Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 51: Si Huang made a film


Si Huang found red wine in the house, poured a glass, and then poured the powder in the small glass bottle into the wine glass.

She held the goblet with her fingers and shook it lightly. The slender fingers in gloves and the crystal stem, and the thick and beautiful red liquid in the cup set off each other, making her look as elegant as an old nobleman.

"You guys come here, hold down his body, and feed him the wine." Si Huang told the four boys who are still in good health: "Treat him whatever you thought about dealing with me at the beginning, and if you don't Alright, just use the hardware of your body to pay off the debt." Passed out the goblet in his hand.

The four boys hesitated for a second, seeing Si Huang's expression moved, the four of them didn't dare to think about anything else, they stood up and surrounded Si Hua, and the boy who spoke before took the wine glass.

"How dare you!" Si Hua stared at them in horror and anger, "Fucking bastards, if you dare to touch me today, tomorrow I will kill your whole family!"

The expressions of the four changed, and the boy holding the wine glass gritted his teeth and said, "Young Master Si, you really can't blame us for this matter, as you have seen, if we don't do it, the end will not be much better. If you want to blame... you should blame... "He glanced at Si Huang secretly, and then winked at the other three boys.

The three boys immediately put their hands on Si Hua's body, and one of them said, "Si Hua, what Zhong Yan said is correct, we are also victims! You have also said this medicine, it won't kill anyone, otherwise we wouldn't dare Doing this with you will add to the fun, right? You must not miss us!"

In fact, they were not afraid that Si Hua could really kill them. First of all, they were young, so they didn't dare to kill them, and they felt that Si Hua would definitely not dare. Second, everyone is watching today's incident. If something happened to one of them, they would think of Si Hua and inform Si Hua alone.

"Mmmmm!" Si Hua struggled desperately.

This medicine can't kill people, but he knows that he may become addicted, and he doesn't want Sihuang to succeed.

His hands were tied, and the four boys suppressed him at the same time. It didn't take long for most of the glass of red wine with spices to pour into his mouth.

"Sihuang... I am at odds with you!"

Si Huang ignored Si Hua's roar, and asked Zhong Yansinan who was standing in a row again: "Is the equipment for taking pictures ready?"

"It's all in the room upstairs." Zhong Yan glanced at her and lowered his head.

Si Huang said, "Take him up." Then he looked at Huo Yuzhi and the others, "You guys go up too."

Huo Yuzhi laughed dryly, "What are we doing up there?"

"No matter how you play, just take pictures to achieve the effect."

"Your Majesty... our hearts are with you!"

Si Huang looked at them with a smile, "Have you ever played with a man?" The gorgeous voice said the explosive words in a soft tone, which made the four girls' cheeks turn red suddenly. Really played with men. It's just that Si Huang looked at it like this and said it. I don't know why, I feel embarrassed, a little ashamed and a little excited.

Huo Yuzhi saw that Sihuang's eyes were cold and without a smile, "Do you forgive us if we do a good job?"

Si Huang sat back on the single sofa, "Your matter will be cancelled."

Huo Yuzhi laughed: "Your Majesty is waiting for our good news!"

In the living room, only Si Huang, the two boys including the unconscious Li Qun, and the guy who couldn't get up after being beaten were left.

Si Huang took off the blood-stained gloves, took out her mobile phone, checked Weibo, and sent private messages.

Sihuang V: I just got into a fight.

Waiting for you to perch V: Who is bothering you? won? Are you injured

Sihuang V: I won the battle, but I wasn't injured [big dynamic expression snarling]

Waiting for you to inhabit the phoenix tree V: Great! [Kaomoji excited]

Si Huang pursed her lips and smiled, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes, and her fingers quickly pressed a word.

Sihuang V: Since you say I'm great, what gift can you give me

This time there was no reply for several minutes.

Si Huang also waited calmly, but the caller ID on the phone suddenly turned on, which made her smile fade away.


"How is your time with Si Hua?"

"Oh, pretty good."

"Why can't I get through to Si Hua?"

Si Huang glanced at the remains of Si Hua's cell phone on the ground, "He was having so much fun, I don't know where he lost his cell phone."

"...So, tell Si Hua to answer the phone."

