Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 66: The long-awaited gift has arrived


the capital.

Dou family.

Dou Jiaxian, the boss of the Dou family who hung up the phone, didn't return to his senses for a long time, and his expression changed a lot. Four or five minutes later, I called Dou Wenqing again, and said solemnly as soon as I opened my mouth: "Wenqing, there is no need to investigate Dou Jun's affairs any more. Come back! You are more needed in the capital's affairs! I have already Book a plane ticket for you, your grandma misses you too!"

"..." Before Dou Wenqing could reply, he was hung up by the other side.

Half an hour later, the figures of Yuene and Yuling appeared in the box.

As soon as they knocked on the door and came in, Si Huang, who was in a light sleep, opened his eyes, and smiled to the worried two siblings: "It's nothing."

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief, Yu Ling handed the bag in her hand to Si Huang, "This is clothes."

Si Huang praised her for her carefulness, and took the bag to the bathroom that comes with the box to change. After coming out, Sihuang was already dressed in low-key black clothes, a beret and the hat that came with the clothes, which covered her hair and ears of props, and she could only see her fair skin when she lowered her head slightly. jaw.

Under the leadership of the waiter, the few people took the VIP road with few people, and arrived at the parking lot without any danger.

Si Huang took off her hat when she got in the car, and Yu Ling who was sitting in front handed over her mobile phone, "A man called more than half an hour ago, and when he read the note, he thought it was a child, so he answered it. "As she spoke, she had a look of fear and curiosity on her face.

Si Huang was taken aback, took the phone over and looked through the call records, and found a note of 'little unicorn' on it that stood out.

"What did he say?"

It was Yuene who answered, "I hung up after asking about your situation."

Si Huang thought about it, and still called back a call, but no one answered after it rang for a while, she thought she was probably busy, so she didn't call again after pressing the button.

After more than half a journey, Yuxi asked Sihuang for his opinion, and instead of going back to Jinglan Family's villa, he went to Huaxing Art School.

When Xu Wanjun saw Sihuang, a group of people gathered around, asking her if she was okay, and comforting her in various ways. After Si Huang responded to them patiently and gently, everyone felt relieved, and then Yu Ling and his group removed the remaining special effects for Si Huang.

The makeup on the ears and fingers of the props has been worn for a long time, making her ears and fingertips red and swollen, which made all the girls feel distressed. Seeing their painful expressions, Si Huang couldn't laugh or cry, so she went to comfort them that she was fine. This degree of redness and swelling can be cured with a little cold compress for a while.

The girls are still uncomfortable, saying that the ice pack in winter is so uncomfortable.

In the end, it was Xu Wanjun who said that he wanted to show her the effect of the shooting, which made the group of loving girls stop.

Not only Si Huang's previous performances were shot in the camera, but also the scene of Wang Cong's collision with a car behind was also recorded. Xu Wanjun said: "I don't think this scene needs to be cut." Reality, excitement, danger, and Si Huang The reaction speed shown by Huang is too amazing.

Of course, this time it was an accident, no matter how good the effect was, Xu Wanjun would not want to have such an accident again.

"Yeah." Si Huang agreed with him.

Everyone gathered around to watch. Previously, they were all focused on Sihuang's safety, so naturally they didn't pay attention to the shooting effect. Now that Sihuang is sitting safely in front of their eyes, they can calm down and watch the shooting effect. Seeing this, everyone had expressions of shock, surprise, amazement, etc. on their faces.

"Oh my god! This is too exciting! Sihuang, is your potential exploding? You can run as fast as a professional athlete!?" Fu Xi exclaimed.

The girl also shouted: "It's really too thrilling! Your Majesty, at that time you actually took care of Jiang Yajing!"

"Don't you think the kitten is touching when it's close to His Majesty? Although His Majesty has powder on his face to lure the kitten, I didn't expect the filming to go so smoothly!"

Because the speed of the bullet is too fast, Si Huang in the screen is holding Jiang Yajing, rolling and bending over, and other movements are smooth and uninterrupted. Everyone will not think that she avoided the bullet on her own. They all think that all this is good luck. The person who shot Missed. Otherwise, this scene will definitely arouse everyone's suspicion. Taking the initiative to avoid bullets is simply a legend, and it should not appear on campus students.

The originally planned filming was canceled this afternoon, everyone said goodbye to each other after packing up, but when Sihuang was about to get in the car, Jiang Yajing stopped her.

