Rebirth of the Genius Charlatan

Chapter 72: The six lines form the hexagram


The six-line hexagram comes from the Book of Changes. There are sixty-four hexagrams in the Book of Changes, with one hexagram and six lines, hence the name. shu yi mi 魛雠

Yao actually means yin and yang. Since the "Book of Changes" originated relatively early, there was no term for yin and yang at that time, so yin and yang were replaced by two symbols. Everyone has seen these two symbols nowadays, they are two different horizontal line symbols on the Bagua pattern. One is "—" and the other is "—", which represent yang and yin respectively.

Six lines form a hexagram, and the hexagram is formed by tossing it six times. It is combined with the lines of the Book of Changes and the heavenly stems and earthly branches to predict good and bad luck.

Xia Shao placed three Kaiyuan Tongbao in his hand, and it looked like it was about to begin.

However, Hu Jiayi cautiously poked her head and glanced at Xia Shao's desk, as if she was looking for something.

Xia Shao noticed her gaze and immediately stopped and asked, "Any more questions?"

When divination, the mind should be calm. Once the hexagram begins, it should not be interrupted in the middle, otherwise the accuracy will be affected. So seeing that Hu Jiayi had a problem, Xia Shao would rather ask now.

Hu Jiayi was interested in Western divination. She naturally knew the taboos when doing divination, so she couldn't bear it. If she had any questions, she asked them now. Then she glanced at Xia Shao's palm and said, "I know a little about the divination method using copper coins, but I can't see it." Many masters in Hong Kong use tortoise shells. They put three copper coins in the tortoise shell and shake it out. You... have you prepared the tortoise shell? "

Xia Shao smiled after hearing this and asked instead, "Many people say that Tarot cards have card spirits. You study Tarot cards so carefully. Do you think there is a card spirit? Whether or not there is a card spirit is not important. It is the realm where people and cards are integrated into one. The reason why tarot cards are accurate is that the fortune teller should be the one who is accurate. How the fortune teller understands the cards is the most important, and should not be limited to the form. The same is true for the art of divination in the East , don’t you hear that ‘there is no fixed method in the change’, the leaves can also be used as hexagrams, everything is in the realm.”

Xia Shao's words are not bluffing. There are many ways to form a hexagram with six lines, and experts do it casually. The hexagrams of money, the hexagrams of yarrow, the hexagrams of sounds, the hexagrams of names, the hexagrams of directions, etc., whatever is possible can be done. When the state is reached, picking a leaf from a tree, pulling up a root of grass on the roadside, or even picking up a random stone on the ground can create a hexagram!

Some people think that the six-line hexagram must use Qianlong Tongbao, because the sixty-four hexagrams use "Qian" as the sky, and the Qianlong coin coincides with the font shape, and the casting ratio of Qianlong Tongbao is copper four lead six, with moderate size and thickness, very It meets the needs of hexagram and is more accurate than other copper coins.

In fact, these are too formal. Once you have reached your own level, nothing else matters.

It's just that Xia Shao has not reached the state of randomly selecting images to form hexagrams. Today, no one can reach this state. Even Tang Zongbo is not that good.

Because in order to reach such a state, one must return to one's original nature from a mental point of view.

The spiritual method inherited from Xuanmen attaches great importance to the internal cultivation of Qi and health. The higher the state, the more enlightened one will be. This is just like Taoist cultivation, which also has four realms: refining essence to transform into qi, refining qi to transform into spirit, refining spirit to return to void, and refining void to combine with Tao.

Tang Zongbo is already in the state of refining the gods and returning to the void, which is incomparable to today's internal practitioners in cultivation! It is a real ancestor level. And at a young age, Xia Shao was already practicing the state of transforming Qi into God, which was at least ten years earlier than Tang Zongbo had said! Among his peers, if Xia Shao was ranked second in talent and understanding, then no one would dare to be ranked first. Therefore, Tang Zongbo was very happy and kept chattering happily for a long time, saying that sooner or later she would be better than her predecessors.

Xia Shao knew this well. She had the celestial eye, which was a state that even her master had not cultivated. Therefore, she understands the method of divination a little more than ordinary people, so she can no longer stick to some forms. For example, she doesn't have to use the tortoise shell, and she can use the copper coins as she likes.