"Okay, wait a minute."

Si Huang who hung up the phone had no intention of getting up to call Si Hua.

With a "ding dong", her private message in the background of the V blog was answered.

Waiting for you to perch V: what do you want? The place I live in is relatively remote, and there are no delicious and interesting things.

Sihuang V: You can send it.

An important place in the military region.

Qin Fan stared at the reply he just got on the phone, savoring the five-character sentence, his eyebrows softened unconsciously.

He thought for a while, this was the first time he gave a gift to a child, or his younger brother asked for it himself and won a fight!

Boys at this age are the youngest and active, and they want to get the approval of their elders after winning a fight... This souvenir can't be casual!

Qin Fan's typing of "Papa Papa" replied to the past.

Waiting for you to perch V: Do you use more fists or kicks today

Sihuang V: Fist [Fist] [Fist]

Waiting for your perched phoenix tree V: Okay, wait for my congratulatory gift. [touch the head]

Putting the phone away, Qin Fan wore an army green vest, showing enviable biceps, and went out to the arsenal.

"Chief, why are you here so late?" Li Jianfeng, who had a bearded face, was surprised. In fact, he wanted to say more, what is the meaning of calling people over at night

Qin Fan: "Do you still have the material for the CK body armor?"


"Make a pair of gloves." After a pause, Qin Fan remembered Sihuang's appearance, frowned, and added: "Make it more beautiful."

Li Jianfeng's expression froze, he stared at Qin Fan's big palm, and asked hesitantly, "How can I be more beautiful?" !

"It's not for me." Qin Fan glanced at the workshop, walked to a table, picked up a pen and drew his hands on the drawing on the table.

If Sihuang were here, he would be surprised that Qin Fan drew her hand almost exactly.

Qin Fan put down his pen, "According to this size, boy, sixteen or seventeen years old, you can do whatever young people like."

"Boy, this hand is really pretty, isn't he a piano learner?" Li Jianfeng took a closer look, "Young people also have different preferences. Do you think it's better to be cool and handsome, or elegant and grand?" His eyes rolled He stared straight at Qin Fan. I haven't seen the chief so caring about anyone before, he actually made gloves from CK material, and even customized beautiful ones! For this gossip, it doesn't hurt to spend a little effort!

Qin Fan said: "Use it for self-defense in fights."

Li Jianfeng: "..." I knew that none of the boys who had anything to do with the Qin family was safe. "Then it's better to be cool, boys in the sixteenth and seventeenth year like this." He picked up the blueprint and looked at it again, "It's a pity to use it to fight. The last time I went home, my daughter was still with me I was yelling about who played the violin at the concert." Speaking of his daughter, there was a loving smile on his bearded face.

Qin Fan was said to be a little bit concerned, he thought about Si Huang in his mind, frowned and said: "What's the use of a man being so beautiful."

"Boss, you're out of date now! Women nowadays really don't like rough men, they just like clean and beautiful ones, and it's better to know how to play musical instruments!" Li Jianfeng said, turning his head to look at Qin Fan's face and figure. It became more and more subtle, and said in a lewd tone, "Actually, if you can restrain your aura, there are many women who will support you and serve you like an emperor!"

Something came to Qin Fan's mind, and his eyes were so dark that they swept across people like saw knives, "Stop talking nonsense, I'll get the goods within three days."

Li Jianfeng felt chills from being stared at, and he didn't dare to refute that the time given by Qin Fan was too short. When the person left, he slapped himself: "It's not good to tease anyone, how dare you tease this monster! Ask yourself for it!"

after ten.

Huo Yuzhi and a group of people came down from upstairs.

Huo Yuzhi handed a stack of newly developed photos to Si Huang, and said loudly: "Your Majesty, we didn't really do it, what do you think of the effect?"

No matter how crazy they are, they are too embarrassed to really do that kind of thing with other boys in the presence of the male god in their minds.

Huo Yuzhi's mind turned quickly, and he knew what Sihuang's real purpose was, so he was able to take photos that satisfied Sihuang without doing that.

Si Huang flipped through the 'wonderful content' in the photos one by one.

