Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 75: Don't get too much blood on


At this time, Si Huang felt a little embarrassed.

She and Qin Fan didn't know how they got into this situation before, and she didn't think there was anything emotionally wrong, but when the strange boy yelled at her, she realized that the current posture between herself and Qin Fan was really inappropriate.

She wrapped her legs around the other's waist, supported his shoulder with one hand, and her body was almost pressed against his back.

What about Qin Fan? Don't run on a good road, run on a dirt road with potholes, bump up and down on the motorcycle, and the bodies of the two of them will naturally rub against each other.

At the beginning, the two of them didn't think about it. Naturally, they didn't think there was anything wrong. Instead, they were on guard against each other, fearing that the other party would come and be more ruthless. As a result, the young man made such an outrageous remark, which made him feel uncomfortable both mentally and physically.

Si Huang retracted her leg, but was caught by a hand halfway.

"Let go." Her heart skipped a beat.

Qin Fan didn't turn his head back, "Bread, the long one."

Si Huang took it out and handed it to him.

As a result, the man turned his head, turned his head sideways, lowered his head, bit on it, and then let go of Sihuang's leg.

Si Huang retracted her legs speechlessly, "Are you still afraid that I will cheat you?"

Qin Fan drove the motorcycle back to the flat road, ate the long loaf of bread in his mouth, and said, "You can do this."

His voice was a little hoarse, I don't know if it was from eating dry bread, or for other reasons.

"Give me the mineral water inside."

Si Huang was too lazy to argue with him, and handed him the mineral water bottle.

"Turn it off." Qin Fan glanced at it, but didn't answer.

Si Huang unscrewed the bottle cap, picked it up and shook it in front of his eyes, "Run steadily, understand?"

"Understood, Your Majesty the Little Emperor." Qin Fan looked back at her.

Sihuang: "Tsk, Nichen." Give him the mineral water bottle.

When it was almost time to reach the urban area, Si Huang put on the helmet, so as not to be recognized on the road and cause another scandal.

Arriving at the Jinglan family's villa, Grandma Yu and Tie Lao were already waiting in the living room. They were not surprised to see Si Huang dressed in training clothes. Si Huang guessed that Qin Fan must have reminded them.

In this way, Si Huang could not explain herself. After she changed her shoes and entered the room, she heard Grandma Yu say with a smile: "Go take a shower and change your clothes first, it will be uncomfortable to wear this at home."

"Yeah." Si Huang smiled at her and went to her room on the second floor.

As soon as she left the living room, Grandma Yu's smiling face disappeared, and she waved to Qin Fan, "How do you plan to train Xiao Fenghuang, grandma will remind you first, Xiao Fenghuang is different from the boys born in the big family in the capital."

Qin Fan stood straight in the middle of the living room, "Her potential is no worse than theirs."

Grandma Yu frowned, Tie Lao held her palm to comfort her, and said to Qin Fan, "It's rare for your Grandma Yu to fancy a grandson, so she will love her a little bit. Don't train him too hard."

Qin Fanxin said: Which of his soldiers can be picked up by him personally. These words only turned around in my mind, but I didn't really say it. What happened on the motorcycle in the morning made him more inexplicably happy, and he didn't want to share it with anyone.

"I have my own plan for this." Qin Fan did not back down, "Those who should be trained must not let go."

Grandma Yu's expression changed. She knew a little about Qin Fan's situation, and knew how ruthless he was when he was serious. What if he accidentally disabled Little Phoenix? Regardless of whether he was great in the end, Xiao Fenghuang is very good now, and she doesn't want her grandson to become a rough guy with dark skin and muscles.

Grandma Yu was frightened by her imagination and shivered.

She was about to say something when Qin Fan's words sounded again, "I have promised Si Huang that while he is receiving training, he will not let him give up his current job, so don't worry."

When Grandma Yu heard this, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Although Xiao Qilin was very ruthless in training people, he had the sense of propriety. Since he said that he would let Xiao Fenghuang continue his work, it meant that he would not train Xiao Fenghuang so much that he would not even have the energy to do other things.

"Huh? It's just a shower and a change of clothes. Why hasn't Little Phoenix come down yet?" After talking to Qin Fan, Grandma Yu's thoughts returned to Sihuang.

Tie Lao's complexion beside her darkened, and the smell of vinegar finally drowned out, "Anyway, what can happen at home? Didn't you say that if you stay at home all the time, you will get rusty? Let's go. I'll go out for a walk with you." .”

"Eh? Little Phoenix is back, I'm not bored anymore."