Naturally, the group of people in the dormitory didn't know Xia Shao's abilities, but they were stunned by what she said.

Hu Jiayi had a thoughtful look on her face and nodded slowly, not knowing how much she understood.

Seeing this situation, Xia Shao began to divine.

There were three copper coins in her hand. She shook them twice as she thought, and then naturally let go. The copper coin landed crisply on her desk. She only took one glance and remembered the information of Cheng Gua.

Copper coins have front and back sides. No matter how you throw them, there will only be four states - three coins are all heads, three coins are all backs, two coins are fronts and one is back, two coins are back and one is front. These four states are called Lao Yin, Lao Yang, Shao Yang and Shao Yin respectively.

Although there are only these four states, if it is thrown six times, the evolution of the hexagrams will be very complicated. This complex hexagram is no less difficult to deduce than the eight-character hexagram, and it plays an important role in the metaphysics of Yili.

Xia Shao was very quick at making up the hexagram, and he threw it six times in succession. The speed and smoothness of his movements made the people in the dormitory feel dazzled. The six times he threw it were only a matter of minutes. Every time Xia Shao threw it, They only glance at it and cast it once. When it landed on the table for the last time, she nodded slightly, put away the three copper coins with a sweep of her hand, and said, "That's it."

She glanced at the four people sitting around the folding square table, looked at them all, and said: "Xianxian wins, Pan Xiangxuan loses. The other two are alone, the one in pink is neither a loser nor a loser, and the one in blue is a loser."

Xia Shao didn't know the names of the two people, so he told them directly by the color of their clothes.

The four of them looked at each other in shock. Hu Jiayi covered her mouth and blinked her eyes. After a long time, she said in shock: "Is this the result? But you didn't even get the hexagrams right! I saw those masters holding a book when doing divination, and I also use pen and paper to write down the results of each throw..."

"You have the hexagrams in mind, why do you need to correct them?" Xia Shao smiled.

Hu Jiayi was even more shocked. That being said, she had studied tarot cards for so many years, but she had never memorized the meaning of the pros and cons of any card. Moreover, the method of divination lies in interpreting the hexagrams, which is the most time-consuming. Even if she could memorize it, she still couldn’t interpret the hexagrams! She only glanced at it every time the copper coin fell! And she hasn’t written down the results of each throw on paper yet!

This, this is too exaggerated...

Hu Jiayi is right. Logically speaking, it should be written down on paper, and deducing hexagrams is time-consuming. But for Xia Shao, it came easily. The six-line hexagram is the most traditional divination method, the most systematic and standardized, and it is a must-learn divination method in the Book of Changes.

Back then, before Tang Zongbo taught her the Liuren God class, he first taught her the Liuyao. For a while, Xia Shao even slept with her master's copper coins in her hands. If it was Liu Ren's hexagram, she would deduce it for a while, but Liu Yao was not needed. And today's divination is very simple. It's just a matter of winning or losing. It doesn't involve life or death, so why deduce it? It's just a matter of glance.

It is precisely because of this that Tang Zongbo said that no one could match her talent in this field.

"Those are not important. What's important is that the results have been achieved." Xia Shao raised her eyebrows and looked away from the four of them. She began to take out the books on the table and read to review what she had learned in class today. "You can play cards now."

Although it was possible to play cards, the atmosphere in the dormitory was still a bit eerily quiet at first, and the cards were played quietly. But after all, it was a group of sixteen or seventeen-year-old girls, with two lively ones, Hu Jiayi and Liu Xianxian. After playing a few rounds, Liu Xianxian kept looking up to the sky and laughing because of her good luck. The other two girls didn't have any special reaction. Anyway, they won as many times as they lost. Only Pan Xiangxuan's face became more and more disgusting.

I don’t know how long the fight lasted. Liu Xianxian became more and more happy. Pan Xiangxuan slapped the table and stood up and said: "This position is not good! I want to change places!"

Liu Xian frowned, "You are all seated, who will change places with you? You may be unlucky in that place, who will change places with you?"

Pan Xiangxuan pushed the girl next to her, "Get up, let's change!"

The girl didn't dare to go against her, so she had to stand up, but a group of people looked at Xia Shao at the same time.

