Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 59: A youth accompanied by a male god


When the car arrived at the gate of Huaxing Art School, Si Huang saw the scene at the gate, and then understood the meaning of Grandma Yu's inquiry on the phone.

A group of reporters gathered around and forced the car to stop.

"Hi Sihuang, I'm Xiao He from Tiantian Entertainment, can you tell me your thoughts on the recruitment of this micro film?"

"I heard that "Red Moon" was pre-ordered by someone else, and you forcibly snatched it. Is this true?"

"Why do you think of recruiting personnel from Huaxing Art School? Because of insufficient funds, is it still a joke?"

"You who are not yet eighteen, why would you want to shoot a movie yourself, even if it's a micro movie, don't you think it's a bit arrogant?"

Accompanied by the continuous sound of the camera taking pictures and the surge of the surrounding crowd, Yuxi in the car has already called the security personnel of Huaxing Art School and asked them to guide the order.

When the security guards appeared to bring the situation under control, the driver's door of the car opened, and Yu Xi and Xu Wanjun, who was in the passenger seat, stepped out first.

Yuene calmly faced the reporter, walked to the back seat and opened the door, and everyone's eyes were cast on him immediately.

"Wow!" The exclamation sounded instantly.

Because Sihuang's dress today is really cool and handsome.

A black windbreaker with a high collar and straight, inside is a deep black wide-necked underwear of the same color, you can vaguely see the white and jade-like skin, sexy collarbone, dark gray tight trousers outline straight legs, black The leather boots are cool and arrogant.

Her hair has also been meticulously styled, using styling water to create a clear sense of mess, but it will not look sloppy, and it has a delicate feeling. Her eyebrows are slanted, the outer circle of the pupils of her eyes is blood red, the color is magnificent and mysterious, coupled with her indifferent and arrogant eyes now, it is more gorgeous and hot like a blood rose, her lips are painted with vermilion like blood, which makes her skin white Like snow but not pale.

The scene was silent for a moment, only the shutter sound of the camera sounded continuously like the film was free of charge.

Facing the crowd, Si Huang stood in front of the car and walked in a hurry, scanning the surroundings with strange-colored pupils.

Everyone she saw felt palpitating. The girls who came back to life immediately took pictures, and then posted penguins to show off, posted V blogs to show off, posted space to show off, posted posts to show off, posted to forums to show off... that's it. All kinds of showing off and leaving a long list of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" words are better than words."

Yu Xi was very satisfied with the scene in front of him. He actually expected it a little bit in his heart. After all, after seeing Si Huang come out this morning, he was shocked by this face that he saw every day and was already a little immune. .

Yu Ling secretly clenched her fists, her face showing a touch of confidence. Today, Sihuang's dress was made by her alone, and if she can make the public react like this, it means that she has succeeded. Even if most of the shock was caused by Si Huang's outstanding appearance and temperament, and her ability to send and receive her aura and demeanor freely.

"I'm in a good mood today." Looking around, Si Huang suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, and the smile outlined by his blood-red lips was deliberately arrogant, "You can ask whatever you want."

As long as at least half of the people present who heard her voice had subtle physiological reactions, they blushed and their necks were thick, their waists were sore and their legs were weak, goose bumps appeared, their throats were itchy... their eyes widened in a daze.

The two brothers and sisters, Yuxi and Yuling, instinctively tensed their faces. They had experience and their reaction speed was quicker. They warned themselves not to be tempted.

"Cough!" A male reporter with a microphone named 'Aile' came back to his senses, and was the first to ask Si Huang: "The war between you and your brother was very heated up a while ago, and it ended with you winning in the end. Today I can understand your performance as saying that you didn't feel any regret or sadness about this matter, but you were also very happy and proud?"

Asking such a sharp and private question as soon as he came, caused a group of girls in the front row to shout unhappily.

Si Huang stared at the entertainment reporter condescendingly, "Would you sympathize with the person who hurt you, and feel sorry for him?"

There was still a smile on the corner of her mouth, but her eyes were full of mockery.

Aile's Yuji listened to her obviously mocking words, but her voice was inexplicably full of lust, her face slowly turned red, feeling ashamed and angry.

Immediately afterward, there were inquiries from Yuji one after another.

"After the photos of the group banquet were released on the Internet, the war between you and Si Hua started, and you have always been in the upper hand. This makes people have to suspect that all of this was planned by you. What do you say about this?"

"Are you a policeman? Why should I explain all this to you?"

"Since the end of RB's promotional video, you have been hiding. I heard that you had a falling out with Fenghua Entertainment, which led to Fenghua Entertainment suppressing and blocking you. Is it true?"