In the photo, Si Hua's body and face are fully exposed, with a drunken expression, some hugged a girl and collapsed on the bed, and some were with several girls, but the same thing is that the girls' faces were not photographed, until the end And Zhang is even more explosive... Even men joined in.

Although Si Huang knew that there was nothing really done in it, but just looking at the effect of the photos, it was simply obscene and obscene.

"Aren't you afraid of being retaliated by Si Hua afterwards?" Si Huang put away the photos that turned out better than he expected.

The four boys all had worried faces, and Bi Xiaotuo shouted with a serious face: "For Your Majesty, there is nothing to be afraid of going up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of fire... Aww!" Huo Yuzhi slapped his head hard.

Huo Yuzhi ignored Bi Xiaotuo's resentful eyes, and said to Si Huang: "Our family is not as good as Fenghua Company, but we are not afraid of Si Hua when we join forces. Besides, it was his fault in the first place. If you really dare to retaliate against us, it will be a big deal with us." He has fought hard, my mother is not afraid of him! As long as he is still a student like us, and does not sit in the position of Fenghua and important position."

Sihuang didn't make any promise to Huo Yuzhi that the future will be mine, you don't have to be afraid. Pick up the gloves you took off before and go outside.

"Eh? Your Majesty! You're gone, what shall we do?" Huo Yuzhi shouted.

"Follow you." Si Huang's figure disappeared outside the gate of the villa.

The four men and four women in the living room peeped at each other, what do you mean by following them? They don't know how to do it at all!

In the silence, a burst of phone ringing broke.

Zhong Yan took out his phone and looked, his face turned pale, "It's Si Hua's father calling, what should I say?"

After three seconds of silence, Huo Yuzhi grimaced and said in a vicious voice: "Whatever you say! Say what you want, anyway, we are on His Majesty's side. You'd better think clearly, don't live in the past, according to With the current situation of Your Majesty and Si Hua, whose hands do you think Fenghua Entertainment will end up with in the future? You better think clearly about it!"

Zhong Yan wanted to cry, but the first sentence said "whatever you want", followed by a long paragraph of threats that everyone could understand. Can he still speak casually? !

It was already half past ten when Si Huang drove Si Hua's car back home.

The light was still on in the living room at home, and Yuene sat on the sofa and saw her coming back, and Panasonic kept worrying.

Si Huang saw him, closed the door gently, and said, "I'm fine, go to bed early, I have to work tomorrow."

Yuene's eyes flashed. Does this mean that the private affairs have been dealt with? "Okay." He didn't ask much, turned and went back to his room.

The second floor is Sihuang's personal space.

After taking a shower, she sat in front of the computer with a towel casually placed on her head, and automatically entered a series of URLs on the webpage, and then a dialogue window popped up automatically.

Anonymous: Do you have business, do you want to do it

Bear: Do.

Anonymous: Distribute this batch of photos. [document]

Guo Chengxiong, who was on vacation in Yangcheng, almost swallowed the fried chicken leg in his mouth. He stretched out his hand in pain to pull the chicken leg out of his throat, and coughed violently. With teary eyes, he stared at the photo collection he had just downloaded and compressed, "Damn it, this Anonymous can't be the one who is a fan of the father?" He couldn't help being curious, and tapped his fingers on the keyboard nimbly and quickly, Obtained the other party's ID address, "Really! How did he know about this website!...Maybe it was given by the master? Oh, the master will not expose me completely, right? I have to accept this order, and I can't earn extra money!"

Si Huang didn't know that the person on the other end had misunderstood it. In fact, she knew about this website "accidentally" in her previous life. She had cooperated with this person several times and was very satisfied with his confidentiality, work ability and professional ethics.

After not getting a reply from 'Xiong' for a while, Si Huang calmly typed a line of words.

Anonymous: 100,000 in advance, 100,000 after completion.

Xiong: Little brother is really rich.

Anonymous: This is the first order, and there will be follow-up orders.

Xiong: ...Actually, our shop is holding an event today, and you just won the lottery, so I can give you a discount, dear~

Si Huang was startled, staring at this passage with a puzzled expression. After rebirth, it seems that the group of people I came into contact with before became a little strange.

Anonymous: No, I'm happy that the money was spent on them.

