Rebirth of the Genius Charlatan

Chapter 93: The unlucky Wang Daolin


Miao Yan will be hospitalized for about a week, and her father Miao Chenghong will go looking for something to seal the yin and yang eyes after she is discharged from the hospital. It just so happens that he wants to say hello to Wang Daolin during this week!

Yuanze left the hospital that night and returned to school with Xia Shao, Hu Jiayi and Liu Xianxian. Shu Qi Tao Tao

Hu Jiayi had an uneven birthday this year. Not only was she depressed, her father Hu Guangjin was also depressed. If Wang Daolin hadn't caused these things, the guests at home would not have been poorly entertained, and Deputy Secretary Yuan's son would not have been hospitalized with a fever. More importantly, if he hadn't known who the murderer was, Hu Guangjin would have almost suffered Miao Chenghong's wrath on Wang Daolin's behalf! This made Hu Guangjin extremely dissatisfied with Wang Daolin doing these things in his home, and he also planned to talk to Wang Daolin!

Coupled with the three Zhu brothers and Xiong Huaixing, Wang Daolin was now in bad luck.

Everything seems to be accumulated and exploded together.

On the night of the birthday party, Wang Daolin didn't expect that Xia Shao would jump directly to save people. He was shocked at first, and then felt secretly happy.

The lake was so icy, let alone a girl like her, even a strong man would not be able to get out if she went into the water! Besides, Yan Laosan is still here.

Wang Daolin smiled with his hands behind his back and followed everyone downstairs to the outside of the Hu family villa. Hu Guangjin called an ambulance and apologized to everyone for what happened. He said that he would invite everyone to the hotel to apologize some other time, and then asked the guests to go back first. But no one was willing to leave at that time, because it was Xia Shao and Yuan Ze who jumped into the lake to save people. Both of them were of high status. Although if something happened to them, it would not implicate everyone, but everyone wanted to know. Will anything happen to the two of them

A group of people gathered around the lake and did not dare to go into the water. They just looked at it from a distance and cheered. Finally, Xiong Huaixing led someone with a cotton-padded flashlight into the woods and searched along the lakeshore. They did not find Xia Shao, but they found Yuanze and Miao Yan.

The ambulance had arrived by then. When Yuanze and Miao Yan were carried into the ambulance, they said Xia Shao was in the woods. After hearing this, Hu Guangjin hurriedly and Xiong Huaixing led others to look for him, but they surprised Wang Daolin!

What? She's not dead

Wang Daolin's expression changed a few times, but he calmed down immediately. She didn't come back, but was in the woods. She must have been trapped by Yan Laosan!

Before Hu Guang entered the forest, he politely asked the guests to go home. When everyone heard that Xia Shao was fine, they left. Wang Daolin couldn't stay, so he returned home. He stayed up all night, waiting for the good news about Yan Laosan.

As a result, Yan Laosan did not contact him all day long the next day. Wang Daolin began to feel that something was not right. It wouldn't take a day or a night to deal with such a little girl, right? He didn't dare to call Yan Laosan at night, fearing that it would affect his fighting skills and anger him, but after waiting for so long without seeing or contacting him, Wang Daolin finally couldn't help but dial Yan Laosan's number.

The phone is ringing, but no one answers.

Wang Daolin was confused and kept calling. The more no one answered, the more he was worried!

He didn't know that it was because he kept dialing Yan Laosan's mobile phone that the ringtone was heard by the staff of the villa scenic area while patrolling. When he followed the sound up the mountain, several grown men were so frightened that they fell down. On the ground!

There was a body lying in the clearing of the mountain forest. It could be vaguely seen that he was an old man with a slightly bald head. The old man fell to the ground in a large shape, and large stains of bright red blood stained the ground under his hands and feet. This man's eyes were staring at the sky, his eye sockets were sunken, his cheeks were sunken and black, and his mouth was sunken. He opened his mouth, pulling his neck, his face was distorted, and his death was miserable.

This ferocious appearance frightened the staff at the scenic spot. Several people rolled down the mountain and called the police.

When the police were called, it happened to be the evening of the weekend. Xia Shao, Hu Jiayi and Liu Xianxian, together with Yuanze who was discharged from the hospital, got into Xu Tianyin's car and returned to school.

