Rebirth of the Little Mute

Chapter 41


It was past 7 o'clock when Chu Han returned home, Mu Xiaoke heard the sound of the door opening, and immediately ran to the living room. When Chu Han saw Mu Xiaoke frowning, he knew that the little adult was starting to worry about him.

"Have you been waiting for me for a long time?" Chu Han smiled.

Mu Xiaoke nodded and asked him, "Is there something you are hiding from me?"

Being so busy for so many days in a row must be something big. Mu Xiaoke also didn't believe that Chu Han was out to play, and Chu Han was not someone who would waste time.

"..." Chu Han was speechless for a moment, he knew that Mu Xiaoke was very sensitive, and that he would definitely arouse his suspicion if he went out so early and returned late, but he was not afraid of Mu Xiaoke's suspicion, even if he didn't explain, Mu Xiaoke would still I will trust him unconditionally.

"Can't you tell me?" Mu Xiaoke frowned.

"Not yet, I will tell you when you grow up." Chu Han promised seriously that this is not empty talk to coax children. When telling Mu Xiaoke.

However, Mu Xiaoke has his own understanding of what it means to grow up. He is already an adult, even older than Chu Han! "I've grown up a long time ago!"

Chu Han couldn't help laughing, Mu Xiaoke's adult appearance was really too cute.

"Okay, okay, I know that Xiao Ke has grown up and is 16 years old. Come, eat snacks, I bought them specially for you to make amends. You can't stop eating. If you don't eat, you won't forgive me."

Mu Xiaoke glared at him, didn't he still not take his words seriously, he still treated him like a child!

"I really grew up, I don't eat snacks!"

Seeing this, Chu Han sighed heavily, "Hey, when I grow up, I don't eat snacks anymore, and I don't listen to my brother anymore."

Chu Han's words opened Mu Xiaoke's eyes. How can he turn black and white like this? He is willing to bow down!

Mu Xiaoke's expression made Chu Han laugh out loud, "Okay, you've grown up. I'm going to work today. There's something wrong with my friend's company. I'll help."

Mu Xiaoke immediately thought of the Rong family, "Could it be that Rong Zhao and the others have come to trouble you again, do you want me to help?"

"You're just a child... okay, okay, you're an adult, but you haven't graduated, and you haven't worked, so you can't help for the time being. You just need to study hard in class, you know?"

Mu Xiaoke was not reconciled, but Chu Han was right. Although he already had experience in the previous life, he had never left the campus in the previous life, and had zero work experience.

"If you can use me in the future, you must tell me, and I want to help you too."

Chu Han looked at him, "Okay."

Rongzhao's board meeting today was extremely useless. When he got home, he almost smashed the antique vase at home. If Shao Yuzhen hadn't discovered it in time, the family would have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

"Those old people have been old friends of the old man for many years. You also know that they always rely on the old to sell the old. Before the old man was alive, he couldn't handle them well. How long have you wanted them to bow to you? Dreaming? ?" Shao Yuzhen didn't care about her husband's face at all, and spoke straightforwardly, but fortunately, only the husband and wife were there now.

"Then what do you ask me to do? You refused to listen to me at that time, otherwise you wouldn't be dictated by those old things to this day!"

Shao Yuzhen was furious when she heard this, "Aren't you afraid of stealing chickens and losing money by doing this, it's against the law!"

"There is no proof of death, what is the crime? Your eldest sister has long said that she doesn't want the things in the company. Does the Fu family still dare to take a needle from the Shao family? Not to mention the evil of the parents who died long ago. He dares to come again. I let him go sideways!"

When the two couples mentioned this, they would quarrel, and Shao Yuzhen felt a splitting headache, "Stop talking, I don't want to hear it anymore, please let me be quiet."

Rong Zhao snorted, seeing his wife like this, he also knew that she had succumbed, "Tomorrow I will ask a lawyer to notarize."

Shao Yuzhen glared at him, then turned and left.

Rongzhao's speed was very fast. A will that was unknown but signed by the old man was placed on the meeting table of the Shaw Group. The lawyer invited by Rongzhao recognized the will and helped them complete the equity transfer contract on the spot. .

Shao Yuzhen took away 90% of her father's shares by herself, leaving only 10% for her eldest sister Shao Suzhen.

So far, Rong Zhao, Shao Yuzhen and his wife have more than 37% of the total shares of the Shaw Group, and they are undoubtedly the largest shareholders of the entire Shaw Group.

Rong Zhao, the acting chairman, officially became the real chairman, in charge of all life and death powers of Shaw Brothers.

Lin Jun informed Chu Han of this matter immediately.

Chu Han was very satisfied with this. After all, Rong Zhao used the worst method of forging a will to solve the problem that was questioned.

"Have you recorded all the evidence?" Chu Han asked Lin Jun.

Lin Jun naturally arranged everything properly. Whether it was the video of the meeting at that time or the original photocopies of relevant materials, he kept copies one by one. This file was properly stored in the company's most confidential safe. .

The good times are always short-lived, the spring break is coming to an end, Chu Han has to fly back to school to finish his studies.

