Rebirth of the Supreme Celestial Being

Chapter 57: Are you convicted?


Several elders of Lin's family had a panoramic view of all this, and they all admired Lin Zezhi's performance.

Mrs. Bai, who was sitting on top of the five masters, had a frosty face and a little more warmth.

On the left of Mrs. Bai, one of the people in charge of the Lin family, Lin Ruhai, Lin Zhan's fourth brother.

Lin Ruhai also lightly nodded to Mrs. Bai and said: "Sister-in-law is so lucky. Ze Zhi has such a mind. He is also the most brilliant monk of the Lin family. In the future, he will definitely be the next generation of the young master of the Lin family. ."

Madam Bai straightened her chest and glanced at the third elder sitting across from her, her cold voice said with no sorrow or joy: "Where is Aze's talent, but compared with Xuanzhi of the year, it's still worse. Far."

Lin Ruhai glanced at Lin Xuanzhi, who was walking towards this side, and revealed a touch of displeasure, and said: "This kid is getting less and less on the stage. The other day, he was in the martial arts field with three teachings and nine tiers. After repeated battles and defeats, I don't know how much money I lost, how much people lost to our Lin family, no matter how great he once was, now he is just a waste."

Mrs. Bai shook her head, curled her lips coldly, and said: "This is not necessarily true. The magic weapon that the second brother left to his son is countless. Who knows what kind of moth he will cause with the magic pill next to him? He killed a gatekeeper with a ground splitting hammer, and he would dare to kill the children of other clan tomorrow, but it was only because those people told the truth."

When Lin Ruhai heard this, he knew it well, he touched his chin thoughtfully, and he had a care.

Sitting in the main position is Lin Runru, the real Patriarch of the Lin family, the current five elder Lin Runru.

Lin Runru should be the grandfather of Lin Xuan's father, that is, grandfather. Although he has always been the head of the Lin family, he has never been very in charge of things.

However, since more than a year ago, Lin Zhan, the head of Lin's house, had an accident. Lin Xuanzhi became a useless person again. Every thoughtful person in Lin's house was eager to move. Seeing that the people's heart was unstable, Lin Run had to leave the customs ahead of time. Come back to the chief.

Observed during this year, Lin Runru is not pleasing to anyone. He always feels that everyone can take on the responsibility of shouldering the entire Lin family, so he temporarily slowed down the retreat, presided over the overall situation, and selected Lin's subordinates. A Patriarch.

Lin Runru closed his eyes, motionless, as if he had already settled, and no one around him dared to disturb him.

Lin Xuanzhi was discussing a lot, and walked under the five tall seats. After standing still, he bowed to the fifth elder Lin Runru of the Lin family, straightened his back and said: "Lin Xuan's view Patriarch, the fifth elder."

The noise of discussion fell.

A woman lying on the ground saw Lin Xuanzhi and immediately rushed over, trying to grab Lin Xuanzhi's face, but Lin Xuanzhi just waved her sleeve slightly, and the woman fell back again.

"Wow... Killing! Killing! He, the devil, can't kill my husband. He has to kill me, a woman who has no power to bind chickens, in front of so many people. This is killing people! "Wang Wu's daughter-in-law immediately lay on the ground crying and grabbing the ground. It was miserable.

When she cried, all the children, men, women and children who followed her began to cry, and the whimpering cries reverberated throughout the law enforcement hall with an echo effect.

Lin Runru opened his eyes and said, "Lin Xuanzhi, do you know you are guilty?"

Lin Xuan's Tao: "Hua Rong doesn't know what's wrong."

Lin Runru said: "This morning, this family came to my Lin's door and beat the drums and complained that you killed Wang Wu with a tool because of a few quarrels. What happened?"

Lin Xuan's posture stands jade, like a pine like a cypress, with a light voice, and he said: "I did kill a person a few days ago. If that person is accidentally named Wang Wu, then I will admit it. But there is no quarrel."

"Doesn't exist?" Lin Runru said.

"Yes, it's just that the person unilaterally insulted me and my brother, and I didn't reply to him even a word."

The child standing next to Lin Runru almost couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth. What Lin Xuanzhi said meant that he didn't scold Wang Wu so unfavourably