Rebirth of the Genius Charlatan

Chapter 76: Just follow the plan


In the antique business, it is inevitable to come into contact with objects from the soil. However, after the person who has taken advantage of the situation has obtained the item, he or she will usually "launder" the item first, that is, sell it to buyers who secretly purchase cultural relics. These buyers will then make up a nice story about the origin of the item in their hands. , sold to some collectors, and then into the hands of antique dealers.

Of course, there are also some antique dealers who secretly contact tomb robbers, but since it is an illegal transaction, most of them are very cautious.

As for the objects that passed through several hands and finally came to the antique shop to ask if they wanted to buy them, as long as they were not national treasures that could be clearly seen at a glance, such as chimes and bronzes, it would be okay to accept the others. This is an unspoken rule that everyone in the industry understands, but it cannot be stated openly. If it is obvious that someone from the Cultural Relics Bureau finds him, there will definitely be a lawsuit!

Ma Xianrong was also cautious. He had just offended Wang Daolin. He knew in his heart that Wang Daolin would definitely cause trouble for Fu Ruixiang. Therefore, when he saw that the object he wanted to take seemed to come from the earth, he felt worried. Be very careful.

He originally didn't want to buy it, but the person who came had a sincere look on his face and said that he had a patient at home who was in urgent need of treatment and was waiting for money, which was very difficult to deal with.

Ma Xianrong had just followed Xia Shao. Although he admired her very much, he was still not familiar with her way of doing things. Seeing that it was the weekend, he called her to see how she would deal with it.

It was already an hour later when Xia Shao came to the store. But the man was still in the store, seemingly persevering.

Xia Shao raised her eyebrows at the door of the store, then walked into the store with a smile.

As soon as Ma Xianrong saw her coming, he hurriedly greeted her, winked at her secretly, then turned around with a smile and said to the man behind him: "This is our Fu Ruixiang's boss. If you have anything to say to our Mr. Xia, Bar."

When the man heard this, he quickly nodded and bowed to say hello to Xia Shao, and begged with a bitter look on his face, "This boss, we are ordinary people. We don't have anything valuable at home, just this antique. There are patients at home who are urgently waiting for money to save their lives." , please do me a favor and accept it! It doesn’t matter if it’s cheaper, as long as you’re willing to give me some money in exchange!”

The man was about thirty years old, and his clothes were a little dirty. He looked like work clothes worn on a construction site, and there was dust on his hair. When he met Xia Shao, his posture was very low, his face was anxious and depressed, and he looked honest.

Xia Shao fixed her eyes on his face, slowly raised the corners of her lips, nodded, smiled and raised her head, Ma Xianrong said: "Since there are customers coming to the door, no matter whether they accept them or not, they should always call someone. Let’s sit down and talk in the tea room.”

Ma Xianrong was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile and said: "Mr.

The man followed Ma Xianrong's hand and looked towards the tea room. He rubbed his hands and looked a little embarrassed, "This, this is not good... My clothes are a bit dirty. Don't let them get dirty in your shop, haha..."

"What's there to worry about? You're open for business. You just come in and hang out. If you want to drink tea, we'll do it." Xia Shao smiled sweetly and turned around to walk into the tea room. "Please come in and sit down and talk. , please bring the items you brought in for me to take a look at."

As soon as she mentioned the object, the man naturally didn't care about anything else. He hurriedly responded and followed her in. He sat down opposite Xia Shao a little awkwardly. Ma Xianrong brewed a pot of Biluochunlai, poured it on Xia Shao and the man, and then stood behind Xia Shao.

What the man took out was actually a bronze mirror. He moved very carefully and even trembled a little, obviously he cherished it very much.

Xia Shao's eyes swept over the man's hands without leaving a trace, and the smile on his face was slightly deeper. When she raised her eyes, she saw the man handing over the bronze mirror with both hands, but she smiled and shook her head, motioning for the man to put the bronze mirror on the table.

This is the rule for looking at objects in the antique business. Because antiques are precious, if you bump into them, you will suffer huge losses. Therefore, liability disputes are inevitable. When one party asks the other party to take a look, the object must be placed on the table first, and only after the other party takes it away from the table, the other party can take it and look at it. In this way, whoever has the problem goes will be responsible.