Si Huang didn't intend to use the card sent by Secretary Wang today for his own life, even if the money in it was enough for ordinary people to live for more than ten years. Since receiving this card, Sihuang has already thought about the use of the money in it.

Xiong: You are rich, but you are self-willed!

Anonymous: card number.

Si Huang looked at the card number displayed at the window, it was exactly the same as in her previous life, and she directly transferred the money online.

Anonymous: I will see the results tomorrow.

Xiong: Don't worry about my work.

The conversation between the two ended here.

Guo Chengxiong from Yangcheng touched his chin, thinking: "Should I report this to my father? But I am very busy now, and the address of my express store should be given by me, so I must know him Ask me to do something. If the master really knows about this, I will definitely be cut off if I bring this matter to him again!" After thinking about it, Guo Chengxiong decided to take Sihuang's order and do it well, and he must do it well. Only then is this extra money worth it.

early morning.

Today, Sihuang didn't go out for a morning run, but chose to exercise on the treadmill in the gym at home.

Yuene next to her first took a few photos of her, and after sending them to Vbo as usual, she also got on a treadmill next to her to exercise. However, he persisted for 20 minutes before coming down, took a sip of water and took a shower, only to see Si Huang just got off the treadmill. Picking up the folder on the table, he said to her: "Today, I have negotiated with the person in charge of RB about the time and place to meet, and it's in the Huaxing Art School."

Si Huang nodded, and walked out while wiping off his sweat.

Yu Yi followed and raised his glasses, "This time RB's style theme seems to be a campus style, with elements of basketball, piano, literature and art, and love." Looking at Si Huang in front of him, "Generally speaking, it's a clichéd prince. The story with Cinderella, but the final ending is not perfect. Your prince is not only athletic, good at the piano, but also a school bully, in line with the perfect fantasy of a girl's childhood."

Si Huang paused, "Is this based on my information?"

"Yes." Yuene put down the folder, "I've seen the information you gave me. You have no problem with sports. Piano is also your field of expertise. You have also met the standard of being a top student. You are performing in your true colors. … What's the matter? Question?"

Si Huang looked back at him, smiled a second later, shook the sweat from her hair, "No problem."

Yuene looked at the back of her walking into his room, a little puzzled. Did he say something wrong? It's really a real performance, just after exercising and shaking your hair, you can instantly attract people's attention, okay

After taking a shower in the bathroom of her own room, Si Huang stood in front of the full-length mirror.

The person in the mirror also looked at her, her limbs were slender, her skin was as white as jade, her chest was not turbulent but formed the most perfect golden ratio with her body, her legs were straight and graceful. Maybe it's because of Li Lisi's foreign blood, her bones are more fit than normal Asian women, with a height of 1.77 meters, an aura personality cultivated over the years, and exquisite and perfect facial features, no one will doubt her. real sex.

Si Huang touched her flat belly with her fingertips.

In her previous life, she had menstruation at the age of sixteen, but only two years later, Si Zhihan gave her the sterilization drug developed by the Bai family after she was eighteen, and she also bid farewell to menstruation after losing her ability to conceive.

[You are resurrected from the dead, and now you are a pure yin body. The yin energy in your body is too heavy. If you want to have menstruation, you must save enough belief points for your ten-year lifespan.]Five Treasures bubbling, [Either go to capture yang and nourish yin.]

Si Huang put down her hands, turned around and put on her clothes, "Wu Bao, you've been elusive recently."

Wu Bao didn't speak.

Si Huang said in an instant, "In the past, you always showed me the number of glittering gold, so as to encourage me to work harder."


"Don't hide, come out obediently."

[His Majesty! Actually, I'm about to upgrade! So it's always easy to drowsy recently! Your Majesty, I can help you more when I level up! Your Majesty, you wait for me! Your Majesty, let me first...]

"Five Treasures, how much gold glitter do you need to upgrade?"


Sihuang has tied up her chest and put on her clothes.

A set of pure white sportswear. There are royal blue stripes on the collar and cuffs. If the combination of white and blue is not good, it will be ordinary or even earthy. However, this dress is well handled from the material to the details, and it is refreshing. It brings out the extravagance, especially the person who wears it is simply a hanger, with a flawless face, perfect like a prince charming from a comic book fairy tale.

