Rebirth of the Little Mute

Chapter 42


Mu Kai, who came to show off his power a few days ago, has become a bereaved dog today, even jumping over the wall to threaten Mu Xiao can ask for his job back.

But Mu Xiaoke didn't know about it. This incident was unexpected. His father was not such a rational person. Even if he knew that Mu Kai was not qualified for the role of the hero, he would not remove Mu Kai. What happened, did Mu Kai offend someone

Mu Kai yelled and started crying, "Xiao Ke, why did you treat me like this, I hate you so much, I hate you so much!"

Mu Xiaoke stood inside the door, and Mu Kai stood outside the door. The two brothers who were once very close are now enemies.

Hearing Mu Kai's cry, Mu Xiaoke's heart was touched, but no matter how miserable he was crying, Mu Xiaoke would not soften his heart any more. It is impossible for Mu Kai and him to repair their relationship one day.

Mu Kai's cries disturbed the other residents of the building, and the property security came up and invited him out.

Mu Xiaoke completely relaxed.

And after Mu Kai left, his father made a video call to him, and the first thing he said was: "Xiao Ke, did your brother look for you?"

Mu Xiaoke nodded, and at the same time said that Mu Kai had left and disappeared.

"Why don't you keep him! Hey, he had a fight with me about acting, and I don't know what he will do!"

Mu Xiaoke looked at Mu Xiangyang's battered appearance, and couldn't help asking, "Why don't you let him act?"

"I don't want to, but I don't know what's going on, a few major shareholders suddenly called, saying that this drama will appoint a male lead, and if I don't agree with them, they will withdraw their capital. What else can I do!"

"Do you really think Mu Kai is capable of playing the leading role?"

Mu Xiangyang didn't expect Mu Xiaoke to ask this question so bluntly, "What do you mean, your brother has already failed the ranking, so you don't even allow him to eat?"

Mu Xiaoke was taken aback, it turned out that after so many things, his father still regarded him as a despicable and shameless villain. He laughed at himself and stopped meddling in his own business.

Mu Xiangyang was shocked when Mu Xiaoke hung up the phone, Mu Xiaoke's smile just now made him feel bad, "Why did I say this again!" He immediately called Mu Xiaoke back, but Mu Xiaoke didn't answer up.

Mu Xiaoke took a deep breath and let go of his redundant feelings. He no longer had any expectations of his father and brother, and he would not pay any more attention to their affairs in the future. They are no longer a family. up.

Mu Xiaoke thought that his father might come to play a father-son relationship in a while, so he simply went to find the master with his tool bag on his back.

Because Mu Xiaoke is still in high school, he can't often come to the old man's small western building, but every time he comes, the old man will teach him everything, and then assign a lot of homework for Mu Xiaoke to go back to practice.

It has been 5 or 6 days since the last time I came to Xiaoyanglou.

The old man laughed when he saw him coming, "Why didn't you call before you came?"

"I didn't want to disturb you, but I thought that if you were resting, I would do handicrafts in the yard." Mu Xiaoke typed.

The old man was puzzled, "Didn't you come to me to hand in your homework? Is there something wrong at home?"

Mu Xiaoke pursed his lips and smiled helplessly, "Well, I have a conflict with my father and don't want to go home."

The old man patted his head, "Your father... Forget it, you go and use my workbench, I'll watch you by the side."

Mu Xiaoke looked at the old man. What the old man said just now seemed to know his father? But the old man didn't say much, and it was hard for him to ask.

Mu Xiaoke stayed at the old man's house until the night, the old man wanted him to stay overnight, but Mu Xiaoke still refused, he has been bothering the old man all day, how can he bother others.

Back home, Mu Xiaoke saw an insulated lunch box at the door. On the way, he saw several missed calls on his mobile phone, and a message from his father, "I cooked for you, hurry home Eat it while it's hot."

Mu Xiaoke didn't want to eat these things, but following the principle of not wasting food, he still took the lunch box home.

Looking at this house, he knew that he should have a next step.

"Father, please transfer Shihua's house to me." Mu Xiaoke sent this message overnight.

Mu Xiangyang's blood pressure almost went up when he saw this news, Mu Xiaoke's thoughts couldn't be more obvious, he really wants to separate the family.

"You go home tomorrow." Mu Xiangyang replied.

Mu Xiaoke refused to agree, "No, I still have things to do, so please speak up."

Mu Xiangyang was mad, what could happen to a high school student who was on summer vacation

Mu Xiaoke took a picture of his order schedule and reminded his father that not only those who start a company and become the boss are busy with everything, but craftsmen who make orders with their own craftsmanship are even busier.

Mu Xiangyang immediately stopped having any objections. In the past six months, Mu Xiaoke has hardly reached out to him. Mu Xiaoke's tuition and living expenses are almost all borne by himself, because he, as a father, cannot transfer his children's money in a timely manner. money.

And these expenses were borne by Mu Xiaoke's orders.

The next day, Mu Xiangyang came to Shihua alone.

Mu Xiaoke invited him in and poured him a cup of warm water. Although he knew that his father liked to drink tea, he had no interest in pleasing his father.

Mu Xiangyang looked at the glass of warm water in front of him, and felt that his position in his son's heart had dropped sharply. He asked anxiously, "Xiao Ke, why do you want this house?"

