Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 101: show your face


At this time, there were a lot of students on and off the campus of Jinghua University, and Si Huang and Qin Fan's looks were so eye-catching that everyone who passed by would look at them a few more times.

Qin Fan's footsteps were getting faster and faster, and the majestic and cold aura exuding from his body was getting stronger and stronger. People passing by, let alone looking at him, in the end they almost unconsciously hid when they saw him.

From the teacher's building to the wide playground, and then to a living area, the houses here are all for the teachers of Jinghua University to live in.

The guards in this living area obviously knew Qin Fan, and when they saw him, they let people pass without asking. Then he saw Si Huang who followed a few steps later. The guard didn't know the relationship between the two of them. Looking at Si Huang's age, he knew that he was a student. He stood up and stopped him, "Hey, students are not allowed to enter here."

Si Huang paused, raised her finger and pointed to the man who also stopped in front, "I'll follow him."

The guard turned his head and saw that Qin Fan was really standing still, so he confirmed Si Huang's words and let him go, "Then go in."

As soon as Si Huang moved, the man who was about ten steps away from her turned around and said in a cold tone: "Stop!"

These two words are not loud but terrifying.

Si Huang was also taken aback, then stared at Qin Fan's cold expression, feeling a little annoyed and funny.

"It's said that you are overthinking. The teacher and I really have nothing to do." After confirming that the man's appearance was due to jealousy, she could hold back and explain to him again and again.

After hearing this, Qin Fan's expression didn't soften, "I see, you can go back."

He was the one who told her to go, but after following her for so long, he drove her back before he could speak clearly? Si Huang frowned, feeling impetuous for no reason, with a faint smile on her face, "I remember you called me here?"

"Now I'll tell you to go back." Qin Fan said without any ups and downs.

The smile on Si Huang's face disappeared completely, and his eyes turned cold.

It was the first time she took the initiative to please someone and was rejected like this. However, it's okay to be swept away. The big deal is to get it back later. As long as she doesn't care about that person, his attitude can't affect her mood. But for Qin Fan, she likes it, and she hasn't hidden it since admitting it. When explaining to him this time, I also thought about him sincerely, and I didn't want this person to misunderstand and feel uncomfortable, but his attitude was so cold and hard.

Si Huang thinks she has done nothing wrong, no matter how misleading her and Feng Manzhu's previous posture is, there is no ambiguity, and there is no ambiguity. If it were someone else, she would not even bother to explain, and others would think whatever they like . When she came to Qin Fan's place, she became something that would come and go when she waved it around

"Are you sure you don't want to go back, but follow me?" Qin Fan said again after being silent for a few seconds.

Si Huang found that his eyes were terrifying, like a wild beast trying to break through the thorns, and wanted to eat her bone and flesh.

She understood the look, and laughed angrily.

She didn't want to accompany the animal desire purely aroused by anger.

However, Sihuang found that she was angry, and she still couldn't feel disgusted by Qin Fan.

"Go away." There was no mercy in his mouth anymore, Si Huang was much more wanton towards him, without the gentlemanly demeanor that he was almost used to on weekdays.

Her chin was slightly raised, and she disliked the man with squinting eyes, her bright red lips outlined a colder and nobler smile, and the whispers from the cracks of her lips were like driving away a dog.

With this appearance, in the eyes of others, he is so handsome and so attractive! But the person she looked at would definitely be pissed off, the ability to pull hatred is MAX.

Qin Fan's eyes suddenly became fierce, and he watched the boy turn and leave, his feet were fixed in place as if filled with lead, and he refused to step out.

When Sihuang returned to the dormitory, she was warmly welcomed by Su Yueban. She kept talking about her great achievements, how popular she was in the campus forum of Jinghua University, and even their dormitory became popular. It will also be easier. Then he asked her why she was sought by Feng Manzhu. Is Feng Manzhu really as sexy and beautiful as in the photo

Si Huang was so quarreled that she didn't have any expression on her face, but it's a pity that Su Yueban couldn't read people's faces, and she kept chattering non-stop.

In the end, Yuan Liang pulled him and reminded: "Sihuang looks a bit tired."

"Ah? Sihuang, are you tired? Why?" Su Yueban took a closer look at Sihuang's face, met her eyes, her expression froze immediately, and smoothed things over with a dry smile, "Heh... hehe, shouldn't it be What are you doing with Teacher Feng Manzhu? As expected of Your Majesty, she is so charming, you must know that Teacher Feng Manzhu is the goddess in the eyes of all men in the school, but unfortunately no one can take advantage of her!" Trying to praise the vanity of men, to save yourself.

As a result, these words made Sihuang think of why Qin Fan had a cold war with him, and his eyes became more piercing.

Su Yueban: "..."

"Teacher Feng accepted me as a personal student."

"Ah?" Su Yueban didn't expect Sihuang to answer herself, and immediately realized the content of the words, her face flushed, "Damn, it's such a good thing, you just pretended it on purpose, right? Feng Manzhu, Jinghua Goddess Feng Manzhu! You will definitely be envied by all the men in Jinghua!"

"Then are you jealous to death now?" Si Huang's eyes were more meaningful.

This time Su Yueban is an idiot if he doesn’t see the problem anymore. He was speechless for a while, his eyes wandered around, and when he saw his notebook on the sofa, he quickly changed the subject, “I downloaded a The latest PVP game is very interesting, do you want to play it?"

I have to say that he turned the topic very bluntly, and he didn't expect Sihuang to respond to him, he just asked her not to think about him.