Tie Lao's reaction was to hold her hand decisively, help her up and walk outside.

When the two walked to the door, Tie Lao took advantage of Grandma Yu not noticing, turned to stare at Qin Fan, and said silently, "Don't bother us with calls if you have nothing to do."

Qin Fan nodded expressionlessly and watched the two of them leave.

The living room was suddenly empty, Zhao Limei went out early in the morning to buy supplies, leaving Qin Fan standing alone in the spacious living room.

Without thinking about it, he walked to the second floor and knocked on Sihuang's door.

After waiting for about four or five minutes, the door was opened.

Qin Fan thought he would see an impatient face, but unexpectedly, the young man in casual clothes leaned against the door with a smile and raised his chin, signaling him to speak up if he had anything to say.

"...It takes a long time to change clothes." Qin Fan said dryly, then paused, "We can't be so procrastinating in training in the future."

Si Huang: "Got it." Turning around and going back to the room.

Qin Fan hesitated for a while, but stopped the steps that were going to follow.

Two minutes later, Si Huang went out with a tablet, a pistol, and a sweater too small for a baby to wear in one hand, closed the door and walked downstairs to the living room.

Qin Fan followed silently.

When they arrived in the living room, they didn't see Grandma Yu and his wife, so Si Huang guessed what they might be doing.

Sitting on the sofa by himself, he hugged the little black cat who was lying on the sofa.

"Meow." Hei Miao Liushun was familiar with Sihuang's scent, and he was always surprisingly docile when treating her, without the arrogance of feline creatures at all.

Sihuang smiled and scratched its chin, and while Heimiao Liushun was snoring comfortably, he slowly put on the little sweater in his hand, "As an important character in the new drama, it's not good to be sick."

"Meow?" Xiao Hei Miao Liushun looked ignorant, he didn't understand what he didn't understand, but he was very obedient, and let Sihuang toss him around.

[Tsk tsk, looking at her lack of integrity, it's all showing!]Wubao's sour voice came out.

Si Huang slowly replied with consciousness: "You don't even have a single point now."

[You don't love me anymore! You don't love me anymore! You don't love me anymore!]Five Treasures Sprinkle.

Si Huang ignored it.

As a result, seeing that Sapo didn't work, Wubao immediately resurrected with full blood, and Xun Sihuang asked for real benefits, [When I have an entity, Your Majesty will also buy clothes for me!]

"Okay." Si Huang agreed without even thinking about it.

Wubao immediately felt refreshed, and cast a disdainful glance at Ah Miao, who knew nothing about it. Tsk~ Comparing favor with me? There are no doors.

Sihuang didn't know what Wubao was thinking, but he could vaguely feel its emotions, which made him laugh.

After putting on Ah Miao's little sweater, he let his head rest on his lap and slept lazily, while Si Huang picked up the pistol and glanced at Qin Fan from the corner of his eye.

This glance made her stunned for a moment, and then asked, "What are you doing?"

Qin Fan pointed at Sihuang with the camera of the mobile phone and said very comfortably: "Video." After speaking, he put down the mobile phone.

Si Huang narrowed her eyes, "Deleted."

Qin Fan: "It's beautiful."

Did he think I deleted it because I was afraid that the filming would not look good? Si Huang stared at Qin Fan for a few seconds, and found that the brain circuit was different, and it was useless to say anything. "Don't pass it on."

"Hmm." Qin Fan remained expressionless.

Si Huang focused his attention on disassembling and assembling the pistol.

Qin Fan was still staring at her at the beginning, waiting for her to remind her when she made a mistake, who knows that Sihuang did not make any mistakes in the whole process, so to improve the speed, it only needs to practice more and get familiar with the structure and feel of firearms. .

He didn't need to teach, and he couldn't disturb the other party. It was strange to stare at the other party's earnest and concentrated appearance. Qin Fan was so bored that he picked up the phone and clicked on the picture just taken.

I was fascinated by it when I was shooting it before, and now I feel that this picture is really comforting.

On the leather sofa, a boy in casual clothes embraced the little black cat. The boy's smile was light but vivid, and his eyes were pure and smiling. The little black cat was also very cute and cute. Even a big man like Qin Fan who can't appreciate cute things thinks this scene makes people like him. Not only does he look at the peace of mind, but he also likes the people in the picture. With such a younger brother, who can not pain

As he was thinking, his phone vibrated suddenly, and the caller ID: Guo Chengxiong.

Qin Fan glanced at Sihuang, stood up and went out to answer the phone in the yard.