As soon as he returned to school, without Xu Tianyin by his side, Liu Xianxian naturally began to settle accounts with Xia Shaoqiu. This time, even Hu Jiayi joined the ranks of settling accounts with Xia Shao. However, the accounts that this girl settled were very strange. She didn't count the accounts that Xia Shao hid from the chairman of Huaxia Group, nor did she count the accounts that scared her when he jumped from the balcony on her birthday night, but the accounts that caused Xia Shao to be depressed about his fighting skills. At that time, I didn’t ask her to come with me!

She has been fond of occultism, divination and all mysterious events since she was a child. For Hu Jiayi, Xia Shao's behavior of "having information but refusing to share it" is unforgivable in her eyes!

Liu Xianxian criticized Xia Shao for concealing the fact that she was the chairman of Huaxia Group, and scolded her for being unkind and unjust, for actually hiding it from her roommate! It caused her to make a big joke in front of her during her birthday party. This incident was a great shame and humiliation for Miss Liu and was unforgivable in her eyes!

Yuanze stood aside with a leisurely smile, watching Xia Shao standing on campus, being bombarded by two roommates in turn. I finally breathed a sigh of relief and felt that this girl also had to be taught a lesson. It was really comforting to watch.

Xia Shao smiled bitterly, this is really a bit of a mistake! Originally, she thought she would reveal her identity later. By then, the bosses would be chatting around her, and the two girls couldn't talk. After the shock, they slowly calmed down. When I get back to school, I can accept it no matter what, so I won't bombard her all over.

Who would have thought that something unexpected happened to Miao Yan. Hu Jiayi's birthday was not a good one. She was worried all night and spent another day in the hospital today. Not only did the aftermath of Xia Shao's identity remain unresolved, but it also involved a battle of wits. It's strange that Hu Jiayi would let her go!

Seeing that it was only five o'clock in the afternoon and the four of them hadn't had dinner yet, Xia Shao decisively decided to take her three friends to the hotel to have a meal, firstly to make up for Jiayi's birthday party, and secondly to comfort Yuanze. .

Naturally, this proposal was unanimously approved. The four of them left the school again and took a taxi to Wanghaifeng Hotel. Liu Xianxian and Hu Jiayi took the menus and ordered the dishes without ceremony. In their words, they didn't know that Xia Shao was such a girl before. He was rich, so he actually took her to a hot pot restaurant to eat and wanted to save her money. He was really stupid! I'm going to bleed her today! The meal is not complete until she is killed!

Xia Shao smiled and said nothing, and asked them to order whatever they wanted.

However, Yuan Shao showed his good family culture at this time. He allowed the two of them to order food, but he did not interfere in the process of killing people. But Xia Shao still gave him a smiling look.

Don't think that she doesn't know what he's thinking, this kid just wanted to watch her show today!

After Liu Xianxian and Hu Jiayi finished ordering, Xia Shao took it and took a look. She just swept it lightly, and Hu Jiayi leaned close to Liu Xianxian's ear and asked in a low voice: "Isn't that too cruel? This meal cost a lot! Those wines you ordered are quite expensive..."

"Look at how promising you are! You're also giving back the daughter of the chairman of Ruihai Group! Her assets are said to rival those of your father. Are you saving money for her?" Liu Xianxian frowned and pinched her hard.

Xia Shao was indeed looking at something. After scanning it, she said to the waiter: "Bring me a cake and another dish of old ginseng and deer bone soup."

After hearing this, Hu Jiayi's eyes showed an moved look, and Yuanze also smiled, slightly moved.

Liu Xian's eyebrows raised, "Why just one soup? I want it too!"

"Did you fall into the ice water?" Xia Shao raised his eyes and looked at her with a smile, "You have ordered soup. This soup is for Yuanze. It is a great supplement to Yuanyang. If you two drink it, you will have a nosebleed tonight. If it doesn’t replenish the body, it will harm the body. Are you sure you want to drink it?”

When Liu Xianxian heard this, she naturally didn't want it, but she still didn't finish. She stared at Hu Jiayi and Yuan Ze and said, "One of them has cake and the other has ginseng soup. What about me?"