"You should ask President Fenghua about this."

"I heard that "Red Moon" was originally owned by someone else, and the role of 'Yue' in it was also designated as Si Hua, but you stole his role again. What do you think of this?"

The topic finally turned to "Red Moon", Si Huang looked sideways at Xu Wanjun who was standing next to Yu Xi.

Xu Wanjun caught her gaze, walked out after taking a deep breath, and said to the reporters: "I am Xu Wanjun, the author of "Red Moon". I can answer the question you just asked on my behalf. "Red Moon" I chose Sihuang for the role of "Yue" from the very beginning, and I am very grateful to him for agreeing. I don't want to talk about the contradictions in the middle, but I must declare to everyone that Sihuang did not take any improper means to seek The script, and I have also signed with Fenghuang Entertainment to become the company's queen screenwriter."

After he finished speaking, he heard some bad laughter, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

Yuene put a hand on his shoulder, stabilized his mind, and said sharply: "Everyone present and in front of the TV, please understand that public opinion is not guilty, slander is guilty, the truth and evidence are in our hands Here, if you continue to spread false information to smear Sihuang, I have the right to sue you."

In the classroom of Jingfu University.

"Damn it!" Fu Mingjun was furious for a moment, and smashed the tablet in his hand on the desk, making a loud noise.

The face of the lecturer who was lecturing on the stage suddenly turned black, "Student, you just go out if you don't want to listen to the class!"

Fu Mingjun glanced at the lecturer with disdain, stood up and walked out of the classroom.

The lecturer was so angry that his mouth trembled.

There were also whispers from other people in the classroom.

"I must have seen the live broadcast of Yuene."

"Tsk tsk, how narrow-minded, he is obviously trying to steal Xu Wanjun's script and smear His Majesty!"

"See how arrogant he is this time, ha ha."

"Shut up! Get out if you don't want to go to class!" The lecturer above went crazy, and the students below immediately shut down.

At this time, the interviews with the reporters at the gate of Huaxing Art School were still going on. Due to the sudden sharp remarks made by Yu Yi, the group of reporters restrained a lot, and the questions they asked were no longer so offensive.

"Now that you're very popular, but you haven't produced any works yet, "Road to the Emperor" hasn't aired yet, so you direct and act in a micro-movie by yourself, aren't you afraid of failure?"

Si Huang's answer was: "I will not fail." However, none of the people who heard this answer showed a surprised expression. They didn't even notice it, but the audience in front of the TV saw it.

A woman remembered that her face was blushing, and she didn't know whether it was a physiological reaction or too much makeup and blush, and asked loudly, "You made such a high-profile appearance today, are you declaring war on Fenghua Entertainment?"

Her voice overwhelmed the others, and Sihuang easily caught her position in the silence.

Si Huang squinted her eyes and smiled brightly, "I have never regarded Fenghua as an opponent."

This scene was frozen by the camera and projected in the eyes of all the viewers. It changed from the elegant and gentle image in the past, and it was as arrogant and evil as a monster. This smile showed white teeth, and the arc of the smile was deep and meaningful.

No matter how the reporters understand Si Huang's words and the meaning of this smile, it will not prevent the gathering here, or the women in front of the TV series will be overwhelmed by Si Huang's smile.

Amidst a burst of noise and the sound of taking photos with her mobile phone, Si Huang finally started to move forward, and said to the reporters who still wanted to ask her: "If you have enough time, you can stay with me the whole time, and you can also help me advertise for free , thank you." The joke behind him drew laughter from everyone other than the reporter.

The school of Huaxing Art School loves and hates Si Huang, loves her for bringing higher popularity to the school, hates her for causing a large number of students to skip classes every time she comes, and the high workload of the security guards.

Yesterday, Sihuang clearly wrote the recruitment conditions in the campus forum, including the rules and remuneration. With her current popularity, the people of Huaxing Art School are not afraid that she will renege on her debts.

Si Huang went to the vice principal's office first, and found that not only the vice principal was here, but also three famous professors from Huaxing Art School and the president of the student union.

"Sit." The vice-principal was a fifty-year-old man with half-white hair, wearing a dark brown suit, with energetic eyes and stern eyes.

Si Huang walked to the place he pointed and sat down.

The vice principal said straight to the point: "I have read the email you sent me yesterday, and I can agree to your request, but I want your guarantee."

"What guarantee?" In front of the vice-principal, Si Huang did not continue to maintain the image of "Yue" outside, even though she was still dressed in a cool and cool outfit, her clear eyes and low-pitched and polite voice made her style change instantly. .

