Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 120: We are lovers


When he was in H City, Yu Ye still thought that the two were brothers, but as time passed, he found that the atmosphere between the two of them became more and more strange.

Yuene's dusty memories emerged. He remembered that in the Jinglan Family Villa in H City, one night he was depressed and went out of the living room to drink water. He accidentally saw Qin Fan jumping down from the balcony of Sihuang's room. At that time, what he thought was that this Mr. Qin's interest was really strange, he had to open the window if he didn't go through the gate, and his skills were so good, no wonder he dared to train Sihuang.

Thinking of this now, Yuene's frontal horn nerves kept beating.

Wouldn't these two have had an affair at that time? !

Please don't blame him for using the word adultery. When you think that the two of them are men, and they were said to be brothers before, but they actually have that kind of relationship, if they have been hidden for so long, what is it if it is not adultery

When Yu Xi was thinking wildly, she still looked at Si Huang, waiting for her to give a clear answer.

When asked this kind of question, Si Huang was slightly taken aback, then smiled at Yu Chen.

This smile caused Yuene's eyes to widen suddenly.

A normal man would be angry when asked this kind of question, but Sihuang's attitude... no way!

"As my manager, you should know." Si Huang stood up.

She walked to Qin Fan's seat next to her in two steps, looked at the man and asked, "What do you think we are related to?"

Qin Fan looked at her deeply. There was no fear or hesitation in the child's eyes, which reassured him, and said seriously, "I'm obsessed with your relationship."

Yuene: "..." Damn it!

Si Huang was also taken aback by his serious face when he said such shameful words, and then bent down with a "puchi—" laughing. With one hand propped on the armrest of the sofa where the man was sitting, Si Huang lowered her head and held the man's thin diamond-shaped lips.

Yuene's face was petrified, and his heart couldn't bear the stimulation a little bit. In his mind, besides the beast, he was still the beast.

"We are in a relationship of lovers." Si Huang retracted, looked sideways at Yu Chen and said.

Yuene said dumbly: "Are you kidding?"

Si Huang shook his head.

There was a silence.

Yuene really wanted to find even a hint of mischief or hesitation from Sihuang's face, but there was nothing. Both his face and eyes are very calm and calm, without the slightest urge to deviate from the norms, and after knowing her for so long, Yu Xi can clearly distinguish the seriousness of Si Huang.

"... I will do a good job of keeping it secret." Knowing that Si Huang has decided to decide, and can't persuade him no matter how much he can't persuade him, Yu Xi said weakly: "I hope you can pay attention to this kind of thing... most people don't law to accept."

He didn't dare to imagine what kind of commotion would be caused when the news that Si Huang already had a male lover got out. I'm afraid that the previous efforts will be in vain, and the reaction of female fans will be terrible. An entertainment news agency like Real Entertainment, which has been waiting for Sihuang's scandal, will definitely bite like a hungry wolf who sees fat. Don't let her go, don't stop eating her flesh and drinking her blood.

"One day I will accept it." Si Huang sat leaning against the armrest of the sofa, "I just need to wrong him for a while."

After hearing the words, Yuxi couldn't help but look at the two of them. I have to say that the picture of these two people staying together is so beautiful that it can blind people's eyes. A perfect artwork-like existence that transcends gender, from head to toe. No flaws can be found, and the temperament is changeable and mysterious. The other one is simply the best among men, handsome and stern, full of wild and sexy masculinity, but feels aloof and abstinent.

At this moment, the two of them, the young one was lazy and elegant, and the old one was sitting with his legs wide open, with a faint smile on his stern face.

Inexplicably, I feel that the shame level has exploded again!

Yuene stopped the imaginings that should not have been in his mind, and asked tentatively: "Will Mr. Qin cooperate?"

Qin Fan was in a good mood, and took the initiative to respond, "He has the final say."

"... Then I will wrong Mr. Qin." Yu Xi said stiffly, his mind was in a mess, and he didn't know what he said.

Until he left Sihuang's room and walked in the dark corridor, Yuen hadn't fully regained consciousness, his mind was full of the previous reactions of the two, and a strange thought emerged: Why does it seem that Sihuang is the dominant party? impossible? !

Thinking of Qin Fan's height of 1.88 meters, tall and perfect figure and strong aura, if he is the passive side...

"Damn it!" Yuene shuddered and kept shaking her lips: stop! stop! Think no more!

There were only two people left in the room.