Although the bronze mirror is not a piece of porcelain or jade, it cannot be broken, but if it is bumped, it will not be clear.

The man was stunned and seemed not to understand these rules, but he followed Xia Shao's instructions. After the mirror was placed on the table, Xia Shao lowered his eyes and took a closer look.

The mirror is not too big, with a diameter of only twelve or three centimeters. The surface of the mirror can still be seen to be smooth in the past, but now it has some scratches and is stained with traces of the soil of the years. The back is engraved with a double carp pattern.

Xia Shao's eyes were fixed on the double carp pattern on the back of the bronze mirror, and he smiled appreciatively. Although I had heard Ma Xianrong's dating and detailed description of this bronze mirror on the phone, it still feels very subtle to be able to see and touch this bronze mirror used by Jurchen women unearthed in the Jin Dynasty.

This is an ancient artifact dating back more than a thousand years ago. Since the Jurchens have been engaged in fishing and hunting for a long time, and fish has the meaning of wealth, auspiciousness, and having many children, the Pisces pattern is the most common among the utensils they use every day.

Since the Jin Dynasty is far away from this era and not many tombs have been discovered, the unearthed cultural relics are of great research value. Although this bronze mirror is small, it is definitely a cultural relic.

Xia Shao put the mirror down gently, still with a smile on her face, and asked slowly: "Can I ask the origin of this bronze mirror?"

When the man heard this, he smiled awkwardly, looking a little embarrassed.

Ma Xianrong curled his lips behind Xia Shao. This man refused to tell the truth at first. When he first came into the store with the bronze mirror, he actually told him that it was passed down from his ancestors. It is said that when his grandmother's generation was young, there was this bronze mirror in the house. I don't know which era it was from. I wanted to pass it down as a family heirloom. However, the family encountered an urgent life-saving incident, so I moved the bronze mirror. The idea of selling the mirror.

The story was well written, but it did not escape Ma Xianrong's eyes - look at the bronze mirror, first listen to the sound, secondly see the shape, thirdly recognize the rust, and fourthly smell the smell. The older the bronze mirror, the more coppery it smells. As for this bronze mirror, in addition to the fragrance of copper, you can also smell an earthy smell. If it is an heirloom in the family, where does the smell of earth come from? Is it possible that their family usually buries this bronze mirror in the soil

This is obviously a lie!

When the man saw that Ma Xianrong refused to accept it, he was so anxious that he came up with another reason. After Ma Xianrong heard about it, he called Xia Shao.

It stands to reason that Xia Shao had already heard about the origin of this object on the phone, but Ma Xianrong really couldn't figure out why she wanted to ask again in person. But Chen Manguan once said to him: "What Mr. Xia does must have a reason. Just execute it and you will be surprised."

So, Ma Xianrong stood behind Xia Shao, saying nothing, but feeling curious and expectant in his heart.

The man opposite looked at Ma Xianrong, and it was obvious that he had no intention of speaking out for him, so he smiled awkwardly and said, "Well, I did this unethically, but there's nothing I can do about it. Two years ago, I was working on a construction site in the city, where a foundation was dug and a tomb was excavated. At that time, I heard that the project would be stopped and a museum might be built. Some people said that since the project was stopped, the boss had no money to buy the land. If we earn it back, our wages will definitely not be paid. When I think about it, we can't work in vain! I just took advantage of people not paying attention to get such a mirror... I have never done such a thing in my life. Afterwards, I was afraid of being caught, so I put the mirror in the ground at home and buried it. I didn't think of it until there was an emergency at home. I thought it happened two years ago, and the limelight had passed long ago, and no one I can see it, but I didn’t expect you guys to have such good eyesight... Haha."

"A tomb dug at a construction site in the urban area?" Xia Shao raised her eyebrows and turned to look at Ma Xianrong.

Ma Xianrong nodded, indicating that it was true, "The tomb has been visited by tomb robbers of all generations, and there are not many things left inside. And because it is an urban area, it is a good location, so it is a pity to build a museum, so in the end there was no We built it and only sent a few of the things we cleared out to the existing provincial museum. That museum is very close to our antique street, just three streets ahead."

