Rebirth of the National Male God

Chapter 76: The wail of scum delights me


"Beep beep—" the landline on the table rang.

Only then did Shang quickly restrain his inner emotions, took a deep breath before reaching out to answer the phone, and the voice of Si Zhihan he wanted to hear came from inside.

"Hey, Qinglan told you what to do?" Si Zhihan asked straight to the point.

Mr. Shang didn't try to be tricky, "Mrs. Bai asked me to cause more trouble for Mr. Si, so that he would know where he went astray. Mr. Si should have seen that the real Yusheng tried his best, but he caused a commotion and set fire to the door of his house. Mrs. Bai The promised reward has not been paid, so it’s not easy for me, is it?”

"How much."

"one million."

"Heh." Si Zhihan sneered, "One hundred thousand, if you want it, just take it obediently, if you don't, you'll lose everything."

"President Si, are you so bad?" Shang Gongcai could hardly contain his anger.

"I have no ability, so I can't blame anyone."

"President Si, if you insist on doing this... I have evidence!"

"Let go if you dare."

After saying this, Si Zhihan hung up the phone.


In the end, everything on the desk was destroyed by Shanggong.

"Ah! You son of a bitch! Your old mother!" Shang Gong barked like a rabies.

He wanted to report everything Bai Qinglan had done, but Si Zhihan's threat was in his ears, so he really didn't dare to do it alone.

Suddenly, he thought of a person, turned around and went to the sofa, opened the laptop on the coffee table, and searched for the phone number he wanted from the information inside.

City H, Jinglan Family Villa.

Yuene, who was sorting out his future work in City H, was drawn to his attention by the phone ringing suddenly. He took out his phone and looked, it was an unfamiliar number.

However, the people who can know his number now are generally in the circle.

He put down the tablet, stood up and walked to a place where no one was there to answer the phone.

About two or three minutes later, Yu Xi took the phone and walked back to Si Huang's side, "The director of Real Entertainment said he wanted to talk to you, and said that there is something you want, about the Si family."

Not only Si Huang heard this sentence, but Grandma Yu and Qin Fan who were sitting not far away could also hear it clearly. A few people didn't speak, waiting for Sihuang's reaction.

Si Huang raised her eyebrows and took the phone over, "Hello?"

"Hello, Young Master Si, I'm Shang Gongcai, the director of Real Entertainment, you can call me by my name, Young Master." Shang Gongcai on the other end of the phone said politely.

Si Huang smiled casually, "Say what you have to say."

"The thing is like this. In fact, the real Yusheng didn't really want to fight against Young Master Si during this period of time. It all starts from the beginning." Shang Gong said in a sincere tone: "One day Mrs. Bai came to me. , Said that the child refused to obey the discipline in adolescence, and in order for the child to return to the right path, after knowing the difficulties outside and going home to admit his mistakes, he gave me a task to constantly put pressure on the young master Si."

Si Huang didn't respond.

Mr. Shang confirmed that he was still on the call and the signal was normal before he continued: "However, as time passed, Mrs. Bai's demands became more and more excessive. Even I thought it was inappropriate to do so, but Mrs. Bai just refused to listen. In desperation, I decided to break off the deal with Mrs. Bai. As a result, Mrs. Bai not only threatened me, but also refused to pay me any money. I really didn't expect things to turn out like this, so I came to Mrs. Si in desperation to see What do you mean? As long as you are willing to forgive me and forgive the real Yusheng, I will send you all the evidence and information in my hand, and I will not take any money. I only ask for forgiveness and a clear conscience!"

"Master Si?"


Shang Gong was startled, and then he heard the laughter on the phone getting more and more joyful.

"Hahaha—" Si Huang laughed until her body trembled slightly.

Grandma Yu and the others were all baffled. They didn't know what the other party said to entertain Sihuang so happily.

Si Huang laughed for a while, and the laughter gradually died down.

Only then did Shang Gong find an opportunity to ask again: "Master Si, what do you mean?"

"What do I mean?" Si Huang's voice rose happily, and then he said slowly, "I don't like wolves and lackeys, especially those who think they are smart."

Only then did Shang froze, and he could clearly hear the young man's mellow voice, leisurely tone, and words like blades, "But listening to your desperate wail makes me very happy."

"You..." Shang Gong lost his words inexplicably.

This was the first time he had personally talked with this seventeen-year-old boy, and he felt a chilling shock.

"Shang Gongcai, do you still remember the words I gave to the real entertainment reporter?"


"Go and check the information yourself."

After Sihuang finished speaking, she hung up the phone and returned it to Yuene.

