Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 70: Save the beauty or die


Qin Fan squeezed the palm of the phone tightly, and his face turned to ice.

He has always been very accurate in his perception of danger, no matter whether his guess is right or wrong, it is always right to call and ask.

For a person like him, it is almost impossible not to get someone's phone number if he really wants it. After finding Yuene's phone number, he dialed it and got connected not long after.

"Hello? Who is it?"

"Where's Sihuang?"

Yuene was taken aback, shocked by the oppressive male voice on the phone, almost sprayed poison. Who are you, an unfamiliar number called at night, and immediately asked about Si Huang's whereabouts? But then he was glad that he didn't express his complaints, because he remembered where he had heard this voice before.

"Hey, Mister Qilin?"

"My surname is Qin."

"Mr. Qin." Yu Xi was so kind, he didn't realize that when he answered the phone, he unconsciously stood up straight, and his tone was very formal.

"Let Sihuang answer the phone."

"Si Huang is not at home. He made an appointment with someone to go to the Grand Theater to attend a concert. He set off at 7:00 pm, half an hour away, and the concert started at 8:00."

Qin Fan hung up the phone after listening, and then pressed a series of numbers. After connecting, he said directly: "Tell me about the concert at 8 o'clock in City H."

His words caused turmoil in the entire province's military and political system.

In just a few minutes, phone and fax orders were sent out one by one, and the results made a group of people stupid.

I wipe! Something went wrong! Someone actually committed a crime under his nose!

It doesn't matter if you committed a crime, what matters is why Uncle Qin noticed it? There is nothing a group of people can do if they panic, and they have to report the results.

A few minutes later, the phone rang, Qin Fan answered it, and after listening without saying a word, he said coldly: "Check!"

The night sky outside the helicopter was dark and dull, just like Qin Fan's eyes, which were so deep that a storm was brewing, "Check everything out for me, and anyone who dares to stop me will be killed if I report my name!"

about an hour.

Si Huang stretched her legs, and moved her body that was about to freeze.

Her actions attracted the attention of several people.

The four lawbreakers were bored long ago, and one of them suddenly said: "A man is so beautiful, no wonder Mayor Zhuang will be a flower protector." As soon as he said this, the other three became interested, and looked at Sihuang's The eyes were even more wicked and playful, "That's right, if it's a man like him, I can get hard even when I go up." The person who said this sentence stood upright, and there were actually signs of getting up.

Zhuang Jin moved his body with a cold face, blocking Si Huang behind him, and at the same time said to Si Huang in a soft voice: "Small indifference can lead to big schemes, I will never let them do anything to you!"

"Yo Yo Yo! Said you are a flower protector, you really climbed the pole!"

"Hahahaha, come here. Anyway, as a hostage meat ticket, you have a life, everyone, come over and suppress him together!"

The four looked moved and stood up.

Zhuang Jin clenched his fists, and when he spotted the first person, he jumped up and punched him on the bridge of the nose.

"Fuck! Brothers, kill him! How dare you be a hero to save the beauty?" The man was furious after being beaten.

The car body suddenly bumped, and the bodies of several people swayed when they stood up. Zhuang Jin was pushed forward by the huge force from behind, and his eyes widened.

One person was knocked to the ground by him without paying attention, and Sihuang behind him shot continuously. Mao stepped forward with his waist down, and rushed to the front of the three of them, kicked one of them in the head with a flying kick, and immediately fell to the ground unconscious. The gun in his hand was also snatched by Si Huang, and with the other hand he lifted Zhuang Jin who was on the ground to block in front of him, and at the same time stepped on the criminal's neck on the ground, the force was so strong and the angle was so tricky that no one would scream Time counts.

In the blink of an eye, the four criminals fainted and died. The remaining two were stunned, and this second gave Sihuang time again, aiming the gun in his hand at the iron sheet behind him.


The bullet passed through the iron sheet and entered the driver's body.


With screams, the truck lost control.

After Si Huang fired one shot, he fired another shot in the direction of the deputy seat.

She has seen guns and knows how to shoot, but her marksmanship is not good. However, in the car, at such a short distance, as long as the positions of the driver's seat and the passenger seat are calculated, a hit is certain.

As for whether he can hit the fatal point of the opponent, Si Huang has no expectations.

"Damn! You are fucking looking for death!" At this moment, the two lawbreakers had come to their senses, and their reaction to being frightened was to raise their guns.

The person beside him hadn't lost his mind, and immediately shouted: "Don't shoot, you can't kill..."