Xia Shao was reading a book seriously, without even raising his eyes, and said leisurely: "Change it as you like, you will definitely lose wherever you change it."

So, the four of them changed places.

From eight o'clock to ten o'clock in the evening, two hours later, the four people's sitting positions changed for two rounds, but the strange thing was that no matter how they changed, Liu Xianxian was always the winner, and Pan Xiangxuan lost the most. In the end, the four of them had fought enough, and the winners and losers were calculated. Liu Xianxian and Pan Xiangxuan didn't need to say more, it was clear at a glance. The other two girls, the girl in the pink coat, were neither losers nor losers, so they just made up. The girl in the blue skirt lost two games, which was considered a small loss.

Everything is as Xia Shao said!

The four of them were shocked. No one can experience this shock more deeply than the human body inside it.

Hu Jiayi was also shocked. As a tarot card fortune teller, she knew that although tonight's incident was trivial, if she were to use tarot cards to divine things, there would never be such detailed results. Moreover, the process of divination is also slow. Everyone has to do the divination through shuffling, cutting, arranging, and solving the cards. Not to mention the time consuming, the results will never show in such detail who will win, who will lose, and who will not lose even in a row. No wins and small losses can be calculated!

This is no longer magical, but divinely accurate!

"The Six Yao Hexagrams are the most commonly used divination method among the people. Later generations of Plum Blossom Yishu, Guanyin Divine Class, and King Wen's Sixty Hexagrams all evolved from it, but it itself existed during the Zhou Dynasty. Now, does anyone still think that their own culture is something sold on street vendors?" Xia Shao finally raised her head from the book and fixed her eyes on Pan Xiangxuan's face, "The more you don't understand something, the more cautious you must be. Especially for the ancestors, you still need to have the most basic respect. Before hugging someone else's lap, please learn to pay tribute to your own ancestors. Otherwise, a person who doesn't even know how to respect his own family, how can he think that when he comes to another family, they will not use it? Looking at you with contempt?"

Pan Xiangxuan bit her lip, losing all face. Originally, he wanted to show off that he had met the divination master of the Obicris family in Europe. After all, people with such knowledge were rare among his peers. How would you know that the result would be a slap in the face

Who is this girl

In her opinion, being able to be admitted to Qingshi No. 1 Middle School and living in this four-person dormitory proves that her family is wealthy and well-off. In such a family, how could parents allow their children to learn fortune-telling? Don’t you think you can’t afford to lose this person

"So what if you are accurate, but you still can't be on the stage? How dare you say that you are a fortune teller, and others don't regard you as a magician? Why do you come to Qingshi No. 1 Middle School to study if you like to pay tribute to your ancestors so much? Why don't you go? Why don't you find an old magician to learn from you, or just set up a stall on the street?" Pan Xiangxuan raised her chin, smiled contemptuously, and looked provocatively.

As soon as these words came out of his mouth, before Xia Shao could speak, Hu Jiayi couldn't help it anymore, "Pan Xiangxuan, what do you mean? Shao Zi calculated whether you saw it or not. You opened your mouth and asked people to set up a street stall. What do you mean!"

Liu Xianxian sneered, "Hu Jiayi, you are stupid, you can't even tell this? I spent five million US dollars to find someone to do divination abroad, but in the end it was not as accurate as setting up a street vendor in my own country. How can you balance people's minds? You If you make people choke twice and make them feel comfortable, you will die!"

Hu Jiayi was stunned, but Xia Shao lowered her eyes and smiled.

Pan Xiangxuan's face darkened, and she was so blocked that she couldn't say a word. Finally, she shouted angrily and slammed the door with others.

But after that day, dormitory 520 for freshmen got a title - the God's Dormitory.

That night, the news about Xia Shao's divine fortune-telling spread like wildfire. Girls often came in curious at night, knocking on the door and wanting to read palmistry, have a look at faces, or also want to see the six-line divination.

Xia Shao, on the other hand, directly set the five rules of not watching - don't watch if you are dishonest, don't watch if you have nothing to do, don't watch if you don't understand, don't watch repeatedly, and don't watch if you are underage!