This dress is sponsored by RB. I am going to meet with them today and shoot an endorsement commercial. This is just right for me to wear.

"Wubao, I remember you said that your function is not just as simple as strengthening your body once." Sihuang wiped his short hair with a towel, went out and sat on the bed, "Or, what is the so-called Wujue of Mr. Wujue?"

[Don't force me! Don't push me! Don't push me! I don't care, I want to upgrade! I want to upgrade! I want to upgrade! ] Wubao's voice is a little restless and aggrieved and guilty.

Si Huang threw the towel on the bed blankly, obviously there was no real Wubao, but she just felt that Wubao shrank back as if frightened.

"I don't know what your plan is, but don't forget one thing." Sihuang's tone was rare and stern, "I live, you can live."

[... I... I just think, Your Majesty, you earn so much gold so quickly, it must be no problem to upgrade me first! Yes, exactly!]

"So..." Si Huang chuckled, "Now I'm your tool to make money?"

[I don't!]Wubao knows where Sihuang's bottom line is, so he dares to admit it. Although it did have the idea of controlling Sihuang at the beginning, but later it didn't dare, [I just believe in Your Majesty! With His Majesty's strength, he will definitely be able to easily earn a lot of gold!]

"You don't believe me." Sihuang punctured its lies, "If you believe me, you won't do it secretly. If you believe me, you won't dare to face me when you do this."

Five Treasures: […]

"Show the data."

Wubao was silent for three seconds.

Si Huang didn't urge her, but the color of her eyes turned darker, and thick dark green emerged little by little.

Finally, a familiar translucent crystal ball appeared in front of her eyes.

Sihuang's eyebrows loosened: Fortunately, I was not disappointed. Randomly scanning the data of the crystal ball, no matter the number of little pinks has reached millions, and the number of golden sparkles has also reached 139, "What benefits can this number bring me?"

Wubao seemed to be giving up on himself, and said in a voice full of resentment: [Strengthen the body again, and get one of the five masters of the five masters.]

"Sounds like a lot of benefits." Si Huang asked, "If I didn't ask you, would you never plan to say it?"

Wubao was silent.

"What happens when you level up?" Si Huang asked again.

Wubao said viciously: [Ask why then!]

Si Huang reprimanded coldly: "Speak well."

Wubao yelled angrily: [Upgrade and you can have entities! Although it can't be a human being, as long as it is a flesh and blood life with insufficient intelligence, it can be... Hey!]The sound was so loud that Sihuang felt his head hurt, and finally heard its cry.

Si Huang couldn't laugh or cry, "That's it?"

[What do you mean? Yes, it doesn't benefit you if I don't change my body, I knew that if you found out, you wouldn't be willing to give me Jin Jingying! I knew it would be like this! Hey...why are you so smart, you can't peep into my thoughts, why can you guess what I'm doing! You are a badass! Badass!]

"Shut up!"


Si Huang rubbed her temples, "How much gold glitter do you need to upgrade?"

[… 150 pieces.]

"So it's not two hundred and five." Si Huang complained.


"Wait, there are only 11 coins left." Si Huang thought that Yu Xi and the others should wait anxiously below.

It wasn't until Sihuang was halfway down the stairs that Wubao's voice suddenly sounded in his quiet mind: [You, just, just, that, words, yes, what, what, meaning, thinking?]

Si Huang's footsteps swayed slightly, holding on to the railing.

"Sihuang!" Yuen below just saw it and was taken aback, "Are you okay? Did you hurt your muscles from training?"

"I was thinking about something just now, it's okay." Si Huang replied calmly, and then walked down the stairs.

Wubao also knew that something bad happened again, Sihuang didn't respond to him, and didn't continue to pester him.

After the four of them had breakfast together, Yu Ling learned that Si Huang and the two were going to work at Huaxing Art School, and asked, "Can I go and see it together?"

Yuene looked at Sihuang, who said, "Yes."

Yu Ling beamed with joy.

Yu Xi drove the car, Yu Ling sat in the passenger seat, and Si Huang sat alone in the back seat.

[Your Majesty, tell me, Your Majesty, what exactly do you mean by what you just said? Say it! Say it! talk!]

