Rebirth of the Genius Charlatan

Chapter 55: Xuanmen grudges


Xuanmen still inherits the seniority rules of the older generation. Although there are few disciples in the sect, they attach great importance to seniority. Although Shu Ma and Ba Jin knew that Xia Shao and Xu Tianyin had already met, Tang Zongbo still asked Xia Shao to serve him tea and officially met.

Xia Shao refused, because she had already paid respects in the teahouse.

"What does this count?" Tang Zongbo said, "That doesn't count. It's official with Master."

Naturally, Xia Shao didn't mind serving tea. She was just deeply impressed by Xu Tianyin, but now that she knew he was her senior brother, she felt a little closer and curious. Seeing that he was lonely and cold, I couldn't help teasing him.

When I came in just now, I saw a slight smile on his face. Even though it was just a glance, it was really surprising. She couldn't help but want to tease him herself, just to see if she could make him laugh. Even if it didn't make her laugh, it would still be good if it made him anxious. In short, she was just interested in seeing his expression.

Xia Shao blinked and said with a smile: "Master didn't believe me and asked my senior brother, did he take the tea I served him in the morning? Did he drink it? Although I am a junior sister, I should have some weight at least. Drink the tea handed out in your hand. Once it enters the stomach, it counts.”

"Then after I drink so much tea from you, will you be disrespectful in the future?" Tang Zongbo puffed his beard and glared, but his smile was helpless, and he pretended to reprimand, "You girl, you usually plot against the master, but now you are here to bully me. Your senior brother!"

"No way? Master, please don't accuse me wrongly. Why don't you ask your senior brother if I bullied him?" Xia Shao raised her eyebrows and looked at Xu Tianyin.

A girl of fifteen or sixteen years old, with a white skirt, her hands behind her back, her body leaning forward slightly, her cheeks pink when she smiles, like the lightest and most nostalgic touch of clouds at the beginning of the sunset, her voice is sweet but not greasy, light and elegant, "Senior brother, did I bully you?"

Xu Tianyin looked at the smiling face in front of him. For the first time in his life, his pupils paused and he was slightly absent-minded.

The first time he saw her, in the alley, she left an elegant and indifferent back. He didn't even see her face clearly, nor did he care.

Seeing her again, in the disco, she seemed to be causing trouble for him, but she was cautious in everything, so he took another look at her.

When he saw her again later, he was preoccupied with finding his master until this morning. She walked into the teahouse and leaned over to serve tea. Her words of "Senior Brother" relieved his seven years of heart-burning suffering.

Until this moment, a heavy stone fell in my heart. Suddenly I saw her smile, and that touch of tranquility suddenly entered my heart.

Xia Shao was originally joking. Facing Xu Tianyin, she found that Xu Tianyin was rarely playful, but she didn't expect that he was silent, which made her a little embarrassed. In the end, she naturally served tea in a polite manner.

Tang Zongbo was sitting aside, seeing Xu Tianyin's expression in his eyes, he couldn't help stroking his beard and frowning.

Tianyin is a child with an unusual destiny. He is destined to have a life-threatening love disaster. Could it be that it happened to Xiao Shaozi

After serving tea, the master and apprentice left the study. Qin Hanlin came out and met Tang Zongbo. It turned out that he had met Tang Zongbo when he was a child. After not seeing each other for many years, he had grown from a young boy to a handsome and charming young man now. Tang Zongbo was both emotional and very happy.

The house had not been so lively for a long time. At noon, Xia Shao cooked in person and made a table full of dishes. The four of them set up tables and chairs under the pomegranate tree in the yard and sat down.

During the chat, Xia Shao learned that Qin Hanlin's family background was really impressive. His grandfather was actually the deputy secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, a serious official from a wealthy family! He has been a real young man from the roots of the imperial city since he was a child.

Tang Zongbo did not mention Xu Tianyin's family background, but he grew up with Qin Hanlin, so he must have a good family background.

Xia Shao didn't care much about this. She was concerned about another thing, "How did the senior brother find the master? The master has set up a Feng Shui array in this house. Ordinarily, it is not that easy to deduce his whereabouts."

Searching for people also has its origins in Feng Shui. It just requires the help of formations, the birth date of the person being sought, commonly used objects, etc. However, the deduction is extremely draining of vitality and has a negative impact on the Feng Shui master's own cultivation. It is a great test. And the longer the disappearance, the more difficult the deduction will be.