"Really? I'm telling the truth!" When the man saw what Ma Xianrong said, he also eagerly added, "I did this in an unethical way, but ordinary people can't help it! Those developers are really What a scam. When they were cleaning up the tomb passage, they gave everyone a holiday and said they would let us come back if a museum was built. In the end, the museum was not built, and they continued the project, but they recruited another group of people. People, we people didn’t notify us at all! We didn’t have any contract with the employer at that time, so we went to ask for wages, and no one cared about it? I got something like this, which was a bit of compensation, but many workers worked for nothing. !”

The man seemed so indignant that he almost slapped the table and stood up, "In today's society, ordinary people are bullied! Fortunately, God is still open-minded! The project built by the developer continued to have accidents. Before the project was completed, Several people died, and then the project was shelved. When our co-workers heard about it, they all clapped their hands and applauded! You dared to build a house on the cemetery, you deserve to have an accident! You deserve to pay compensation!"


Xia Shao raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard this and turned to look at Ma Xianrong again.

Ma Xianrong still nodded, it seemed that it was indeed true.

Xia Shao then lowered her eyes and turned her head, a bright color flashed in her eyes, and a meaningful smile appeared on her lips.

After the man opposite said eagerly, he looked at Xia Shao and Ma Xianrong sincerely, "Boss, as the old saying goes, what goes around comes around. Just help me! There are patients at home who are really waiting for money to save their lives! I Please! Please!”

He looked as if he was about to kneel down and kowtow. Xia Shao then asked, "I have a personal question. I wonder if it would be convenient for me to disclose it. Is there any member of the family who is ill?"

The man was stunned and said subconsciously: "I... my wife... I wonder what this young boss means by asking this?"

The man only thought that Xia Shao had a friendly smile and looked like a quiet and gentle girl, but for some reason, he always felt that her eyes were falling on his face, and he felt a little cold all over.

"Nothing else, just asking casually. How much money do you need urgently?" Xia Shao smiled sweetly.

When the man heard this, his eyes lit up. Regardless of anything else, his face showed excitement and joy, and he waved his hands quickly, "I can't say this! As long as you are willing to accept it, you can give me any amount of money!"

"Oh." Xia Shao smiled and nodded, suddenly stood up and said, "Let me discuss this matter with Mr. Ma in our store. You can sit here for a while."

After saying that, under the man's nagging gaze, Xia Shao led Ma Xianrong to the entrance of the store, ducked behind a rack of books, and asked Ma Xianrong with a low smile: "How do you like it? To accept it or not, I want to hear it." Listen to your opinion."

Ma Xianrong was stunned and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He originally wanted to see Mr. Xia's handling methods, but he didn't expect that Mr. Xia would test him first.

Although he secretly criticized Xia Shao for being a genius, Ma Xianrong said seriously: "What that person said is true. That project is located in a prosperous area in the city center. It was originally planned to be a high-end residential park, but the construction There were several accidents during the construction of the building, which caused quite a stir. Later, the construction was stopped for a while, and the construction was never completed. The boss of this real estate company has a strong backend in Qingshi. He is Secretary Yang of the Provincial Party Committee. Brother-in-law, this matter is very famous in Qingshi, and almost everyone knows it. When we were digging the foundation, what was dug out was indeed a tomb from the Jin Dynasty. The size was not very large, and it was different from the one that the man brought. The mirror, both in terms of specifications and age, is spot on.”

"So, do you think what he said is credible?" Xia Shao asked with a smile.

"It's not trustworthy. It's not important. I even paid special attention to his hands. They did look like hands used for manual labor. But if he is telling the truth, then we cannot accept this object. This is a sensitive period. , Wang Daolin is staring at us across the way! If what he said is false, then we can't accept it, which means this person is very suspicious. Therefore, whether it is true or false, it is best not to accept this price, the risk is too great. "

Listening to Ma Xianrong's analysis, Xia Shao raised her eyebrows and her eyes lit up slightly.

good! Being able to notice the opponent's hand shows that Ma Xianrong's observation skills are very good!

"Then what do you want to do with it?"

"Before Mr. Xia came, I made it clear that I would not accept it. I asked him to go to Wang Daolin's store across the street, but he refused, saying that he had been there before, and the price Wang Daolin gave was too low to meet his psychological expectations. He stayed in the store. I don't want to leave, I'm afraid something will happen, so I asked Mr. Xia to come over and have a look."

Xia Shao nodded while listening—very good! It seems that in the future, Furuixiang's store in Qingshi can be safely managed by Ma Xianrong.