Gunshots rang out.

"Hmm." Zhuang Jin, who was held in front of him, had a painful expression on his face.

Fortunately, Sihuang didn't intend to let him die directly when he shielded him. After seeing someone shoot, he pulled the person to shift the position. In addition, the criminal who fired the gun didn't know whether he was too nervous or was shocked by his companion's words. The shot was not aimed precisely, and only hit Zhuang Jin's arm.

After one shot, they lost their last chance.

"Five Treasures." Sihuang consciously shouted.

[clear!]The Five Treasures responded.

Amidst the violent shaking of the car, Si Huang was still able to maintain his stability. He threw Zhuang Jin at the two of them again as a sandbag, and then the figure came and broke the neck of one of them with one hand. Before the other had time to shoot, he took out a dagger Stabbed at Sihuang.

Si Huang stretched out his hand to hold it, and under the inconceivable gaze of the other party, he directly grabbed the blade of the dagger with great force, turned around and held the handle of the dagger, and slashed across his neck.

A line of blood appeared, followed by blood gushing across the face of Zhuang Jin who was blocked in front.

The truck rolled over and stopped.

In the flickering lights inside the car, Si Huang knocked out the door lock of the truck with a gun, picked up Zhuang Jin and ran away.

The number of lawbreakers is quite large, driving more than one car. There was a problem with this car, and the front and rear vehicles responded quickly.

Si Huang dragged Zhuang Jin, and the speed was not slow.

As soon as she got out of the truck, she saw someone in the front seat of the truck trying to climb out. When she heard the movement and looked towards Sihuang, the criminal leader who had taken off his hood was shocked.

Si Huang looked at the vehicles that had stopped in front of him, ignored the leader, and dragged Zhuang Jin to the forest not far away.

She waited an hour, deduced from the jolt of the truck that they had left the city and entered the mountain road.

There will be no more cameras here, and it will be easier to hide. Even if Sihuang has a good time to do it, everything is going on as she planned.

"Damn! Chase! Don't let them get away!"

"Didn't you just say that there was only one boy with a white face? In the end, all six of them fell into his hands!"

"If you catch him, no matter what the agreement is, I will torture him to death!"

"Shut up!"

The outlaws roared faintly from behind, Si Huang's face remained unchanged, and he ran swiftly in the forest. Zhuang Jin, who was being dragged by her, was not so lucky. He was a few centimeters taller than Si Huang at 1.8 meters, and he was injured again. Almost half of his body was dragged on the ground, and he was knocked down by stones and trees. It must be extremely uncomfortable.

Fortunately, it was night and everyone's line of sight was limited, otherwise the blood stains left by Zhuang Jin would have exposed them.

"Ahem, Sihuang." Zhuang Jin couldn't take it any longer, he whispered, "Leave me alone, run away by yourself."

Si Huang didn't turn her head back, "I won't leave you behind."

Although her tone was cold, Zhuang Jin's heartbeat couldn't help but beat violently. However, the next moment he thought of Sihuang using himself as a shield in the car and disregarding his own life, his mood cooled down again, "I will only drag you down in this state, and it is completely fine to run away by yourself with your skills."

Si Huang didn't speak.

Zhuang Jin panted even harder, "I just didn't expect you to be so powerful."

"Is it strange?" Si Huang saw a slope and threw Zhuang Jin down.

Zhuang Jin's answer was swallowed up in pain like this, and his eyes went black for a while. When he regained his vision, he saw Sihuang rolling down quickly.

At this time, he was completely powerless, and anger rolled in his eyes, "Sihuang, if you continue like this, I didn't die at the hands of terrorists, but I will die at your hands."

"Don't worry, you won't die so easily." Si Huang squatted beside him, made a gloved hand into the shape of a gun, and pointed it at Zhuang Jin's forehead, "Bang~ I can kill you just now. "

Zhuang Jin's eyes widened, and he looked at the young man who showed a different side in front of him. The other side's face was dim and unclear in the darkness, with a charming smile. A icy chill overwhelmed his obsession with the boy, "Sihuang, are you frightened?" His tone was very gentle, afraid of disturbing anything.

Si Huang pointed the only dagger he had snatched from the gangster at his neck, "Quiet."

"..." Zhuang Jin opened his mouth, and felt a tingling pain in his neck. This made him believe that Si Huang really dared to kill him.

When she was in the car, she killed four people without hesitation!


Zhuang Jin had to shut up, his thoughts kept turning.