"Master? Are you with Young Master Si now?" Guo Chengxiong's cautious voice sounded.

Qin Fan hummed coldly.

Guo Chengxiong said dryly: "This... lord, this is what happened. A few days ago, Young Master Si asked me to help him invade Si's house to monitor the situation in their house, and then I discovered something terrible. Send the video to Master Si. Afterwards, I think this matter needs to be reported to you, Lord."

Qin Fan thought about it, "What's the matter?"

Guo Chengxiong heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that his voice was not so scary anymore, "I'll send you the video now."

Qin Fan said "En." and hung up the phone.

Guo Chengxiong's work efficiency was very fast. As soon as he hung up the phone, Qin Fan received a reminder to receive the file on his mobile phone.

He clicked to accept, and then clicked to play.

The palm-sized manipulator played the video in full screen on the screen.

The picture was dark at first, and then suddenly the lights were turned on.

The scene in Qin Fan's sight appeared in an instant, which made him frown.

A naked woman was tied up on the bed. The bed was a mess, the ground was not much better, and there were many strange props piled up in the room.

Even if Qin Fan didn't know all of them, he could still see some of them, such as long things that looked like those on every man's body, and whips and so on.

It didn't take long for Si Zhihan's figure to appear on the video screen.

He walked into the room in a bathrobe and sat on a chair not far from the bed.

"Zhihan, let me go, please, can you let me go?" The woman on the bed begged for mercy hoarsely.

Si Zhihan said calmly: "Don't you want me to accompany you? Now I come back every night to accompany you, isn't it good?"

The woman on the bed was shocked, and the expression on her exposed face was distorted, full of horror and resentment, staring at Si Zhihan's eyes as if she wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

"Since you don't like me coming in person, someone else will come today." Si Zhihan said.

After his words fell, a man opened the door and entered.

This man is also clean, and he is very strong in terms of figure and other things.

"Si Zhihan, you are not human! You pervert, impotence pervert! Let me go, let me go!" The woman on the bed screamed frantically.

Si Zhihan's expressionless face finally changed, it was a kind of morbid madness, in response to a woman's words, it was indeed like a lunatic perverted.

"Still take good care of my wife who is always hungry and dissatisfied." He smiled.

The combination of this calm tone and the scene in the picture is quite strange, which makes people disgusted.

Qin Fan endured his boredom and continued to read until the strong man was done, and the woman on the bed was half unconscious, still cursing Si Zhihan as if in his sleep.

The video also ends when Si Jihan leaves the room.

Qin Fan squeezed the phone tightly. If the material of his mechanical phone was not good enough, it might be crushed by the strength of his palm.

What a shit family!

The child lives in this kind of family environment


Qin Fan's heart was on fire, he turned and went back to the living room, and locked eyes on Si Huang who was still sitting on the sofa and repeating the boring practice of disassembling and assembling firearms.

At this time, the temperament around her was calm, and Ah Miao didn't know when she slept with her head on her legs, and now she has run into her arms and nestled into a ball. In order not to affect Ah Miao, Sihuang raised the disassembled and assembled pistol slightly so as not to accidentally knock it down.

This unintentional tenderness made Qin Fan's eyes deeper.

Just looking at her at this moment, one can forget all her bad temper, making one wish to shield her from all the wind and rain.

As soon as Qin Fan came in, he could not ignore the berserk aura and sharp eyes. Si Huang stopped what he was doing and looked at him, "What happened?"

"Do you think Dou Wenqing's help has something to do with the Si family?" Qin Fan walked towards her, but within a few strides he was in front of her.

Si Huang didn't expect him to ask this suddenly, and looked at him quietly for two seconds, "Yes."

Assembling the parts in his hand again, Si Huang said softly: "I want Bai Qinglan's life, and Si Zhihan's life would be better than death." He raised his head again and looked deeply into Qin Fan's eyes, "In this way, you Can you still promise to help me?"

In this life, if you want to say who is the most true to her nature, Si Huang believes that it is the man in front of her.

There was the incident of Dou Jun before, and the tragic death of Zhuang Jin later. He had witnessed both events with his own eyes, so he must know that what he said was not a joke.

Since this man tyrannically entered her life, since she couldn't avoid it, with his identity and power, as long as she didn't give up dealing with Si Zhihan and the others, she would be discovered by the man one day.

So, it's better for her to say it directly and see how the man chooses.

"Why?" Qin Fan asked.

Sihuang: "Because I'm not Bai Qinglan's biological son."

Qin Fan's reaction was very calm, it could even be said that there was no reaction, and he didn't seem surprised by it at all.

