Rebirth of the Genius Charlatan

Chapter 98: Annexation, the end of Wang Daolin


A short and fat figure rushed out of the crowd, holding something bright in his hand.

Not everyone has encountered this kind of thing. The sudden hoarse scream shocked a group of people, and everyone instinctively shouted and dispersed!

Xia Shaozheng stepped into the store and when she heard the voice "I'll kill you -" her eyes turned cold and she turned around suddenly!

When she turned around, she made a quick move, and her three fingers had already caught the wrist of the person behind her. She clicked and twisted the pulse gate, a slight sound of dislocation was covered up by the scream, and a sharp knife fell to the ground with a clang.

As soon as the knife hit the ground, before Xia Shao turned around or glanced at Wang Daolin, a figure shot from beside him! The figure was as fast as lightning, sweeping past Xia Shao and sweeping up the wind and snow all over the ground.

Xia Shao was startled and then remembered that Xu Tianyin was in the store!

She pushed Wang Daolin out, who was wailing with his dislocated wrist, and ducked to block Xu Tianyin. Hook and lean on his elastic leg! Bend your elbow and step forward!

When Xu Tianyin flashed over to her, he suddenly stopped and was blocked by her.

At this time, Wang Daolin was pushed by Xia Shao and staggered out. There was half a finger's worth of snow on the ground, which had just been cleared away, and the ground outside the store was already white again. Wang Daolin rolled on the ground like a ball, leaving a long mark on his body, which went all the way before he stopped, covering his wrists on the ground and howling miserably.

Xia Shao glanced away and said to Ma Xianrong, who got out of the car with her, "Call the police, call the ambulance."

Ma Xianrong hurriedly agreed, but when he made the call, he glanced at Xia Shao several times - Mr. Xia, Mr. Xia's, this skill...

Chen Manguan and Sun Changde had seen Xia Shao's skills, but Ma Xianrong didn't know about it. No wonder he was surprised. Not only was he shocked, but his colleagues outside Fu Ruixiang's store also looked at her.

What just happened

They only saw a man rushing over with something bright in his hand. Not to mention what he looked like, they didn't even realize that he was holding a knife. They saw Mr. Xia turn around, and then there was a scream. Yelling, the knife also fell to the ground.

too fast!

It was so fast that no one could see how all this happened.

A group of people not only looked at Xia Shao in surprise, they also looked at Xu Tianyin behind her.

At the door, a young officer wearing a major general's uniform stood, his breath cold and violent. The snowflakes falling from the sky stuck to his sword-like eyebrows, and the coldness was not as cold as the coldness in his eyes. Those dark eyes were as deep as the abyss, and they could suck people in with just one look. But at this moment, no one wanted to look into his eyes.

But his eyes were only fixed on Wang Daolin, his aura was cold and cruel, like the god of death. On the ground in the distance, Wang Daolin saw sweat on Tian'er's forehead, who was in pain and cold. However, Xu Tianyin's gaze made him almost have a myocardial infarction.

He had never known anyone in the world to have a more terrifying look than Yan Laosan's. It was not Yan Laosan's evil look, but cold, bone-chilling cold. When people meet his gaze, they can feel the blood freezing into ice.

Wang Daolin didn't notice the major general uniform Xu Tianyin was wearing, but for him at this time, he couldn't care less. The family business he had worked hard for half his life had changed hands within a month. He couldn't accept it at all, so he vomited out a mouthful of blood in the detention center and was paroled for medical treatment.

He was suspected in several cases and was closely watched by the police. Someone came from the store this morning and informed him to go to the company to handle some handover matters. He then went to Shengxing Group's company. It was already noon when he arrived. He saw the press conference at the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Huaxia Group that was urgently broadcast on the TV station. Only then did he realize that the family business that he had worked hard for half his life was easily lost. The Lord gave it to China!

He immediately spurted out another mouthful of blood. People from the company rushed him to the hospital, but he asked the driver to drive the car to the store on Antique Street halfway.

He sat in the store and waited, knowing that she would come by at noon to receive congratulations from her colleagues. Sure enough, she came.

He can't accept it! Why did he fall into the hands of this little girl

This little girl, even Yan Laosan died in her hands! Now, she actually controls his own group. How can he swallow this breath

Now that things have happened, the family business has been ruined, and so have people. Wang Daolin knows that his life is over. What else is he afraid of

Ever since he founded Shengxing, everyone in this world who has fought with him or opposed him has not ended well! Otherwise, why did he build such a huge family fortune? If she dares to rob his family property, he will give her her life to rob her, no life to waste!

