Rebirth of the Little Mute

Chapter 76


Rong Yanzhe couldn't sleep all night, his mother wailed in pain for his father in the middle of the night, and fell asleep in the middle of the night. He repeatedly recalled the scenes in his dreams. He wanted to find Chu Han's flaws, but Chu Han had already started to deploy in Shaw Brothers a few years ago. Even if he now knew Chu Han's next move, he couldn't solve it. . He was extremely annoyed, if only he had thought of those things earlier! But no matter how much he knew, he was still obsessed with getting Mu Xiaoke's gaze, and couldn't remember those details at all!

At dawn, Rong Yanzhe went downstairs, but Yan Zhou was already waiting for him downstairs. Yan Zhou stood in the middle of the hall with his legs spread apart, his hands behind his waist. When Rong Yanzhe saw it, his heart trembled. Such a standing posture was obviously a Lianjiazi, and he even came out of the army.

"Hello, please wait a moment, Chu Han will arrive in a few minutes."

Yan Zhou didn't talk nonsense, and his words were very concise.

Rong Yanzhe's eyes were not friendly, "It's illegal for you to do this, you are from the army, don't you understand this rule?"

Yan Zhou smiled, "I was ordered to protect you two, I don't understand Mr. Rong's meaning."

Rong Yanzhe frowned, wishing he could kill the other party now, but he knew that he was not his opponent.

A few minutes later, Chu Han really came. Seeing Rong Yanzhe's pale face, he knew he couldn't sleep at night, "Your father is fine, and he will be discharged from the hospital in a while."

"Chu Han, let's make a deal. I can make my father return all the shares to you, and you won't hold my father accountable for the past."

Chu Han raised his eyebrows. He looked around the house. Since he went to college, he rarely came back here. The layout of this house has been completely changed, and all the traces left by his parents have been wiped out. The Rong family's father and son can so peacefully occupy property that does not belong to them, and erase the traces of their relatives murdered by them. Is such a person worthy of sympathy

"Rong Yanzhe, you have no leverage to negotiate with me. Since you have those memories, you should know that I am not an idiot like Mu Kai."

Rong Yanzhe frowned, Mu Kai...Mu Kai is indeed an idiot, in those dreams, Mu Kai was used by him, he used Mu Kai's hand to snatch Mu Xiaoke into the house, and then Mu Yan film and television was annexed by him bit by bit In the end, Mu Kai even wanted to seduce him with beauty, and wanted to betray Fu Jiayun and marry him.

But in the end, everything he did was made into a wedding dress for Chu Han, all his property was taken away by Chu Han, and everything in the Rong family was coerced and lured by Chu Han, a hypocrite.

"Does Mu Xiaoke know what you have done? You are just a despicable man like me. After he knows your true face, will he still believe in you like now!"

Rong Yanzhe chose to speak out without hesitation, and Chu Han also expected it, "How do you know that Xiao Ke doesn't know what I'm doing?"

Rong Yanzhe was extremely shocked, "You!"

"I'm here to ask for your father's equity transfer letter. By the way, please leave this house. I will ask Mr. Lin to help check the property in this house. Except for those left by my grandfather and my parents, you can take them away and give them to you." Two days."

"Chu Han!"

Rong Yanzhe's mother rushed down, Chu Han didn't smile at all, even though this haggard woman was his biological aunt.

"Chu Han, how could you do this! I'm your aunt! Do you still have any conscience? Are you going to kill your aunt and uncle!"

Shao Yuzhen was about to hit Chu Han, but Rong Yanzhe stopped him.

"Yanzhe, let go of mom!"

"Mom, what's the use of being crazy!"

Chu Han took a deep breath, "Auntie, Grandpa finally left a big house in the city center, you should be content."

"Why should I be content! Your grandfather is my father, and only your aunt and I have the right to inherit his property! What qualifications do you, a junior, have to snatch it from us!"

Chu Han shouted angrily: "Are you really ignorant of what your husband has done, or do you think grandpa doesn't know?!"

Shao Yuzhen's eyes widened, "What did you say!"

"Create an accident that caused my father to die in a foreign country, designed to provoke the relationship between my mother and grandpa, and even wanted to kill me. Do you really think that grandpa doesn't know about these things? You killed your elder brother, and you still blame him with peace of mind. Me, you really have a conscience, sister."

"No, you are talking nonsense, you have no evidence at all!"

"Chu Han!" Rong Zhao came back.

"What else do you want!"

Rong Zhao didn't expect Chu Han to be so tolerant, when did he know about those things in the past!

"I signed the equity transfer book, spit out the property I have embezzled over the years, and get out of Shao's house. My request is these three points."

These three points are simply killing Rong Zhao!

"You are delusional!"

"Then you forged grandpa's will and embezzled hundreds of millions of evidence, I can only send it to the procuratorate."

Mr. Shao's inheritance alone is tens of billions of assets in shares, and with the accusation of corruption, once Rong Zhao enters, he will never be able to get out in this life.

Rong Zhao's heart beat faster and he fell to the ground in an instant. Rong Yanzhe and Shao Yuzhen immediately surrounded him, "Dad!!" "Husband!"