"Now you can say, what can you do with me at this time?" Si Huang was still sitting on the armrest of the sofa and asked Qin Fan.

At the height Qin Fan is sitting at now, you can see her side waist as soon as you turn your head and look down. A homely cotton long-sleeved shirt is a bit loose on her body, but you can still see the thinness of her waist .

He stretched out his hand uncontrollably, and his thick and long arms passed through her waist, and then closed them again.

"..." An inexplicable feeling that almost grasped the waist with one hand made Qin Fan's heart skip a beat, his chest was a little hot, but he frowned, "Why don't you grow flesh?"

He does not require children to be full of muscles. After staying in the army for a long time, he knows that some people are lean and not unhealthy, and their explosive power is stronger than that of big people.

"Eat more and exercise more in the future." Qin Fan said, but the arms around Sihuang's waist were tightening, and his eyes became more and more hot.

At first Si Huang thought he was really disgusted, but when he noticed the man's eyes, he was speechless.

Pulling away his hands that were about to move, Si Huang asked again: "What do you want me to do?"

"Missing you." Qin Fan stared at her face, and resisted not continuing to hug the baby's waist. Now his lower abdomen is still hot, who knows what will happen if he continues to hug him.

"We've been seeing each other since this afternoon." Si Huang broke his lie.

Qin Fan opened his mouth and did not refute, staring at Si Huang with deep eyes, feeling helpless in his heart.

He really wanted to see the child, even if they met for a whole night, he just wanted to see him. He really couldn't say such unbearable and rational words, and he didn't know how to say them.

"What bad thing happened?" It was rare to see a man in such a tangled state, Si Huang couldn't help but be interested, a little curious.

Qin Fan gave her a weak look, then relaxed his straight back, and leaned his entire upper body against the back of the sofa, "What did you do last night?"

Si Huang, who thought she would hear about some important event, was stunned for a second when he asked this, before saying, "Having a party with friends."

"Did you go to the private club to fight beasts?"

Si Huang looked at him in surprise, did he intend to expose his vest? Or did you really investigate your movements yesterday

She turned her eyes and didn't ask people first, "How do you know?"

"Your pet V blog sent a message." Qin Fan said.

Si Huang immediately turned to look at the door of the bedroom, and sure enough, she saw a little hamster peeping at the foot of the door, and shyly hid half of its head in the wall when it caught her eye.

She raised her eyebrows, took out her mobile phone from her trouser pocket, and opened Vbo to take a look, only to find out the news that Wubao had posted more than ten minutes ago.

The little idiot! Si Huang felt helpless, why did she wear a mask in the private club? Just to hide her identity, there were only a few people present who knew who she was. Now that Wubao has posted this news, everyone in the private club that day must be able to identify her.

"There is a nice restaurant on the top floor of that private club." Qin Fan's voice sounded again.

Sihuang put down the phone, "You know that too?"

"Hmm." Qin Fan seemed to say casually, "The dessert inside is pretty good."

Si Huang suppressed a smile, "It's not bad," noticing the man's slightly trembling eyebrows, she followed up with a sentence before the man said, "I'll invite you to try it next time."

As soon as these words came out, Qin Fan wanted to ask who she was going to eat with, but the words disappeared in his throat, and what Xiao Qi said flashed through his mind-the open-air glass house on the roof is a holy place for dating!

"No need." The expression on the man's face has been completely relaxed, and even the raised eyebrows are full of joy.

Si Huang didn't expect that he would refuse, and then heard the man's next sentence: "I invite you."

"Ha." When she thought of this big man who was abstinent and ignorant of romance, and promised to invite her to the open-air glass house restaurant, she felt amused and happy, "Okay."

After that, the two were silent for a while, Si Huang didn't speak, Qin Fan didn't know what to say, just looking at the people around him felt enough, and he didn't realize that time was slowly passing by.

He felt that today's children are very good at talking. Except for a little quarrel in the car at the beginning, every word the child said was pleasant, and everything he did made people feel comfortable. He was in a good mood all day long.

Qin Fan didn't have much self-consciousness, but Si Huang felt that the man's eyes staring at her were on fire, and it could still ignite fire when it fell on her body.

However, the man's eyes were fiery, and his expression was much gentler than usual. He restrained his aggressive aura, and put away all his sharp claws like a lion.

Si Huang lowered her eyes to avoid the man's fiery gaze, only to see the man's open coat and a honey-colored firm chest.