"I'm not in a hurry to upgrade anything at the moment, so Jin Xingxing can upgrade you first." Sihuang didn't hold back any more, and responded to it silently with consciousness.

He got the answer he wanted most, but Wu Bao fell silent.

Sihuang looked out of the window calmly, but his eyes did not fall, and he communicated with Wubao with his consciousness, "Wubao, I never told you that our fate has been connected since the moment I was reborn. Be a partner, a trustworthy partner who knows all my secrets and the past, even lives together, where I can do it, I will not treat you badly, nor will I use you as a tool."

"I'm angry with you because I hope you understand, don't be fooled by temporary benefits and success." Sihuang lowered her eyelashes, her expression a little lonely, "I gave you time, I hope you can take the initiative to tell me, but the result You're stubborn, and I'm stubborn too."

[Wow!]Suddenly came the cry of Wubao, [Your Majesty! I was wrong wow! I didn't mean it, wasn't I afraid? I'm afraid of you... woo woo woo! I'm wrong! I'm wrong!]

"It's very noisy." Si Huang frowned, and said helplessly, "It's better for you to come out, so as not to harm my brain."

[... Your Majesty, you are a knife-mouthed bean curd heart.]

Si Huang shook his head, too lazy to explain to the bastard, "Speak up if you have anything in the future, and dare to do small tricks in secret..."

At this time, Wubao was like a fool who couldn't understand the threat of Sihuang at all, so he was so cute: [I know, Your Majesty! I... I love you!]

"..." Si Huang laughed. Forget it, if I knew this was a little idiot, there is no need to be serious with it.

Huaxing Art School.

After Yuene parked the car, he made a call.

"Hello? Hello, Mr. Yang, we've arrived. The playground? Okay, let's come over." After hanging up the phone, Yu Xi looked at Sihuang, "They're in the playground."

"Let's go." Si Huang replied, taking the lead to walk towards the playground.

Sihuang's name is definitely well-known in the current Huaxing Art School, and the students of Huaxing Art School will stop when they see her along the way. Accompanied by screams and discussions, Sihuang walked to the playground without looking sideways, and many people followed behind her.

There is a temporary sunshade in the playground, and there are several people sitting in it and the filming staff.

Si Huang's figure was noticed by the people inside as soon as he appeared.

When she walked inside the awning, a young man in a gray-blue suit stood up, "Hi, I'm Yang Bixian, and I'm also the person in charge of this brand endorsement."

"Hello, I'm Sihuang." Sihuang reached out to shake his hand politely, and then let go.

"You look more perfect in real life than in photos." Yang Bixian looked at her and praised her, "It's just as I thought, very suitable for BR's style." In fact, the first time he saw Sihuang approaching, he noticed it It's not that Sihuang is suitable for BR's style, but that BR is more dazzling because of her. It's just that he won't say it directly.

Sihuang smiled generously: "I think the results of the next work will also satisfy you."

Yang Bixian's eyes flashed, and he felt that the investigation he had prepared at the beginning was completely unnecessary, "Okay."

This time, RB's working group brought a total of ten sets of clothes, specially selected according to Sihuang's height and size, including casual clothes, shirts, suits, sportswear and home clothes.

Yang Bixian said: "The suit you are wearing now is also the latest model of this season, and it happens to be here to take a first set..." He pointed to the basketball court in front of him, "It was agreed at the beginning, playing a game of basketball is no problem, right?"

Si Huang folded up her sleeves, "No problem."

Yang Bixian nodded and shouted to the surrounding academies: "9 boys who can play basketball come here!"

Few people present did not know about the brand of RB. They understood that this was an opportunity to appear on camera, even if they didn’t show their faces much.

Yang Bixian personally selected 9 boys from among the boys who came out. All of them are over 1.7 meters tall and above average in appearance. Standing in a row is pleasing to the eye.

This is why the art school can produce so many teenagers with high-quality appearance at once.

"The way you usually play basketball, you still play the same way now, but at the critical moment, you still have to highlight Sihuang and give him the opportunity, understand?" Yang Bixian reminded.


"Okay, let's start."

The camera was raised, the cameraman pointed the lens at the basketball court from top to bottom, and other staff also took their positions one by one.

