Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 46: Cool and Handsome Majesty Shows Cuteness (1)


The video of this reporter siege hit the headlines, and Si Huang's popularity and popularity soared, and this scene was also seen by countless people.

The major newspapers, news agencies, and entertainment gossip agencies each have their own reports, slamming Sihuang as a newcomer who is too arrogant, disrespecting reporters, maliciously attacking reporters, and his behavior is problematic.

As soon as these negative news came out, insults to Sihuang were everywhere on the Internet, and naturally the fans who protected him were indispensable.

In Huaxing Art School, Si Hua held the tablet tightly, looking at the high-spirited Si Huang in the video, his lips were almost bitten, and he didn't smile until he saw a bunch of insulting comments about Si Huang in the video.

In the building of Fenghua Entertainment Company, Si Zhihan watched the report with a blank face, and when Si Huang said "Fenghuang Entertainment" in the video, his eyes burst into great anger.

In the villa in Weiming Mountain, Grandpa Qin and his wife were sitting with Grandma Yu and his wife.

Grandma Yu laughed first: "Your Majesty is so handsome! You shouldn't give these flies a good face!" Seeing the host's malicious evaluation of Si Huang, she immediately stood up angrily, "If you dare to bully Little Phoenix, don't ask Ask me if I will answer or not! Old iron rod, call Xiao Liu, and slap all these flies to death!"

Tie Lao shook his head helplessly, and pulled her back to his seat, "There's no rush. Didn't you see that Xiaohuang is ready to fight? This turmoil will not defeat him, it will only make him ride the wind and waves and stand taller."

Grandma Yu snorted, "How old is Little Phoenix, you can't ignore his softness under his strength just because of his good performance. Wait, I'll call him and chatter!"

Tie Lao couldn't stop him.

Central City North Star Hotel.

Chai Liang knocked on the door of a suite, and swiped his card to enter.

He saw the boss sitting on the sofa, watching TV intently.

"Second Young Master, here is the information you want." Chai Liang handed the document he just got to Dou Wenqing.

Dou Wenqing didn't raise his head, "Put it on the table."

Chai Liang did so, and then heard his voice again, "Look at this man, have you seen him somewhere?"

Chai Liang looked up at the high-definition LCD TV in front of him. On the screen was a young boy, but his demeanor and demeanor were not comparable to that of a boy. Even young people were not able to overwhelm him. Especially his face is very good-looking, delicate but not weak, handsome but not too rigid, anyone who has seen him will never forget him... except his boss who has prosopagnosia.

Chai Liang stared at the young man who was full of flamboyance and domineering on the TV, but he was calm and indifferent in front of the reporters. He couldn't help showing a bit of surprise, "This is the kid who was with Master Qin in Xiangyuan two days ago."

Dou Wenqing still had doubts in his eyes, "Master Qin... Xiangyuan?"

Chai Liang knew that his boss not only had face blindness, but would instinctively ignore greenhouse flowers, bunnies, cotton velveteen and other non-aggressive creatures without leaving any traces in his mind. Recalling the harmless image of Si Huang seen two days ago, Chai Liang felt that it was already very remarkable to be able to ask Er Shao to ask, "Where did you see him?"

"At 7 o'clock in the afternoon two days ago, at the elevator in Xiangyuan's parking lot. Master Qin was drunk and supported by this child."

After Chai Liang's detailed description, Dou Wenqing finally remembered a vague shadow in his mind.

About this height, about this figure, about this face, but with a completely different aura, harmless to the point of no aggression, not attracting attention at all—if anyone knows what Dou Wenqing thinks, he will definitely tell him, It's just you, the freak, who doesn't attract attention or anything.

"At that time, was he like this?" Dou Wenqing asked in a cold mechanical voice.

Chai Liang said decisively: "No."

In Dou Wenqing's nonchalant eyes, waves appeared.

Si Huang, who knew nothing about these, continued her unchanging itinerary.