Grandma Yu who was sitting on the sofa not far away smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

At this time, Zhao Limei and Yu Ling had already brought out their lunch, and softly called them to come over for dinner.

When the few of them were eating happily, Shang Gongcai on the other side actually looked up the information in his notebook, and it didn't take long for him to find out what Sihuang said.

In Huaxing Art School, Sihuang, who was filming the RB endorsement promotional video, faced the siege of reporters and the embarrassment of Real Entertainment reporters. She faced the camera and said slowly——

"I will not be bullied by others in obscurity. No matter who it is, when you want to deal with me, you'd better remember what I said."

Shang Gong just leaned back on the sofa with all his strength, and gradually felt a trace of regret.

Only then did he suddenly realize a fatal reality.

He underestimated this underage teenager. It was not easy for her to walk along the way, but she just came out successfully. She dared to fight against Fenghua Entertainment, dared to fight against Real Entertainment, and dared to fight against the reporters. It is absolutely impossible to get to where I am today. It is absolutely impossible for me to be lucky. Her strength and mind are so terrifying that she can accomplish all this in a short period of time without being discovered by others. It will be too late up.

too frightening!

Sihuang already knew what Bai Qinglan was going through now, so how could she believe Shang Gongcai's words. She had already planned a way to deal with Bai Qinglan, and she didn't need the so-called evidence that Mr. Shang possessed, and she didn't want to cooperate with him, because the real Yusheng was also one of the people she planned to eliminate.

Not long after lunch, Si Huang was taken to the gym by Qin Fan, who asked her to get on the treadmill, "Warm up first."

Si Huang ran up obediently, and Qin Fan stood aside and gave a stern instruction: "The breathing frequency is wrong, exhale first... wait, now I can inhale. I also need to take longer steps, pay attention to the swing of the arms, the strength of the waist and abdomen. .”

What Qin Fan said about the originally easy running has become more tiring than usual.

However, the running didn't last long, and Qin Fan asked her to come down.

"Watch me play it first, and then do it with me." Qin Fan said as he took off his coat, wearing only a black vest underneath.

Sexy honey-colored skin, muscular and powerful biceps that are not too exaggerated before exhaustion, and a tight black vest that outlines the beautiful lines of the abdominal muscles. Just seeing these is enough to make countless women feel excited. Guess the golden ratio of his figure.

Si Huang turned around him with admiring eyes, and had to admit that Qin Fan not only had top-notch looks, but also a top-notch figure that made countless people of the same sex jealous.

Looking down naturally from the upper body, the training pants are obviously loose, but what should be there can be seen at a glance.

Capital is quite strong.

I don't know if this place is very sensitive to any man, so Qin Fan turned his head and locked Sihuang with his eyes the moment he was seen.

Si Huang had no idea at first, but just happened to see it, but when Qin Fan saw it like this, he felt inexplicably caught.

Before she said anything, Qin Fan said, "You still have some growth."

Sihuang: "..." Where are your eyes looking? Could it be what she meant

Facts proved that Qin Fan's words meant what she thought, and the other party's eyes fell on her somewhere, encouraging him: "Eat more and exercise more in the future, and you can grow taller."

Si Huang calmly said: "During training, don't talk about anything other than training."

Qin Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, took Si Huang's reaction as a little boy's shyness, and decided not to continue this topic.

He stood up straight, and then performed a set of military boxing gymnastics. This set of movements is both like gymnastics and boxing. It seems simple and rough, but it was beaten vigorously by Qin Fan.

After finishing one set, Qin Fan turned to look at Sihuang and said, "Now follow me and play slowly."

Si Huang nodded, and stood directly opposite him, so that he could see Qin Fan's punches clearly, and Qin Fan could see himself clearly, and observe whether he was punching correctly.

This time Qin Fan played slowly, teaching Sihuang one move at a time. What surprised him was that Sihuang was able to play well the first time he learned it, with almost no mistakes.

After teaching the last movement, Qin Fan asked, "Do you remember?"

"Look." Si Huang thought for a while and gave an uncertain answer.

Qin Fan nodded.

Si Huang played the gymnastics slowly, and in the middle, Qin Fan suddenly called to stop. Then he walked over, stretched out his hand to lift Sihuang's arm, and held her waist with one hand, and felt the stiffness of the other person's body as soon as he touched it. He taught seriously and patiently, "Relax, this set of gymnastics is a little If you don’t do it right, you can hurt your body.”

Si Huang pursed her lips slightly, and slowly tried to relax her body, thinking of the other party as a machine instructor, not a human being.

Perhaps this is the ability of an actor, who can always imagine it out of thin air, and Si Huang, who has done psychological training, really relaxes, and has completed all Qin Fan's teachings in a calm manner.

