoon. I wanted to register my pen name, but it was registered, so I registered it as [Xiaoxiang Fengjin]. For girls who have Weibo, you can search for this and add it. The address is: http :/weibo. /xiaoxiangfengjin

pps: The website layout has been changed recently. There is an evaluation column on the left side of the cover, with an evaluation standard of one star to five stars. If girls vote, remember to click on the stars. If not, the website will default to a three-star evaluation╮( ╯▽╰)╭