Recently, the atmosphere in the crew is a bit weird. Everyone looks at Si Huang with caring and complicated eyes. From time to time, someone will pass by Si Huang to give her a word of encouragement and comfort. Si Huang couldn't laugh or cry about this, and said once or twice that he was really fine, and after they still had no intention of restraining themselves, they didn't explain any more.

Si Huang didn't know that most of this group of staff members were sullen in their hearts and used the excuse of comfort to find opportunities to get close to her.

The relationship between everyone seems to be good on weekdays, but Sihuang's aura is too strong, and there are too few opportunities to "caring" her at close range. You can't do things like serving tea and water several times a day, right

"Are you really not worried at all?" During the meal, Director Liu looked at Sihuang.

Si Huang put down the lunch box and shook her head: "Don't worry."

Director Liu couldn't find any falsehood on her face, and sighed in his heart: evildoer! On the surface, he pursed his lips, "It's not interesting." He walked away with his head held high.

Si Huang just started to eat.

There are two reasons why she is not worried. One is that she has the strength to prove her right to the world, and she is also confident that Grandma Yu will definitely help her. two…

[His Majesty! His Majesty! You are awesome! Obviously so many people are scolding you, but the black has not risen much, but the little pink is like riding a rocket!]Five Treasures are very active recently, [It turns out that arrogance can still be likable, Mr. Wujue was really stupid before, but His Majesty is awesome! Why don't you be more arrogant, Your Majesty!]

Si Huang ate slowly without speaking.

That's the second reason she's not worried.

With Wubao as a cheating tool, she understood that no matter how much she was scolded online, there were very few people who really hated her, but because of the exposure, more people fell in love with her.

In fact, this is also expected by Si Huang.

People on the Internet are not fools, they completely listen to the words of the entertainment news, they will check the information by themselves, and they will have their own opinions. Those insults everywhere like a wave, looking too much and hurting people, are just the inferiority of human nature. When you see someone scolding, you will get involved. After venting your boring emotions, you can forget it when you turn around. How could it be true? Have a strong dislike for Si Huang, a person she has never met

Si Huang could see clearly that this calm and calm appearance fell into the eyes of others, but it became a symbol of stability and strength, which made the women howl in excitement that His Majesty is great, and at the same time felt pity.

A group called 'Your Majesty's Jinyiwei' has been set up on the Internet. Unlike the knights on the surface, they operate in secret, wearing small vests and attacking Sihuang's people everywhere.

This trend spread so much that Director Liu and the others were stunned. A few days later, he patted Sihuang on the shoulder earnestly and said, "Boy, you're popular!"

It's not that Sihuang wasn't popular before, but he still couldn't catch the eyes of people like Director Liu. Who would have thought that in less than half a month, Si Huang monopolized the headlines of several major entertainment gossips, spreading all over the Internet, and even some seniors who had been famous for a long time fell behind her.

This kind of popularity is not because Director Liu and the others know the truth, they almost suspect that Fenghua Entertainment Company is just hyping it up for the eldest son.

"This kind of red method really can't be copied casually." Director Liu stared at Sihuang with the eyes of a monster, "I don't know where you have such a psychological quality. Heart." More importantly, others are not at Si Huang's age, and at her age, they don't have her appearance, and those with her appearance certainly don't have her acting skills, let alone face the entertainment reporters. Calm and unhurried, it was simply her one-man show, showing her charm to the fullest, and Director Liu couldn't help but say in his heart after watching that video: Happy!

Si Huang shook her head, "This kind of redness is not real."

The corner of Director Liu's mouth twitched, and he swallowed back the reminder he was about to say, "Are you really only sixteen years old?"

Si Huang smiled lightly, "I'll be seventeen in a few months."

Director Liu no longer commented on her age, "Since you yourself know that this kind of redness is not real, if you are not careful, you will be doomed. I won't say anything superfluous, you can weigh it yourself."

Si Huang should be.

It was only 7:00 p.m. when I returned to the hotel after finishing my work today, when Yuen came to find me.

"Here are recent job applications, would you pick one or two?"