It can be seen that he has felt it for a long time, but he didn't investigate and didn't care about it.

"Just this alone, it won't make you have such a strong intention to kill." Qin Fan said.

Si Huang thought for a while, and replied: "You should think of me as narrow-minded."

Qin Fan didn't let it go, and really wanted to catch this bad boy and teach him a lesson.

He was angry not because Sihuang wanted to kill someone, but because she was afraid that she would take human life too lightly, and she would use murder to solve any problems in the future. It was nothing to deal with scum, but a small conflict with someone like this would be too much!

A good big baby, absolutely can't grow into a crooked neck tree under his nose! Modern law does not allow it either!

Si Huang didn't pay attention to the change of his expression, she had already lowered her head to fiddle with the tablet, swipe and click with her fingers quickly, and found a picture before long, and then handed it to Qin Fan.

Qin Fan caught it, simply flipped through the contents inside and found nothing, so he looked at Sihuang again.

Si Huang said: "This is a medicine imported from abroad by the Bai family. In fact, there are contraband in it."

Surprise flashed in Qin Fan's eyes.

Si Huang went on to say: "Don't ask me why I know. Bai's Pharmaceuticals and customs officials colluded to let this batch of contraband pass through. The buyer's name is Bai Qinglan."

"So you want Dou Wenqing to help you investigate this matter?"

"That's right. In order to ensure that more of his deeds will not be exposed, will Bai Qinglan secretly sacrifice Bai Qinglan?"

It was a few years after the incident in the previous life was exposed. At that time, many people bought the health care products of Bai's Pharmaceutical and had a collective accident. The death toll exceeded double digits, which caused an uproar in contemporary society.

At that time, the person who was pulled out to take the blame was Bai Qinglan. Before she was sent to prison, she heard that she committed suicide in fear of crime. She also wrote a letter of repentance, saying that everything was done by her obsessed with money and had nothing to do with anyone else. People pay their lives and go to hell. I hope everyone will stop pursuing this matter.

In her previous life, Si Huang knew that after Bai Qinglan's death, she felt happy for a moment, and then more anger and unwillingness followed.

So what if she died? What was owed to him hadn't been repaid, and it wasn't him who pushed her into the region with his own hands. Si Zhihan and Si Hua still lived comfortably!

Now, she has been waiting for an opportunity, and now an opportunity is coming. Getting rid of Bai Qinglan ahead of time also saved so many innocent people from suffering.

Qin Fan looked at her deeply.

At this moment, the smile on Si Huang's face was free and wanton, her fearless determination and confidence in mastering the overall situation were simply dazzling and intoxicating.

Qin Fan was distracted for a moment and thought: Maybe there will be someone who will help him complete everything for him, regardless of right or wrong.

Qin Fan retracted his gaze and put it on the tablet, "I will send someone to investigate. If what you said is true, this matter will be settled."

Si Huang was startled, then smiled and said, "Your investigation is the investigation, and Bai Qinglan will leave it to me first."

Qin Fan frowned, "You are only seventeen years old."

"What?" The topic suddenly changed to what her age meant.

"You can act, sing, fight, play the piano, whatever you want." Qin Fan took another step forward, and couldn't resist reaching out to touch her hair, "Don't get too much blood on it."

Si Huang's heart beat again, and he calmly took his hand away.

Qin Fan's eyes fell on her shoulder again, "Is the gunshot wound from last time healed?"

"Yeah." There were no scars left.

"Get ready this afternoon and go out with me."

Zhao Limei came back at noon, and she came back with Yu Xi and Yu Ling, and I heard that they just met when they came back.

Si Huang packed her own luggage back to her room, and when she went downstairs, she saw that Grandma Yu and Tie Lao had also gone home.

Zhao Limei and Yu Ling are in charge of the lunch, and Yu Ye comes to report to Si Huang.

"You made headlines again last night."

Yuene showed Sihuang the information that had been compiled on the way.

[The premiere press conference of "Royal Way", the hottest rising star Sihuang denied having an improper relationship with the film and television superstar An Yiyuan! And said that the sexual orientation of the predecessors is normal, which is great!]

[Du Xiaoguang came to the dinner after the press conference of "Royal Way" and had a happy chat with Sihuang, An Yiyuan and others, why?]

[Late at night, Sihuang and the mysterious rich man took a civil flight together, and after arriving at the H city airport, they took a helicopter and disappeared!]

The first two are good things, nothing to look at, but the latter one attracts attention.