The tsundere and harmless little black wolf with red eyes, the vice-principal covered his mouth with his hand and coughed lightly, trying to hide his old-hearted flirtatiousness.

A professor thought he was giving himself a hint, so he stood up and handed the document he had prepared to the table in front of Sihuang.

Si Huang nodded to the professor, then picked up the document to look at it, and found that it turned out to be an exam paper.

The vice-principal said, "This is the examination paper for the admissions of Jinghua University last year. If you can pass the entrance score of Jinghua University, I will agree to your request."

Si Huang understood his consideration.

A student who transferred from our school to Jinghua University halfway, if he succeeded, it would be a big publicity for Huaxing Art School. For his test, Sihuang thinks it is reasonable. Going to Jinghua University at her age is to skip a grade to enter the university. Once she succeeds, she will definitely be named a genius, not to mention that her previous majors were calligraphy and dance. Even if she studies hard in the future, most people will not believe that she can be admitted to the first university in Kyoto.

Without saying a word, Si Huang took out the pen on the table and answered the question seriously.

Jinghua University's entrance examination questions are extremely difficult, and all students understand it. The reason why Sihuang dared to say that she could be admitted to Jinghua University was not only the teaching of Xueba Yuen, but also her efforts in other spare time. In addition, Jinghua University also has a school of art for extra points, and it is also good for being good at multiple foreign languages. Bonus points, excellent physical fitness can also add points, it would be unreasonable for her not to be able to enter Jinghua University after doing so many preparations.

Nearly half an hour later, Si Huang put down his pen and handed the paper to the vice principal.

The vice-principal took out the tablet and checked the answers to the test papers. After a few minutes, he looked at Si Huang differently, "It's amazing."

As soon as this sentence came out, the expressions of the three professors and the president of the student council present were more excited than that of Si Huang.

The student council president stood up, "Grandpa, what about the New Year's party?"

"Cough!" The vice principal glared at her.

The current student council president was still blushing with excitement, staring at him stubbornly.

"That's what happened." The vice-principal turned his attention to Si Huang, "Si Huang, as a student of our school, since you are leaving, you will participate in this year's New Year's Day party. Prepare a program for the party as a farewell to everyone. is that OK?"

Si Huang smiled, "No problem." Her eyes were soft, and she wore magnificent scarlet colored contact lenses, which could not conceal the swaying waves like a clear spring, "I once said that this is my starting point. Acquaintance. Even if you don't tell the deputy principal, I will participate."

When the five people present heard her words, their expressions softened and they looked at her more kindly.

The president of the student council came over and held out his hand, "My name is Zhang Nianmeng, and I will assist you throughout the school's recruitment. I am also the person in charge of planning the New Year's Day party. The most important thing is... I am also your fan, Your Majesty~" When the last sentence was said , she blinked playfully, and her rigorous painting style immediately changed.

The vice-principal snorted softly. This girl has not acted like a baby to me many times, but she was taken over by him once.

"Notice, notice—"

Zhang Nianmeng's clear and pleasant voice came from the Huaxing Art School's radio.

"Students who are listening to the broadcast, please be quiet and listen to me for a while. I am Zhang Nianmeng, the president of the student council. Today, I will assist Sihuang, a student of our school, in the recruitment of "Red Moon". I would like to inform Sihuang that it will be held in Hall 1. For the speeches recruited by "Red Moon", all students who intend to participate in the filming of "Red Moon" or are interested in it are invited to go to Hall 1. There is also a security team organized by the student union as an adult to maintain order in the hall. Notice again, All students who intend to participate in the filming of "Red Moon" or who are interested in it, please go to Hall 1."

At this moment, all the students of Huaxing Art School started to move, and the positive energy made the teachers feel sad for a while. If they held meetings on weekdays, how much healing would the students be able to be so active

Hall 1.

When the staff of the student union arrived, they found that there were already many people sitting inside, and the common girls had already occupied the best view and the front row.

All of them are well-behaved and quiet, and they don't need to be supervised at all. The people in the student union sighed like some teachers: "It would be great if we can be so obedient in normal campus activities."

After that, people poured in one after another, and after a while, the seats in the No. 1 Great Hall were almost full, which meant that almost all the students from the school had come.

Several reporters also followed in. They were also taken aback when they saw the scene in the great hall, and then took pictures continuously.

Backstage Zhang Nian dreamed that people were almost here, so he greeted Si Huang.

Si Huang nodded to her, and walked step by step from the backstage into the light.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The girl in the front row shouted suddenly.

Si Huang didn't stop, she turned her head and smiled at them.

This is indulgence without blame.

Seeing this, the girls became embarrassed instead, and when Sihuang walked to the central lecture, they became silent again tacitly.