It's not a lie that Director Liu said that Si Huang is popular. Recently, Yu Xi has received a lot of phone calls and faxes, all of which are job applications for Si Huang to represent or act in the role.

Si Huang took the four small books over, "That's all?"

Yu Chen shook his head, "Not only that, but I chose it first." Seeing that Si Huang was silent and looking at himself, he lowered his voice, "Except for these four, I don't think there is any benefit to accepting the others, it will only reduce the Your worth. Do you need to retest yourself?"

"No need." Si Huang said with a smile: "I will continue to trouble you in the future."

Yuene also showed a relaxed smile, with a twinkle in his eyes.

Of the four small books, three are scripts and one is an advertisement endorsement. Two of the three scripts are idol dramas, one is a micro movie, and the advertising endorsement is a well-known brand, rb. This brand specializes in youth-style clothing between the ages of 16 and 25. The previous spokesperson was Le Xian, a popular young student in China.

Si Huang looked at it twice, took out two notebooks and handed them to Yu Xi.

After watching it, Yu Xi was surprised and said, "You would rather choose this micro-movie than an idol drama with a famous director?"

Si Huang: "Since you picked out this micro-movie without any reputation for me, you should also see its value."

"Are you sure?"

Si Huang put the remaining two idol drama scripts on the table aside, and took the milk to drink.

Yuxi understood what she meant, "Actually, I chose this microfilm not only because I think it is interesting, but also because the person who wrote it is my neighbor's roommate."

"Xu Wanjun?" Si Huang raised her head.

Yuene: "Yes. What's the matter?"

Si Huang: "It's nothing." It turns out that this is the reason why Xu Wanjun and Yu Xi had a good relationship in the previous life.

In the previous life, these two people were strict with their mouths and did not spread this relationship.

After confirming that Sihuang's meaning would not change, Yuxi took the script back to her room and called Xu Wanjun to report the good news.

The night was getting darker, and it was already 8:30 p.m. after Sihuang finished dealing with the stock market and the company. She got up and poured another glass of milk, and came back to browse v blog.

During this period of time, the number of her v-blog fans has been increasing, and she glanced at it and found that there was a red circle of 99+ in the fans. She didn't click on it, so she naturally missed the one with the id 'Waiting for you to inhabit the parasol tree' Big fan of v.

Far away in an important area of the military region in another area.

A tall man with a strong upper body and gray slacks sat cross-legged on the bed.

It should be just after taking a shower, the crystal water drops stained his honey-colored skin, six-pack abs and sexy mermaid lines, strong biceps, the sense of lines combining strength and beauty is definitely not the gym coach deliberately borrowing foreign objects to train What comes out is exaggerated, but the beauty formed by long-term good habits and sports. Just looking at this figure is enough to make a woman scream, and she can't wait to pounce on it, sexy and wild.

Not to mention the man's handsome and stern face, his wet hair was pulled back casually, revealing his brows that seemed to be wrinkled in distress.

Qin Fan stared at Sihuang's v-blog address on his phone, and quietly left a private message to Sihuang with the big v number he just got, "Waiting for your indus".

The phoenix tree waiting for you: "Hello, I believe in your innocence, don't be defeated by public opinion, I will always watch you."

This private message was sent out like a stone sinking into the sea without any response.

A trace of inexplicable loss filled Qin Fan's heart and heaved a sigh of relief.

He quit the vbo address, and turned to the folder stored in the phone—

It was all transferred to him by Guo Chengxiong, together with the big V number. The id name of Big V is also obtained by Guo Chengxiong. In his words: "Master, if you want male gods to notice you in the vast ocean of fans, you must have a name full of connotations. Look how good this is. Poetic and picturesque, literary style, love, and secret love! That's all I can do, and everything else will depend on your own efforts! By the way, remember to send more color when you send messages to the male god Text, this allows you to hide deeper, and also increases the chances of the male god paying attention to you."