Such a reaction made Qin Fan feel satisfied and relaxed, but at the same time, there was a sense of disappointment in his heart, so empty that he felt uncomfortable.

"From now on, I will call ten times at noon every day."


"Do you have any other questions?"


What a nonchalant response!

But looking at Si Huang's serious appearance, Qin Fan couldn't find the other party's fault, and his own displeasure came quite inexplicably.

Staying at the same place, he watched Sihuang practice gymnastics again, and after making sure that there was no mistake, he left here.

Sweat appeared on Sihuang's forehead after the sixth round of gymnastics, and Wubao's voice suddenly sounded in his mind: [Your Majesty, this gymnastics is not bad, it will be even better if you cooperate with Little Pink.]

"What do you mean?" Si Huang asked.

Wu Bao said: [This gymnastics can effectively exercise the body's physical muscles, but it's too simple and rough, and I don't feel it for the time being, but at night, His Majesty's muscles will be so sore that he can't sleep.]

Si Huang didn't respond, and being able to exercise the body is the key point. Even Jin Sparkling can strengthen the body. According to the meaning of Wubao, Jin Sparkling consumes several times and hundreds of times for strengthening after the elementary level. Since he can do it by himself Why not do it? More importantly, this process can also give her a reason—a reason to explain to the outside world why her physique and skills are getting better and better.

Wu Bao was in a hurry: [This is not the scariest thing, the scariest thing is that if you continue to practice like this, you will become a muscular man!]

"What?" Si Huang paused and almost fell down.

[Because this gymnastics is basically for men. If you continue to practice, you will not only grow muscles, but also promote male hormones. What if you grow a beard? !]Wu Bao deliberately made the facts more serious, for fear that Si Huang would not care about it, [But with the help of Little Pink, not only can you exercise easily, stimulate your body's greater potential, but also maintain a perfect body, once and for all. !]

"How do you calculate Little Pink's consumption?" Si Huang asked.

Wubao immediately replied: [About one thousand after playing a set.]

Si Huang made a calculation, and practiced ten times a day, and the consumption was 10,000. This consumption is really not low, but Ke He directly strengthened his body again with Jin Glittering, relatively speaking, he still made a profit.

Wubao cleverly guessed what Sihuang was thinking, and said: [Actually, the better your majesty's health, the better you will strengthen it after meeting the requirements, and the longer you persist, the more benefits you will get!]

"Well." Sihuang smiled, "I still can't relax my job."

She absorbs powder quickly and consumes it not slowly.

Si Huang spent a whole noon in the gym. After ten gymnastics, he continued to disassemble and assemble the pistol.

It wasn't until Qin Fan came to call her that she realized that the time had passed unknowingly.

Qin Fan's face darkened, and he snatched the gun from her hand, "Confiscated."

Si Huang was surprised, "What did you take me to practice with?"

Qin Fan turned and left without saying a word.

Si Huang couldn't figure out what the man was thinking, so she followed to the living room, and saw Qin Fan holding a small water basin in front of her.

There are ice cubes in the small water basin.

"Put your hand in." Qin Fan said coldly.

Grandma Yu also noticed the movement here, and hurried over, "What's the matter? What's the matter? Little Qilin, what are you doing?" However, when she saw Si Huang's hand, a distressed expression appeared on her face, "What's going on? thing?"

I saw that Sihuang's hands and fingers were red and swollen, and there were already traces of bloodshot.

Si Huang also noticed this, and then had nothing to say.

Qin Fan replied on her behalf, "I have practiced gun dismantling all afternoon."

This time even Grandma Yu didn't speak for Sihuang anymore, "Little Phoenix, don't be in a hurry, Grandma thinks you know this! Don't forget, your real career is a star, and your hands are the most important thing." It's not for fighting and touching guns, but for playing musical instruments, writing, making tea... Do more pleasing things, do you have to cherish and understand?"

"Well, I made a mistake this time, and I won't do it again." Si Huang put his hands in the ice water and said softly.

She made another mistake that she was used to in her previous life.

In her previous life, in order to protect herself and enrich herself, she would crazily learn any skill that was beneficial to herself. Once she decided that this skill was very important, she would fall into a madness to the extent that she did not know the time passed by the outside world.

In my previous life, I hurt myself more than once or twice because of this habit, but I only got a lesson.

Now she is being taught the same thing, but out of everyone's concern, she feels completely different.

Si Huang raised her head, just in time to meet Qin Fan's cold eyes staring at her, and smiled slightly.

She didn't know how soft her smile was now, her eyes were sparkling, and she was so clean without a trace of haze that she could dispel all negative emotions.

