Rebirth of the Star Dad

Chapter 17: Not a good form


Xu Weiquan's face was full of concern: "A Guang, what's wrong? Did you encounter any problems?"

He Guang had always intended to suppress Lin Xiao, and now that he couldn't restore the instrument, he became even more annoyed.

"What are you arguing about? Can't you see I'm working on it? If I ask you to come, can you help?" He Guang spoke in a very unfriendly tone.

He Guang's level is better than Xu Weiquan's. When he was scolded, Xu Weiquan's face turned red and white.

"Haha, your skills are not good and you have a bad temper." Lin Xiao said sarcastically.

"My skills are not good enough. It is impossible to assemble this instrument without the blueprint." He Guang said to Uncle Fu, "Uncle Fu, I need the manual of the instrument now. You should have it."

"Instruction manual? No, this instrument is second-hand, so where would there be an instruction manual?" Uncle Fu shook his head.

"Well, we can only install it after Uncle Zhang comes back." He Guang said.

"But I need it urgently. I will lose a lot of money in one day." Uncle Fu became anxious when he heard it.

"But there's no point in being anxious. This instrument is too complicated." He Guang looked helpless.

"You" Uncle Fu almost fainted from anger.

But at this moment, Uncle Zhang came back, but his face was full of fatigue.

When Uncle Fu saw Uncle Zhang, he immediately became happy: "Uncle Zhang, you are finally back. This instrument was dismantled by your workers and now it cannot be put back together."

Although Uncle Zhang was in a bad mood, he still had to deal with the business that came to his door.

Looking at the parts on the table, Uncle Zhang was a little confused. "Did you record the disassembly of this instrument?"

"No!" He Guang said truthfully.

"That's difficult. I have never disassembled it, so it's impossible for me to install it." Uncle Zhang shook his head.

"What should we do? This instrument costs more than 300,000 yuan, and it's my livelihood. We can't delay it for even a day." Uncle Fu was anxious and almost roared.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a moment.

"Let me do it. I just watched the whole dismantling process." Lin Xiao stood up.

"Oh, I forgot about you. With you here, everything will be fine." Uncle Zhang smiled.

Lin Xiao stretched his muscles and then began to assemble the instrument.

To be honest, if it were the previous Lin Xiao, there would be only a 50% chance of successful assembly.

After all, he didn't disassemble it himself, but now, while watching, he had rehearsed all these parts in his mind.

Lin Xiao assembled this complex instrument one by one without any time to think.

The whole audience was in an uproar. They couldn't believe their eyes. How could it be so fast? Could it be that he specially assembled this kind of instrument

Five minutes later, the instrument was fully assembled.

Uncle Fu hurried over to test it and found that it had recovered.

"He is truly a god!" Uncle Fu gave a thumbs up.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that your skills have become more and more sophisticated over the years." Uncle Zhang could only admire you upon seeing this.

Even if he disassembled it himself, it would not be possible to put it back together so smoothly.

Uncle Fu, in a good mood, took out a stack of money and said, "Here is 10,000 yuan. Today is an eye-opener. By the way, since you are so talented, you can apply for a job as a spacecraft maintenance engineer. If you pass, you can directly immigrate to Yanxing."

"Thank you for your kindness! I'll consider it." Lin Xiao nodded.

"Well, remember there is a recruitment point in Fu'an Building in Dongcheng District. Time is running out, and registration must be completed this week." After Uncle Fu said this, he took his people away.

He Guang felt a little embarrassed when he saw how powerful Lin Xiao was. Fortunately, although he had a bad temper, he still admired the strong.

"Brother Lin, I'm sorry. I didn't recognize your talent." He Guang bowed and apologized to Lin Xiao.

"Well, your skills are pretty good. Study hard." Lin Xiao said perfunctorily.

Uncle Zhang signaled to Lin Xiao with his eyes, and the two walked to the center of the yard.

"Oh, we're in trouble now." Uncle Zhang sighed.

"What do you mean?" Lin Xiao's expression also became serious.

"The deceased was Chen Xiaoxing's father. I heard that he took a treasure and was hunted by the people from the Frost Iron Chamber of Commerce. But now he is dead and the treasure has not been found. They must think that the treasure is on Chen Xiaoxing."

"What kind of power is this Hantie Merchant Guild? What is its martial arts strength?"

"The Hantie Chamber of Commerce is the largest chamber of commerce organization in Dongcheng District. It is called a chamber of commerce organization, but in fact, it does all kinds of things. The president, Li Hantie, is a master of dark energy. He has three ninth-grade warriors and dozens of entry-grade warriors under him. He is one of the top three martial arts strengths in Dongcheng District."

"They are so strong. If they want to take Chen Xiaoxing away by force, I'm afraid we will find it difficult to stop them."

Lin Xiao was mentally prepared and took a deep breath. With such powerful strength, if the opponent came in head-on, who could resist

"There were a few people following us just now. Fortunately, they know that your Aunt Zhang is quite skilled in martial arts, but I'm afraid she won't be able to intimidate us for a few days." Uncle Zhang said worriedly.

“But we absolutely cannot hand over Chen Xiaoxing. Even if we die in battle, we must protect this piece of pure land.” Aunt Zhang arrived at the back without knowing when.

At this moment, her face was full of anger, which was very different from her usual gentleness and peace.

Speaking of dying in battle! Uncle Zhang suddenly shuddered, and glanced at Lin Xiao secretly, as if he remembered something.

Lin Xiao thought about the ten years of life and death trials he had gone through and the dangerous environments he had been in, and he was still afraid of a small Hantie Chamber of Commerce.

"I have upgraded all the surrounding defenses. If you want to run wild here, you must ask me first."

Seeing Lin Xiao like this, Aunt Zhang cheered up, "Haha, Lin Xiao, after a few years in society, you have become much more heroic. I like to hear that. You are not like some people who are as timid as mice."

"You!" Uncle Zhang was so angry that his beard stood on end.

Lin Xiao quickly sneaked away. Uncle Zhang had no martial arts skills and was a rather gentle person, so he had no way to deal with Aunt Zhang. Lin Xiao naturally didn't want to see the old man embarrassed.

The opponent's attack will definitely not come so quickly, so I need to improve my strength first.

Back in the room, Lin Xiao began to strive to become a first-grade warrior.

Lin Xiao was very familiar with walking the old route again. People with no experience were afraid that the true qi would damage the meridians, so they were very careful when practicing.

But in fact, practice requires to be done in one go, without any obstruction, and to open up the meridians in one go, which can protect the meridians to the greatest extent.

The slower you move, the more damage your meridians will suffer.

Unlike in martial arts novels, the first step in practicing martial arts is to open the Ren and Du meridians.

Let the two main meridians connect, and then open up the branch meridians.