Qin Fan ignored the file first, and secretly scolded Guo Chengxiong for not being able to do things well. He hesitated halfway when he touched the delete button, and finally left its corpse behind.

With a little spare time, Qin Fan decided to observe the next file e-book first.

Si Huang will not look at the details of the newly added fans, but she will always double the comments and private messages on the v blog.

Just as she scanned the comments and was about to read the private message, there was a rapid 'dong dong dong' knock on the door of the room.

She stood up, straightened her clothes and went to open the door.

Yu Xi's anxious and flustered face appeared outside the door, "Si... Sihuang! I want to go back to City H! I want it now! I'm sorry, I'll explain to you later!" He turned around and left after speaking hastily.

Si Huang shouted: "Stop."

Feather froze and turned around.

Si Huang asked calmly, "What happened?"

Yu Xi's eyes were red with anxiety, "Something happened at my house, my mother and Lingling were both taken away!"

Si Huang stared at him for a second, "Wait here." Then, no matter what Yu En wanted to say, she turned and went back to her room to change her clothes.

In three or four minutes, Sihuang changed into a low-key sportswear, walked out with a shoulder bag, and said to Yuxi who stayed where she was, "Go."

Yuene couldn't utter the polite words in his throat.

in the car.

As soon as Si Huang sat in the driver's seat, he said to Yu Xi: "Fasten your seat belt and hurry up."

After Yu Xi finished being obedient, she turned her head and wanted to say something to Si Huang, but she was dragged by the car's rapid reverse and hit her body on the backrest, and she couldn't get over it in one breath.

The wheels rubbed against the ground, and then galloped out at a completely overspeeding speed.

Feather: "..."

Si Huang chose a road with fewer people, and the price of speeding was being photographed several times by traffic light surveillance, which made Yu Xi, who was studying law, hesitant to speak several times. The mood gradually stabilized.

Sihuang's voice sounded: "There are usually few people on this road. If it goes well, you can reach City H a few hours earlier."

Yuene took a deep breath: "...Thank you, Sihuang!"

After he calmed down, it suddenly dawned on him that if he was alone, with the state just now, he didn't know how many detours he would have to take.

Si Huang shook his head.

It's just that God didn't take care of them. Suddenly, colorful lights and human voices appeared in front of them, making Yuene dazed.

Si Huang's eyes paused, "If there is no drag racing party."

Yuene gave a wry smile and had nothing to say.

He watched with his own eyes a few trendy-dressed men coming out of the crowd in front of him intending to stop the car. He thought Si Huang would stop, but who knew she... sped up!


The loud noise of the accelerator startled the few men blocking the car. They jumped away instinctively. Seeing the silver-gray cheap car speeding away, they cursed angrily: "Crazy! I don't know whose territory this is?" Shouted into the walkie-talkie: "Seventh Young Master! A bug has come in!"

There was a silver-gray sports car parked on the road, but it was different from the low-key gray of Sihuang's family car. From the color to the design of the body, it was full of insolent high-profile luxury.

In the driver's seat of the sports car, the young man wearing headphones cursed dissatisfiedly: "You guys eat shit? I don't know how to stop it!"

"We blocked it, but it was a lunatic, speeding up without stopping, I think it's just looking for death!"

"Shut your dog mouth and don't bother me anymore!"

Duan Qizhou pulled off the earphones, opened the door of the sports car and walked out.

He walked to a royal blue sports car not far behind. The car hit the stone wall on the inner side of the road, and the front of the car was still smoking.

"Dong dong dong" Duan Qizhou knocked on the window of the blue sports car, with a nasty smile on the corner of his mouth, and asked leisurely: "Master Zhang? Are you asleep? Come out and show your face." Hearing the sound, Duan Qizhou even had malice in his eyes, smiled, climbed onto the damaged front of the blue sports car and squatted, with a cigarette in his mouth but not smoking, staring at the driveway.

He finished one cigarette, and was about to light another one. He finally heard the sound of the engine, and at that moment, his eyes burst out like hungry wolves rushing to eat.