Si Huang stretched out her hand to stop the crowd who were about to surround her, and asked Jiang Yajing, "What's the matter?"

Jiang Yajing was in the crowd before, but she didn't have a chance to come and talk.

Jiang Yajing asked, "Why did you save me?"

Si Huang: "Then why did you push me away?"

Jiang Yajing moved her lips, but said nothing.

Si Huang shook his head lightly, "This incident was originally aimed at me, and it really is me who got you involved."

Jiang Yajing was a little distracted, "But it's a matter of life and death."

"Yes, it was at the moment of life and death, you chose to push me away without hesitation." Si Huang said calmly, looking at the young and beautiful face in front of her, "Jiang Yajing, cherish your life."

Jiang Yajing's eyes widened.

When the people around saw Si Huang's words, their expressions changed several times.

They deliberately rejected Jiang Yajing before because she was the one protected by Sihuang. Thinking about it now, Jiang Yajing was able to reach out to push Sihuang away at the critical moment of life and death, which is really remarkable. Many girls present asked themselves that in that situation, they would probably be scared to death, so they thought of going to rescue Sihuang first

Thinking about it this way, they looked at Jiang Yajing with friendlier eyes than before, and felt a little ashamed.

After Si Huang finished speaking, she turned and got into the car.

After she left, a group of students from Huaxing Art School expressed their embarrassment and apologized to Jiang Yajing for rejecting her before. At this time, Jiang Yajing couldn't listen at all, and was dragged away by Zhou Jian.

In the car, Zhou Jian saw that Jiang Yajing was absent-minded, and said while driving: "Yajing, don't be fooled by Sihuang's one or two words. Who can say beautiful words, this time it's all about Sihuang. You are the most innocent victim who was provoked by Huang, and you almost died! Sihuang didn't even say an apology, but you still have to stay and wait for him to come back, and you have suffered so much grievance for nothing."

Jiang Yajing blinked, "But he saved me."

"He should have saved you!"

"...Why do you want to target Sihuang so much?"

Zhou Jian's expression froze, he moved his lips for a while but did not speak. What should he say? Because you have offended him, you are afraid of him from the bottom of your heart, so you want to trample him into the mud

Jiang Yajing didn't press him any more, the phone vibrated suddenly, she picked it up and took a look.

This is a message, the sender is a string of numbers, and the content is only one sentence: Si Hua is the one who bought the murder.

Jiang Yajing's hand holding the phone tightened violently.


Another message came: deal with him

Jiang Yajing bit her lower lip and replied: No.

After sending this word, Jiang Yajing leaned softly on the back of the car seat, with sadness in her heart.

Why do you let me down again and again? Can people really change so much in ten years? Even nature will change

As the sky darkened, Si Huang, who returned to the Jinglan family, went to take a shower first, and simply treated the bullet wound on her shoulder, changed her clothes and went downstairs, Zhao Limei had already prepared a big meal.

She didn't know what happened during the day, and both Yuene and Yuling tacitly kept silent. This incident was obviously concealed and handled well, and it did not become a big deal. The TV only briefly mentioned that there was a case of a robber fleeing on the street. Fortunately, no innocent people died, and the robber has been subdued by the police.

After the four of them finished their meal, while Zhao Limei went to clean up, Yuxi explained that a passer-by was hit by a bullet in the next morning's incident. Fortunately, he didn't die. Ask them not to spread it indiscriminately.

Si Huang nodded, "Got it, forget about it."

The two brothers and sisters of Yuene looked at each other, and responded to Sihuang's words.

After returning to her room, Si Huang turned on the computer and connected to Hacker Bear's website.

Xiong: [Video Link]

The hacker bear seemed to have guessed that she would come and sent a link on his own initiative.

After Si Huang clicked on it, a video pop-up window appeared. On the screen, Si Hua, dressed in a low-key disguise, entered the terminal overnight under the escort of several people.

Xiong: He went to Flight 018, and the destination was country M.

Anonymous: Price

Xiong: This is free news, what do you need me to do next? The price will be determined again.

Guo Chengxiong in Yangcheng had a look of fear on his face, thinking: How dare he ask for money? He clearly promised to protect this little phoenix, but in the end he was a little negligent. He was hit by a car and shot to death. He almost escaped death! If the master finds out, maybe his head will be screwed off!

I thought that Sihuang would ask for revenge immediately, but who knew that the reply I received was...

Anonymous: When he settles down in Country M, tell me the location.