On the basketball court, 9 boys are divided into teams, and both sides stand in positions.

As Sihuang was the forward of the red team, Yang Bixian threw the ball to her directly, and then blew his whistle to indicate that it was time to start.

The two members of the blue team immediately surrounded Sihuang, and their expressions were well done, but it was too good to let people see that they had no intention of letting Sihuang express.

"Mr. Yang, do you see this?" The filming director turned his head and asked what Yang Bixian meant.

Yang Bixian frowned, feeling annoyed that these young people were fooling him, but he still said, "Let's take a picture first." After all, the effect of releasing the water must be for show, and the later refinement can't cover it up. Yang Bixian had some assumptions in his mind: If Sihuang had real skills in sports, the effect of shooting with real materials would be better, more realistic and eye-catching.

"Sihuang, pass it to me!" The boy assigned to the central defender position of the red team shouted while running.

Si Huang glanced sideways, and with a clap of his left hand, the basketball was accurately projected towards the shouting boy.

When the boy received the ball, his face was filled with joy, and he immediately dribbled the ball and ran away.

The two boys who were surrounding Si Huang gave her a provocative look secretly, withdrew one, and left the other to guard her.

The scene became four-on-four, even if the camera was mainly on Sihuang, there was no exciting point to dig out.

"If you want to package yourself as an all-around athlete, you have to be more reliable." The boy who insisted on defending Sihuang whispered in a voice that only two people could hear: "I thought everything would be fine if I had a handsome face! It's too beautiful!"

Si Huang said lightly: "In the end, you are just jealous."

The boy's face turned red instantly, "Who the hell is jealous!"

Just when the camera turned to this side, Sihuang raised his eyebrows and smiled, his spirits were high, "Some people, you are destined to only be envious and jealous, and you will not be able to catch up."

The boy was dazzled by the sudden smile, and then heard people's shouts, and realized that his side had grabbed the ball. He showed a smug smile, and said to Sihuang: "The little boy who can only talk big..."


Before the boy finished speaking, he stared wide-eyed at Si Huang who bent over and got out of his defense. He immediately chased but was surprised to find that he couldn't run Si Huang at all.

On the basketball court, the basketball forward who had just grabbed the ball rushed into the red court with a confident smile on his face, skillfully dodged one or two interceptions, and when he reached the perfect distance he had planned in his mind, he held the ball with both hands and was about to shoot …


A clear and thick voice sounded.

The forward of the blue team only felt the white shadow flickering in front of his eyes, and the sense of reality in his hand was gone.

He turned his head in astonishment, only a dashing and handsome figure remained in his sight.

"Stop him!"

Without the blue team's forward shouting, the other four members of the blue team all surrounded Sihuang—knowing that the camera was focusing on Sihuang, they had to follow him if they wanted to be on camera. And really want to shine alone? There are no doors!

Boys are jealous and embarrassing, and the same sex is generally not playful. The old paper just doesn't like you, so what's the matter with targeting you? From the behavior, it is full of male aggressiveness, which is obvious at a glance.

Facing the siege of four people, the members of the red team also came and stood far away, "Pass the ball! Pass the ball!"

This time, Sihuang didn't even glance at Min, just dribbled and sprinted without squinting.

"Damn! You're so arrogant, I'll see how you lose face later!"

The first 1.75-meter boy stood in front of him with a strong body, with his big palms facing down to grab the ball.

Si Huang turned sideways flexibly as expected, her dribbling hand turned easily, the basketball popped out from the boy's crotch, Si Huang and the boy passed sideways, and the basketball returned to her hand at just the right time.

The second interceptor came right away, Sihuang's eyes moved to the right, his body tilted, and his dribbling right hand also passed to the right.

The guard of the blue team quickly followed, already thinking about the feeling of getting the basketball, and then his smile froze...


With a flick of his right hand from his waist, the basketball was thrown from behind to the left, and he continued to dribble with his left hand. Si Huang naturally returned to his normal position and continued to move forward. He didn't even look at the blue team guard who was leaning and almost fell.

This is a feint!

The third one... Sihuang, who was dribbling high, suddenly stopped suddenly, and the stop was quite stable, which was unexpected. The basketball center guard didn't stop the car.

The fourth... can't catch up at all!