It not only writes about the dinner where Sihuang left Yangcheng early, but later writes about Sihuang and Qin Fan in a vague and ambiguous way, and there are also a few blurry photos.

As for the source of this gossip is Real Entertainment, this time they are smarter. The title does not contain any malicious words, but it is enough to attract people's attention.

It's just that this time Real Entertainment has slapped itself in the face again.

Their gossip editors are telling the truth and implying that Sihuang is having an affair with a mysterious local tycoon, meaning that she left early because she was dating the benefactor.

As a result, Tiantian Entertainment soon released a report, which praised Sihuang very much, and attached a video of Sihuang's performance at the Huaxing Art School's New Year's Day party last night.

Compared with a clear video and a few blurred photos, the masses naturally believe the former more.

In particular, Real Entertainment has not succeeded in suppressing Sihuang once since it turned against Sihuang.

On the other hand, Sihuang's popularity and reputation are getting better and better, and his fans are getting more and more. Once he fights, he no longer has the shortcomings of the beginning.

The most important thing is that there are still a few important people who can't see it.

Liu Yan called Director Liu, Zhang Nianmeng went to tease his grandfather, and the countless young girls who were touched at the Huaxing Art School party that night were even more angry. Their families were as good as Huo Yuzhi, or they were low-key, but they were actually from a family of writers or musicians. The children of the aristocratic family also went to torture their parents, grandparents, grandparents, grandparents and relatives in various ways, but they had no choice but to immediately extinguish the real voice of discrediting their majesty (brothers).

Ordinary students also teamed up to spray Real Entertainment, spreading and reposting the information everywhere.

Due to the strength of the crowd, Real Entertainment was silent for a period of time and then relied on Sihuang to fire again, but this fire almost burned them to death.

The head office of Real Entertainment.

Shang Gong continued to make calls, but this time, no one answered as before.

He was so angry that he almost threw the phone on the ground, but he held it back. After several changes in his face, he finally made up his mind to make a call.

It took about three or four seconds for the phone to be connected, and a man's indifferent voice came from over there.

Shang Gongcai quickly pretended to be respectful, and said with a smile: "Hello, Secretary Wang, I am Shang Gongcai, the director of Real Entertainment, and I want to talk to Mrs. Bai about something, but I have been unable to get through to Mrs. Bai's phone number. In desperation, I can only disturb you."

Secretary Wang's staid voice came: "Madam has been in poor health recently, she is resting at home, don't bother me if you have nothing to do."

Shang Gong cursed a dirty word in his heart, and still said with a smile: "This...Because Mrs. Bai told me to do something before, it is inconvenient not to explain it clearly to her. If something happens, it will still be Mrs. Bai. It’s not good, don’t you think so?” He didn’t believe that Secretary Wang didn’t know anything.

Sure enough, Secretary Wang was silent for a while, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Madam Bai has explained that no one else can talk about this matter except her."

"let it go."

Shang Gong didn't expect him to be so direct, and hurriedly said: "Actually, you can still say it to the president of the company. After all, the husband and wife are one. Please ask Secretary Wang to tell the president of the company for me. This is really not a small matter. It will have a big impact on Fenghua Entertainment."

"Understood." Secretary Wang hung up the phone after putting down these words.

"Damn it! A bunch of sons of bitches, they really take themselves seriously! I'm so anxious, I'll fight you to the death!" Shang Gong roared angrily.

In any case, he never thought that Sihuang's influence would become so great. It's not that he hasn't seen crowd chasing stars before, and it can even be said that he has seen a lot of people in his line of work. But he has never seen a star chasing so crazily, and can still affect the big bosses of the previous generation! Is it because the new generation of young people are too crazy about star chasing, or is it because the previous generation is too spoiled? Chasing stars to the point that you suppress us for a small star, it's fine if you don't stop it, but you even indulged in doing so! What a shame!

The boss has already put down his words, if he can't handle this matter well, he won't even want his job.

This is definitely the biggest hurdle that Shang Gongcai has encountered in his life.

-----Off Topic-----

Forgive me for my incompetence in naming it ╮(╯▽╰)╭There is a lot of content in this chapter and I don’t know what to call it~ I got entangled with a few hairs, so I just took it casually.

Come to a long-lost ticket-seeking small theater:

Sihuang: Rebellious minister.

Qin Fan: What orders does His Majesty the Little Emperor have

Sihuang: Go get a monthly ticket!

Qin Fan: Can you see blood

Sihuang: How dare you!

Qin Fan: Oh... (turning around) Listen to me, if you don't want me to lead the army to force the palace to imprison the little emperor, hand over the monthly ticket!