This made the student members who wanted to maintain order stop halfway, and secretly surprised again.

Si Huang stood on the high platform to give a lecture, without the slightest stage fright, and faced the crowd with a calm expression, densely packed with students.

"I'm glad you can come." This opening sentence was conveyed from the condenser microphone in the lecture.

When every student heard this, he found that Sihuang's aura had changed during the lecture.

Her eyes were burning with heat, and the smile outlined at the corner of her mouth could easily infect the enthusiasm in people's hearts.

"I stand here today because I want to tell you a few words in my heart, so that you can feel at ease, and also give you a sense of enlightenment and a way." The clear and low-alcohol voice seems to have heat, silently infecting everyone, "When I was at the school gate, a reporter asked me why I chose Huaxing Art School to recruit people for the filming of "Red Moon". Is it because of insufficient funds or because I didn't take it seriously at all. I didn't answer this question just now. , because I don’t need to explain to them, the only ones I need to explain are you, my classmates.”

"Now I'm telling you in front of you, it's not that I can't find a more experienced filming team, nor can I find better actors, and I won't worry about funding. As long as I want, I can get a loan or find a sponsor immediately. It can. And I have the confidence to assert that "Red Moon" can give everyone a refreshing effect, and it can be popular and profitable! If this is the case, why should I find you?"

Everyone present who heard her words couldn't help asking in their hearts: Yes, then why did you seek us

Then they saw Sihuang smiling on the stage, her smile was bright and pure.

"Because all I want is you."

This sentence... hit the hearts of countless young people.

"Maybe many people have heard that after the end of this year, I will leave Huaxing Art School. This year will be my last winter vacation in Huaxing Art School. This is my alma mater and my starting point. There are You guys." Sihuang raised her head and looked directly at everyone in front of her with a smile. The first few girls were Lu Ningning's trio and Huo Yuzhi's quartet, "Knights, Jin Yiwei and anyone who supported me, Thank you. I want to leave something before I leave."

""Red Moon" will be divided into episodes in December, a total of twelve episodes, each episode is an independent story, so whether you are a senior who is about to graduate, or a junior who is going to continue studying, you can participate with confidence Don’t worry about your studies during the filming of "Red Moon". I will finish filming the three episodes of "Red Moon" during the winter vacation. I also made it very clear in the recruitment rules of the forum. After filming, you are not willing to sign a contract with Fenghuang Entertainment , can leave at any time, and those who participated in this filming will also be eligible to sign the best contract with Fenghuang Entertainment."

"I am not a pure businessman. Now I am standing in front of you as a classmate. I want to experience a youth together with you and fulfill a dream that may be praised in the future. Are you willing?"

In the light, she has slanted eyebrows, bright eyes, and a bright smile.

The hall was silent for two or three seconds, and then girls screamed, and each figure stood up.

"Yes! We will!"

"Hey! It's so fucking sensational, I'm on fire!"

"What should I do? My grades are not good, so I'm sure I won't be selected. Can I join the logistics job?"

"Your Majesty, I love you!"

"Come on! I've already tried to make a movie myself!"

They roared, laughed, and even cried.

A piece of red underwear suddenly fell on a boy's head, causing the boy to shout: "Fuck, what woman loves me so deeply! So enthusiastic..."

"Get out! It's His Majesty that I'm going to throw!" A girl stood up and shouted with a blushing face.

The audience burst into laughter.

"Pfft!" Si Huang on the stage also laughed, and the laughter was conveyed through the condenser microphone and was heard by everyone.

"No, no, I'm going to faint!"

"Hey, hey! Don't faint on me, I don't want to be responsible for you!"

"Your Majesty, I am willing, and I am willing to give myself to you!" Another girl even lifted up her clothes, wanting to throw away her underwear like the unrestrained girl before, "If you meet me, marry me!"

Si Huang saw it, and said helplessly, "Don't make trouble."

"Hahahahaha!" Another burst of laughter broke out.

At the entrance of the great hall, no one noticed that there were two more people.

Zhou Jian pointed at Sihuang, and said to Jiang Yajing in a low voice: "It's him, you will fight for the role of the heroine later, you must give full play, you must not be overwhelmed by him, it is best to be able to overwhelm him. "

Jiang Yajing blinked, still staring at Sihuang, "He doesn't look bad."

"You can't judge people just by their appearance!" Zhou Jian raised his voice, "Yan Yan's life was ruined by him, from a big star to a high-end prostitute... Cough." Thinking that Jiang Yajing didn't know anything, he stopped in time . Looking carefully at Jiang Yajing's expression, she found that although she was staring at Sihuang, she was not obsessed with her expression, so she couldn't help but let go, "In short, you just need to take the role with all your strength when the time comes, and you will definitely be able to do it with your strength." , don’t forget, if you succeed this time, your dream will come true.”

