Rebirth of the Star Dad

Chapter 62: Founding of the Illuminati


"Okay, I will temporarily lead the Hantie Chamber of Commerce. Of course, the name of this chamber of commerce has to be changed first!" Lin Xiao finally nodded.

Everyone cheered. The people from the Super God Alliance and the warriors who participated in the operation naturally admired Lin Xiao. Although they had no idea who Lin Xiao was, he was definitely not a bad person since he could kill Li Handie.

The people from the Hantie Chamber of Commerce were also cheering, but some of them were cheering sincerely while others seemed absent-minded. After all, some people still admired Li Handie very much.

In addition, Lin Xiaosheng's background was not glorious, and many people still have doubts about his ability. However, now Huanxing Technology supports him and Murong Longfei also supports him, so who dares to object

Lin Xiao continued on. There was nothing he could do since Murong Longfei, the most suitable person, could not join. Originally, the Super God Alliance was an organization that Lin Xiao trusted the most.

They have a very good reputation, but the most powerful member of the club, President Lu, is dead. Xiaogang has a special identity and now that he has been exposed, he can only be sent back.

"President, what name are you going to change to?" a clever member of the congregation shouted.

Lin Xiao thought about it and decided that his goal was to resolve the threat from the Dark Star, and now the entire Blue Star seemed very dark and hopeless.

"My goal is to bring light to everyone. From now on, we will be called the Illuminati!"

As Lin Xiao finished speaking, the ordinary warriors and the people of the Super God Alliance shouted in unison: "Illuminati! Illuminati!"

It seems that this name can really resonate with everyone, and Lin Xiao finally smiled.

"Haha, President Lin, I wish your Illuminati will prosper soon and bring light to mankind. I'm going to escort Xiaogang back now. See you later!"

Murong Longfei walked over and said goodbye to Lin Xiao.

"What? Are you leaving so soon? Didn't you already?" Lin Xiao was a little surprised.

"I'm sorry for not being able to fulfill the treaty to protect the orphanage. I will come back after I send everyone away." Murong Longfei's face was full of helplessness.

Perhaps the person behind the scenes was too terrifying, so even the usually unruly Murong Longfei did not dare to refuse.

If he really lets him stay and something happens to Xiaogang, I'm afraid Lin Xiao will be implicated.

"Haha, that's not the case. We'll have plenty of opportunities to meet each other in the future." Lin Xiao expressed his understanding.

"Yes, I will. Set your goal higher! I believe in you." Murong Longfei said and stuffed a card into Lin Xiao's hand.

Xiaogang also woke up at this time. After Xiaozi's story, he realized that it was Lin Xiao who saved him again.

Lin Xiao did not receive any instructions and did not gain any benefits. He acted purely out of kindness.

This made Xiaogang very grateful. He walked towards Lin Xiao and bowed deeply.

"Mr. Lin, I was dissatisfied with the indifference of the rich class to the lower classes, so I came to Dongcheng District, thinking that I could make some changes with my own abilities, but I ended up killing Brother Lu."

Xiaogang looked very lonely and was obviously very disappointed with himself.

Lin Xiao pointed around and said firmly, "You have changed. Look at these people. They are influenced by you. President Lu went there for you. You must stick to your beliefs and work hard to expand the boundaries of light."

Xiaogang's eyes, which were originally a little dim, suddenly brightened up. So many people came for justice, which showed that there was still hope in this world.

Seeing Xiaogang's interest, Lin Xiao said, "Your status is noble, which means you have enormous power and resources at your disposal. There is a saying that goes, 'With great power comes great responsibility!' Make good use of your resources to fulfill your dreams."

Xiaogang raised his head and said, "Well, you are right. I am too extreme. I can't change much by myself. When I have accumulated strength, I will stand up and do bigger things."

Everyone in the Super God Alliance came to say goodbye to Xiaogang. Xiaogang's identity was amazing, but you couldn't tell at all in normal times. He was so enthusiastic and idealistic, and he humbled himself to make friends with ordinary people.

The last one came, Xiao Zi. She slowly took a few steps back. It turned out that the man was a young man of noble status.

She was just a Cinderella from an ordinary family, and leaving secretly might be a decent ending.

"Xiao Zi!" Xiao Gang shouted at Xiao Zi who was about to leave.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on her. Xiao Zi was obviously not used to it. "Ah! I, I don't like the scene of parting. I'll leave first."

Xiaogang walked forward and held her hand tightly. "Who said I want to separate from you? Even if I go back, I must take you with me. This is my promise all along! No matter who it is, no one can separate us."

The handshake between the two young men diluted the solemn atmosphere and the whole scene became warm.

"Together with!"

I don't know who started it, but everyone started shouting in unison.

After a while, Murong Longfei said to Xiaogang, "Okay, we should go now."

The two held hands, got on the flying car together, and left under the gaze of everyone.

Bai Rujing led his men towards Lin Xiao and said with a smile, "President Lin will be the leader of the number one force in Dongcheng District in the future. We will have more opportunities to cooperate with each other in the future."

This was originally a polite remark, but Lin Xiao wanted to join the technology circle. He had many new technologies. Although Huanxing might be restrained by other major forces, there was still the possibility of cooperation.

"Well, I will visit Mr. Bai tomorrow."

Lin Xiao said this very seriously and was obviously not joking.

Bai Rujing was slightly stunned, but quickly reacted: "Then I will be waiting for President Lin to come."

The three black-clothed dark energy masters who were good at working together were very interested in Lin Xiao's clothes. The iron rods they used were made of high technology.

The three of them looked almost the same, and were obviously triplets. One of them said, "President Lin, we are Qu Wenbo, Qu Wenzhi, and Qu Wenfeng from Huanxing Technology. Your battle suit is very interesting. I hope we can discuss the integration of technology and martial arts together when we have time."

Lin Xiao nodded: "Of course, of course!"

The three of them then left with satisfaction, and as they left they reminded Lin Xiao to come to Huanxing Technology to find them.

The next person to come over was a young man from the Super God Alliance. He put on a combat uniform over a fiery red tights and took off his one-piece hat.

He bowed slightly and said to Lin Xiao, "President Lin, I am Liu Zishuo from the Super God Alliance. Now our president is dead, and Xiaogang and Xiaozi have also left. Thanks to the kindness of the brothers, I will be in charge temporarily, but my ability is limited. I want to merge the alliance into the Illuminati. I wonder if President Lin can agree. After all, our philosophy is the same."

Lin Xiao took a look and found that this person was only a seventh-rank warrior and his strength was indeed a bit weak. It would not be wrong to let them join. They could set up a special department.

"Okay, welcome aboard!" Lin Xiao said very straightforwardly.