"I see that you are very angry. Let's drink some tea." Xia Shao stood up with a smile and went to pour tea for Liu Xianxian himself.

Yuanze chuckled, and Hu Jiayi also burst into laughter.

"Is this how I'm treated?" Liu Xianxian was dissatisfied, "I won't do it! You clearly don't value me!"

"Why don't I pay attention to you?" Xia Shao smiled leisurely while pouring tea. "To show that I pay attention to you, I decided to tell you some interesting things about the founding of Huaxia. This is better than those gossips and rumors. How about more? Do you want to hear it?"

For the gossip-loving Miss Liu Xianxian, Xia Shao's appeasement strategy was the right one. Liu Xianxian and Hu Jiayi's eyes immediately lit up, and even Yuan Ze showed interest. He had mostly heard rumors about Xia Shao's establishment of the Huaxia Group, and had never asked her. Not because he didn't want to ask, but because he was afraid that it would involve the business affairs of the Huaxia Group and she would not be able to answer. It was rare that she wanted to say something tonight, and she would probably avoid some sensitive business issues, so why didn't she listen

The three people immediately expressed their willingness to listen, and Xia Shao then sat down and recounted his experience.

The dishes came out one after another, and the table was full, and the four of them chatted while eating. The incident of missing something in the antique market was naturally the highlight. Xia Shao explained the interesting details in detail, which made the three of them amazed.

"That's amazing! Why don't I have this kind of vision?" Hu Jiayi's eyes shone with excitement, as if she wanted to go to the antique market to try it out in person.

Xia Shao also talked about how Huaxia Auction Company was established and how it acquired Wu's Antique Shop.

Liu Xianxian looked up from the soup she ordered and pointed at Xia Shao: "Treacherous!"

Having said that, her eyes were bright, her face was filled with an excited smile, and her blood was boiling, "I have first-hand information! Haha! If anyone brings up gossip about the Huaxia Group in front of me in the future, I will despise them - 'What are you talking about? I have some first-hand information here! I will reveal it myself! Do you want to know? Come over here and call me sister!'"

Liu Xianxian was having sex alone, throwing her head back and laughing, looking very happy.

Yuan Ze listened and smiled, then looked at Xia Shao. How did the Huaxia Group come to be? Even though she told her personally, she still found it unbelievable. Especially when he saw her standing right in front of him, comforting his friends and bringing them tea and water, he felt a little dazed.

Yuanze felt that if it were left to him to do these business matters ten years later, he would be able to do it. But now, I feel like I can't control it. Controlling a group at the age of sixteen or seventeen still sounds like a miracle.

Yuan Ze smiled and shook his head, with a hundred kinds of emotions in his smile. Maybe, she is a magical existence.

At this time, Yuanze didn't know that Huaxia Group was no longer what Xia Shao had described. It was already brewing a bigger storm! A plan to enter the real estate industry and annex Shengxing Group has long been brewing in the mind of this girl who is busy serving tea and water to her friends.

Tomorrow is a beginning!

The implementation of this plan will rewrite the pattern of the province's antiques industry at the Huaxia Group's dance party at the end of the month, allowing Huaxia Group's assets to increase several times in one night! Write a business legend again!

When they were almost full, the beautifully made cake was delivered. Xia Shao, Liu Xianxian and Yuan Ze lit candles for Hu Jiayi to celebrate her birthday yesterday.

Hu Jiayi's eyes turned red, "Although it's not yesterday, why do I feel that this is the best birthday I've ever had? I've grown up so big, and when I was young, my parents were busy starting a business, and they were busy with the company, so they didn't Kong celebrated my birthday, but when I grew up, they made it grand for me. Unfortunately, the excitement was all for my dad, and not many people sincerely celebrated my birthday. This was the first time I was alone. Celebrating my birthday with my friends, if Xiaoyan is here, today will be perfect."

Xia Shao smiled after hearing this and said, "Don't worry, we will continue this way next year and make sure it is perfect by then. By then, maybe Xiaoyan's yin and yang eyes will gradually get better."