Guo Chengxiong looked at this sentence for a few seconds but couldn't guess what Si Huang was thinking.

Bear: OK.

The pop-up dialogue between the two ended like this.

Si Huang sat on the bed and began to talk about today's situation with Wu Bao.

"Temporarily increasing physical fitness in all aspects is one of the five wonders?"

[no.]Wu Bao explained very consciously, [Originally, I didn't want to tell His Majesty about this ability for the time being, because Your Majesty, you found out, right? The consequence of enhancing various physical abilities is to consume Little Pink, that is to say, it consumes your lifespan, Your Majesty!]

Si Huang asked: "How much can the strongest increase? How much life is consumed?"

[Currently, without damaging the body, it can at best increase one-half of various physical properties, consume one hundred little pink points per second, equivalent to His Majesty's lifespan, and consume one day's lifespan in one minute.]

"What's going on with your communication with Purcell?"

[The little girl has a good lineage and a high level of spirituality, so I can communicate with it. It will not work if it is an ordinary animal, such as the black cat that your Majesty brought back.]Wu Treasure was very unhappy about the little black cat coming into the house, [Today I threatened that girl...]

Sihuang: "Sell."

[Alright, Nasser.]The current five treasures are probably in the shape of spreading hands, [I threatened to occupy its body if it doesn't listen to His Majesty. It is definitely not my opponent with its intelligence, so it obediently obeys. But I don't like its body, it's just to scare it.]

"What about consumption?"

[Using this consumes only one-fifth of the previous consumption of Little Pink.]Wubao proudly said: [This is his ability, after he has a physical body, he doesn't need to consume His Majesty's life span!]

Si Huang knew that there is no such thing as a free dinner.

The ability of the Five Treasures sounds good, but how many animals with high bloodlines are there in the world? Under normal circumstances, it may not be used several times.

"Come out after saving 150 gold bling."

[No hurry, no hurry! I still have to look for a good body.]The five treasures are serious.

Si Huang was amused by it, "Look for it."

An unexpected guest came to the house early the next morning.

"Little Phoenix!"

Si Huang heard this call as soon as she got downstairs, she was startled, and looked down to see Grandma Yu in the living room. At this time, he was standing and looked up to his side, his kind face was full of smiles.

Standing beside Grandma Yu, Tie Lao stared at her with dissatisfaction, but there was no real anger in it.

"Grandma, why are you here?" Si Huang walked downstairs, never expecting that Grandma Yu would come in person.

Grandma Yu snorted, "Grandma misses you, so I just came to see you, can't I?"

Si Huang laughed, "Of course!" As he spoke, he went to the bar cabinet at home and took out tea-making utensils, and walked to the two old people with them, "But I will call later, I will go and see You can do it, so as not to have to make a trip for you.”

She spoke softly, and the warmth she felt for Grandma Yu in her heart had a sensual effect, easily touching people's hearts.

Grandma Yu is extremely sensitive to sensuality, she was startled for a while, and then suddenly stepped forward to hold Si Huang's hand tightly.

Si Huang looked up in surprise, and asked with his eyes: What's wrong

Grandma Yu looked serious, "Speak again!"

As soon as Sihuang thought about it, she understood what Grandma Yu meant. She didn't deliberately hide it, and smiled: "Huh?"

Grandma Yu trembled at the end of the sound. She said excitedly and puzzled, "Have you practiced your voice recently? Before, Grandma thought you had a nice voice, and now it's even worse!"

Si Huang jokingly said: "I upgraded after the voice-changing period."

Grandma Yu suddenly burst into laughter.

After Sihuang waited for her to let go of her hand, she continued to make tea for the two old people.

Her technique of brewing tea was skillful and smooth, and Grandma Yu and Tie Lao were amazed to see her, and Grandma Yu praised her without hesitation.

After a while, Sihuang took a total of six cups, poured cup after cup of brewed fragrant tea, and greeted Yuxi's family of three, "Come and sit, too."

The three of Zhao Limei heard her words and came to find an empty seat to sit down.

Grandma Yu took the teacup brought to her by Tie Lao, took a sip and sighed, "Who did Little Phoenix learn from?"

Si Huang replied: "When I was learning calligraphy, I read some tea ceremony books, and I learned by myself."

"As expected of my grandson, he is so awesome!" Grandma Yu's girlish heart burst out again.