Mu Xiaoke went to the airport to see him off as usual. On the eve of their parting, Mu Xiaoke finally took out an alloy bracelet and gave it to Chu Han.

This is an open men's bracelet. The bright silver bracelet has simple and tough lines. The only "eye" is a lake-blue Paraiba tourmaline inlaid in the center. This tourmaline makes the color of the entire bracelet come alive, and the light is rich in layers and dazzling.

Mu Xiaoke held Chu Han's hand, put the bracelet on Chu Han's wrist directly, and then demanded domineeringly, "You have to wear it every day."

Chu Han could tell at a glance that this tourmaline was given by him, because this tourmaline was the only one out of so many that Yu Ye personally selected, and the sales manager was responsible for matching the other tourmalines.

"I gave you the stone, why do you give it back to me?"

Mu Xiaoke didn't care, he just wanted Chu Han to wear it. He heard that tourmaline had the meaning of warding off evil spirits and eliminating disasters in ancient times. Talking about the company's problems that day, Mu Xiaoke was even more worried about whether the Rong family would be really crazy to the point where even Chuhan, a young man with no background and no financial resources, would kill him.

So he rushed to finish the bracelet, hoping that Chu Han would be protected by the bracelet and avoid the lunatics of the Rong family.

Chu Han looked at him and found that he was hopelessly stubborn, so instead of reasoning with him, he took off the bracelet and put it on his wrist. There is one advantage of opening the bracelet, as it can be made without measuring the size. , close the hole, and Mu Xiaoke can put it on steadily.

"I gave you the stone, I just want it to appear by your side. If you give it to me, do you think I will be happy?"

Mu Xiaoke shook his head, but he still hoped that Chu Han would be fine.

"You're fine, I'll be fine." After Chu Han finished speaking, he gently hugged Mu Xiaoke, "Be obedient."

Mu Xiaoke had no choice but to agree, and stood at the security checkpoint to watch Chu Han leave.

In a blink of an eye, 3 months have passed.

Mu Kai's college entrance examination is over, but his grades are unacceptable. Mu Kai failed the exam, not to mention the top ten prestigious schools, even ordinary universities.

Mu Xiangyang had a big fight with Mu Kai because of this, and Mu Xiaoke escaped unharmed because he didn't go home.

After that, Mu Xiaoke heard the news that Mu Kai was going to participate in the entertainment industry draft.

Mu Xiangyang called to complain to Mu Xiaoke, "He really wants to give up studying and become a trainee!"

"Does he think he can be domineering in the entertainment circle with just one face!"

"I don't even go to college, how can I manage Mu Yan in the future, and how can I inherit the Mu family!"

Mu Xiaoke watched his father collapse coldly. He didn't know what to be sorry about. If Mu Kai didn't plan to study, then Mu Yan would find a professional manager to take care of him. Take the resources to Mu Kai.

"Xiao Ke, when will you be able to speak? Tell Dad, are you lying to us by not speaking on purpose?"

Mu Xiangyang suddenly said this, and Mu Xiaoke was completely disappointed. In the eyes of his father, he was a spare tire. Mu Kai was overwhelmed by the heavy responsibility, so he came to him. Without the slightest hesitation, she placed hope on him.

"I really can't tell, I'm sorry Dad, I can't help you. I still have class to go, goodbye."

"Xiao Ke..."

Mu Xiaoke hung up the phone directly, and Mu Xiangyang's image immediately disappeared from the screen.

Mu Xiaoke sneered, but fortunately, he hadn't really let go of his guard against his father since the day he came back, otherwise he would be sad for a while now.

After half a month, Mu Kai came to the door.

"Mu Xiaoke! Open the door!"

"Why don't you dare to open the door? Is it because your own brother's light is too bright and will blind you?"

"I'm a star now, Xiao Ke, you can't think of it. Although my father said he didn't want it, he gave me a leading actor. As soon as I debut, I will be the top traffic. Xiao Ke, do you want to try this too?" It feels like thousands of stars are surrounding you?"

Standing in the porch, Mu Xiaoke heard his nonsense, and felt that he was very pitiful. The same is true for Mu Xiangyang, who brazenly praises his son, who knows how many years Mu Yan can continue to prosper

"So you are worried that the company will have problems in the future?"

When Mu Xiaoke and Chu Han talked about Mu Kai in the video, Chu Han pointed out his concerns.

However, what Mu Xiaoke is really afraid of is not that the bankruptcy of the Mu family will cause him to lose his favorable environment, but that after Mu Yan goes wrong, history will repeat itself, and his family will force him to marry Rong Yanzhe again in order to win the Rong family. That little investment.

"You don't have to worry about this, Xiao Ke."

Chu Han spoke very firmly and confidently, so confident that even Mu Xiaoke believed in this promise inexplicably, even though Mu Xiaoke didn't know exactly where Chu Han's confidence came from.

On the third day after contacting Chu Han, Mu Kai came to trouble Mu Xiaoke in a rage, "Did you get in the way! Did you say something to Dad! Why didn't he let me play the leading role? Even Don't let me participate in Mu Yan's project in the future!"

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-12-1923:22:53~2020-12-2022:23:01~

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of October Wangyou; 1 bottle of Yuni; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!