He remembered that he had investigated the information about Si Huang. Besides acting, the most sensational thing was the incident of brothers tearing up B at a group banquet. He forgot the name of a boy in jail, but he remembered that he said something in the video Words: Don't provoke Si Huang casually, he is a lunatic!

At this moment, Zhuang Jin had a deep understanding, and looked deeply at the profile of Si Huang who was staring up above.

A beautiful madman.

An obsessive lunatic!

An unreasonable lunatic!

There was a slight sound from above, Zhuang Jin couldn't hear it at all in his current weak state, Si Huang waited quietly, and it didn't take long for it to pass.

She squinted her eyes, and only after her tense body relaxed, she heard screams not far away.

what happened


The first scream seemed to be an opening button, followed by another sound, short and shrill.

In the forest at night, there seems to be some terrifying beast lurking that chooses to devour people, and the invisible pressure is lingering.

"Help!" The heart-piercing cry was very close to this place, and stopped just as soon as it appeared again.

Si Huang frowned, looked down at Zhuang Jin, and stabbed his uninjured left leg with a knife. Before Zhuang Jin called out, he had already covered his mouth.

Si Huang looked at him quietly, the latter was sweating profusely, his wide eyes were bloodshot, reflecting her face.

"If you want to be a bait, just call it." One sentence dispelled Zhuang Jin's inner thoughts.

Si Huang pulled out the dagger, confirmed that Zhuang Jin would never be able to run away alone in this state, so he took his arms and dragged him to a fairly lush grass. Then he climbed up the big tree next to him, half squatted on a tree trunk, his body was tense and ready to attack at any time.

Silence was brewing in the darkness, the smell of blood lingered around his nose, and Sihuang's heartbeat accelerated little by little.

She is not a professional killer and is not good at killing. She has always relied on her physique and five senses that are beyond ordinary people. It is easy to deal with ordinary people, but her keen intuition tells her: Dangerous!

This existence that caused continuous screams and did not show up was extremely dangerous.

Facing this unknown danger, she couldn't control her heartbeat.

If she knew how to use a gun, she would not have given up the gun but would have picked up a dagger, nor would she have chosen to escape from these criminals, but would have used the concealment of the mountains and her night vision ability to eliminate them all. Now there is no need to find a way to fight with the body, you can hide in one place and take down unknown dangers with one shot.

Unfortunately, she won't.

Si Huang bit her lower lip.


A black shadow jumped down at a terrifying speed.

too fast! As sharp as a cheetah!

If he hadn't stood up in the middle of the journey, and he could see that the figure was a person, he might have mistaken it for a cheetah.

What's even more frightening is that he jumped from such a high place without making a single sound.

He didn't seem to need to identify the direction at all, so he ran towards Si Huang's direction.

[Your Majesty... he...]

Si Huang's hand holding the dagger tightened, and jumped down at the right moment, the dagger hit the man's back.

The scream that happened to be ringing in Wubao's mind also stopped abruptly.

The person who came turned his head, just avoided the sneak attack, and then punched Sihuang.

Does he have eyes behind his back

Si Huang pursed her lips, knowing that she had met a real master.

Relying on her weapons, she confronted the visitor head-to-head.

As a result, the opponent's hand speed changed rapidly.

Si Huang only felt a severe pain in his wrist, and the dagger was already out of his hand, and then a huge force came from the scratched wrist, and he was pulled towards the opponent. There was a hint of cruelty in her eyes, and regardless of the danger of dislocating her arms, she raised her legs and arched her knees, pushing against the opponent's stomach with all her strength.


This blow was easily blocked by the opponent's palm.

Si Huang stared, she knew how strong she was now, but she was blocked by a hand!

The person who can surpass her in strength after rebirth is just one person.


Si Huang suddenly woke up.

She raised her head, opened her lips slightly, and wanted to say something, but was stimulated by the sharp pain from her arms next, "Ah!"

[Ah! Even a pure Yang body is unforgivable, dare to hurt His Majesty!] Wubao shouted angrily: [Your Majesty! fuck him! I don't believe that with enhanced physique, five senses and illusion skills, he can't beat him, no matter what, he can't be underestimated!]

Si Huang: "No need." After confirming who the opponent is, she is not interested in spending her life to fight with the opponent.

After silently responding to Wubao with consciousness, Sihuang raised his eyes and finally saw the opponent's face in the dark, "Qin Fan, let go."

"Heh." A hoarse sneer escaped from the corner of the diamond-shaped straight mouth.