Grandma Yu at the side was so red-eyed that she wished she could rush over and hug her into her arms, calling her a good grandson.

Qin Fan, who greeted her smile head-on, felt his heart beating violently, as if something was about to break out of the cocoon. He squeezed the edge of the water basin tightly, his face was so cold that there was no trace of anger, and finally returned the confiscated pistol to her with one hand, his tone was as cold as a stone, "Since you are a first-time offender, if you still know how to admit your mistake, I will forgive you this time." .If you dare to commit another crime in the future, you will be locked up."

Grandma Yu knew what confinement was like in the army, so she quickly said: "One of you takes a step back, but you are not allowed to really lock up people!" Then she said to Si Huang: "Your brother also cares about you, don't take it personally."

"I know." Si Huang took her hand out of the ice water, and Yu Ling had already brought her a towel.

Wiping his hands clean, putting away the pistol that Qin Fan returned, Si Huang put it on the counter temporarily, and went to eat with everyone.

After dinner, Si Huang noticed the look in Qin Fan's eyes, turned around and went back to the room to change out clothes.

When the two went out together, Grandma Yu was very relieved of Qin Fan and didn't ask any questions.

In the afternoon, the sun had just set, and the sky was dyed golden red.

Qin Fan drove the same motorcycle, and gave Si Huang the helmet to wear. In addition to wearing dustproof glasses, he also wore a woolen hat to cover his hair.

When outsiders saw him like this, they could only see that his face was handsome, but they couldn't see his complete appearance clearly.

At first Sihuang thought he was going to take her back to the mountain club, but as the road became more and more familiar, she said, "Why did you bring me out?"

"Wait." Qin Fan said.

The motorcycle shuttled through the streets where cars came and went. Since Si Huang wore a helmet that covered his entire face, he was not afraid of being recognized at all.

She didn't ask any more questions, looked at the scenery on the street, and saw her posters and reports again.

The posters not only include the endorsement photos of RB clothing, but also the promotional photos of "Royal Road", which is also played on the outdoor screen.

Exquisite picture quality, high-cost costumes and equipment, as well as well-known directors, costume designers, music planners, etc., coupled with the handsome men and women's good-looking and powerful cast, this TV series has gathered a huge audience before it even started broadcasting. popularity, and the promotional video is also very eye-catching.

At the beginning, there is a tragic and majestic music, the chaos of the Phoenix Dynasty, the scene of the army rushing to the city, the smoke of the wolf ascends to the sky, thousands of troops, thousands of arrows, and the city-state is set on fire. At the beginning, the voice of the male voice actor who explained the opening chapter sounded solemn and solemn. Then, the interspersed scenes change from section to section. When the prince of Fengchao was in high spirits, he stood on the wall of the imperial city and laughed: "In the near future, I will plant the banner of my Dafeng Dynasty all over the north and south of the river, and the world will be unified!"

In the bamboo forest small building, Shui Ling's heart sprouted, let the injured Feng Cang lean on his lap, and said softly but firmly: "I will be by your side and help you complete your hegemony."

Surrounded by thousands of troops, Young Master Qianji used his disabled body to protect one side of the land. His white clothes were stained with blood and his face looked like a god. His voice was cold and unremarkable: "I want to take her away today, and no one can stop me."

In Baihua City, there are clusters of flowers blooming, and the colorful flowers are incomparable to the most beautiful woman in the world, Ling Shuangshuang, dancing gracefully. Countless men have spent a lot of money on her, and they are fascinated by her, but Ling Shuangshuang smiled coquettishly, "I don't care if you are a royal!" You are the richest man and hero, if I want to marry, I will marry the one I love. As long as I fall in love, even if I am a fool, without money or power, I will love you the same."

The following scenes are still going on, but the motorcycle has already driven out of this range, and Sihuang's mind is still on the promotional video of "Royal Road".

The memory of the previous life "Royal Way" has gradually become blurred, but she can be sure that it is definitely not as exciting as this life.

When she saw the young master Qianji she was playing on the screen, she also felt instantly amazed.

Her youthful face and body, coupled with superb acting skills and experience, have created her in this life.

The first step was taken by her quite successfully.

In her previous life, she was controlled by Fenghua Entertainment, as well as her body was restricted, and she couldn't achieve her dream. She has the confidence to fulfill it in this life.


Qin Fan was taken aback, "What joy do you think of?"

Si Huang asked: "Did you see the promotional video of "Royal Journey" just now?"


"How do you think I'm doing?"

"very good."

Si Huang said no more.

Qin Fan felt her happy mood.

