Rebirth Of The Most Peerless Venerable

Chapter 78: like a lunatic


After kicking the boulder to pieces, Mo Junlan activated the spiritual power in his body, the white clothes on his body rose without wind, and when he waved his hand, a strong spiritual power was suddenly born out of thin air, and then hit the original one. The location where the boulders are placed.

There was only a loud bang, and sand and dust splashed up in an instant. At the same time, a big pit appeared on the ground.

But in the big pit, there is an enchantment. I saw that inside the enchantment, there was a small black flag, which was a holy weapon and also the eye of the formation.

Above the spiritual tool is the holy tool.

Even Mo Junlan didn't expect that the array eye would be a holy weapon.

"You know where the formation eyes are so soon?" Feng Jinghua couldn't help but looked at Mo Junlan in shock.

In fact, he also knew where the array eyes were, and he wanted to tell Mo Junlan just now, but he didn't expect that Mo Junlan would act first, and he didn't need to tell the other party where the array eyes were.

Thinking of this, Feng Jinghua's gaze as he looked at Mo Junlan couldn't help but darken a bit.

"Rare and strange!" Mo Junlan said with contempt.

Feng Jinghua, "..."

Obviously you are more shocking yourself.

Mo Junlan looked at the enchantment that was protecting the holy artifact, and frowned, "There is still an enchantment."

Feng Jinghua looked at the barrier, his face suddenly turned gloomy again, and said, "Can you break this barrier?"

"Try it!" After Mo Junlan finished speaking, he started to attack the barrier.

As a result, the barrier cannot be shaken.

Feng Jinghua's expression became even more ugly.

Mo Junlan stretched out his hand and rubbed his forehead, then turned to look at Feng Jinghua, and said in a helpless tone, "My strength is limited, I can't break that barrier."

Feng Jinghua looked at Mo Junlan, squinted suddenly, and said, "Try it with fresh blood."

"Blood?" Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows.

Feng Jinghua said without changing his expression, "The barrier set up by that person should be able to use blood to weaken the power."

"Use your blood or my blood?" Mo Junlan asked suspiciously.

Feng Jinghua gave Mo Junlan a sidelong glance, and said, "Of course it's your blood."

"Can I refuse?" Mo Junlan said expressionlessly.

"Listen to my explanation first." Feng Jinghua thought for a while, then said, "I'm no longer a virgin, so my blood is useless."

When Mo Junlan heard the words, his face suddenly became a little weird.

Feng Jinghua looked at Mo Junlan with a half-smiling expression, hooked her lips and said, "The Yuan Yang in your body should not have leaked."

Mo Junlan, "…"

"Don't be embarrassed, self-love is not a shameful thing." Feng Jinghua's eyes flickered, she raised her head to look at Mo Junlan, and said lightly, "And I can see your physical condition because of what's inside your body. That seal."

"What do you mean by this?" Mo Junlan couldn't help asking.

"The seal in your body is very strange and special, but I'm sure it's a special technique from the vast immortal land." Feng Jinghua looked at Mo Junlan and said slowly, "Once you have sex with people, If something goes wrong, there will be signs of the five declines of heaven and human beings, and maybe there will be more serious situations, such as the death of direct meridians."

Mo Junlan, "…"

Fortunately, he has always been sane.

I didn't even do the act of venting myself.

He is even more innocent than a monk.

Feng Jinghua smiled lightly, raised his lips and said, "But you can rest assured, as long as you lift the seal, it shouldn't affect your abilities."

Mo Junlan, "…"

"I've already said what I need to say, you can try it with fresh blood." Feng Jinghua said calmly.

Mo Junlan didn't immediately follow the method Feng Jinghua said, but squinted his eyes first, then turned to look at Feng Jinghua, hooked his lips and said, "I am a person who is more suspicious, so I am very suspicious. Before you try this method, please try it again."

Hearing Mo Junlan's words, Feng Jinghua couldn't help frowning and said, "I don't need to lie to you."

"It's possible." Mo Junlan smiled slightly.

Feng Jinghua, "..."

Does he look like a liar

Mo Junlan walked towards Feng Jinghua, then took a few drops of his blood, and then turned around and placed it on the barrier protecting the eyes.

Feng Jinghua looked at Mo Junlan's back, and his eyes flickered.

"No response?" Mo Junlan frowned as he looked at the barrier that didn't react at all.

"I've already said that my blood is not good." Feng Jinghua raised his eyebrows.

"Brother Junlan, do you really want to use your blood?" Ling Xiao's voice suddenly sounded in Mo Junlan's mind, with a hint of displeasure.

"It should be fine if you give it a try." Mo Junlan replied to Ling Xiao's words with his divine sense, and he said, "And I don't see any strange problems with this barrier."

Not only Mo Junlan couldn't see it, but even Ling Xiao couldn't sense anything wrong.

So Ling Xiao didn't speak anymore.

Mo Junlan stood in front of the barrier, then cut his finger, bright red blood dripped on the barrier, and then he attacked the barrier again.