Don't read those who are dishonest, have nothing important to do, have random thoughts, ask a question repeatedly, and those who are under 18 years old and have no elders to come forward and want to predict their own affairs!

This last one basically caught everyone in one go. Many people suddenly realized after hearing this rule that in fact she just didn't want to show it.

Xia Shao was really too lazy to look, because most of these girls were out of curiosity and had nothing important to do. They all asked: "Will my academic performance be good?", "Does my boyfriend love me?" and so on. question.

To this, Xia Shao answered directly - If you want to do well in studies, please read a book; if you want to know if your boyfriend loves you, please ask your boyfriend!

She said this out of helplessness. After all, she was too busy. When she came back in the evening, she had to reserve time for herself to do her homework. She also had many things to do with the Huaxia Group. She went out and bought a laptop to put in her dormitory. Although computers were not popular these days, most were bulky old-fashioned desktop computers, and even laptops were heavy, but it was better than nothing.

Sun Changde was very familiar with computers. He chatted with Xia Shao about the company on the computer every night, and he even took a course in programming when he was in the United States. In order to prevent the two of them from chatting about company secrets, he also Leave it to Xia Shao to completely destroy daily chat messages without being able to restore them.

In fact, this was too cautious in an era when computers were not yet popular. But Xia Shao felt that there was nothing wrong with being careful, and it was better to be careful.

Chen Manguan was not very good at computers at his age, so he called Xia Shao every night after dinner to talk about Fu Ruixiang's acquisition of antiques and the antique antiques that Xia Shao had brought to his attention some time ago. The thing about Huali Furniture.

Qingshi also has an antique market, and Fu Ruixiang plans to open a branch here. Antique shops are a special industry that can only be opened in the antique market. There are actually many antique markets across the country, including many large ones. These are all within the territory of Fu Ruixiang's expansion.

After the Huaxia Auction Company achieved success at the Dongshi auction, it also planned to open the company in Qingshi. Not just in Qingshi, but in all provincial capital cities and first-tier cities across the country, and even in the future, Xia Shao also wants to drive it to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and open up foreign markets.

What we need to do now is to establish a foothold in the province first, and then use the province as a base to expand outward!

Although Dongshi will develop into a beautiful and unique city in the province in the next few years, it can be called the second largest city in the province! However, as Qingshi is the provincial capital, it is particularly important for the entire Huaxia Group to gain a foothold here, both in terms of connections and resources.

This is a very important step, and Xia Shao naturally attaches great importance to it.

She not only has to ensure that her academic performance does not fall behind, but she also needs to personally handle the company's stationing in Qingshi. How could she have time to spend the whole night leisurely with a group of little girls who came to the dormitory to ask her all kinds of boring questions

But people at the school didn't know she was so busy. Gradually, Xia Shao gained a reputation among the freshmen, and many girls didn't like her.

Xia Shao didn't care about this. She has no time to care about what others say about her behind her back. She cares more about her company than having to accompany these troubled daughters.

Liu Xianxian, Hu Jiayi and Miao Yan didn't know what she was busy with. They only knew that she had strange habits. She got up every morning to meditate, went out to eat after school, only came back after an hour or two, and disappeared on weekends. When I get back to the dormitory, I read a book or chat with someone on my laptop. It seems that my days are busier than anyone else's.

In fact, Liu Xianxian and Hu Jiayi are also very busy. The former is busy dating and the latter is busy memorizing tarot cards. Xia Shao seemed to have irritated Hu Jiayi that day. She began to feel that she was not professional enough and began to study this matter desperately. If anyone came to the dormitory to look for Xia Shao, she would bring them over, determined to turn all those looking for Xia Shao into Her true believer. Then after practicing, I will ask Xia Shao for a competition another day.

Only Miao Yan was as quiet as ever, with almost no sense of presence. Regarding this roommate and deskmate, Xia Shao also realized that there must be something wrong with her. Most people would not be so thin. But she was too busy to take care of it for the moment. She planned to wait until Fu Ruixiang and Huaxia Auction Company settled in Qingshi before studying this girl who was even more mysterious than herself.

On this day, it was a weekend, so most students would get up later, but Xia Shao still got up at six o'clock, packed her things, rushed out of the school gate with a shoulder bag, and got into Xu Tianyin's car.