Wang Daolin sat on the ground, covering his arms with crazy eyes. This appearance frightened the colleagues on the antique street to back away, but Xu Tianyin's eyes moved slightly and turned to the sharp long knife on the ground. The tip of the knife was sharp and the blade was a foot long. If it were to pierce someone, One knife can pierce an organ and kill a person.

Xu Tianyin's breath suddenly felt cold, and the air seemed to be frozen with ice at this moment. He raised his long legs and walked towards Wang Daolin.

"Senior brother!" Xia Shao grabbed Xu Tianyin. This is not a mountain in a scenic area on the outskirts of the city. He can deal with Yan Laosan like that, but he can't deal with Wang Daolin like this in public. That's why she just stopped him.

Wang Daolin jumped over the wall in anger and wanted to kill her in public. To him, it was just a matter of digging a hole to bury himself. She didn't lose anything, but Wang Daolin's actions would only make him pay the price faster.

Xu Tianyin's body was shaken the moment Xia Shao met him, and his emotions were obviously fluctuating. The cold and violent emotions were like frost wrapped around his body, peeling off layer by layer. When he turned his head to look at her behind him, , his dark eyes scanned her up and down, and then he opened his arms and held her in his arms.

He was breathing heavily, but patted her back as if to comfort her.

Xia Shao couldn't laugh or cry, who comforted whom? She should be the one to appease this man now, right? He forgot that her skills were taught by her master when she was young, and she has always been good? If she can't even deal with Wang Daolin, how can she have the honor to see her master when she goes back

Seeing that the colleagues at the door had not dispersed yet, and after this happened, more and more people tended to gather together, Xia Shao quickly pushed Xu Tianyin, and pinched him a few times if he couldn't push him, and finally managed to get this man away. He pulled away and apologized to his colleagues on the street, appeasing everyone.

Naturally, everyone angrily criticized Wang Daolin for his cruel behavior, and looked at Xu Tianyin from time to time. Wang Daolin didn't care what connections Fu Ruixiang had at this time, but everyone cared about it.

I heard that at the Huaxia Group’s Christmas ball last night, the young commander of the provincial military division came to congratulate him? Could it be that this is the person in front of me? Yo! This one seems to be interested in Mr. Xia...

Just as everyone was speculating, police cars and ambulances arrived soon. Wang Daolin deliberately committed murder in public while on medical parole. After being examined, he was sent back to the detention center. Xia Shao and some colleagues went to the police station and took notes. Wang Daolin's charges this time were real.

He was quickly convicted of counterfeiting antiques and buying and selling cultural relics. In the case of Miao Yan, Xu could not be convicted due to insufficient evidence, but in the case of Xia Shao, the evidence was conclusive and it was a real attempted murder.

After Wang Daolin's case was settled, Xia Shao took advantage of the weekend and came to the detention center.

Wang Daolin was wearing handcuffs and shackles, and his face was haggard. How could he still have the prestige of the former CEO of a well-known enterprise in the province? His temples have turned white, and he seems to have aged ten years as time goes by.

He saw Xia Shao come to visit the prison, her haggard face showed signs of life that had not been seen for many days, but this sign of hope was not joy, but hatred. Blood burst out from his eyes. He stared at Xia Shao with his eyes and shouted to the staff at the detention center, "Who asked her to come! I didn't agree for her to come to see me! Let her go! I want to go back!"

The other party gave him a glare, with a serious expression, and shouted sternly: "What are you shouting for! Don't make any loud noise!"

Xia Shao sat on the chair with a smile and looked at Wang Daolin through the bars. She didn't seem to pay attention to his anger at all. He was angry with him. She only explained her purpose of coming, "Mr. Wang, I'm not here." It’s up to you. Do you think that based on our friendship, I would want to come see you?”

Wang Daolin was stunned, stopped shouting, looked at Xia Shao with a fierce look in his eyes, and sneered: "You are here to laugh at me, I know."

"I'm not so free." Xia Shao smiled, took out a document from his bag, and flashed it in front of Wang Daolin's eyes, "I'm here to ask Mr. Wang to sign this document."

Xia Shao shook it, then held the document upright and showed it to Wang Daolin. As soon as Wang Daolin's eyes fell on the document, he became so angry that he stretched out his hand and grabbed it!

Xia Shao had known that he would react like this, so she put the document back with a smile and said with a calm smile, "Don't get excited, I just brought a copy of this document today. If it is torn by Mr. Wang, I will have to make another trip. ."

"You're dreaming!" Wang Daolin slapped the table and stood up. His eyes were red, his expression was crazy, his sparse white hair was trembling, and he looked like a madman.