The silver-gray family sedan sped past at a speed of at least 180 yards.

Duan Qizhou jumped out of the blue sports car excitedly, got into his own sports car, and immediately accelerated to chase the car in front.

A family car would definitely not be able to outrun a brand-name modified sports car. When the silver-gray sports car appeared in the rearview mirror, Si Huang frowned, and then his pupils shrank, and his hands and legs holding the steering wheel moved quickly, "Sit still .” Don’t forget to remind Yuene.

Yuene instinctively grasped the armrest, and then felt the body drift violently, a silver-gray gorgeous sports car and their body missed. Yuene was stunned for a moment, and then his face became cold, "He's sick!" Judging from the distance just now, if Sihuang hadn't turned quickly, this sports car would definitely hit them.

At first glance, millions of sports cars collide with hundreds of thousands of cars, and the result can be imagined.

The sports car that rushed to the front braked, then turned back, and the headlights flickered on and off, as if it was a harbinger of provocation and hunting by gray wolves.

"Sihuang, should we get out of the car?" Yu Xi had never seen such a formation, but knew that some people couldn't understand it with common sense.

Si Huang replied: "The car is locked."

Yuene glanced left and right, then handed it to her from behind.

Si Huang took it and put it on her lap, then opened the car window.

Yuene couldn't understand what she meant.

At this time the sports car in front started.

Yuene's pupils tightened, and it was too late to get out of the car at this time, so he looked at Sihuang. It just happened to feel that the speed of the car body also increased instantly, and the wind came from the open window, blowing Sihuang's hair into the air, a fair face but expressionless, the beauty of the combination of movement and stillness gave Yuene an instant If the current situation is not suitable, if he really wants to take a picture of Sihuang like this, it will definitely make a group of fans scream again.

He was distracted for a few seconds, the two cars were approaching, and Yu was awakened by the dazzling high beams in front of him, his eyes squinted in discomfort, and his expression was angry and nervous.

Wow - stagnation -

The dull sound and the jerk of the car made Yuene see chaos.

Duan Qizhou in the sports car showed surprise, and was dodged by the other party again! Still use this inferior car!

When the sports car and the car passed by, he turned his head and looked at Sihuang through the window, showing a nasty and provocative expression. He thought: After dodging once or twice, I don't believe that he can dodge the third time. With the performance of his car, it is easy to catch up with them. However, before he could see Sihuang's face clearly, he was hit by the sudden yellow color into his eyes.


The window of the car was broken suddenly, debris flew, and Duan Qizhou instinctively slammed on the brakes.


Duan Qizhou cursed angrily, his cheeks and half of his body were excruciatingly painful.

"Come out." The mellow and charming voice sounded so clear and cold in the autumn night, it was so nice that Duan Qizhou shivered.

He raised his head abruptly, startled by a face that hit into the depths of his pupils.

The other party's hair was messy and unruly, and his fair cheeks were clearly visible in the night. The eyes under the slanted eyebrows were like two cool springs. On the contrary, the rich and colorful magic comes from the cold.

Duan Qizhou's Adam's apple rolled down.

The tall boy outside twitched his eyebrows slightly, "Can't you understand people's words?"

I rely on! This is the ultimate love affair! Duan Qizhou roared in his heart, regretting that he did not see the person clearly before, he raised his head and was about to show a smile to the people outside.

"Boom—" The yellow disc lock punched a hole in the door.

Duan Qizhou's smiling face froze, and the cold iron texture of the wheel lock pressed against his Adam's apple.

"come out."

Duan Qizhou froze and opened the door of the car, and walked out, "Beauty, you don't know each other if you don't fight... ah!"

Si Huang kicked the man in the stomach, kicking the man one meter away, sitting on the ground with a pale face, unable to stand up for a long time.

Si Huang walked up to him in two steps, reached out and grabbed the man's hair and pulled it back, revealing Duan Qizhou's handsome and injured face in front of her eyes, "If you don't fight, you don't know each other?" She smiled.