"Yeah! I got it!" Jiang Yajing laughed brightly when her dream was mentioned.

Seeing Zhou Jian, he felt a little guilty.

This child is not as hypocritically innocent as Yan Yan, but genuinely innocent.

Si Huang at the lecture on the high platform raised his eyes, glanced over the heads of many students, and caught the two people at the entrance of the great hall.

Zhou Jian shrank his body instinctively, and looked away with a stiff face.

Jiang Yajing raised her head and smiled at her calmly, her eyes full of fighting spirit.

[Your Majesty, you are amazing, you can control your voice to such a degree in such a short time. Hehe, they are all infected by His Majesty!]Five Treasures come out and jump.

Sihuang didn't explain it to it, because what she said before was indeed from her sincerity.

After the speech in the great hall, the students joined the recruitment with full of fighting spirit.

Classrooms are utilized, technicians work on the same subject in a room full of computers, and whoever can do it the fastest and best wins. The photographer shoots the same scene, and writes down the main points and attention points of the shooting, plus his own personal understanding characteristics, and submits it. Those who make props and costumes draw pictures and design costumes based on their understanding of the script of "Red Moon" to select people.

The most important thing is the choice of actors, supervised by Si Huang himself.

Seeing the atmosphere in the campus, the vice-principal couldn't help sighing, and went to the vice-principal's office to make a call.

"Hahahahaha, Zhang Hexuan, isn't my grandson doing well!" The phone was answered within a few rings, and Grandma Yu's triumphant laughter came from the other end.

The corner of the vice principal's mouth twitched, "Yes, yes, you have recognized a good grandson, and you have a good eye! If it weren't for everyone's own ambition, I really don't want to let him go."

"How dare you not let me go!" Grandma Yu said in a vicious voice when she heard this, "Oh my God, Little Phoenix, you, a Huaxing Art School, can accommodate you."

"What happened to Huaxing Art School?! Si Huang didn't come out of Huaxing Art School. He has a deep affection for Huaxing Art School. He not only helped his classmates to film together, but also participated in the New Year's Eve party for free!"

"Just have fun, the higher and farther Little Phoenix flies, the more benefits you will get from Huaxing Art School."

"Hmph!" The vice principal hung up the phone arrogantly, and then his face turned into a chrysanthemum smile.


"Why? I'm not kidding!" the vice principal said immediately after answering the phone.

There was silence for a second, and then a man's mature voice came, "Vice Principal Zhang, I'm Si Zhihan."

"Ah? Oh." The vice principal realized that he had made a wrong connection, and his tone returned to his usual rigor, "What's the matter? President."

"You can just call me by my name." Si Zhihan said: "The reason for interrupting is because of my unfilial son. It's all because I didn't discipline her well and let her cause a lot of trouble for your school. I think..."

"Hehe." The vice-principal cut off his words naturally, "No trouble, no trouble, I think Si Huang is a pretty good child, you teach well! You should be happy to have such a good son, I don't know how much People envy you! If he was my grandson, I would definitely show it off everywhere, and leave it outside.”

Si Jihan: "..."

The vice-principal pretended to call out: "Ah? Professor Li, what's the matter? Okay... I see." Then he said to the phone: "Oh, Sihuang's father, I'm so sorry, I just happened to be busy, nothing else I'll just hang up on the matter! Let's talk later, let's talk later!" Without giving Si Zhihan time to react, he hung up the phone with a snap, and clicked on the phone: "Scumbag!"

"Grandpa, you also know what a scumbag is." Zhang Nianmeng walked in from the door.

The vice-principal put the phone back in his pocket calmly, "To be the principal of an art school, of course you have to keep up with the times. What's more, you've been whispering in my ear every day, and grandpa can hear calluses in his ears."

Zhang Nianmeng shrugged, walked to the desk, picked up the vice-principal's seal, stamped the documents he brought, and beat him up.

The vice principal realized later, "Mengmeng! What are you doing!?"

Zhang Nianmeng turned back to him with a smile and raised the document in his hand, "It's nothing, it's just a strike application from the student council president. During this time, I'm going to go with your Majesty to shoot."

Vice-principal: "..." Suddenly, I can understand Xiao Liu and Lao Tie's feelings are swollen and broken.

-----Off Topic-----

When I write this part, I feel a lot of positive energy, and I am very happy~ Don’t you all feel great when you look at it