"You're dreaming! You're dreaming! If you want me to give you the shares in my hand, you're dreaming! I... ahem! Even if I die! I won't give it to you!"

"It's not giving, it's selling." Xia Shao smiled calmly, "Mr. Wang is optimistic that this is a formal share purchase and sale agreement drafted by a lawyer. The price is fair and everything is a formal procedure. Don't make it sound like I'm robbing you. I’m buying from you.”

"Buy? Haha!" Wang Daolin sneered, looking at Xia Shao's eyes, he wanted to reach out and tear her apart, "How did our Shengxing Group fall into your hands? Do you dare to say that you followed the formal procedures? Are you pretending to be a good person with me now?"

"I followed the formal procedure." Xia Shao looked like I don't understand why you said that, which made Wang Daolin so angry that his chest felt tight and he almost spurted out another mouthful of blood.

Why is this girl so shameless

Formal procedure? In those media exposures, public security bureau reports, and the Jiahui Group's cover-up, who was not her plotting against him? How dare she tell him about formal procedures? ! How many of the intrigues in the shopping mall follow formal procedures? Ah! For most of his life in the mall, he had never seen a few clean people.

"So, Mr. Wang doesn't want to follow the formal procedures? Okay." Xia Shao put the documents away, stood up, and the smile on her lips faded, "Do you know why I am still willing to come here to talk to you? Yes. For my own sake. I remind myself that you are sitting behind bars today waiting for the sentencing. It is already your retribution. I should not add insult to injury. But in fact, I am struggling. Have you seen Minister Zhu kneeling in front of his father’s grave and crying bitterly? Have you ever seen my friend fall into the water and hang on by a thread, and her father stayed by the hospital bed all night? If you had seen it, or if you had experienced it, I think if it were you, you would never be willing to be so generous. . I don’t want to be generous, but I always want to be polite before fighting. In this case, I’ll say goodbye.”

Xia Shao smiled, but her expression finally turned cold. She turned to look at the clear and cold sky outside, then turned and left.

"Wait!" The sound of handcuffs and shackles came from behind, and Wang Daolin's voice was panicked, "W-what do you want to do!"

"What can I do? I just want to see Mr. Wang's retribution." Xia Shao turned around and smiled, but there was no smile in her eyes, "Let me think about it, nails were driven into the ancestral grave in Minister Zhu's home, and his father died suddenly. My eldest brother died of illness, and the three brothers were seriously ill. My friend was cursed and walked through hell. These are just the things I know. I think there must be others I don’t know. But it doesn’t matter, all the evil you have done Everything will be retribution on you. Mr. Wang’s father and eldest brother are still alive, right? His wife and children are also still there. I don’t know if anything will happen. If you have harmed other people’s children before, it should come true. of."

Wang Daolin looked horrified, "You, you threaten me!"

"Did I? Mr. Wang is too worried. I just go back and wait for the retribution God gives you." Xia Shao raised her eyebrows.

Wang Daolin's eyes darkened! Retribution from God? He didn't believe it. But he believes in the unpredictable power of Feng Shui masters! How many shady things has Yan Laosan helped him do over the years? Even if someone is killed, there is no evidence!

She, is she going to use this method to deal with him

Wang Daolin was so angry that he coughed and felt a strange pain in his chest.

Xia Shao looked at it, lowered her eyes slightly, and said indifferently, "It doesn't matter if Mr. Wang insists on not selling Shengxing's shares to me. I can wait until your children inherit it from you, and then buy it from them. They all say I know my own body well. I wonder how much time Mr. Wang has left in his mind?"

Wang Daolin didn't take a breath and suddenly looked up at Xia Shao.

Xia Shao looked at Wang Daolin indifferently. There were dark clouds on his cheeks, his mountain roots were low and dry, the edges of his eyeballs were slightly yellow, there were red threads in his eyes, and the ridge of his nose was exposed. Not only is this a sign of liver disease due to yin deficiency according to traditional Chinese medicine, but he also has a heart disease. Judging from his appearance, he may be in trouble for a hundred days.

She saw the signs in his face when she arrived today. The reason why I said those words to him just now was just to scare him. Compared to the Zhu family and Miao Yan, he was just frightened, which was already an advantage for him!

And those retributive things she just mentioned are actually something that can be done. However, Xia Shao would not do this seriously. Not because she is generous, but because Wang Daolin is not worthy of her doing this. For someone like him, if his family is implicated, she will only be burdened with karma. If she repays her one day, it will only make her parents and family sad.