The six people drank tea in one sip, and the atmosphere was warm. After drinking a cup and putting it down, Old Tie said, "Your grandma came here this time not only because she missed you, but mainly because she was worried about your safety, so she came here to support you. With us two old fellows here, if you don't believe there are still juniors who dare Then I will secretly lay hands on you."

Grandma Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then bumped into him dissatisfied, "How did you talk?" The next second she turned her head to look at Sihuang, with a loving and happy face, "Little Fenghuang, don't listen to your grandpa's nonsense, grandma just misses you , I have something else I want to ask for your help! So this... I will be nagging you here for a few days, you don’t think you despise grandma, do you?”

Si Huang knew that since Grandma Yu had come, she had made up her mind to do this, and if she was really driven away, it would really hurt her heart.

"Of course not. I'm very happy that grandma can come."

Grandma Yu was immediately happy, "It's enough to have you! You don't know how boring it is to stay at home with the old iron rod every day! It's true that grandma said that I need your help. Will I go to filming later? Grandma Let's take a look with you!"

Both Sihuang and other people present can see that she is very interested, and there is no way to stop her.

Just then the doorbell rang suddenly.

Zhao Limei stood up, "I'll go and have a look." Then she walked towards the door.

About two minutes later, Zhao Limei yelled in this direction: "Young Master Si, it is said that there is your courier."

Si Huang was puzzled for a second, she didn't buy anything online recently, suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed through her mind, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "Well, let someone send it in."

"Yo! It looks so sweet!" Grandma Yu joked, "Could it be a gift from my little girlfriend?"

Si Huang couldn't laugh or cry, "It's just... a netizen."

This answer actually made the people present even more curious: With a character like Xiao Fenghuang (Si Huang), how could he still make friends with netizens? Not only handed it over, but also gave the address to others, and received gifts from them

Several people waited for the courier to arrive with all kinds of curiosity, and after a while Zhao Limei came over with the courier box.

Si Huang had no choice but to open the courier box in front of a few pairs of eyes staring at her.

After the package of the courier was removed, a simple wooden box was revealed. The box was unlocked, and when it was opened, a pair of black gloves appeared in front of everyone.

The corners of Sihuang's mouth lightly raised, she really didn't think wrong, the only package she received now was the gift promised by the owner of the ID, "the phoenix tree waiting for you to inhabit".

Taking out the glove inside, she was also a little surprised that the workmanship of this glove is exquisite, the black material is not like ordinary cloth, and the exquisite details make it look high-end and cool.

She tried to put it on her hand, and found that the size fit just right, and a strange emotion appeared in her heart. In the past, I received a gift from "The Indus Waiting for You to Live" and felt his care, but I was not so careful. The gloves were obviously specially made for her, and they were deliberately made to suit the young man's preferences, as if they had been prepared with all their heart, rather than something she just asked for.

Although Si Huang has passed the mentality of a teenager, she also likes this pair of well-made gloves in front of her more than a pair of ordinary and plain gloves.

"Huh?" Tie Lao suddenly said, "Xiaohuang, show me the gloves."

Hearing this, Sihuang took it off and gave it to him, "What's wrong?"

Tie Lao was not in a hurry to speak, he took the glove in his hand and looked at it carefully. Immediately afterwards, he picked up the fruit knife on the coffee table and stabbed it hard into the glove.

"Old Iron Rod!" Grandma Yu shouted angrily, "Don't damage Little Phoenix's gift..." Before she finished speaking, she stopped when she saw the intact gloves under the knife, her eyes widening in surprise. .

"Is there a lighter?" Tie Lao asked several people.

Zhao Limei went to the cabinet to find the lighter and handed it to Tie Lao.

Tie Lao lit the fire and burned it at the glove.

This time, everyone was a little enlightened and didn't have a big reaction. They watched the gloves persist under the fire for three minutes without any damage.

Tie Lao put down the lighter, touched the surface of the glove that was still not warm after being burned, and confirmed: "CK material is correct."

Grandma Yu recognized the word he said, "Military materials?"

"S-grade military materials." Old Tie put down his gloves.

Grandma Yu was immediately overjoyed, turned her head and smiled at Si Huang: "You still lied to grandma saying that it was from a netizen, and the one from the little unicorn was from the little unicorn, so what's the embarrassment?"

Sihuang: "..."

Little unicorn? Little unicorn? Qin Fan

Si Huang was also a little confused at the moment.

The memories of the past life and the present life were mixed in her mind, and she smiled calmly: "It is indeed a netizen."

Grandma Yu: "Huh? But S-grade military materials, ordinary people can't get them at all."