"How does Mr. Xia want to deal with this matter?" Seeing Xia Shao smile and nod, Ma Xianrong couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the tea room, and asked a little worriedly.

"Why should we deal with it? Someone will help us deal with it." Xia Shao smiled.

Ma Xianrong was stunned when he heard this, and Monk Zhang Er was confused.

Xia Shao turned around with a smile on her face and said, "The show has started a long time ago. Didn't Mr. Ma notice?"

Xia Shao turned back to the tea room. When the man saw her coming back, he looked at her eagerly. Xia Shaoduan sat down and pushed the bronze mirror back, "Sorry, sir. I have discussed it with Mr. Ma. Your object is an unearthed cultural relic. According to the rules, we cannot accept it."

The man was stunned. He looked at Xia Shao and asked her about this and that. Her friendly smile made it clear that she was very likely to accept it. Why didn't she accept it again

"This, this little boss!"

"Sir." Xia Shao interrupted with a smile and explained sincerely, "There is a reason why we don't accept it. In the 1960s, a large bronze mirror from the Jin Dynasty was unearthed, with a diameter of more than 40 centimeters. It was once identified as a national first-class cultural relic, and it is still the treasure of the Jinshangjing History Museum. Although your bronze mirror cannot be compared with that one, it can be rated as a third-class cultural relic. Don't think this is just a mirror. In the Jin Dynasty, the ban on copper was extremely strict. Bronze mirrors were generally cast by the government, and the casting place and the name of the government office were engraved on the edge of the back of the mirror. Even the original bronze mirrors of the private sector must be inspected by the government before they can be used. Therefore, Although the bronze mirror is small, it is very valuable. We really don’t dare to acquire national cultural relics, so please understand.”

After saying that, Xia Shao stood up and walked out of the tea room, saying to Ma Xianrong, "Send the guests off."

The man chased him out of the tea room with an anxious look on his face. He wanted to say something, but Xia Shao turned back and said with a smile: "If you can listen to my advice, this cultural relic should be turned over to the Cultural Relics Bureau. If it shouldn't be yours, it won't be after all. my own."

Xia Shao stood by the door, smiling as if seeing off guests.

But the man seemed to be stimulated by her smile, and suddenly he became sad and angry, and said angrily: "Okay! I know there are no good people in this world! My wife at home is waiting for help, and you profiteers are not willing to help!"

Xia Shao smiled, but frowned slightly, looking at the man, "Don't curse your wife like that? Since you are divorced, you should let her go. While the marriage is still there, you are busy gambling, You didn't let her live a good life for a day. Now that she's divorced, you still curse her. It's really not easy for your wife."

The man was stunned, and so was Ma Xianrong.

Xia Shao didn't want to say anything and pointed to the door, "Please."

But the man's face was stunned, his expression was dull, and his eyes were flickering. After a while, he quibbled: "I, I don't know what you are talking about! I, I don't care! Anyway, you have to accept it today, and you have to accept it if you don't accept it! If you don't accept it, I will yell, saying that you are hiding cultural relics!" "

As soon as he said this, Ma Xianrong's expression changed immediately!

But the man was close to him, and he rushed over with a single step, thrusting the bronze mirror onto Ma Xianrong, "I don't care! Take it! Take it!"

Ma Xianrong's face changed drastically, and he knew something was wrong, so he quickly backed away. The store was full of antiques, and Ma Xianrong was afraid of bumping into them, so he naturally avoided going to the door. Only the door was the most open and spacious, but the man didn't care about the antiques in the store as much as he did. He was very fast, almost He caught up with him at the first step, and the two of them were pushing and shoving each other at the door of the store, fighting to stuff the bronze mirror into each other's arms.

Xia Shao stood at the door, but did not step forward to stop him. He just looked at it with cold eyes.

At this moment, I heard several harsh brake sounds!

A police car and a car from the Cultural Affairs Bureau came quickly from the end of the street. The cars were very fast, roaring with police lights on, and stopped directly in front of Fu Ruixiang.

When Ma Xianrong saw this, his expression became even more ugly, and he turned to look at Xia Shao.