This feeling infected him, and his mood was surprisingly calm and serene.

At a turning intersection, Qin Fan stopped the motorcycle and said to Si Huang who was about to get off the car: "Don't get out of the car, sit down."

Sihuang stopped and looked around, "This is the destination? Now we can say what is the purpose of bringing me here."

Qin Fan nodded, "Do you want Si Zhihan's whole life, or half his life?"


The color in Sihuang's eyes darkened suddenly, "Are you serious?"

Qin Fan turned around, looked at her head-on, with an indifferent expression, "This way you can go to school with peace of mind."

"I thought you, as a soldier, would not attack the people secretly." Isn't this the usual method of the underworld

"Soldiers protect the people, not the trash." Qin Fan's mouth twitched, "To deal with garbage, we must use the way of disposing of garbage."

Si Huang was dumbfounded. It seems that she wanted to distort Qin Fan's character.

Whoever let the rumors about him in the previous life show that he was a dedicated soldier, Si Huang naturally thought of him as the kind of brainless and inflexible.

If not, how could he be obedient to carry out national missions even though he knew he was sick and his family background was amazing and he could enjoy life at home, and he couldn't even find his body when he died.

Thinking of his death, Si Huang's heart tightened, and he frowned and said to Qin Fan, "Half-Life. It's best not to leave any evidence. I think Bai Qinglan did it."

Qin Fan: "Yes, but I will follow the whole process." The meaning is that Si Huang is not allowed to act without permission.

Sihuang: "Okay."

Qin Fan took out his mobile phone and sent a message.

Then the two waited quietly.

People come and go, cars come and go, when Si Zhihan's car appeared, Si Huang recognized the license plate number at a glance.


The black car suddenly blew out.

Others couldn't see it, but Si Huang could see it clearly. Someone shot the tire of the car.

The sudden burst of the tire caused the black car to lose control immediately. A car happened to drive and collided with the black car. The other car owners had time to react, they were not brought into chaos, and more people were prevented from being injured.

The front passenger door of the black car opened, and Secretary Wang came out covering his bleeding head, and hurriedly opened the rear door.

Si Zhihan's figure appeared, and he looked fine, except for his unsteady footsteps, there was no unnecessary injury.

Secretary Wang helped him stand aside, and then took out his mobile phone to make a call.

At this time, the door of the car that collided with them was also opened, and two men walked out of it, approaching Si Zhihan quietly.

"What are you doing?" Sensing the danger, Si Zhihan stepped back cautiously.

Secretary Wang looked over in surprise when he heard the voice. He turned his head halfway when he was hit on the neck by a sudden split palm.

At this time, Si Zhihan was too late to run, and when he turned around, a man grabbed his collar and threw it on the ground. He grabbed his hand and broke it forcefully, and the sound of bone cracking sounded.


The surrounding crowd trembled when they heard Si Zhihan's screams, with horror on their faces.

Is this deliberate revenge

He broke his hands, and another man stepped on and broke his legs one after another. Then he took out a small knife from the waistband of his trousers and cut off his tendons one after another.

This is not possible for Si Zhihan to recover at all.

The two men did all this in a very organized manner, and they disabled the person in almost two or three seconds, then turned back to the car, drove the car away and disappeared from people's sight.

Si Zhihan's hands and feet on the ground were still twitching, bleeding profusely.

The driver of the black car just opened the door and came out. His face was pale and trembling all over. He almost couldn't even hold his mobile phone. He called 120 with difficulty and explained the location in horror to send an ambulance over.


Si Huang asked Qin Fan: "Did you order it on purpose?"

Qin Fan's eyes fell on her shoulder, "Yes."

The ambulance came quickly, as if it had been ordered long ago, and sent Si Zhihan, who was bleeding profusely, to the car in time. Presumably, with their professional rescue, his life was definitely not in danger.

No one noticed a motorcycle parked at a corner by the side of the road, and two figures of outstanding stature.

-----Off Topic-----

If you order, I will carry the gun; if you commit a crime, I will deal with the aftermath; if you are happy, I will be happy; whoever hurts you, I will hurt; hand in hand to abuse the scum!

Qin Liangliang: Judging from yesterday's response, everyone agrees that I play confinement with the little emperor, but forcing the palace requires soldiers, raising soldiers requires food, and food is bought with tickets. The more monthly tickets you give, the stronger my soldiers and horses will be. Quickly take down the little emperor.

(There may be banned words in yesterday's chapter, so I missed the usual posting time when I was locked. I reiterate that the update time in the morning will not change. If it changes, I will notify you. If it is not on time again, it must be because the review has not passed the review of the banned article. Thank you for your support! OVO)