Rebirth of the Genius Charlatan

Chapter 49: Feng shui killing array


Xu Wenli and Zhao Jing both have good family conditions. They live in single-family houses, which provides a lot of convenience to Xia Shaobu Feng Shui Array. shu mark 玷癞癹

It was easy for Xia Shao to avoid the security guards outside the community.

The night was dark, and Xia Shao was standing outside the small foreign-style building in Xu Wenli's home, holding a golden tiger in her hand. The tiger was not too big, but it had been blessed by Xia Shao's vitality on the road.

She circled the house, dodging patrolling security guards, and got her bearings.

Feng Shui has a unique interpretation of the directions, so-called Qinglong on the left, White Tiger on the right, Suzaku in the front, and Xuanwu in the back. The blue dragon likes water, the white tiger likes tranquility, the red bird likes space, and the basalt likes stability. There is great care in what can and cannot be allowed in these four directions. If it goes against the preferences of the four beasts, there will be disaster. Only when the four directions are safe can the home be at peace.

The house in front of her faced south. Xia Shao walked to find a good location, dug out the roots of the wall, and buried the golden tiger inside. There has always been a saying in the ancient saying that the dragon and the tiger are in conflict. Blessing the white tiger in the Qinglong side will frustrate the dragon energy and make the tiger energy rampant. The white tiger is responsible for killing, loss of wealth and bloody disasters. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the white tiger position should be quiet and there should be no roads, garages, amusement facilities, etc. Otherwise, the white tiger will be alarmed, and it will eat wealth when it sees it, and it will eat people when it sees it. This formation is as fierce as the five yellow evil spirits. At the least, it can lead to the loss of one's family and property, and in the most serious, it can lead to bloody disasters and loss of one's life. In short, there will always be casualties to sacrifice the white tiger if there is loss of money, loss of home, serious illness, or sudden disaster.

When Emperor Zongbo of the Tang Dynasty taught Xia Shao this formation, he warned her that this formation would be dangerous to the Feng Shui master himself. If the white tiger he had set up was discovered and destroyed, the Feng Shui master himself would die a tragic death, so he sacrificed the white tiger.

When Tang Zongbo was young, he hated evil and was very aggressive and bloodthirsty. When he was helping a client to eliminate evil spirits, he discovered the white tiger formation, took out the white tiger and destroyed it, causing the Feng Shui master who performed the spell to die. At that time, he didn't think there was anything wrong with doing this. Now that he is older and has become more familiar with destiny, he often sighs and regrets it.

Therefore, he often told Xia Shao not to be too aggressive and cruel, and not to have a big hatred. It is best to leave people a chance of survival in everything. Killing too hard is against the harmony of nature.

Xia Shao was not afraid that the formation would be broken, not to mention whether anyone in Dongshi could control the White Tiger Killing Formation. Even if the white tiger was destroyed, she would still have the magic weapon on her body, so there would be no problem in protecting her life.

As for the lives of Xu Wenli and Zhao Jing's family, Xia Shao had a sense of proportion in her mind.

Afterwards, Xia Shao left the community where Xu Wenli's family lived and went to Zhao Jing's home. Their two families were very close to each other, only separated by a street. Xia Shao came to Zhao Jing's community and also set up a Feng Shui formation before leaving and returning home.

And just as she walked out of Zhao Jing's community, a Hongqi car suddenly braked and stopped on the roadside in the distance.

In the car, a handsome man was sitting in the driver's seat, with a pair of peach blossom eyes, a cynical smile, and a slight curl of the corners of his lips that could seduce a woman's soul by him. He rolled down the window and shouted excitedly to the handsome man sitting in the back seat: "Tian Yin! Look at the girl in the alley that day!"

Qin Hanlin smiled and turned around, but saw that the man sitting in the back seat did not raise his eyes at all. He was staring at his wrist at this moment. There was a watch on it, but if you look closely, you will find that the dial is no bigger than an ordinary watch. It's the same - the dial of the watch is thicker than ordinary watches, and the dial is actually opened at this time, revealing a miniature compass underneath.

At this moment, the pointer on the surface of the compass was beating rapidly.

The man raised his eyes and looked out the car window in the direction of the pointer. He fixed his gaze in the direction of a certain neighborhood and frowned slightly.

