Rebirth of the Little Mute

Chapter 22


The bag had the artistic logo of "Ke Yan" printed on it, and Chu Han recognized it as Mu Xiaoke's stuff at a glance, so Chu Han took it from Cen Luo'an and asked, "Is it for me?"

Mu Xiaoke nodded and took out the contents of the bag. There were two gift boxes inside. Mu Xiaoke opened both boxes.

In one box was a brooch, in the other a pair of cufflinks.

Mu Xiaoke took out the brooch. The main body of the brooch is a writing brush the length of a little finger. The pen holder is made of dark green Lantian jade in the shape of a bamboo joint. The nib is carved out of dark green jade. The dark green end is connected to the pen barrel, and the color gradually changes until the nib is almost colorless. The pin of the brooch was attached to a thin gold chain, which could be clipped to the pocket of a coat, after the style of a modern pocket watch.

Because he had never learned jade carving before, it took Mu Xiaoke more than two weeks to complete the brooch, which resulted in him not daring to accept many orders.

But this brooch is a thank you gift to Chu Han, no matter how much time it takes, it is worth it.

As for the pair of cufflinks, I didn't spend too much time. I just used the leftovers of the brooch to make a few eggs and inlaid them.

"Did you make these things yourself, kid?" Cen Luo'an picked up a cuff button and looked at it carefully. He never expected that Mu Xiaoke, who looked weak and ignorant of the world, would have such a good craftsmanship. , although these things cannot be inferior to the craftsmanship in jewelry stores, they are not much worse than those in gold stores in shopping malls.

Mu Xiaoke typed: "Mr. Chu, you helped me so many times before, I always wanted to thank you, before my father asked me to bring you some drinks, I thought it was a bit perfunctory, but at that time these things were not done well, I I didn't dare to tell you."

"Okay, no need to say more. This is a practical gift for me. I like it very much. Thank you, Xiao Ke."

Mu Xiaoke looked at Chu Han, and the reluctance in his heart became stronger, but what's the use of reluctance, he knew early on that he was just a passerby, and to him, he was just a small character who met by chance.

Chu Han felt Mu Xiaoke's attachment, and said some cruel words again: "Xiao Ke, don't let me have any worries."

Mu Xiaoke was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly understood something in his heart, he nodded solemnly.

After Mu Xiaoke left, Cen Luo'an looked at the jewelry and sighed: "How can such a good child be dumb?"

"Probably bad luck."

"You would say something like that? It's really rare."

"If his life is not good, he can earn a good life by himself. I'm not worried."

Cen Luo'an looked at Chu Han strangely, "I didn't ask you if you were worried, brother Chu, you can't do this."

"Okay, go do your thing."

As soon as he arrived in the classroom on Monday morning, Mu Xiaoke saw another bottle of milk on his desk. Why do you say again, because since the breakup with Fu Jiayun, although Fu Jiayun did not appear in front of him directly again, he still delivered breakfast to Mu Xiaoke, even if he didn't deliver it himself, he would ask the students in the same class as Xiaoke to help bring it Come.

All in all, it's haunting.

Not only that, after Mu Xiaoke downloaded the chat software back, Fu Jiayun also used nearly 10 trumpets to try to add his friends back.

Mu Xiaoke doesn't know what Fu Jiayun is insisting on. If he has the skills to deal with him, why not go directly to please Mu Kai. Now he and Mu Kai have fallen out. If Mu Kai knows that Fu Jiayun is so courteous to him, when the time comes I want to break up with Mu Kai again.

Does Fu Jiayun still think of himself as an adolescent who knows nothing about the world

Fu Jiayun really unconsciously regarded himself as an ignorant child, but unfortunately he didn't realize it, he only knew that now he wanted to coax Mu Xiaoke back.

Whether it's for Mu Kai or himself, Fu Jiayun believes in himself—he must coax Mu Xiaoke back.

How could Fu Jiayun's tireless actions not attract Mu Kai's attention? Mu Kai discussed Mu Xiaoke with Fu Jiayun several times, but none of them made Fu Jiayun give up delivering breakfast.

"Why do you insist on doing this? You have also seen that every time you send something, he will take it to the recycling bin and give it away. He is not willing to accept your kindness at all." Mu Kai and Fu Jiayun returned from the first year of high school. There was almost a quarrel on the way to the classroom. Mu Kai really couldn't bear Fu Jiayun's behavior of empathizing with each other. Several times they almost pierced the window paper between them, because Mu Kai really wanted to question Fu Jiayun: "Do you like me or Mu Xiaoke!"

And there is another reason why Mu Kai is so irritated, that is, Rong Yanzhe has not come back to see him for such a long time after entering university. This is completely different from what he said before. Are you in love

Fu Jiayun was also very displeased: "Then what else can we do? If we don't even do this little thing, Xiao Ke won't be reconciled with us anymore. Haven't you talked to him at home? He wants What, you can tell us directly."

"By the way, Xiao Ke's birthday is November 21, and it will be there in one week!"

Fu Jiayun didn't know why he suddenly thought of this. Speaking of Mu Xiaoke's birthday, Mu Xiaoke would pester Fu Jiayun in advance, asking Fu Jiayun to prepare birthday presents.

And now it's less than a week before the official day, Mu Xiaoke didn't say anything, this must be Mu Xiaoke testing him, "Xiaojie, let's go buy him a birthday present this weekend!"

Mu Kai almost died of anger.

In fact, the first priority they have to face now is the midterm exam.

The mid-term exams of the three grades are all completed this week.

Mu Xiaoke has made sufficient preparations. Even though Chu Han was going to leave early, he still carefully reviewed the content assigned by the teachers. Therefore, this four-day exam with a total of 9 subjects, he Done without arrogance.

After the mid-term exam is the parent meeting, the first report of this semester, the teachers and students of the whole school attach great importance to it. Chu Han had already planned to help, so he would wait until the parent meeting was over before leaving.

However, when the rankings were released in the mid-term exam, Mu Xiaoke was extremely surprised. He wasn't surprised that he was in the top 20 of his grade, what surprised him was his older brother Mu Kai's grades.

He didn't find his brother in the first hundred miles!

On the first day when the grades came out, Mu Kai took his papers to the teachers of various subjects to check them, but no matter how he checked them, his grades did not improve at all.

"Isn't the teacher wrong?" Fu Jiayun couldn't believe it. Mu Kai's grades have always been among the best. How could it be possible that he couldn't even make it into the top 100? There were only 500 of them in the third year of high school.

"No, I don't know..." Mu Kai's eyes were red. He remembered what Mu Xiangyang said to him that day. Mu Xiangyang put such heavy expectations on him. How to deal with the future of the Mu family.

"Hey, school grass, I saw the ranking list in the first year of high school. Your little brother Xiao Ke is ranked eighth."

Mu Kai turned his head in shock, "What did you say!"

Mu Xiaoke!

Going home at night, Mu Xiaoke saw Mu Kai at home unprepared.