At this time, more than a month had passed since they left school. The two of them had already gone to the antique market twice on weekends and bought a good shop for Fu Ruixiang. Today they went to complete various procedures.

Qingshi's antique market is located in a prosperous area and occupies a pivotal position in the domestic antique industry. The antique market is divided into several streets, including tourist areas such as the City God's Temple and the Bell Tower, as well as specialized ancient coin markets, stamp markets, and provincial cultural relics and art markets.

In such a large market, there are many merchants, so naturally some are prosperous and some are sluggish. Stores that are doing well will naturally not change hands. Most of the locations where business is sluggish are a bit remote. To Xia Shao, it didn't matter whether the location was remote or not. With Chen Manguan's status as the vice president of the Provincial Antiques Guild, her connections and authority in this industry over the years, and the fact that she had created some rumors in the store, she ensured that Business in the store is still booming.

Therefore, Xia Shao didn't have much hope in finding a good shop in the central area from the beginning.

But there are always surprises in the world.

What was unexpected was that when Xia Shao walked to the center of the Provincial Cultural Relics Street, she discovered that an antique store was up for sale. In such a location, as long as the boss is not an outsider, the business is generally not too unsatisfactory, so why would it need to be transferred

Xia Shao was a little interested. When she and Xu Tianyin walked into the store, they heard a dispute inside as soon as they reached the door.

"Boss Wang, this, this... this won't work! The price you gave is too low. I was transferring it at a loss, and the price you gave me is going to make me lose all my money!"

"Brother Ma, please think carefully. On this street, I, Wang Daolin, said that I would close your store, but no one in my industry dares to ask you. Sooner or later, you have to agree to this price. If you delay again, your store will also be opened." If you don’t want to go down, why don’t you give it to me at a low price, and we can make friends, and if you have any problems in the future, you can come to me.”

The voice was smiling, and there was no threat at all.

Xia Shao at the door raised her eyebrows.

Wang Daolin

Isn't this the president of the provincial antiques guild

This Wang Daolin is not only the president of the provincial antique guild, but also a giant domestic antique businessman with a net worth of tens of billions, and a real leader in the industry.

Xia Shao never had the chance to meet this person, but she heard from Chen Manguan. According to Chen Manguan, this person is a smiling tiger. On the surface, he smiles like Maitreya Buddha. But behind the scenes, he is tough. He has used various means to acquire many stores in the same industry. The prices are astonishingly low, and his reputation in the industry is not good. good. But there was no way, and he didn't know why. None of the stores he targeted could survive, and they all ended miserably. And he also accumulated a huge net worth by acquiring these stores at low prices. Although his character is not very good, his strength is strong.

"But... Boss Lin, your price..."

"Brother Ma, there must be money flowing in my store, and you should be clear about doing business. Anyway, I only pay so much, you think about it, I will come back tomorrow."

After saying that, a man of medium height and a round face walked out of the store with his hands behind his back.

Seeing the situation, Xia Shao immediately pulled Xu Tianyin and quickly retreated into a nearby store to hide temporarily. After all, Xia Shao and Xu Tianyin's appearance was too eye-catching. When walking in this market, even if no one recognized her, the rate of turning heads was extremely high. When Xia Shao accidentally came across such a store in a good location, she naturally didn't want to let it go. Others may not be able to recognize her, but Wang Daolin may be able to. So if she wanted to get this store, she had to avoid people first.

After Wang Daolin left, the two came out of the store again. As soon as he came out, Xia Shao felt his hand being pinched.

When she lowered her head, she realized that the two of them had just hid in the store. In desperation, she took Xu Tianyin's hand. At this moment, their hands were intertwined and held tightly together.

Xu Tianyin squeezed her hand not to remind her of this, but to look diagonally across.

Xia Shao followed his gaze and raised her eyebrows.

Diagonally across the street is Wang Daolin's Shengxingmao Antique Shop. The store is huge and antique. However, under the eaves outside the store, there is a Bagua Feng Shui mirror hanging...


The coding was a bit awkward today, and the number of words was a little short. After I finish eating, I will continue coding. If I can’t finish coding a chapter before going to bed, I will finish the same chapter as tomorrow.