Immediately, Sihuang felt that the hand that was grabbed and buckled behind her back was lifted, and the pain from the twisted muscles caused cold sweat to break out on her forehead, but she didn't scream again, and frowned patiently, "It hurts, let me go. "

"So you still know pain." The man sneered.

Si Huang stared at him, "What do you mean? Ugh!"

A big hand suddenly pinched her chin, unable to resist the huge strength, forcing her to raise her face.

Si Huang frowned uncomfortably. Qin Fan could see Qin Fan more clearly from this angle. He had a handsome face with clear water chestnut angles, deep and dark pupils, and violent anger was burning inside, and his eyes were rough and oppressive.

"What did I tell you before I left? Tell me every word!"

The tone of the order angered Si Huang, "Let me go!"

"I told you to tell me!"

"do not know."

"Do you really think I dare not hit you?" Qin Fan gritted his teeth, his eyes terrified.

Si Huang's body trembled instinctively, she was keenly aware of the concern behind the terrifying anger in Qin Fan's eyes, and thought of the reason why he appeared here. After a second of silence, Si Huang chose to take the initiative to back down and said softly: "You said so much before you left, how could I remember every single word."

Qin Fan stared at her face, the white skin was stained with a few drops of blood and dust, but it was still exquisite and perfect, and the painful frown could arouse people's evil thoughts. Before he came, he had clearly planned to beat this bad boy up, but she could irritate people to death when she was stubborn, and it was easy to make people unbearable when she backed down.

"Qin Fan, it really hurts. I still have work to do next, let me go." Si Huang persuaded again.

Qin Fan was silent for two seconds and let go.

Smelling the smell of blood, he looked for Zhuang Jin who was lying not far away.

"You made yourself like this just for him?"

Qin Fan unceremoniously grabbed Zhuang Jin by the neck and lifted him up, his tone seemed to be talking rubbish, and he stared intently at Si Huang.

Si Huang frowned, "Put him down, this will strangle him to death."

Qin Fan's face was frozen, and he let Zhuang Jin go obediently, but before he let go, he kicked him in the stomach with such force that he kicked him to the ground, killing half his life.

After Zhuang Jin vomited a mouthful of blood, he closed his eyes. He didn't know whether he passed out or didn't even have the strength to open his eyes.

"With your skills, it's not a problem to run away before being arrested in the Grand Theater, but you didn't run away because of this scum that you haven't known for half a month!"

Si Huang didn't speak.

In Qin Fan's eyes, her silence was an acquiescence, and his anger burned violently again, "Do you know that this riot was personally arranged by him. You cheated."

Si Huang's eyes moved, looking at Zhuang Jin on the ground.

"You don't believe me?" Qin Fan approached her.

Si Huang asked: "How do you know?"

Qin Fan didn't answer, he had already walked in front of her, and asked coldly, "What are you planning? It's not enough to seduce a Dou Wenqing, and provoke him."

Si Huang clenched her fists suddenly, "What did you say?"

"Isn't it?" Qin Fan said blankly, "You don't have a plan, how could you know his hobbies and still date him and accept his invitation."


"You're humiliating yourself, everything you have now can't satisfy you? You have to use yourself as a commodity."

"Sihuang, where is your self-improvement and self-love?!"

Seducing others, humiliating oneself, dissatisfaction, lack of self-love... When being questioned one after another, the other party's tone was so indifferent that it made people feel superior, as if mocking.

Si Huangshi held his palm. If he wasn't wearing gloves, his nails would definitely pierce his palm.

Her heart was beating violently, humiliation, anger and pain surged, and scenes of dusty memories that she tried not to think about on weekdays emerged in her mind.

She suddenly punched the man in front of her.

Qin Fan stretched out his hand, grabbed her fist, turned sideways to avoid her kick, "You hit people when you get angry at being said, that's all you have."

Si Huang remained silent, his moves were ruthless, and he opened and closed without leaving any room.

Qin Fan got annoyed after taking several tricks, and suddenly pressed her under him, suppressing her with his whole body, sneered and said, "When I don't want you, what do you think you can do..."

When he saw the expression of the person below him clearly, his words stopped abruptly, his expression just softened and then became tense, and he shouted: "You are the one who did something wrong, who will show you the expression that you are about to cry!"

Si Huang broke out.

"What do you know? You don't know anything! Why do you say that about me!?"

Qin Fan frowned at her hoarse roar, "You still don't believe me!"

"Why do I trust you! What I want to do is my business, what right do you have to control me?"