Xia Shao leaned against the door and watched calmly as four or five people from the public security and three cultural bureaus got out of the two cars. The group of people came over with serious expressions as soon as they got out of the car. The three people from the cultural bureau set their gazes intently. It was on the hands of Ma Xianrong and the man arguing at the door.

At this time, the two of them were holding one side of the bronze mirror. They couldn't tell who the mirror belonged to, but when they saw the person coming, they let go at the same time, and the mirror fell to the ground.

The bronze mirror fell to the ground with a deep, mellow sound. The expressions of the three people from the Cultural Affairs Bureau changed. Someone stepped forward to pick it up like a treasure. After looking through it, he said angrily: "That's right! This is from the tomb of the Jin Dynasty. The unearthed double carp pattern bronze mirror! It is a cultural relic!"

When the four or five policemen heard this, they stepped forward seriously and asked, "Who is the person in charge of the store? We received a report! It was said that your store purchased stolen cultural relics from the province!"

He asked this, but the person taking the lead glanced at Xia Shao, obviously knowing that she was Fu Ruixiang's boss.

Xia Shao raised her eyebrows slightly and her smile became colder. If Qingshi talks about Fu Ruixiang, everyone must know that she is the boss behind the scenes, but not everyone has seen her appearance. These people have quite good eyesight!

No matter how shocked Ma Xianrong was at this time, he also guessed what was going on. He couldn't help but feel angry in his heart. This Wang Daolin was too stupid!

Cursing in his heart, he stepped forward, stood in front of Xia Shao, and explained in a good voice: "Several police comrades, someone in our store came to ask if we want to buy this bronze mirror, but I can see that it is a cultural relic. , I had no intention of accepting it originally. When you came, I was stuffing it for him... "

But a person from the Cultural Affairs Bureau snorted, "Give it to him? I don't know you dealers who resell cultural relics? Are you eager to buy them and stuff them back?"

The policeman also stared at Ma Xianrong seriously and said, "Did I ask you a question? Are you the owner of this store?"

"I'm not, but I'm in charge of this store! If you have any questions, ask me!" Ma Xianrong knew as soon as he heard that these people were under instructions, and he simply stopped being angry and immediately stood in front of Xia Xianrong. Shao said in front of him.

"Are you responsible? Okay! You also come back to the station with us for investigation!" The policeman turned around and winked at the person behind him, and immediately two people came up and took out handcuffs!

As soon as the handcuffs were taken out, Ma Xianrong was so angry that bloodshot eyes burst out, "You want to torture people? Why do you torture people!"

Ma Xianrong shouted angrily and glanced at the street. Sure enough, the gun at Fu Ruixiang's door had alarmed the neighbors. Many people came out of the store to look here, and the atmosphere was undercurrent.

Ma Xianrong's face was ugly, and he was even more angry in his heart. Wang Daolin's move was too sinister!

He was going to give Fu Ruixiang a blow! The most taboo thing for a businessman is getting into a lawsuit! Although Fu Ruixiang did not trade for the bronze mirror, if this person was really hired by him, he could have insisted that Fu Ruixiang planned to acquire it! Even if the two parties did not pay in the end, and did not hand over the money and deliver the goods, that is to say, no substantial evidence can be obtained. In the end, the crime of buying cultural relics may not be convicted, but it will cause a lot of trouble!

The most insidious thing is that Fu Ruixiang had just plotted against Wang Daolin and forced everyone to desert him. It was at a time when he was being supported by his peers. If they allowed these policemen to kidnap him today, Fu Ruixiang's prestige in the industry would be greatly reduced. The situation that everyone expects to be finally formed will become a wait-and-see situation. By then, there might still be people who are afraid of Wang Daolin's assets and will turn to Wang Daolin. By then, there will be no need to mention Fu Ruixiang's resistance.

Today, no matter what, these handcuffs cannot be put on. I would rather he be taken away than Mr. Xia!

"You are now suspected of buying and selling national cultural relics!" The leading policeman stood with his hands behind his back and spoke in a solemn voice. The two people behind him stepped forward and cuffed Ma Xianrong decisively!

Then, the two men pulled Ma Xianrong aside and tried to handcuff Xia Shaoyi who was standing behind him. However, Ma Xianrong resisted and tore with the two men and shouted angrily: "I told you, I'm from the store." The person in charge! This person is here to find me, and it has nothing to do with our President Xia! You can’t touch our President Xia!"