Wang Daolin's current situation and the little life he has left can be regarded as his retribution. As for whether the repayment is enough, this life is not enough, isn’t there another life

Xia Shao sneered, turned around and walked out. She could wait to acquire shares from Wang Daolin's children. Let him continue to be afraid these days.

"Wait!" Wang Daolin called out to her again, "If I sign, can you let them go?"

Xia Shao turned around slowly and raised her eyebrows. The cynicism in her eyes did not get better at all because Wang Daolin still valued his family. Since there is still humanity left, why not share this feeling with those who were harmed by him

"Mr. Wang thinks everyone is like you? If I were like you, I wouldn't come today. Not only would I not come, I wouldn't even spend a penny of the money. Your Wang family is no longer here, so the shares I gave you were in vain. Me, why should I go to the trouble of signing a contract with you?"

Wang Daolin covered his chest and looked at Xia Shao. His lips were already a little blue and he was looking haggard. He was holding his hands on the table, as if to see if what she said was true.

Xia Shao stopped talking, just waiting for his decision. Anyway, today is still a few months late, she doesn't care.

Wang Daolin opened his mouth and seemed to be struggling. All his life's hard work would be gone if he signed it today. If he doesn't sign, he will be the former chairman of Shengxing Group and current shareholder until his death...

He laughed at himself, yes, ex. From chairman to shareholder, hasn't he lost enough people? When he is buried with this identity, those who should laugh at him will still laugh at him. He has harmed too many people in his life. Even if he is still the chairman of Shengxing Group, people will still scold him after his death, right

Wang Daolin covered his aching heart and laughed miserably twice, but no sound came out. His throat was sweet and he looked like he was going to be ill.

The staff at the detention center on the side saw it and hurriedly went to call someone. They were afraid that they would have to call an ambulance today. Wang Daolin was afraid that he would be sent to the hospital.

Wang Daolin took advantage of the man's departure and reached out to Xia Shao through the bars.

He didn't speak, and Xia Shao didn't speak either. She just handed him the document.

Wang Daolin's hands were trembling, as if he was reading the last document in his life. He read the price and terms carefully, his eyes changed, but he didn't have the strength to raise his head and take a deep look at the girl outside. He used his last strength to sign his name on the last page, knowing that this life's family business was over.

He said he didn't believe in retribution. Is this true

Wang Daolin fainted. Xia Shao took the document but did not leave. It was not until the staff arrived that Wang Daolin was carried into the ambulance. She watched the white car drive away from a distance, and then looked at the cold winter weather. Tian Tian, feeling unspeakable in his heart, left the detention center and took a car to the company building.

Huaxia Group took over 30% of Wang Daolin's shares, and this incident soon caused a whirlwind in the business world!

No one thought that with the grudge between Wang Daolin and Huaxia Group, he would be willing to sell his shares to Huaxia Group. However, the young chairman of Huaxia Group did it!

Not only did she do it, she held another press conference.

It was announced that Shengxing Group will change its name to China Group with immediate effect. The assets of the original Shengxing Group will be transferred to China. Shengxing's stocks on the stock market will also be renamed. All antique shops under the former Shengxing Group will replace their signboards with Fu Ruixiang's brand from now on.

As soon as this announcement was released, there were waves!

This time everyone discovered that the acquisition of the original Shengxing Group may have been a corporate annexation in the mind of this young chairman!

The most obvious result of this annexation case is that Fu Ruixiang's entry into the domestic antiques industry can be said to be almost completed in one step! The customers and territories that Shengxing had worked so hard for all belonged to Fu Ruixiang.

From now on, Fu Ruixiang has become a giant in the domestic antiques industry!

And what about stocks? After the annexation, even thirty-half of Wang's dividends belong to China, and the entire group belongs to China. After the stock price rises, is it really as simple as doubling China's assets

Of course more than doubled.

After the press conference, Xia Shao took a series of measures.

She first asked Fu Ruixiang to join the Antiques Guild, and Chen Manguan was elected as the president of the Provincial Antiques Guild. Then, based on the original industry regulations, anti-counterfeiting industry regulations were formulated. We also contacted several TV media and teamed up with appraisal experts in calligraphy, painting, porcelain and other fields in the province to hold on-site appraisal programs and expose some of the latest counterfeiting tricks on the market, which received high ratings.

Many collectors came to learn appraisal knowledge, and people's enthusiasm for collecting has increased again.

Also rising at the same time is Fu Ruixiang's reputation in the antiques industry and China's stock price.

The stock price has been rising unstoppably, and Huaxia has recovered the funds previously invested in acquiring shares at an extremely fast speed!