"This is the house that my mother bought before marriage. It is the only part that is not part of the common property between you. I am not afraid of your anger. If I don't take this house now, I am afraid that you will hand it over to Mu Kai."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Why would I give this house to Xiaokai? Besides, if your brother needs him in the future, shouldn't you help him?"

Mu Xiaoke was extremely disappointed, "You say this now, can I believe that you will not give the entire Mu family including this house to Mu Kai? I know you like Mu Kai more than me, and I don't force anything , I have said many times, I don’t want a single cent of your property, I just want this house, and I will slowly repay you for your kindness in nurturing me in the future.”

"Mu Xiaoke, are you speaking human language?"

"Then what you did is very decent?"


"On my wife's birthday, I brought the illegitimate child home in full view, forcing my wife to admit the status of the illegitimate child. Is what you did very decent?"

Mu Xiaoke stood up and looked down at his father. He also didn't want to use his mother as a bargaining chip to blackmail Mu Xiangyang, but he really couldn't bear Mu Xiangyang's insult to him.

"Until now, you have not asked Mu Kai to apologize to me about Cao Chengli's matter. It seems that everything Mu Kai did was right, but I was too fussy. I can't even bear to let my brother and friend rape me. , do you think so?"

"If you think you did the right thing, and you want to usurp the inheritance left by my mother and pass it on to Mu Kai, I can only sue."

Mu Xiangyang looked at Mu Xiaoke, feeling chills in his heart, "Who taught you to do this!"

"There is no one to teach, if you have to say it, it must be B degree."

"Are you going to kill your brother?"

Mu Xiaoke was very puzzled, "How can I kill Mu Kai if I want a house? Could it be that you are going bankrupt and need this house to save your life?"

"Your brother just wants to be better than you, and he just wants to get more than you. Now he has failed the exam, and you are still in the top three of the grade. If you can get this house, he won't even have a boy from an online drama." If the protagonist can’t even get it, he will collapse!”

Mu Xiaoke smiled disdainfully, "Then please go through the transfer procedures as soon as possible and settle the matter quietly. I will keep it a secret for you. But if you insist on refusing, I can only make things worse. In the end, I can still get House, I'm afraid you can't hide it even if you want to, Mu Kai will go crazy, he's crazy, your favorite son will lose his future."

Mu Xiangyang raised his hand fiercely and was about to slap Mu Xiaoke's face, but Mu Xiaoke immediately hid aside, "If you do something, then I will ask a lawyer to sue tomorrow."

Mu Xiangyang yelled: "Mu Xiaoke, why on earth did you do such a great job!"

Mu Xiaoke frowned. Why do his father and half-brother like to blame him for the root of the problem? Is he their original sin

"You should ask you and Mu Kai this question, I can't answer. I used to believe so much that you guys love me, but you guys have done it time and time again and let me down. If I can't protect myself, then I will be eaten by you guys." There are not even bones left. My mother has become your victim. She died to protect me. I can't let myself go to the dead end, otherwise I will live up to her motherly love."

After Mu Xiaoke typed these words, Mu Xiangyang completely slumped on the sofa, "Everything was fine at home, but since you suddenly lost your voice, everything has changed..."

"It's better if you change, and you will have a new life if you change. I am living very well now, Dad, the happiest day I have ever experienced in my life, except when my mother was alive, it is now when I leave you."

After leaving you, some admired his handiwork, some cherished his friendship, some enthusiastically celebrated his birthday, and there was one who immediately extended a helping hand when he lost his mind, protecting him, pampering him and pampering him this year support him.

In your shadow, I am only qualified to face pain.

"Do you have to do this?"

Mu Xiaoke nodded, it must be so.

Three days later, Mu Xiangyang took Mu Xiaoke to the relevant department to complete the process, and Mu Xiaoke got his first red book.

Coming out of the office hall, Mu Xiaoke bowed his head to Mu Xiangyang, "Thank you, Dad." After speaking, he didn't want Mu Xiangyang's car either, and took a taxi by himself to go home.

The first thing he did when he got home was to take a photo of the real estate certificate and send it to Chu Han.

Chu Han didn't know about Mu Xiaoke's plan in advance, and he was really shocked when he saw this certificate, so he immediately made a video call with Mu Xiaoke.

"what happened?"

Mu Xiaoke lay down happily holding the notebook, "The house has been transferred to my name, and I have a house now!"

Seeing him so happy, Chu Han felt less worried, "How did you get it? Did your father bully you?"

Mu Xiaoke shook his head, "I'm so happy that you are so worried about me! But he didn't bully me, he was afraid that I would affect Mu Kai, so he relied on me in everything."

Chu Han sighed unconsciously, "Why are you so anxious to get the house? I can help you when you grow up, or when I go back."

"Of course I know you can help me, but I can't wait. When I become an adult, I want to separate my account as soon as possible. I don't want to have anything to do with them anymore. Brother Chu Han, can you understand me?"

The author has something to say: I'm sorry, today's business trip is finally over, I didn't expect it to be procrastinated.

I can be on time without travel, love you guys! Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-12-2022:23:01~2020-12-2222:34:25~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Floating Life Like a Dream 1 piece;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 1 bottle of Yuni;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!