At such a close distance, Duan Qizhou could clearly see Sihuang's eyes, even the dark green color that was gradually getting thicker. The pain distorted his expression, and he was burning with anger. However, the heartbeat that almost jumped out of the chest did not seem to be as simple as being completely angry.

Si Huang looked at the second generation ancestor who looked young, who was only around 20, with a blank expression on his face, and punched down, "Let me meet again, and you will be crippled."

Duan Qizhou on the ground trembled when he heard that plain tone, and when he looked up, he saw that the other party didn't even look back... and walked into his sports car.

Sihuang in the car said to Yuxi who was still outside: "Come in."

Yuene hesitated for a second, then walked into the passenger seat of the sports car.

The sports car gasped and ran out.

Si Huangdan said: "With this car, the time to get to City H can be shortened."

Feather: "..."

"Qi... Qi Shao... are you okay?"

"Seventh Young Master! Seventh Young Master!? You can't have an accident!"

"Seventh Young Master? Hurry up and answer!"

Duan Qizhou was awakened by the slight sound from the earphones hanging around his neck.

Put the earphones back on your ears, "What the hell is that, I'm fine."

"Qi Shao! You can talk back! What's the matter? I just heard a voice..."

"Stop talking nonsense, drive a car to pick me up, Zhang Jinyang is almost dead."

It's okay to hear this, "Seventh Young Master, don't mess around, we're coming, we're coming! Just wait a moment!"

Duan Qizhou pulled off the earphones again in disgust, took out the cigarette case with trembling fingers, and put another cigarette in his mouth, still didn't really smoke. Just sitting on the ground and looking at the end of the road, with a blank expression on his face, he wiped his face with his hands after seven or eight seconds, "Damn it! It's so delicious!"

It would have taken half a day for Si Huang to drive there overnight.

Si Huang followed Yu Chen into the messy alley, the door of a one-story house was open, and a young man in blue clothes stood outside.

"Yuene!" The man saw Yuene running towards him, and immediately ran up to him, "You're finally back."

"Where's my mother and Lingling?" Yuxi tightly grasped Xu Wanjun's arm with both hands.

Xu Wanjun said bitterly: "When I came back, I just saw Aunt Zhao and Lingling being caught in the car, and I don't know where they are."

Yuene's face was livid, and he pulled Xu Wanjun's palm away with one hand, and Sihuang walked over to Xu Wanjun and asked: "Do you remember their license plate numbers, or the general characteristics of the characters? Which direction are their cars going?"

Xu Wanjun had noticed Si Huang a long time ago, when she asked her, he was a little nervous and thought deeply, and after two seconds he said: "I only remember the number 14 on the back of the license plate number, and they look different Good man, ah! The man who caught Lingling has a tattoo on his arm, which is an anchor. They drove out of the alley and went to the east road."

Sihuang nodded, "You guys wait here." Then he turned around and Yuene followed, "Do you have a clue? I'll go with you."

"It's useless for you to follow." Sihuang stamped her feet, and the merciless blow made Yu Xi turn pale, "Stay here, I will call when I need your help." After a second pause, she continued: " I will try my best to bring Yuling and aunt back safely."

She didn't know if this had happened to the Yuene family in her previous life. If she hadn't brought Yuene to Yangcheng, at least there was still a man in their family. There is her responsibility in it, and she will be responsible.

Yu Xi pursed her lips tightly, watched Si Huang leave again, shook her lips, and said with difficulty: "Please." No matter what, there was no way to say "if you encounter difficulties, try to protect yourself" In this way, Yu Xi said solemnly: "Sihuang, as long as Lingling and my mother are fine, I will give this life to you."

Si Huang didn't answer, and his figure disappeared into the alley.

The silver-gray luxury sports car came to the city that never sleeps, and Sihuang got off the car and came to the night bar again.

Under the colorful and dim light, her figure was always walking in the dark, making it hard to see. After identifying the target, she grabbed it with one hand and dragged her to the toilet cubicle.