And Xia Shao thought of some treasure appraisal programs in later generations, and an idea flashed in his mind, and he signed a contract with the TV station.

The TV station not only invited appraisal experts from the province, but also appraisers from Fu Ruixiang and Huaxia Auction Company to help appraise and value the antiques of some private collectors. It also added a live interactive session to allow the audience to guess the price and make the right guess. Participants will receive Fu Ruixiang's books and prizes on identification.

Once the program was recorded and broadcast, the response was overwhelming! Not only private collectors, but also people who don’t know much about collecting can bring treasures that look like antiques at home to the show. If it is a fake, experts will explain on the spot why it is a fake and remind collectors of things to pay attention to in order to improve everyone's appreciation. If it is genuine, it will enter the activity of valuation and price guessing.

The ratings of this program are so high, and it has such a great effect on increasing people’s enthusiasm for collecting, that colleagues in the TV station and the antique guild are extremely happy! This is not only good for everyone’s business, but also good for Fu Ruixiang’s reputation and the reputation of the entire antiques industry.

Everyone benefited, and Chen Manguan was a kindhearted person. Fu Ruixiang completely stabilized his foundation in the province's antique industry and took the leading position.

While Huaxia was being talked about everywhere in the streets, no one knew that there was a real estate company related to Huaxia Group.

The general manager of this real estate company is a Chinese-German beauty from distant Germany named Emily. It is said that she is an MBA from the University of Pennsylvania, an elite in the management world. These days, every company is vying for such an academic qualification, but she came to China to start her own business at a young age.

Not everyone has the courage to give up the stable and good conditions in a large company and take a path with unknown success or failure. Such people deserve respect, but now everyone is waiting to see Emily's jokes.

Because the piece of land she bought is a shameful landmark of Jinda Real Estate. It is obviously a prime location and a commercial center. She should have made a lot of money back, but in the end she suffered a huge loss. We failed to build residential buildings and parks. We ended up building an outskirts, which were completely deserted and rarely visited by people. Everyone said that it was very dangerous there. During the construction, accidents often occurred where workers were killed or injured.

And this Emily actually hired workers. I heard that the wages were increased by 20%, and she even signed a workers' injury compensation contract.

Everyone secretly scolded her for being stupid, waiting to see if something happened to her workers, and they would have to pay the medical expenses while they were alive.

But these people didn't know that that night, a car parked outside the construction site that had not yet started.

Xia Shao got out of the car and had someone carry a pair of bronze turtles, a piece of Taishan stone and a potted plant down. She looked at the location of the two Holiday Inn buildings opposite and placed them at the entrance of the construction site. She placed the Taishan stone at the gate. Set up inside.

Emily followed down and looked at the two huge copper turtles at the entrance of the construction site. The usually rigorous and capable woman showed a rare expression of curiosity, "Can two turtles, a stone and a potted plant work like this?"

"These are not ordinary turtles. These two bronze turtles have been consecrated and can dispel evil spirits and ensure peace." Xia Shao smiled and asked someone to bring a pot of plants from the car. "This kind of plant is called dragon bone pillar. The dragon is a kind of spiritual power in the hearts of people in our country. If you ask me to speak from a scientific point of view, I can only say that spirit can form beliefs, and the aura of a collection of beliefs can deepen a person's aura. But in fact Feng Shui is just because it is a succulent plant, and the evil spirits will stop when it meets water. You can arrange for people to plant a row of them outside the construction site. As for this stone, in Feng Shui, every object has its own aura, so place it where Wherever it should be placed, it can change the surrounding aura.”

"Besides..." Xia Shao took out a design drawing and handed it to Emily, "Build the perimeter according to the drawing I gave you. Don't be careless."

Xia Shao studied architecture in her previous life, and drawing was her specialty. She drew drawings based on the appearance of the private club she wanted. The layout inside was similar to Bagua graphics, which could not only dispel evil spirits, but also Set up a trap to gather energy.

Emily took it and nodded. She still didn't quite understand what Xia Shao said just now. She still insists that she is a materialist and believes in science. However, she does not object to others doing this. Every country has its mysterious and magical places. And to her, the young girl she followed was a magical being in her own right.

After arranging everything, Xia Shao took the car back to school, and Emily said that construction on the construction site would start that day.

When everything came to an end, Xia Shao left all subsequent matters to his subordinates.

After all, her energy and time are limited because she still has studies to worry about.

The final exam will be in half a month, and Xia Shao plans to do nothing in the next half month and concentrate on reviewing and preparing for the exam.