Who knew, a familiar low-alcohol voice came from his ears, "Okay."

Su Yueban was stunned for another half second, and Si Huang who was opposite asked, "Can't you?"

"No, no, of course." If someone is willing to play, it means that he is not to blame! Even though he himself doesn't know what he did wrong, he needs forgiveness from the other party.

Su Yueban took the initiative to lead Sihuang over, and put the notebook on the coffee table in front of her just like the courtiers presenting treasures, while explaining to her: "This game has 1VS1, 3VS3, and 5VS5 PK modes. Try it with a computer? In fact, it’s quite fun with a computer, huh.” Finally, when Si Huang glanced at him, he choked back his words no matter how much he said.

Then Su Yueban saw a pair of slender white fingers skillfully clicking on the black keyboard, and the free matching mode of 'Ten Ladders' appeared on the game interface.

The so-called ten consecutive ladders is to challenge ten opponents in a row like a wheel battle. The bonus points are doubled for consecutive wins, and you cannot quit even if you lose consecutively. The relative reduction of points is also doubled.

Su Yueban's heart was bleeding, and he couldn't tell what he was suffering. He felt that the game points he had finally earned would be used up all at once, and prayed in his heart: Master Si must know how to play! It's even better if you win or lose! It's all because of this mouth, why do you have to provoke others, but you are the one who is unlucky in the end!

The music of the game sounds, indicating that the system has successfully matched the opponent, and the first game officially begins.

Su Yueban's game character is an assassin with a high explosiveness and thin skin. He undoubtedly bought a set of professional suits with money. In Su Yueban's words, playing games is just for fun, and he loves it. Assassin's unrestrained and mysterious sense of killing a person in ten steps and never leaving him behind is simply crazy handsome, cool and domineering! The best weapon to attract girls!

It's a pity that good equipment can't match the handicapped party. There are flexible fat people in the world, but Su Yueban is obviously not in this category.

At this moment, on the game interface of the notebook, there is an assassin with short black hair, the ID name 'Half Moon' on his head, and a close-fitting black professional suit, designed by the game company to be very cool and cool for young people, don't think about Su Yue Half of the technical issues, his aesthetics are really good.

The opponent standing opposite is a paladin, with blond hair, white and gold knight attire, and a broad and gorgeous two-handed knight sword. In terms of appearance, he is comparable to an assassin, and he is also a master with complete equipment.

Su Yueban, who was standing next to Sihuang, suddenly sank to the bottom of her heart, and her whole face collapsed.

A paladin, a melee class, able to T and attack, happens to be the nemesis of the assassin class.

"Admit defeat, early death and early rebirth." The depressed mood made him forget the embarrassment before, and his words became cheap again.

Si Huang didn't seem to hear, gave up the mouse, and put both hands on the keyboard to operate.

The assassin on the game interface rushed towards the paladin without even turning on his stealth skills.

Su Yueban couldn't bear to look directly at her, she looked like a novice! The game is over, really over!

Probably his expression was too vivid, or it was a strange thing to watch Sihuang play games, which made Yuan Liang and Zong Haohao put down what they were doing before, and moved to their side to stare at the notebook together.

"Pfft! Even a rookie dares to go up to ten ladders, my brother will teach you the principles of life!" This line of characters appeared above the head of the paladin on the screen, looking extremely arrogant.

Su Yueban became angry when she saw it, "Fuck, fuck, this guy is terrible, let me meet him!"

This was also ignored by Si Huang, and Su Yueban who had entered the state was simply invincible, and dared to reach out with the intention of grabbing the computer.

Fortunately, Yuan Liang stopped him in time to kill him. Just as Su Yueban was about to yell, his ears got into the special music, and he widened his eyes in amazement. The big "VICTORY" font appeared on the screen, and then slowly shrunk. hidden.

The assassin in black walked up to the paladin who somehow fell out of the ring...

Si Huang typed out a row of characters in the blink of an eye.

"The rookie shows your face."

"..." the dialogue bubble above the paladin's head.

Su Yueban was stunned: "What happened?"

In order to pull him, Yuan Liang didn't know what happened in that second, but Zong Haohao explained in a low voice: "The paladin used the charge skill, was dodged by Si Huang, and then he rushed out of the ring to count as a loser." .”

"Damn, the equipment looks good, so he's a fool, he can't even use the most basic charge." Su Yue was half-joyed.

Zong Haohao moved his lips and didn't speak, only he saw Sihuang's nimble operation of his fingers at that second, making the assassin on the computer screen come alive, dodging to the limit.

... It was as if everything was within Si Huang's calculations, including that the paladin would charge out of the ring!

Soon, the second battle began. The opponent was a swordsman, who was also the assassin's nemesis in Su Yueban's eyes.

"Unlucky, unlucky, really unlucky..." He chanted again.

"Shut up." Si Huang suddenly said without raising her head.

As soon as Su Yueban opened his mouth, he suppressed his voice in his throat when he saw the next scene, his eyes widened in shock.

In sight, the assassin on the computer screen seemed to be dancing a dance of death. A set of high-explosive skills hit the swordsman, and the purple-red critical strike damage values kept popping up one by one.

The swordsman is like a poor trapped beast, he just can't beat the assassin!

-----Off Topic-----

Yesterday, the plane was delayed for more than 2 hours, and it was already 3 o'clock in the morning when I got home. Fortunately, I coded a part of it on the plane! Ask for comfort!

(I need to catch up on sleep today, and I should be able to restore the update volume tomorrow, okay!)