The accompanying private doctor immediately stepped forward to give first aid. Chu Han knew that such a situation would happen, so he prepared a doctor, and he must not die before Rong Zhao was punished as he should.

But after a while, Rong Zhao woke up, his mind was in a mess, and he didn't know what to do. He never thought that Chu Han would come back, and he never thought that Chu Han would plant such an eyeliner in Shao's. Just took the company away. "That damned old man is so calculating even after he's dead! I made you endure for so many years and directly uprooted me. Back then, I really underestimated you!"

Chu Han didn't want to listen to those nonsense, "Sign or not, I just wait for 10 minutes." Because he has to go to work in 10 minutes, and there are so many things waiting for him in the company, he is not in the mood to waste time with Rong's family.

Rong Yanzhe clenched Rong Zhao's hand, gritted his teeth, and finally helped Rong Zhao make a decision, "Sign!"

"Rong Yanzhe! What are you talking about!" Rong Zhao wished to kill this unfilial son, sign! If they sign, their family will be kicked out, and even sent to prison by Chu Han!

"If you don't sign, do you have any other way! Sign now and pay back the money, maybe you can still survive!"

Chu Han nodded. Although Rong Yanzhe had a vicious temper, he was still a little more sober than the fat-headed Rong Zhao.

Yan Zhou asked his subordinates to put the documents on the coffee table. Chu Han prepared not only the equity transfer contract, but also a debt contract, which clearly stated that the stolen money that Rong Zhao had embezzled over the years had its source. The way to go, the contract stated that Rongzhao was required to return it, how to return it and when to return it, and the finances had already been planned for them.

Rong Zhao looked at those things and wished he could tear them up!

"How to sign this, how to sign this!"

"You should pay back as much as you 'borrowed' from the company. Your bank account must be handed over to the company for safekeeping, otherwise, all bank cards under your name will be frozen tomorrow."

Chu Han made it clear, with sharp eyes, that the Rong family was already in his urn, and it was impossible for him to let them escape.

Shao Yuzhen looked into Chu Han's eyes and felt a little scared, "Sign it, sign it soon, Dad also left us a house, our family will not be unable to live."

Rong Zhao clenched his fists and almost broke the signature pen in his hand.

In the end, Rong Zhao still signed all the contracts, and pressed his red handprint one by one under Chu Han's gaze.

After Chu Han got the contract, he naturally didn't say anything more to them, just patted Yan Zhou on the shoulder and left. Yan Zhou understood and withdrew most of the bodyguards, leaving only two capable ones to supervise the three of them moving.

Lin Jun also rushed to Fenglin Garden after that, with a list of more than ten pages of family property.

Lin Jun's arrival undoubtedly made the Rong family even more indignant. Shao Yuzhen didn't care about what was in her hand, and rushed to Lin Jun directly: "Lin Jun! We husband and wife trust you so much and cultivate you! You actually eat inside and outside!"

Lin Jun dodged, Yan Zhou was faster and pulled him into his arms to protect him, "Madam Rong, please control your emotions."

Lin Jun was taken aback, and withdrew from Yan Zhou's arms to thank Yan Zhou, "Ma'am, it was my grandfather who raised me, not you, let alone Mr. Rong. I received the salary from the Shaw Group, not from your Rong family. "

Shao Yuzhen had nothing to say, she was ashamed.

Only now did Lin Jun have time to take a good look at the man who had just rescued him, "You are Yan Zhou, I often hear Xiao Chu talking about you, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Yan Zhou gently held his hand, "If you need help with anything, please ask at any time. After all, Chu Han paid a very high salary."

Yan Zhou was expressionless, but Lin Jun could hear his humor, Lin Jun smiled, "Then I will not be polite."

Lin Jun took Yan Zhou and another hired bodyguard upstairs to inspect the treasures at home. Rong Yanzhe was upstairs at this time, seeing Lin Jun, his face was indifferent, "I can't move grandpa's things."

Lin Jun called to him: "Yanzhe, it's still too late to turn around."

"You don't need to be merciful."

In the company, the group's lawyers and accountants had a centralized meeting, and the equity transfer had already taken effect. Chu Han asked them to complete all the transition procedures as quickly as possible.

"Chairman, which name do you use for your current ID card?" Many people in the company were puzzled. Many called him Chu Han, and some called him Shao Minghan. Don't be sloppy when doing equity transfer now.

Chu Han said, "Shao Minghan."

After graduating from university, he changed his name back to Shao Minghan, more so that at this moment, his surname is Shao, and in the eyes of the public, he is the legitimate heir of the Shao family.

However, he still prefers the name Chu Han, which was left to him by his mother.

Mu Xiaoke was taking a nap at home, and had a strange dream in a daze, a dream he had never experienced before.

In front of the tombstone with "Mu Xiaoke" engraved on it, he saw a man in a black suit and leather shoes, holding his favorite daisy to see him.

"Little poor, I hope you rest in peace."

This person's voice is so familiar yet so strange, who is it

The author has something to say: there is another chapter around 6pm, love you all