He rarely had such an expression, but it already showed the rare fluctuations of emotions in his heart.

Ahead, there is such a fierce evil spirit!

Someone set up a formation

It's not unusual for someone to set up a formation, but in a place like Dongshi, the white tiger formation...

"Hey! I'm talking to you, can you stop not talking to me every time? Are you trying to make me anxious?" Seeing that Xu Tianyin didn't respond to his words, Qin Hanlin patted the back of the car seat and urged, "I said you guys are serious We are so destined. We are leaving tomorrow, but we met her again tonight. This is fate! With this kind of fate, wouldn't it be a pity not to strike up a conversation? What are you waiting for? Go quickly! If you don't go, someone will Gone without a trace!"

Only then did Xu Tianyin turn his gaze back from the direction of the evil aura. Apparently he had just been distracted and had just heard what his friend said.

Qin Hanlin rolled his eyes and pointed in the direction of Xia Shao. Xu Tianyin looked in the direction he designated and paused.

Across the street, a girl in a white dress was turning the corner. The dim streetlight illuminated her side face, and her fair face seemed to have a layer of white mist under the light. The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and with a turn of her body, she turned the corner of the street and disappeared into the darkness.

Even though it was just a glance, Xu Tianyin recognized Xia Shao—it was hard not to be impressed by her skills on the Yitian dance floor.

Moreover, this is their second encounter tonight.

Xu Tianyin's eyes swept along Xia Shao's back, and when he saw the sinister neighborhood, for some reason, his expression froze. Then, with solemn eyebrows, he suddenly opened the car door and rushed to the other side of the street in a few steps.

His running movements were as agile as a panther in the dark. In the car, Qin Hanlin, who didn't expect that he would really chase him out, whistled and laughed exaggeratedly, "This kid! Are you serious?!"

At this time, Xu Tianyin had arrived across the street and followed Xia Shao into the alley. The alley was pitch dark, there were no street lights, and it was an old-fashioned residential area. The alleys were narrow and connected in all directions, like a maze. The man's figure quickly shuttled through the dark alley, but after turning around a few times, he stopped.

She's gone...

Standing in the empty alley, Xu Tianyin's face was hidden in the darkness, and his expression could not be seen clearly.

After a long while, he returned to the car and without waiting for Qin Hanlin to ask, he said, "I won't leave tomorrow until I find her!"

Just when Xia Shao returned home and Xu Tianyin made this decision in the car, Gong Muyun turned around with a smile and looked at Mr. Qi in the reception room on the top floor of Yitian Club.

"Does it feel like you're fighting with her?"

Mr. Qi shook his head and laughed, "That's hard to say. This girl gave me a hard time, and I couldn't find out the origin of her moves. However, at such a young age, she has actually mastered the internal boxing skills to a secret level. Damn, I've never seen this before! This girl is not simple! In addition to her attainments in metaphysics, I feel the need to check it out."

Hua Sheng also nodded and said: "My subordinates feel the same way. In recent years, Master Tang has disappeared and his life and death are unknown. The Triads actually want to elect Master Tang's junior brother as the new head of Xuanmen. Who doesn't know what happened to Master Tang back then?" His junior brother’s conspiracy! The Triads have obviously become allies with that person. If that person controls Xuanmen, everything will be beneficial to the Triads. The battles between us and the Triads on the territory in these years can be regarded as It’s getting hotter, we can’t let them succeed! Even if there is a one in ten thousand chance, we have to find it!”

Gong Muyun listened quietly, the spring-like smile on his face never changed. Finally, he turned around and walked back to the floor-to-ceiling window, and the voice came through his back.

"Check. But don't alarm her."


Friendly reminder, please do not imitate! o(n_n)o~ Just kidding~ I believe most children will not try it, but upholding the responsibility of an author, I still want to declare:

This Feng Shui array does have its origins. In order to make the text easy to understand, I wrote it simply. In actual practice, many things need to be examined, such as sitting direction, orientation, things used, etc. Every detail is paid attention to, and there is no mistake. So please don't try, remember every other line is like a mountain! If you are not a person in a certain line of work, don't do a certain line of work. Lest you fail to harm others, you will harm yourself instead.