"Fuck! Who are you! Dare to touch Grandpa, I... ah! Don't hit me! Don't hit me! You are the master, you are the master!"

Sihuang stepped on the man's gate of life, and when he saw that he was being honest, he slowly asked, "Do you know Zhou Jun?"

The gangster's eyeballs rolled around.

Sihuang stepped hard.


There was a knocking sound from the next door: "Damn! Be quiet, you won't go to the room."

The gangster opened his mouth to ask for help, when he heard a devil-like voice above his head, "You still have one last chance."

The gangster shuddered, and took out his cell phone tremblingly, "I know! Brother Zhou's phone is here!"

Si Huang asked him to turn over the number, and after getting through, he amplified the sound. After a while, he heard Zhou Jun's voice, "Chicken, what's the matter?"

The gangster named Chick was trembling his lips and was about to shout, when he felt a sharp pain in his head, and he fell into a coma.

"Chicken?" Zhou Jun's voice over there immediately became cautious.

When he was about to hang up the phone, Sihuang had already said: "It's me, do you still remember that you owe me your life?"

One sentence made Zhou Jun sitting in the box stand up abruptly, alarming the people next to him. He apologized calmly and walked out of the box, "Sihuang?"

"It's me." Si Huang said lightly, "I need you for something, where are you?"

Zhou Jun looked back at the box, this is a rare opportunity... If he left suddenly, all the previous efforts would be in vain. But the person on the other side is Sihuang... He closed his eyes fiercely, opened them a second later and made up his mind, "Let's meet in room 306 at night."

"it is good."

Zhou Jun put down the phone that was hung up, returned to the box behind him, and bowed ninety degrees to Ju Hongzhi inside, "Brother Ju, I'm really sorry, there is something wrong with me and I need to deal with it myself. All the expenses will be covered by me, please give me this opportunity!"

Ju Hongzhi is a middle-aged man with a bald head. He is leaning on the sofa with his legs spread wide. A woman is kneeling there, hard at work. He half-closed his eyes and looked at Zhou Jun, "Xiao Jun! I think you are a smart person, why are you so stupid today?"

Everyone else in the box showed gloating expressions.

Zhou Jun pretended not to understand, and still bowed without looking up, "Thanks to Brother Ju for his appreciation, I must go to this matter today."

Ju Hongzhi laughed, "Go, go! It's urgent, can I stop you?"

"Thank you Brother Ju." Zhou Jun raised his head, turned and left the box.

The door has just been closed.

A man inside said to Ju Hongzhi: "Brother Ju, this kid can't do it, just because he is in the eyes of the little boss, he doesn't take you seriously, and he doesn't look at what kind of guy he is."

Ju Hongzhi laughed and said: "Don't say that, young people will inevitably be young and energetic, and they will become sensible after a little setback."

Room 306 for night.

Sihuang pushed the door open and went in. Zhou Jun had already stood up and called out to her respectfully: "Young Master Si."

Si Huang took off the mask she was wearing, sat on the sofa, and went straight to the topic, "At the old construction company on Fengnan Road, a group of people went to arrest two women this afternoon. The last two digits of their license plate numbers are 14 , there is a man with a tattoo of an anchor tattooed on his arm, do you know who it is?"

Zhou Jun thought for three seconds before answering: "There are quite a few men with anchor tattoos on their arms, but I know an organization where most of the members have this tattoo. The anchor tattoo is their symbol."

"Is there a way to confirm it?"

Zhou Jun was silent again, his face remained unchanged, but he was actually struggling in his heart. This struggle was finally defeated under Si Huang's gaze, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a series of numbers.

"Hello? I'm Zhou Jun."

"Yes, I have given the invitation to the Young Master's family for a look. The Young Master's family has a problem and wants to figure it out."

"You're welcome, it's not a big problem. I just want to know if there is a mother and daughter in the auction of your event. They lived on Fengnan Road before. The girl probably..." Zhou Jun looked at Sihuang, and after seeing her gesture , and then said: "Sixteen or seventeen years old."