In today's world, among those who have been missing for seven or eight years, one can still deduce their whereabouts. Apart from Tang Zongbo, the only one is his junior brother. In order to prevent him from finding him, Tang Zongbo deliberately set up strange formations in the house to kill himself, and he was safe and sound for so many years.

Logically speaking, Xu Tianyin should not be able to find him.

Xu Tianyin did not answer, but took something out of his arms, spread it out in the palm of his hand and handed it to Xia Shao.

Xia Shao said "Hey" when he saw it, and saw a jade gourd pendant in his palm. It was surrounded by the aura of golden auspiciousness, and it turned out to be a magic weapon! Moreover, it is exactly the same as what I have been wearing all these years!

Her eyes lit up, she took out the jade gourd hanging around her neck, waved it in front of Xu Tianyin's eyes, and already understood the connection in her heart.

It turned out that when Tang Zongbo first got this piece of fine mutton-fat white jade, he happened to make a pair of jade gourds, raised them in the same cave with excellent Feng Shui, and personally consecrated and blessed the pair of magical instruments. Later, he accepted Xu Tianyin and Xia Shao as his disciples, and gave the pair of jade gourds to the two disciples as a meeting gift. The golden and auspicious energy on the pair of jade gourds came from the same place, and they were both touched by Tang Zongbo's vitality. With this pulling, he found them.

Xu Tianyin saw another jade gourd on Xia Shao, and his eyes paused.

Xia Shao smiled, "So that's it, these years, senior brother is not looking for master, but me!"

That's what he said, but when she was with Tang Zongbo, looking for her was equivalent to looking for the master. In fact, it was the same. However, she wanted to tease Xu Tianyin when she had free time.

Qin Hanlin also looked at his friend calmly and said jokingly: "I asked you why you have been working so hard these years, deducing the magic circle as if it were life-threatening, and you vomited blood several times. When I saw you today, I finally understood! It turned out that you were trying to find the magic circle. Wife, after seven years of searching, you are very perseverant!"

Xu Tianyin's eyes were fixed. For seven years, was she what he had been looking for

Xia Shao ignored Qin Hanlin's words at all. Xu Tianyin's gaze made her feel inexplicably sad. At this moment, except for himself, it was probably difficult for anyone to understand this state of mind. She wanted to say a few words of comfort, but when the words came to her lips, she felt that a thousand words would not be enough to cover all these years of searching, so she just smiled slightly, gently touched Xu Tianyin's open palm, raised her eyes and smiled at him.

She was sitting next to him, with a bright red pomegranate hanging on the branch above her head. Her smile was quiet and elegant, but brighter than the bright red color.

Xu Tianyin's arms were slightly stiff. He never liked being touched, but he didn't feel disgusted at this moment. He lowered his eyes, his thick eyelashes drooped slightly, and there was a shallow shadow. His lonely face was breathtaking in the shallow shadow.

He held his breath and looked down at the palm of his hand. The girl's hand was slender, pink and warm, and it was incredibly light.

Qin Hanlin looked at this scene and his eyes lit up. Tang Zongbo's expression was slightly deep and thoughtful.

Xia Shao turned around and asked, "How did Master's leg get injured? Can you tell us now?"

When Xu Tianyin heard this, he also raised his head and looked over.

Tang Zongbo sighed, "Oh! I originally wanted to hide it from you two, but since it is God's will, let me tell you about it."

He put down the bowl and chopsticks, as if reminiscing about the past. After a while, he sighed: "My leg was injured during a martial arts fight with my junior brother, your junior uncle Yu Jiuzhi."

"Although there are few Xuanmen disciples, their names are well-known. Financial groups and politicians from all over the world are proud to hire Xuanmen Feng Shui masters. Therefore, these employers compete with each other, and it is inevitable that there will be battles between disciples. Good. There are rules in Xuanmen that fights between fellow disciples are not allowed to end in a fatal situation. Therefore, most people will not harm fellow disciples in fights over basic work."

"Then why did master and Yu Jiuzhi fight?" Xia Shao asked from the side. Since she knew that this man was the culprit who hurt her master, she naturally did not want to call him uncle.

"This is a long story." Tang Zongbo sighed, "Xiao Shaozi knows very little about the sect, so I might as well tell you from the beginning. If I were to tell you from the beginning, I would have to start from the two leading underworld leaders in the country. , talking about Anqinhui and Triads."