My heart beat twice violently.

Si Huang didn't expect that she would be seduced by men's sex one day and lose her composure.

She stood up and went to the bar to pour a glass of water, then leaned against the bar, drank from the glass, and looked at Qin Fan with slightly squinted eyes.

It's already this time, I should see off the guests, lest something will develop in the middle of the night, it is difficult for a man to control when he is in heat.

It's just that she was a little bit reluctant, the man's appearance was very pleasing to the eye, and she was in a good mood just looking at it.

Silent ambiguity brewed in the exchange of eyes between the two.

The man stood up suddenly and walked towards her.

Si Huang squeezed the cup tightly, "I have to leave early tomorrow morning, you should go back and rest."

Qin Fan's footsteps did not stop, and he walked up to Sihuang in big steps.

The spotlights on the bar counter are not turned on, so the light is a bit dim. The man's shadow became darker as soon as it came down. He stood with his back to the light, and the smile on his face was not so clear, more profound and mysterious.

Si Huang's eyes deepened, a little bit of dark green color was like a fog in his eyes.

She turned around and put the water glass back on the bar.

A pair of hands suddenly hugged her waist from behind, and her hot chest was pressed against her back.

"I'm tired." Si Huang said in a low voice.

I don't know whether to say this sentence to Qin Fan or to myself.

I always feel that if I give in a little tonight, not only Qin Fan will lose control, but she will too.

The man behind was silent for a few seconds, and then "haha" laughter came into her ears at close range, and the hot breath was very close to her ears and neck, "It's the first time I see you nervous at this time."

The man's tone was a little surprised, and there was a rare deep smile.

Si Huang tilted her head, her dark green pupils were magnificent and thick in the dimness, making her fair face look a bit magically cold, "I don't want to get caught off guard."

The two were already very close, when she moved, Qin Fan's lips touched the skin of her ear.

The man's lips were very hot, but her ears were cold. When they touched it, it was like ice and fire colliding and exploded!

Qin Fan went to lick her several mouthfuls without a teacher, and bit her as if he had eaten something good.

As soon as Si Huang's blood rushed, his ears turned red immediately.

She endured it and touched the man's chest with her elbow.

"Don't." The man's suppressed voice sounded, breathing heavily, but he didn't continue to lick her, and said in a low voice, "I'll hug her again."

It sounds like a discussion, but the action is still so overbearing that no one has the power to refuse.

Fortunately, Qin Fan is not a person who breaks his promise, and his bottom line is still there. Even if he has already reacted, he doesn't want to do anything indulgent to minors.

About two or three minutes later, Qin Fan let go of the man suddenly, and walked to the gate in a hurry and heavy pace.

Opening the door and pausing at the door, Qin Fan turned to Si Huang and said, "Don't hold back at your age."

Si Huang didn't understand the meaning of his words for a while.

When the man saw the innocent look in her confused eyes, his breath became heavy again, and a hint of annoyance flashed across his expression. Tell the child not to bear it, because he really knows how hard it is to bear it.

Then Sihuang found that the man's eyes fell on her lower abdomen.

A flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, her eyes widened slightly, she was a little startled, she opened her mouth but didn't say a word.

In the eyes of men, this appearance was misunderstood as shyness, and his mood immediately improved. It seems that children are not really that good at love affairs.

"If you want..." Qin Fan's expression was deep, and he paused for a few seconds before continuing, "I can also try to help you."

His hesitation was not because he disliked the child, but it was the first time he said such a thing to someone, and he inevitably felt a strange sense of awkwardness. The most important thing was that he was not sure if he really helped the child, so he could keep calm.

Si Huang finally came back to his senses, with an embarrassed expression on his face, he waved to Qin Fan dumbfounded, indicating that he could leave.

Qin Fan was also afraid that he would not want to leave if he stayed any longer. With his strong endurance, he turned around and went out, closing the door behind him.

Si Huang was the only one left in the living room. She stood by the bar for a long time before she reluctantly picked up the water glass and took a few sips of cold water.

[His Majesty! How could you pass up such a good opportunity again? It should have been shot to the end just now! ] Wubao, who had been peeping, ran out.

Si Huang's thoughts were interrupted by it, she looked at it, a dangerous smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "Leave that aside, I want to ask you about V Bo."

The little hamster slammed on the brakes, "Squeak!"

Why do you have an ominous premonition!