Yuan Ze didn't know that Miao Yan had yin and yang eyes, so he was naturally stunned. Liu Xianxian stopped picking up vegetables and heard the meaning behind his words. Hu Jiayi asked first: "What do you mean? Xiaoyan's yin and yang eyes can slowly get better? Didn't she say that she couldn't seal it after finding many people? Who wants to seal it for her? Don't tell me it's you!"

"I want to seal her, but the things she needs are not easy to find. It will take a while for Mr. Miao to find them all. As for how long it will take, it's hard to say. I guess there is no hope this year." Xia Shao said with a smile. The reason why she said it was because there was nothing to hide about this kind of thing. Anyway, if Miao Yan knew about it, they would know about it sooner or later. When the time comes, if these two girls find out that she kept it secret from them, they will probably cause trouble again.

Even when he confessed now, he was questioned by Hu Jiayi, "Wow! So you are really a master! You have known this method for a long time. Then when I asked you in the dormitory before, why didn't you say you knew it?"

It was a bit troublesome to explain those things that changed one's fate against the will of heaven, so Xia Shao simply didn't mention it and just said: "There are some things that I can't do if I say I can. These things are difficult to obtain and must be You have to have money, connections, and luck. Mr. Miao meets these two conditions. Whether he can get everything done depends on Xiaoyan's luck."

After hearing this, Hu Jiayi nodded in recognition, "That's right. If there is no way, then it's better to comfort yourself. If there is a way, but still can't do it, it must be a big blow... What are they? Xiaoyan and others Can dad get it?"

"I told Mr. Miao the way and location to get these things. To be honest, Mr. Miao's conditions are already better than many people. It would be much more difficult for someone else to do these things."

Miao Chenghong is in the jade industry. He can definitely distinguish the authenticity of those jade stones. Moreover, he also has connections, no shortage of money and connections. This is already the best. There are not many people in the world who have yin and yang eyes. It can be said that Miao Yan is the greatest luck to be born in such a family.

Xia Shao lowered her eyes, "We can only look forward to good news."

When things came to this, the atmosphere became a little dull. Fortunately, Hu Jiayi had a happy temperament, and Xia Shao and the others didn't want the atmosphere to be too dull. After all, they were celebrating her birthday. So, after a while, the four of them started laughing again and cut the cake. Liu Xianxian shook her head and said, "You can't call me Shao Zi Shen Gun anymore. Look at this girl, she knows Feng Shui, fortune telling, and mood making." He knows how to use hexagrams and fights, and he can even seal the yin and yang eyes! Hu Jiayi, you are not on the same level as others! From now on, you will be the only magic stick in our dormitory. Shaozi has been upgraded, and she is the master."

"Why!" Hu Jiayi slapped the table and stood up. She was very unhappy, but if she had anything to say to refute, the facts were before her eyes. She bit her lip for a long time and pointed at Xia Shao, "I don't care, I have to be there when sealing the yin and yang eyes for Xiaoyan! I have to study! I have to forge ahead! Otherwise, my reputation as a fortune teller, Hu Da, will be squeezed out by you. !”

After hearing this, Xia Shao chuckled and nodded, "Okay. After I have found all the things, I still need to make a seal for Xiaoyan. There is a magic circle in the west and a seal book in the east. Since you are right If you are interested in Western magic, let’s take a look when the time comes.”

Hu Jiayi's eyes lit up and she hugged Xia Shao, "Shao Zi! You are my lucky star!"

Xia Shao was strangled by her for a long time before she let go. The four of them ate the cake, but they couldn't hold it anymore. They sat and rested for a long time before paying the bill and leaving.

This meal cost a lot, and after ordering so much, the four of them naturally didn't finish it, so Xia Shao asked the waiter to pack it. In this era, few people who came to hotels to eat had the awareness to take away their meals. This behavior was still regarded as a loss of face by many people until later generations. But Xia Shao was not afraid. She was having a dinner with her friends. It was not a business dinner, so there was no need to pay attention to that.

Yuan Ze, Liu Xianxian and Hu Jiayi were all a little surprised by her move.

The waiter's smile was a little unnatural - you have money to eat a banquet worth tens of thousands of yuan, but you still care about packing

The waiter looked at Yuanze. He was the only boy in the room, so she naturally thought it was Yuanze paying the bill. I thought that the girl who was sitting with this boy just now must be his girlfriend, right? It's really embarrassing to have such a girlfriend and pack her bags for such an occasion.