"It doesn't matter whether it's relevant or not, our police will find out. Do you want to interfere with official duties? Handle you!" the leading policeman shouted angrily.

Ma Xianrong was pulled to the ground. Two policemen came up and held him down like a prisoner. Two more people came forward, took out handcuffs and walked towards Xia Shao without any explanation.

Seeing this scene, people from various antique shops on the street who came out to see what was going on frowned. Xia Shao had been standing by the door from the beginning. Even when things got to this point, she actually didn't say a word - Didn't this girl look quite calm and composed that night at the banquet? He had the ability to trick Wang Daolin into betraying his relatives, so why didn't he speak out today

After all, you are young and have never seen this scene. Are you afraid when the Cultural Affairs Bureau and the police come

Or is she so calm and composed that she doesn't even panic when encountering such a scene

Everyone was thinking about something. At this time, two policemen had already walked up to Xia Shao and fastened the handcuffs on their wrists without further explanation. However, Xia Shao slightly raised her eyes at this moment.

When she raised her eyes, her eyes were light, and there was even a slight smile on her lips. However, the two policemen were shocked at the same time - they couldn't move their handcuffed hands!

Although this situation only lasted a moment, it was very strange, just like a ghost pressing on the bed at night. The brain kept saying "move", but the body could not move! A nightmare feeling!

Fortunately, this feeling only lasted for a moment. Xia Shao smiled and the voice of his voice diverted the attention of the two of them. "Is it relevant or not? I believe the police comrades will find out. But since we haven't found out now, why should we be arrested?" Are we treated as suspects? Since we are said to be suspects and we want to arrest people, then please produce an arrest warrant. Otherwise, with so many people watching, this approach will inevitably be true."

Her tone was casual and leisurely, still leaning against the door. Her chatting tone shocked the people in the police station and cultural bureau, as well as the entire antique street looking at the situation!

It turns out that she was not so scared that she could not speak, but that she was really too calm to be frightened

How can it be

Businessmen think that the most unlucky thing is to get involved in a lawsuit. Just look at Ma Xianrong's reaction. He is already shaking with anger! And Mr. Xia is still so leisurely

The leading police officer became angry and yelled: "The police don't need your guidance in handling cases!"

"I don't have the ability to teach the police to handle cases, but I have an obligation to tell the police one thing." Xia Shao smiled, still speaking in a casual and casual tone, "After we found out that what this person brought were cultural relics, we upheld the principle of being a law-abiding person." As a citizen, we have called the police as soon as possible."


On the street, there was silence.

The leading policeman was also stunned, and the people from the Cultural Relics Bureau looked at each other.

Just when no one could react, at the end of the street, from the direction where the two cars had just come, two more cars roared towards them with their sirens blaring!

It’s also a police car, a car from the Cultural Relics Bureau!

The car roared to a stop at the door of Fu Ruixiang. Four or five policemen got out, and three people from the Cultural Relics Bureau got out. But in the Cultural Relics Bureau's car, Chen Manguan walked down together with a man in his fifties.

As soon as the man walked down, the three people from the Cultural Relics Bureau were stunned, "Director?"

Li Maode, director of the Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau, glanced at the three people and asked, "What's going on? I heard Mr. Chen say that someone in Furuixiangli brought a Jin Dynasty double carp bronze mirror for resale today. It looked like one unearthed in the city. Have you seen the funerary objects from Jin Dynasty tombs?”

The three people all turned pale and nodded awkwardly, but one person reacted quickly and immediately said: "I've seen it, it's a bronze mirror from the Jin Dynasty, it's a cultural relic unearthed in the city!"

The man thought, anyway, they were just entrusted by Wang Daolin to come here to identify cultural relics, and they were not the ones arresting people. They just had to tell the truth. However, as this man was thinking, he turned back and glanced at Xia Shao with a horrified look.