The spiritual power hit the barrier, and this time, the barrier shattered instantly.

Seeing Mo Junlan, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

When Feng Jinghua saw this, he suddenly burst out laughing, and a crazy look flashed in his eyes at the same time.

It's a pity that Mo Junlan didn't see the strange look in Feng Jinghua's eyes. He thought that Feng Jinghua laughed like this because he was too happy.

To be honest, he still felt that Feng Jinghua's laughter was ugly.

"Can you shut up?" Mo Junlan glanced at Feng Jinghua coldly.

Feng Jinghua looked at Mo Junlan, raised her chin, smiled and said, "I'm too happy."

"I know you're very happy now, but your laughter is so ugly, it's like killing a pig, people want to beat you up when they hear it." Mo Junlan said with disgust on his face.

Feng Jinghua snorted coldly and said, "I'm in a good mood now, and I don't have the same knowledge as you."

Mo Junlan sneered, "It really looks more and more like a lunatic."

Feng Jinghua heard the words, but his expression suddenly became a little weird. He looked at Mo Junlan and said, "How do you know I'm a lunatic?"

"So you're really a lunatic?" Mo Junlan seemed a little surprised.

Feng Jinghua snorted coldly, "That pair of dog guys always said I was a lunatic."

Mo Junlan raised his eyebrows. He was a little interested in the pair of dog-boys and boys that Feng Jinghua spoke of, so he asked, "Who are those dog-boys and boys?"

"They are not human." Feng Jinghua clenched his fists, his eyes were dark, and he gritted his teeth, "I once told them that they will regret it sooner or later."

Mo Junlan's eyes flashed, he curled his lips into a smile, and asked with great interest, "How do you plan to make them regret it?"

Feng Jinghua looked at Mo Junlan, her face was strange again, her eyes flickered, and she said, "You will know later."

"What are you selling? It's boring!" Mo Junlan snorted coldly.

Feng Jinghua stopped talking about this matter, frowned, and turned to say, "Hurry up and destroy the formation."

Mo Junlan glanced at Feng Jinghua again, and then began to pull out the holy artifact that was the eye of the formation.

After the holy artifact was taken out, the formation also failed.

At the same time, a large amount of spiritual energy also rushed in.

Feng Jinghua felt the flow of spiritual energy around him, took a deep breath, and then laughed loudly, "This long-lost feeling is really nostalgic!"

Mo Junlan looked at Feng Jinghua's appearance, only to think that the other party really looked like a lunatic.

"Brother Junlan, why does this person look crazy?" Ling Xiao's voice sounded in Mo Junlan's mind again.

"Just treat him as a fool." Mo Junlan responded to Lingxiao's words indifferently.

Ling Xiao, "..."

"Can you unlock this chain yourself?" Mo Junlan said to Feng Jinghua.

When Feng Jinghua heard Mo Junlan's words, he finally returned to normal temporarily. He shook his head and said, "No!"

His pipa bones were still locked, and he couldn't run his spiritual power at all.

Mo Junlan put his arms around his chest, hooked his lips, and said to Feng Jinghua, "The array eye is a holy weapon, and the chain that locks your pipa bone seems to be a holy weapon too!"

Feng Jinghua frowned and said, "You must have a holy-level or higher weapon to cut it off."

Mo Junlan raised his hand, touched his chin, and said, "Then what should I do?"

His Lingxiao Sword could cut the chain, but he didn't want to take it out.

Although Feng Jinghua on the opposite side is now naked, there seems to be something like a space storage device on the other side.

Feng Jinghua looked at Mo Junlan's face, his expression seemed a bit indescribable.

"Have you come up with a solution?" Mo Junlan asked with a wink.

Feng Jinghua gritted his teeth and said, "The necklace around my neck is a space storage container with a holy sword in it."

"Then take it out." Mo Junlan said.

"I can't use my spiritual power right now, and I can't open up the space." Feng Jinghua said in a muffled voice.

"So what should I do?" Mo Junlan seemed a little distressed.

"Come here!" Feng Jinghua said solemnly.

Mo Junlan walked in front of Feng Jinghua with a smile on his face.

Feng Jinghua looked at Mo Junlan in front of him, only to feel a twitch-like discomfort all over his body, and sighed, "Take my space necklace to recognize the master."

In order to leave this ghost place, he can only give up this space necklace.

He was just dying of heartache.

You know, this space necklace of his is a fairy weapon!

Really cheap this stinky boy.

Mo Junlan had already seen that this was an immortal weapon, so he didn't take out the Lingxiao sword. He had to charge a little interest first when he rescued this man.

Immortal-level space storage, which can even hold living creatures.

Moreover, Feng Jinghua's immortal-level space actually has both offensive and defensive capabilities.

The original owner of the immortal-level space was Feng Jinghua, and only when Feng Jinghua voluntarily passed it could it be handed over to Mo Junlan to recognize the master.

And when Mo Junlan successfully made a contract with the immortal-level space, Feng Jinghua was no longer the owner of the immortal-level space, and would no longer have the right to use it in the future.