Unexpectedly, Yuanze shrugged and smiled, and had no objection. The waiter had to bring a lunch box and a bag.

I just didn't expect that when packing, Liu Xianxian put her arm around Xia Shao's shoulders and teased her: "Isn't it right? You have to take back what you can't finish? It cost you a lot to treat us to this meal." Money, are you feeling distressed?"

There was a smile on her face, and she wished Xia Shao could say she felt sorry for him so that she could experience the pleasure of killing her!

Unexpectedly, the waiter who was helping raised his head in shock and looked at Xia Shao - what? This girl invited this meal? No, not that boy

"You two are rich and young masters. Even if you haven't lived a hard life, you have always learned about thrift in class, right?" Xia Shao looked at the three of them with a smile while packing, "These dishes are not soupy. Just take it back to the dormitory and go to the school canteen tomorrow to heat it up and eat it. Aren’t there some stray cats and dogs behind the school for the rest? What a waste."

When she said this, Hu Jiayi and Yuan Ze nodded and helped clean up.

"Yes, yes, those cats and dogs behind the school are very pitiful." Hu Jiayi said.

Yuanze just smiled and said nothing, feeling inexplicably good. I don’t know why, but I have a feeling that this girl will be a diligent, thrifty, house-keeping, virtuous wife and loving mother in the future. This feeling inexplicably put him in a good mood.

Liu Xianxian rolled her eyes at Xia Shao, her hands were busy, and she said reluctantly, "Who is Miss Qianjin? You are talking about Hu Jiayi! I, Miss Liu, have lived a hard life! I know more about saving than you do !”

Xia Shao raised her eyes slightly and looked at Liu Xianxian, feeling a little surprised. She never talks about the past or her own life experience. It is indeed rare to hear such a sentence today.

After packing, Xia Shao paid the bill, took a taxi, and the four of them returned to school. He put the leftovers behind the school and returned to the dormitory carrying a few things.

This night, although Miao Yan was not there and the dormitory seemed a little different, the three of them were all tired and slept extremely soundly.

Xia Shao slept soundly, but Wang Daolin didn't sleep a wink all night.

He had no news from Yan Laosan for a day, so he secretly stared at Fu Ruixiang's store. If something happens to Xia Shao, Ma Xianrong will definitely get the news as soon as possible!

However, during this day, Fu Ruixiang was quiet, and Ma Xianrong also received a few customers, with a smile on his face, as if the business was going well, and there was no trace of panic or sadness after learning that the chairman was killed!

That little girl is still alive

Wang Daolin was shocked and confused, and called Yan Laosan's mobile phone repeatedly from evening to night, but he never got through. Late at night, he finally couldn't sit still anymore and planned to go out and visit Yan Laosan's house. Maybe he's back

However, before going out, there was a knock on the door of the house!

In the middle of the night, someone knocked on the door, which was really a scary thing for Wang Daolin who had been on tenterhooks all day.

But the person who came made him even more frightened - someone from the Public Security Bureau.

Captain Sun from the Criminal Police Team came here. This Captain Sun was different from Captain Song who made trouble in front of Fu Ruixiang some time ago. He was from Deputy Director Zhao who went there that day and had no friendship with Wang Daolin. Therefore, after receiving the report from the suburban scenic spot, he discovered that a number had been calling the victim's mobile phone, and found out the information about the head of the household of this number. Captain Sun brought someone to pick up the victim overnight, regardless of whether it was the middle of the night or not. Went to the city bureau.

Wang Daolin stayed up all night in the interrogation room of the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

He didn't want to admit that he knew Yan Laosan, but he couldn't explain why he always called him. In the end, Captain Sun threw a bunch of photos taken during the survey on the table in the interrogation room. Wang Daolin saw Yan Laosan's death. He was so frightened that he shouted out on the spot and broke into a cold sweat!

Why did Yan and Yan Laosan die

Who killed him

Who has the ability to kill the unpredictable Yan Laosan

For ten years, he has been revering Yan Laosan like a god. He, he is actually dead? ! He died so miserably! Then, were those hands and feet nailed to the ground? That, that expression...