She was able to invite Director Li

That's all. Someone originally stabbed her in the back today. Why did the situation suddenly turn around

Little did he know that Li Maode was among those invited to this year's Dongshi auction. Not only did he attend the auction, he also witnessed the press conference for the establishment of Huaxia and was deeply impressed by Xia Shao. Today, Chen Manguan came to him personally and said that someone was reselling cultural relics in the store. Li Maode is certainly not a fool. Chen Manguan can definitely go through the procedures for this kind of thing. Since he came to see him personally, he must have some other motive. But this matter is beneficial and harmless to Li Maode. Recovering stolen cultural relics and arresting cultural relic dealers are the tasks of the Cultural Relics Bureau. Why not do it

Therefore, Li Maode came willingly, met Xia Shao, and enthusiastically stepped forward to shake hands, "Oh! Mr. Xia, thanks to you Fu Ruixiang this time! You have made great achievements in recovering the cultural relics. This is worthy of commendation!"

"No, Director Li, these are what we should do." Xia Shao finally stopped leaning against the door calmly and came down with a smile to shake hands with Li Maode.

This scene made everyone on the street stare.

What's going on

Just now he was a dealer who bought cultural relics, but now he has made a contribution to recovering the cultural relics

This... acting didn't change so quickly, right

The policeman who was the first to arrive with people, his face already darkened, finally came to his senses, turned to the person who came after him and said, "Director Zhao, why are you here?"

Director Zhao chuckled and stepped forward and said: "Captain Song, I heard someone reported that they found some stolen Jin Dynasty tomb cultural relics in the city, so I personally brought people to take a look. What is going on? The one on the ground, Are you a trafficker who steals cultural relics?"

The one pressed on the ground was naturally not the dealer who stole cultural relics, but Ma Xianrong. Seeing this scene, the two policemen who were holding him down didn't react for a moment. When Director Zhao asked, they quickly lifted him up.

Captain Song felt bitter in his heart. Bureau Zhao was one of the two deputy directors of the Qingshi Public Security Bureau. It's a pity that he is not from Director Zhao, but another general. The two usually have secret fights for the position of director, and his immediate boss happened to be on a business trip, and today he fell into Director Zhao's hands. , I am afraid that I have to go online.

"Someone reported the crime? Who reported the crime?" Captain Song asked, pretending not to know.

"The reporter is Miss Xia. She asked Mr. Chen to go to the bureau to report the case in person. The bureau has a record of reporting the crime. Do you want to show it to Captain Song?" Bureau Zhao asked with a smile.

Report record

Captain Song's face turned black and he screamed in his heart.

There is no hard evidence that Fu Ruixiang bought and sold cultural relics, but this report is the hard evidence! The time when the crime was reported, who reported the crime, and what case was reported are clearly recorded, which is enough to prove that Fu Ruixiang has no intention of buying or selling cultural relics!

Captain Song secretly glanced at Wang Daolin's shop across the street - he was killed by him! Director Zhao is famous for his smiling face. If he has something in his hands, he will definitely be used to make a fuss about it!

"Director Zhao, Mr. Ma in our store called me today and said that he found someone bringing cultural relics to the store. I asked him to stabilize the person first, and then came to the store myself. I was afraid that Mr. Ma would have to deal with it alone. If he didn’t come, I called Mr. Chen and asked him to report the case on his behalf. Mr. Ma and I stabilized the person in the store. Unexpectedly, Director Zhao hadn’t come yet, but someone came to our store first and said that we Buying cultural relics. Isn't that right? Our boss, Ma, is being handcuffed." Xia Shao stated calmly.

When Director Zhao heard this, he looked at Ma Xianrong in surprise, "What? The person who was handcuffed was not the cultural relic dealer, but Mr. Ma? Captain Song, what's going on?"

"This... I also received a report saying that Fu Ruixiang was buying cultural relics."

"Then when you bring people back to the bureau for investigation, you shouldn't use such a rough method. Your method is not in line with the procedures..."

Captain Song nodded, looking embarrassed. He turned around and winked at his two men, who quickly opened Ma Xianrong's handcuffs.

Ma Xianrong dusted himself off, looking angry, but more shocked - when did Mr. Xia do this

He was shocked and full of doubts, but he had no time to solve the doubts. Instead, he, Xia Shao and the man were taken back to the police station to take notes.

The man naturally denied it, but with the confessions of Xia Shao and Ma Xianrong, they both said in unison that he said he had stolen the cultural relic. Seeing that the man was about to be convicted of stealing and reselling cultural relics, he became afraid and had to confess, saying that he had incurred a lot of debt from gambling. Wang Daolin found him and gave him this bronze mirror. Let him frame Fu Ruixiang. He said that he would be given a reward of one million when the matter was completed, which would be enough for him to pay off his debts.