The person on the phone was probably searching, and after waiting for a few minutes, Zhou Jun who heard something said: "I understand. I will tell the young master the truth, and I wish your event and party a success." Zhou Jun who hung up the phone Looking at Sihuang, "It seems that they took the person you want."

Si Huang asked: "What happened to the auction party?"

Zhou Jun: "There are always one or two banquets held by the Sea God Group and other organizations every year. There are some activities in the banquet. There have been animal fighting and boxing before. This time it is an auction of women."

After he mentioned it, Si Huang vaguely remembered that he had heard about it in his previous life. This kind of gathering was an arty activity for people in the underworld, and everyone who participated would wear a mask every time.

"Master Si, in my capacity, I am not even qualified to participate in this party, so that's all I can do." Zhou Jun said.

Si Huang raised her head, "If it's the young master you mentioned, is his status enough to ask someone?"

Zhou Jun: "The Young Master's family has never been interested in this kind of banquet. It is already a risk for me to use his name to ask about that matter. If he finds out... everything I have won now will disappear!"

Si Huang said softly: "If everything is gone, we can fight again. If life is gone, it is really gone."

Wubao suddenly felt a sense of presence: [Your Majesty, you also know how much favor I have given you?]

Si Huang ignored it and looked at Zhou Jun indifferently.

Zhou Jun said stiffly, "I know."

He is not afraid of the famous Ju Hongzhi, who is already well-known in the Tao, and can even deal with it carefully in front of the young master's family. Why does he always have a little fear of the young man in front of him

"I will do as you said, but I hope that after this time, our grievances will be wiped out." Zhou Jun said, "I don't owe you any more."

Si Huang glanced at him, "Okay."

She promised so lightly that Zhou Jun couldn't tell whether he was relieved or disappointed, and felt as if he had missed something.

According to Zhou Jun's dictation, the banquet of the Sea God Group will be held tomorrow night. In order to please the Taoists, the auction items will not be touched until the auction. In addition to his previous phone call, the other party will definitely take care of it. The identity of the Young Master's family, before finding out the truth of the whole matter, they must not dare to embarrass and hurt Yu Ling's mother and daughter.

Zhou Jun didn't know Sihuang's plan, so he reminded: "Shaodong's whereabouts have always been unknown, and he doesn't like to meddle in other people's affairs. If you want to ask him for help, it is impossible."

Si Huang: "If I'm not wrong, the young master you mentioned is the young master of the wildfire team."

Zhou Jun's complexion changed, his eyes were full of surprise.

"Every generation of the direct members of the Wildfire Group is very mysterious. Most people only know their surname Xia, and have never seen their real appearance. Even if they see them, they may not know that they are." Si Huang had heard of these in her previous life. Yes, even she has never met the direct line of the wildfire team, only heard that the young boss is a more elegant and elegant man than the nobles.

"You have seen him." Si Huang looked at Zhou Jun.

Zhou Jun said with difficulty: "Yes. I have seen it."

Si Huang didn't ask him how he was sure that the one he saw was the real young master, "Tell me about his characteristics."

Sihuang took Zhoujun back to Yuxi's home and briefly told him about the matter. Knowing that Yu Ling and the others are not in danger for the time being, Yu En is a little relieved, and then said to Si Huang in embarrassment: "Tomorrow... no, it's today, and the new actress Yu Lianyun who will play the second female role will come over. Director Liu said that next It's a game between you and her."

Si Huang said: "I'll explain it to Director Liu." Seeing the guilty and troubled expression on Yu's face, she said: "You know I've been very 'hot' recently, and as my manager, your appearance has also been judged by you. Many people remember, so don't run around."

Yuene: "I see." His heart sank. When saying goodbye to Sihuang in Yangcheng, if Sihuang didn't keep up with him, I'm afraid that the distraught self before would cause irreparable consequences.

No one slept that night, but in just over an hour, it was dawn.

Si Huang called Director Liu and briefly explained her current situation. Director Liu scolded her and finally shouted rudely: "Be careful!"