How did he die? Did he die during a fight with that little girl

This is impossible! How old is that little girl! How could she have the ability to kill Yan Laosan? Moreover, Yan Laosan's hands and feet were nailed to the ground. She, was she so cruel

If that little girl is still alive, and she has the ability to kill Yan Laosan, and has such a ruthless heart, then wouldn't he? !

Wang Daolin's changing expression was clearly visible in the eyes of Captain Sun who was interrogating him. Now, no one would believe that he didn't know the deceased.

Wang Daolin's heart was on fire, but he had to pretend to be calm. He had to admit that he knew Yan Laosan. But he only admitted that he was a Feng Shui master, and he had known him for many years. He had always been his client. He only called him because they had made an appointment to meet today, but the other party never came, so he called him.

Captain Sun is not a fool. His words sound reasonable, but they cannot withstand scrutiny, "Oh? Mr. Wang usually makes appointments with people. If the other party lets Mr. Wang off, Mr. Wang will keep calling the other party, starting in the afternoon. Fight until late at night?”

"Of course I'm in a hurry! Who has nothing to do to find a Feng Shui master? If it wasn't a business emergency, why would I be so anxious to find him?"

"Then please tell Mr. Wang what's urgent about you."

"This is a business matter! You don't need to know so much! What do you mean by asking me? Have you tried me as a murderer? I, Wang Daolin, am also a well-known figure in the province. If you don't have any evidence, just give it to me. Be careful what you say! Be careful, I'll complain to your leader!" Wang Daolin slapped the table.

Captain Sun's face was ugly, but he didn't accept his words. "Mr. Wang is not the murderer. We will naturally investigate. Now, you need to tell us everything you know!"

How could Wang Daolin tell the truth? He couldn't say that he and Yan Laosan conspired to set up a formation on the mountain in the villa scenic area to kill the chairman of Huaxia Group, right? As for putting a charm in the collar of a little girl at the banquet, let alone the matter! Although these things cannot be used as evidence legally if told, how could he admit that he harmed others? Maybe the people in the police station couldn't accept this statement, and instead they would suspect that he pushed the person off the balcony with his own hands!

This Captain Sun is close to Director Zhao, and he has no friendship with Director Zhao. Instead, he often deals with Director Jiang. The two deputy directors have a fierce fight. What if Director Zhao insists on pulling out evidence of murder in order to make meritorious service? What about him

Wang Daolin carried it all night and refused to say another word.

The police station really had no evidence that he was the murderer, so they had no choice but to let him go early in the morning and just told him to accept questioning at any time.

Wang Daolin thought about it on the way back, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. If that little girl really has more powerful abilities than Yan Laosan, wouldn't he have offended his enemy

How many things has he asked Yan Laosan to do for him over the years? Others don’t know the mysterious things about Feng Shui, but he has experienced a lot personally! If that little girl knew that Yan Laosan was working with him, then Shengxing Group's assets would be ten times, not to mention three times that of Hua Xia. As long as she took action, would such a large family business still have a chance to survive

No! no!

He has to strike first!

"Quick! Turn around! Go back to the police station!" Wang Daolin hurriedly ordered the driver. He had to tell the people at the police station that the little girl was a Feng Shui master. Maybe the two of them had a fight and the little girl killed Yan Laosan. This means that even if the people at the police station don't believe it, they still have to investigate her and find bad luck for her, so as to hinder her steps. He can arrange the family business, arrange things in the group, and mobilize all Shengxing's resources to deal with Fu Ruixiang!

Wang Daolin never thought about apologizing to Xia Shao, getting back on good terms, and living together peacefully. The two sides had the unhappiness at the banquet of colleagues, and Shengxing was isolated by the antique guild. Then there was the farce of reporting the acquisition of cultural relics at Fu Ruixiang's door, and yesterday's attempt to kill Xia Shao at Hu's house. It just won’t stop. Even if Xia Shao is willing to forgive Wang Daolin, Wang Daolin will still be on tenterhooks. If this girl turns out to be a smiling tiger and stabs her in the back, he won't be able to bear it!

Besides, Xia Shao had no intention of forgiving Wang Daolin at all.