But he didn't expect that Fu Ruixiang would not accept it, so he became anxious and made a forced scene with Ma Xianrong outside the store.

After the matter was clarified, Wang Daolin was summoned to the police station, while Xia Shao, Ma Xianrong and Chen Manguan left the police station.

On the way back to Fu Ruixiang, the three of them laughed in the car.

Ma Xianrong asked: "Mr. Xia, when did you ask Mr. Chen to report the case? Are you so sure that the person must be Wang Daolin who came to harm us?"

Xia Shao smiled and said, "I'm not sure. So after I arrived outside the store, I stood at the door for a while and looked at the man's face. The man's nose was pointed and his nostrils were exposed. He was not only a gambler, but also had a knotted nose, bad temper, and He is prone to domestic violence. But look at him, he appears to be very honest and honest, which is obviously inconsistent with this person's character, so I concluded that there is something wrong with this person. So I went to the alley next to him and called Mr. Chen. He called the police. Later, when I went to the store, I asked him who was sick in his family, and he said it was his wife, but he had dark blue eyes with cross marks, so he was obviously divorced."

Xia Shao smiled and looked out the window, "Wang Daolin knows how to find people, and he performed well. It's a pity that if he can act again, his appearance can't be changed."

Ma Xianrong was stunned for a while after hearing this, his eyes gradually brightened, and he couldn't help but chuckle, "So, Mr. Xia already knew that Wang Daolin had found someone to set a trap for us, so he simply used the trick and let Wang Daolin steal it. Didn't the chicken lose the rice, and ended up being sent to the police station?"

"Not only did he steal the chicken but lose the rice, he also lost his wife and lost the army!" Chen Manguan laughed so hard that tears almost flowed out. "Didn't you listen to what Mr. Xia said just now? That man likes to gamble, he likes to gamble. People, if you sell everything you have at home, how can you keep an antique at home? After Mr. Xia saw that the man was a gambler, he concluded that the bronze mirror must not belong to him, but to Wang Daolin Give it to him! So, Mr. Xia not only asked me to call the police, but also asked me to call people from the Cultural Relics Bureau. Think about it, this object is a cultural relic, and if it is discovered, it will be turned over and confiscated... "

"Pfft!" Ma Xianrong couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and peeked at the girl in the rear seat through the rearview mirror.

It’s incredible!

How old is she? Why are there so many twists and turns in my stomach

After listening to this, he was sure that she deliberately made things big in front of the store today! The purpose is to put on a show to show to his peers on the street, and to tell them that not only will Fu Ruixiang not be knocked down by Wang Daolin, but he also has the ability to make him suffer the consequences!

After today's incident, I'm afraid many people walking on the antique street will admire Mr. Xia's calculations.

In today's scene, Mr. Xia is simply showing a future to his peers - Fu Ruixiang alone can make Wang Daolin so defeated. If the entire antique guild unites as one and works with one heart and one mind, what will Wang Daolin face? situation

After sighing in admiration, Ma Xianrong sighed, "It's a pity that what happened today can't bring down Wang Daolin. He is also an old fox. He didn't even give the deposit to that person before. Without evidence that he bought someone and falsely accused him, he could have killed him. He doesn’t admit it, and he doesn’t admit that the bronze mirror is his. In the end, he will be released."

"But his bronze mirror is definitely a loss! It's a dumb loss, and he has to swallow it in his own stomach. Moreover, he is definitely criticized by the Cultural Relics Bureau in the city. And what about us?" Chen Manguan laughed. Hehe looked at Xia Shao, "Let's wait in our store tomorrow to receive the commendation and banner from the Cultural Relics Bureau! Haha."

Ma Xianrong laughed heartily after hearing this.

Xia Shao looked out the car window with a smile, her eyes turned into crescent moons, and her smile was sweet, "Don't gloat so much, and don't bear too much grudge against Wang Daolin. He is very kind to us. Without him, we wouldn't have discovered something today." "

Both of them were stunned, wondering what she meant by this.

Xia Shao smiled and looked at Ma Xianrong, "Do you still remember the urban project you mentioned today?"

Ma Xianrong was stunned, and Chen Manguan looked at Xia Shao.

Xia Shao smiled and said, "If you don't go back to the store now, drive me to the project to have a look."