"An Qin Hui?" Xia Shao raised an eyebrow. Does the An Qin Hui have something to do with Xuanmen

"Yes." Tang Zongbo nodded and said, "Master didn't tell you before. If he had told you, you wouldn't have needed to enter it yourself a few days ago. Once you reported the house number and font size, those bastards would have treated you properly. Get up!"

"The predecessors of these two gangs are actually the Qing Gang and Hongmen established during the Qing Dynasty. The Qing Gang was mainly engaged in the water transportation industry and spread all over the country. It was commonly known as the Grain Ship Gang and was one of the secret associations among the people at that time. The Hongmen was It mainly focused on resisting the Qing Dynasty and developed stronger. During the Republic of China, the two major gangs became the leaders in the country. At that time, our Xuanmen patriarch met the bosses of the two major gangs by chance, and fate helped them resolve the troubled times. In order to avoid the disaster, they were instructed to develop outside the country in order to survive, and the three of them even burned yellow paper and worshiped the master."

"Sure enough, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the underworld was not allowed to exist on the surface. Fortunately, the two major gangs had listened to the advice and established their own gangs abroad and laundered their power on the surface, thus preventing them from being broken up. Since then, our Xuanmen and the renamed Anqin Society and the Triad Society have always had a good relationship."

"Also after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the lineage of metaphysics was labeled as feudal superstition and gradually declined. On the contrary, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Southeast Asia retained the tradition. Many Feng Shui masters moved to these places to develop, and some immigrated to the United States and Singapore and other places are gradually becoming more prosperous."

"The Anqinhui is in the north, the Triads are in the south, and their headquarters is in Hong Kong. Therefore, our Xuanmen usually has more contact with the Triads and has a closer relationship. But the old man of the Anqinhui of this generation is very loyal. He and I have a very deep friendship that can be said to have changed our lives. However, in recent years, the Anqin Society and the Triad Society have frequently had frictions in overseas and inland areas, and Xuanmen has also been divided into two factions. As the leader, I can't support one side, but your uncle belongs to the Triad faction."

"Seven years ago, I was invited by the Anqinhui old man to go to Xinshi to select a site for the newly built church hall. I also selected a few Feng Shui sites for their future planning. That place happened to be the site that two gangs were competing for. You, Master My uncle proposed that I fight with him. Whoever wins, this territory will belong to him. Xuanmen has a sect rule, you can't kill your fellow disciples. Secondly, my cultivation level is better than his, so I agreed. ."

When Tang Zongbo said this, he took a deep breath and said, "I had calculated that this fight would be risky, and I had made complete preparations. But it is not my own, and I can only have a rough idea of my own good or bad luck. No. Come to think of it, your uncle doesn't want to fight, he just wants to kill me!"

"Didn't Master say that Yu Jiuzhi's cultivation level is not as high as yours?" Xia Shao asked with a frown, her eyes as cold as water.

Xu Tianyin lowered his eyes, and could only see the deep and gloomy shadow under his eyes, and the thin lips that had attracted the imagination of countless women were pursed into a knife.

Even Qin Hanlin put away his cynical expression and frowned.

Tang Zongbo snorted, "Of course he can't do it! He violated the rules of the sect and without authorization invited a Thai master to teach secrets, and a member of the European Obikris black witch family! I am one against three, although I have saved My life, but my legs were crippled. Many people thought I died in that fight, but no one knew that I came here to recuperate after many twists and turns through the connections I had accumulated in the past and some of the power I trusted in Xuanmen. But I didn’t. Come to think of it, I have lived there for seven years and even had an apprentice like Xiao Shaozi. With this little girl accompanying me on the mountain, I, the old man, have enjoyed the happiness of family life for a few years."

"Master's family happiness is still long. With such filial disciples as me and senior brother, you will live a long life." Xia Shao stood up with a smile and walked to the old man's side, knelt down and helped him He was beating his legs that had been paralyzed for a long time, but there was a coldness in his lowered eyes.

Yu Jiuzhi from Hong Kong, Tongmi from Thailand, and the Obikris family from Europe!

She took note of this account!

Waiting for the day when she comes to settle matters with them!


At this point in the article, the main plot has been revealed. From now on, Sister Shao will destroy these enemies as she gradually becomes stronger! Various battles, fights with fellow sects, fights with Feng Shui masters, fights with head-dropping masters, and fights with black witches~ Feng shui and various mysterious events, I will tell you all about them later~

So, this chapter is full of content, almost worth two chapters. Please praise me, please carry me, please touch me~