Qin Fan was almost laughed out of anger, "Why should I care about you? Just because I am your brother!"

"Brother shit!"


He punched Si Huang's face, and the splashed earth and rocks across Si Huang's face, her eyes were red, burning with anger, without fear.

"You're fine!" Qin Fan stood up abruptly, picked up the dagger she had dropped on the ground, pointed at Zhuang Jin who was lying beside him, "You did everything for him today, I'll kill him right now!"


"I'm from Liu Dahai!"

The voices of Si Huang and Zhuang Jin sounded at the same time.

It turned out that Zhuang Jin was not in a coma yet. Feeling that his life was in danger, he immediately opened his eyes.

At this glance, he was startled by the ferocity in Qin Fan's eyes.

"Liu Dahai? Anyone who dared to touch me would have been killed long ago." Qin Fan looked at him coldly, and then stabbed him in the heart.

Si Huang who came over watched helplessly as Zhuang Jin's eyes lost their luster and his breath disappeared. She stayed where she was, motionless, Qin Fan threw away the dagger, and looked at her without saying a word.

Three seconds later, Si Huang came back to his senses, his expression returned to calm, he walked to Zhuang Jin's body, and looked at him carefully. Then she picked up the dagger, and slowly cut Zhuang Jin's wrist. After cutting her left hand, she moved to her right hand. When she stretched the dagger towards the opponent's neck, Qin Fan grabbed her, "What are you doing!?" His tone was serious, a little Surprised.

"Damn him, he shouldn't have died in your hands!"

"Qin Fan, what do you see and say I don't love myself?"

"What do you think you know?"

"You think it's easy for me to get to where I am today. Do you know what I've been through, how hard it is to maintain and cherish all of this?"

Her voice went from low to high, her body convulsed and trembled.

Who knows the torture she suffered, who knows how hard she worked to survive time and time again.

Who knew that she wanted to love herself more than anyone else, and wanted to push her enemies into hell with her own hands.

After going through the despair and pain of death and rebirth step by step, she carefully planned step by step, stifling all uncertain factors in the cradle, in order to solve Si Zhihan in one fell swoop, and prevent them from counterattacking and revealing their identities, and slowly Waiting for the opportunity, grasping a line, the pressure in it was on her shoulders alone, and when it came to Qin Fan's mouth, it became seduction and abuse, using her body as a commodity, not self-love.

The sound of helicopter propellers came from the sky, and a beam of light enveloped the two of them from above.

Qin Fan looked at the man whose eyes were red and full of tears but still held back his tears, his heart seemed to be firmly grasped by a hand, and he tasted the pain he had never felt before.

He stretched out his hand suddenly and hugged him into his arms, "Don't cry, don't cry." He comforted him bluntly.

Si Huang calmly pushed him away.

"Head!" A man's voice came from above, and a row of ladders was lowered.

Qin Fan stared at Si Huang without saying a word.

The latter took out a pocket towel from his pocket, wiped the corners of his eyes and face, and got up to climb the ladder.

Qin Fan followed behind her.

The helicopter drove back to the city very quickly.

Si Huang and Qin Fan didn't speak a word along the way. Seeing that they were about to reach their destination, Si Huang got up and got ready to go down.

Qin Fan fixed his eyes on her, and suddenly said: "I don't know, you can tell me."

Hearing this, Si Huang looked sideways at him, her expression didn't change much, and she had recovered from the loss of control just now to her usual self. Just staring at Qin Fan for a few seconds, the latter looked at her without giving in.

"I know that the criminal gang has something to do with Zhuang Jin."

Qin Fan's eyes showed disapproval, as if he was silently saying: You know what it means to jump in.

Si Huang said plainly: "I planned to take him away from the beginning without his bodyguards. The chaos came in a timely manner. Even if I kill him, I can still blame the criminals."

"What did he do to make you think that about him?"

"I have planned everything, and I have also thought about Zhuang Jin's ending."

"Today is the second time you have met him. Even if he is a scum, you don't need to do it. Tell me why."

Si Huang didn't answer, but looked sideways out of the window.

Qin Fan felt her repulsion. The distance between the two of them was clearly less than one meter, but it seemed as if they were separated by a glacier. The atmosphere was depressing and irritating.

Two minutes later, the helicopter stopped over the villa in the Jinglan family, Sihuang stepped down the ladder, and was immediately surrounded by Grandma Yu, Yuxi and others who ran out after hearing the movement.

-----Off Topic-----

Your Majesty: I want a monthly ticket to kill this idiot Fan, will you give it