Outside the three-point line.

The slender boy's body jumped lightly and powerfully, the basketball was thrown in a beautiful parabola from his hand, and the sound of a perfect catch was crisp and sweet.

From the boy's arrival, bending over, jumping, shooting, and landing... the whole process is as smooth as it has been achieved after countless rehearsals. It is so smooth and natural that it is pleasing to the eye.

She landed on both feet, glanced at the basketball that had run away, and then reached out to brush the hair scattered on her forehead back at will. The white and slender five fingers are like jade carvings, they shuttle between the black hair, the slightly raised jaw, and the full forehead, squinting at the losers of the blue team, the eyes are so clear that they are full of the disdain of the winners. .

The scene was silent.

Si Huang raised the corners of her bright red lips, her aura erupted instantly, cold and noble, with a bit of youthful vibe in her elegance.

The faces of the five members of the blue team were all flushed, and their blood boiled with anger.

"One more time!"

"Yes, let's play again! The one who loses is called brother!"

"It's so arrogant, I can't wait to punch him in the face!"

Compared to them, the girls onlookers were all crazy.

"Sihuang! Sihuang! Sihuang—so handsome!"

"Long live Your Majesty! Your Majesty is invincible! Your Majesty tortured them to death!"

Unknowingly, at least two or three hundred men and women have gathered here in the playground. An area is full of girls, and they shouted neatly with great momentum.

Si Huang turned her head to look, and found that she didn't know how they did it, but actually made a banner in a short period of time, with the seven characters "Your Majesty, I love you" written on it with a big thick pen. There was also a poster of Sihuang's enlarged photo that the girls got from somewhere. The two girls held it up together, and they yelled excitedly when they saw Sihuang look at it.

Those who didn't know about this scene thought it was a big star coming to hold a concert or something. The male students around all stared at Si Huang subtly, and it was not unreasonable to envy her.

Si Huang put down the hand that was pulling her hair, and the girl's side became orderly and quiet in an instant.

Si Huang smiled helplessly, "Isn't this a promotional video?"

Everyone came back to their senses: "..."

Yang Bixian was also taken aback, and then smiled with his hands on his forehead. Then look at the handsome young man on the basketball court, his face is still the same, but the deceptive arrogant and yuppie expression has disappeared. He looked at Sihuang carefully, and suddenly said: "You performed very well, but this scene is still a bit flawed."

Everyone present looked at him.

Pointing to his forehead, Yang Bixian smiled at Sihuang, "I don't sweat at all, I lack youthful blood."

Si Huang smiled without saying a word.

The five boys from the basketball team froze. Fuck, sprinting and breaking through the five of them, and still not sweating at all, what does that mean? It shows that there is no effort at all!

The crowd of girls screamed again.

"Your Majesty is sweating! It's best to take off your sweaty clothes!" A certain excited voice broke through the obstacles and reached everyone's ears.

People including Si Huang looked at the sound and found that Huo Yuzhi's four sisters also ran over in the girl group at some time, and the person who just issued the ultrasound and shouted out was Tian Jiuran among the four sisters.

"Take off your clothes! Take off your clothes! Take off your clothes!" Under the leadership of the four sisters, the girls all fiddled with each other.

The boys were both envious and gloating, and were going to see how Sihuang would end up.

Yang Bixian also became interested and watched the play without saying a word.

Amidst the sound, Si Huang shook her head, turned to face the group of girls and said, "Undressing is not acceptable."

"Ah~" At this moment, the girls have forgotten whether they had any grievances or not before, and they have a surprisingly tacit understanding and unity. He hissed pitifully, "Why not? Why not? What are boys afraid of?"

-----Off Topic-----

Ershui: Your Majesty, what about the agreed photo

Your Majesty: Taking photos.

Ershui: I want a private photo~!

Your Majesty (on the phone): Hey, little Qilin, that so-called mother of yours asked me for a very private, private, private, private...

Ershui: ... everything is negotiable, don't wake up the monster!

Your Majesty (slanting eyes): My mobile phone.

Ershui: ... foretell the future, continue tomorrow.

Bubbling Five Treasures: Shiny Gold Sparkles! We must support His Majesty, my beloved~ Meme!