Tie Lao glanced at Sihuang, took Grandma Yu's hand and said, "Young people's affairs are nothing to worry about."

Grandma Yu laughed when she heard that, "Yes, yes."

After having breakfast together today, Grandma Yu followed Si Huang and the others to the shooting site of Huaxing Art School.

In the car, Si Huang sent a private message to 'Waiting for you to inhabit Wutong V' on the V blog, telling him that he had received his gift, but there was no response after a few minutes.

Si Huang put down her phone, reached into her pants pocket and touched the gloves inside, and Grandma Yu's words involuntarily came to mind.

When she was at home, she heard Grandma Yu say that the gloves were given by Qin Fan, and her first reaction was that it was impossible. This reaction stems from her past life memory, the experience of seeing Qin Fan for the first time and the ID number 'waiting for you to inhabit the phoenix tree' can't be contacted at all, okay? The impression left on her by the former was cruel and crazy, and after that, only hearsay remained, and she never met again. The latter is not good at speaking but still insists on speaking, sometimes clumsy and sometimes smart, and can always give her the greatest help and support at critical moments. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is also a teacher, a friend, and a light in her heart.

The difference between the two is so great that she has never been in touch.

It's just that she calmed down now, and she remembered that after meeting Qin Fan in this life, everything developed in an unexpected direction, the two of them got along easily and Qin Fan's actions.

Along the way, her eyes were not calm. It wasn't until the destination of Huaxing Art School that Sihuang calmed down all her thoughts and concentrated on the work in front of her.

Yaohu Yue and Ding Hong have reached an agreement, he will follow his instinct to protect her safety, she can't order him, until one day Yue understands the reason of all this.

Since Ding Hong still has to go to school, Yue cut her long hair short and put on modern clothes in order to adapt to modern life. As Yue's actor, Si Huang walked out of the changing room, returning to her usual short hair, still wearing underwear and a windbreaker that are thinner than normal people, more neat and capable than when she had long hair, with a noble and glamorous aura Slightly less, cool, handsome and evil are stronger, and people are still hooked.

When Sihuang and Jiang Yajing filmed the campus scene and tracked down the murderer who came to assassinate her for the first time. Grandma Yu and his wife went to the vice principal's office and sat with the vice principal.

"What kind of wind brought you two masters here?" the vice-principal said with his legs crossed.

Grandma Yu snorted, "Stop talking nonsense, you know what happened to Little Phoenix yesterday, right? Is this how you protect the students?"

The vice-principal shook his head, "I can't blame me for this, who knew that the family would be such a scumbag, no one would have thought of that." He knew that the enemy Sihuang provoked was also on Fenghua Entertainment's side. For a family, President Fenghua would not foolishly kill his son. Who knows that man is not as good as heaven, his brother did what he said, and an underage child actually bought and murdered his own brother! Thinking of this, the vice-principal's face also turned cold, with a look of puzzlement and sarcasm in his eyes: "I don't even know what this family thinks, I don't want my outstanding eldest son, and I insist on protecting the murderer and arsonist." His youngest son. But they handled this matter very cleanly, Si Hua has already left the country, and there is no evidence to convict him."

"If you go abroad, you can't do anything to him? If you dare to touch my grandson and prevent him from bleeding, I'm not happy!" Grandma Yu said viciously. Tie Lao beside her immediately patted her back to calm her down, "Didn't you be fine when you were with Xiaohuang just now? Why are you angry again now?"

Grandma Yu: "The saddest and frightened one is Little Phoenix, can I still show it in front of him?"

Tie Lao: "Yes, yes, yes. You are right, just vent your anger, don't hold yourself back."

"Wife slave." The vice-principal murmured secretly, receiving a cold stare from Tie Lao. He was neither surprised nor afraid, and continued: "Si Huang is your grandson, even if I am half a grandson, of course it is impossible to watch him being bullied and stay still. But this is so simple as I thought. When Si Hua left, I found that not only He is protected by Fenghua Entertainment, and a mysterious force is protecting him."

"Mysterious power?"

"I don't know which side it is, but judging by the means, it should not be for nothing."

It's either white or underworld.

Why on earth is Si Hua being protected by this force

"Let's not talk about this first, let's take a look at this." The vice principal stood up and turned on the indoor projection screen.

-----Off Topic-----

I was so tired when I went out to do errands today, so I silently begged for a monthly pass, begging not to be blown up _(: 3ゝ∠)_