Therefore, Wang Daolin naturally could not sit still and wait for death. He wanted to gather all his strength to fight back. But before his car reached the door of the police station, his cell phone rang.

The call was from someone in the store. As soon as Wang Daolin picked up the call, a panicked voice came from the other side, "Mr. Wang, it's bad! The Cultural Relics Bureau came with some appraisal experts from the province and said that our store Risking forgery! The situation is not good, please come back and take a look!"

When Wang Daolin heard this, his heart skipped a beat. How could he even bother going to the police station? He hurriedly asked the driver to drive back to the store. He was feeling irritated all the way. Why did all these bad things happen at the same time

When he rushed back to the store, he finally understood.

In the store, Zhu Huaixin and several appraisal experts from the Provincial Painting and Calligraphy Association were looking at the ancient paintings in the store, pointing to a painting by Zhang Daqian and exchanging opinions. The people from the Cultural Relics Bureau determined that several items in the store came from the soil, and suspected that Wang Daolin was connected with the tomb robbers and purchased the stolen goods from the tomb robbers.

In fact, every antique dealer will be involved in these things, but as long as the business is not big and all aspects of the relationship are handled well, it doesn't really matter. But today, these people actually ignored this unspoken rule, entered the store openly, and began to conduct a strict investigation. The moment Wang Daolin saw Zhu Huaixin, he understood what was going on.

Zhu Huaixin was an elegant and honest man, with many friends in the Painting and Calligraphy Association and the Cultural Relics Bureau. He led people to find trouble. Wang Daolin was naturally clear-eyed, but on the surface he was filled with righteous indignation, "I collected these items from the sellers. Yes, I misjudged the fakes, and sometimes I couldn’t tell the difference between things in the soil. What do you mean by accusing me of this? I, Wang Daolin, am also a reputable person, do you think I’m easy to bully?”

The group of people all sneered after hearing this. Zhu Huaixin took an ancient painting by Zhang Daqian in his hand and said: "Mr. Wang, this painting is exquisitely done. It is so smoked that you can hardly see the anger. It is different from the painting of Uncle Ren at the exhibition." The "Three Friends Picture" of 2008 was based on the same technique. I think there shouldn't be too many masters like this. Without evidence, we won't come to you. Let's go, do you want to listen to what your old friend said? "

A staff member of the Cultural Relics Bureau also sneered and said: "Mr. Wang, last time you said that the other party framed you for that bronze mirror with a double carp pattern from the Jin Dynasty, it was not something in your store. Although the cultural relics were eventually confiscated. , but the Cultural Relics Bureau still felt that this matter needed to be investigated to the end. So we handed this bronze mirror to the Provincial Fingerprint Identification Center. I’m sorry, we found your fingerprint on it. Since it’s not something from your store, then what’s on it? Why are there your fingerprints? The police will be here soon. Mr. Wang, please come with me to clarify."

It's not that I hadn't thought about fingerprint checking at first, but it was just such a cultural relic, and the crime wasn't too serious. Considering the contribution of Wang Daolin's group with a net worth of tens of billions to the province's economy and tax revenue, there are always some invisible hands blocking his conviction.

So, in the end, things became less of a big deal.

But, this time is different.

The Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau have issued instructions. Wang Daolin didn't know who he had offended, he only knew that this person had a lot of background.

Moreover, it is not that the three brothers of the Zhu family have done nothing these days. The reason why they did not immediately find trouble with Wang Daolin was because they wanted to have conclusive evidence. Based on Zhu Huaixin's reputation in the Painting and Calligraphy Association and the Cultural Relics Bureau, they made friends with Xiong Huaixing. With extensive convenience, they found this master of forging ancient paintings and reported the case this morning. He must have been arrested by this time.

Wang Daolin was frightened. He did not expect that things would turn out like this. He had just come out of the police station and as soon as he returned to the store, he was immediately taken away by a group of public security officers responsible for cultural relics crimes.

The unlucky Wang Daolin entered the police station twice a day.

And his misfortune was far from over.

After he entered the police station, he was detained as a suspect. What he didn't know was that bigger trouble was still waiting for him.

Everything blew up like a storm after he entered the police station!