Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation

Chapter 10: Forget the friendship


Lorraine was very touched. Young men of this age are full of energy and passion. As long as they recognize someone, they will firmly believe in it and are willing to hand over their back to a brother they can trust. This kind of heart-to-heart attitude has long become a thing of the past in Lorraine's heart. The big dye vat of society has long since smoothed the edges of his soul. But at this time, the actions of Ryoko and Ogawa inadvertently ignited his long-frozen passionate feelings.

"Ryoko, Xiaochuan, do you want to call me the boss of the city?"

The two were stunned for a moment when asked, and then nodded sharply.

"Believe me or not."


"Okay, wait until Liangzi's arm injury is almost healed, then follow my arrangements!"

After a hundred days of broken bones, Lorraine meant to let Liangzi stay in the hospital for a week. It happened to be the October 1st holiday and would not delay school. Liu Wanchuan and Wang Liang were very close to each other on weekdays, so he asked him to accompany them. As for the matter of regaining the place, Lorraine knew it in her heart. That blow from Ryoko's elbow would definitely make that bastard Chi Shi pay back twice as much! However, this will have to wait until Ryoko is discharged from the hospital and returns the favor with her own hands. What Lorraine has to do is to pave the way and create the best opportunity.

On Saturday morning, Lorraine got up at around five o'clock and ran to the park not far behind Jingxiang Garden.

It was already dawning, and many middle-aged or elderly people were doing various morning exercises. Looking at it, Lorraine was the only one who was young.

It is impossible to say that Lorraine did not gain anything in her previous life. After experiencing so many hardships, he has a transcendent awareness in thought that many people cannot match. As for physical training or health and wellness, he also has many skills. Although I had no money in my previous life, the place I lived in was a large and comfortable courtyard. There was an old man who was nearly 90 years old and had been practicing Tai Chi for nearly 80 years.

Lorraine learned many of his insights in life from the words of that uncle, and Tai Chi emphasizes the yin and yang of heaven and earth, and is devoted to nature in every move, which is an excellent choice for self-cultivation. The Tai Chi training methods taught in the secular world are incomplete or even misrepresented. The old man who practiced Tai Chi in the previous life came down from the mountain in middle age and spent the rest of his life alone. Once Lorraine started practicing, he knew that the old man's Tai Chi was authentic.

In order to be able to practice Tai Chi again, Lorraine specially carried out physical training for more than a month. Although Tai Chi is an internal martial art, having a strong physique is still very helpful for practice.

"Stand with your feet open, arms forward, bend your knees and press your palms..." Lorraine silently recited the boxing posture in his mind and made a starting position.

Tai Chi emphasizes internal cultivation. Even though Lorraine is only seventeen or eighteen years old now, relying on his understanding of Tai Chi styles in his previous life, his movements are full of spirituality and momentum. The gentle breeze in the early morning blew Lorraine's loose sportswear, and her short black ear-length hair was messy in the wind, which was indescribable.

If you want to be fast, go fast, if you want to be slow, go slow. Lorraine interprets the essence of these eight characters to the fullest, blending into the surrounding environment and overcoming the surrounding environment. When it is slow, you can even feel that the subtle wind has turned into a long river, flowing gently. When you are fast, you can hear the sonorous wind blowing almost every move!

There were several middle-aged and elderly people nearby. They couldn't help but look sideways when they saw Lorraine devoting herself wholeheartedly to Tai Chi with her graceful posture. Several old people who also practiced Tai Chi couldn't help but smack their lips. They looked at her at a glance. It can be seen that the difference between each other's boxing styles includes the level of understanding of Tai Chi styles. What is even more surprising is that this master who interprets Tai Chi styles so freely is actually just a young man who looks like a student!

A middle-aged man in white sportswear noticed the commotion in the crowd, stopped what he was doing, and turned to look at Lorraine. He was a little surprised, but also a little dissatisfied. This middle-aged man had a strong figure. , with a clear face and slightly narrowed eyes, silently admiring Lorraine's Tai Chi skills.

After a long time, Lorraine finally completed the first set of punches, slowly exhaled a long breath, and made a closing movement.

Previously, Lorraine was immersed in the ocean of boxing. With his sense of the natural aura floating around him, he noticed the crowd gradually gathering around him. Lorraine turned around, smiled and nodded friendly to the middle-aged and elderly people, and received a lot of approving glances. Some elderly people even praised Lorraine for being a young man with a high realm, which is rare.

The crowd gradually dispersed and everyone continued their morning exercises. Lorraine once again got up and prepared to review the second set of boxing styles.

At this time, a middle-aged man in white clothes walked up to Lorraine and handed Lorraine a bottle of water: "Little brother, don't rush on, drink some water and take a rest."

From just now, Lorraine noticed this middle-aged man with a strong figure and a resolute face. When he saw him taking the initiative to speak, he smiled politely, stopped punching, but refused the pure water in the other person's hand: "I'm not thirsty, thank you. ."

The middle-aged man was obviously stunned. In the past, he had no idea how many people had tried to flatter him but he could not find a way out, but this was the first time he took the initiative to show kindness to someone but was rejected. However, after thinking about it, I felt relieved. In Zhengzhou City, very few people should know me. If you think about it from another person's perspective, if you encounter a stranger offering you drinking water, you would not dare to accept it rashly. You must know that there are too many people in this world with ulterior motives.

The middle-aged man smiled gently: "Little brother, to be honest, I am also a boxing enthusiast. I was very interested in your Tai Chi technique just now. Can we take a step to talk?"

Lorraine smiled and nodded: "Uncle, do you want to discuss Tai Chi with me? Okay, let's talk while we walk?"

The middle-aged man nodded, and then he and Lorraine walked slowly forward along the shade trees.

Along the way, the middle-aged man expressed his views on Tai Chi and his admiration for Lorraine's practice of Tai Chi. It was not until the end that he got to the point: "I don't know... In terms of actual combat, Tai Chi and Ba Jiquan, which one is more powerful?"

At this time, Lorraine smiled slightly: "It seems that my uncle is practicing the 'Bajiquan' which is famous for its strength?"

The middle-aged man stopped and said with a smile, "How do you know?"

Lorraine also stopped and said with a smile: "Uncle's temples are slightly protruding. It can be seen that his boxing practice has reached a certain level. And seeing that uncle has a strong body and good breath, then I guess my uncle practices Bajiquan, which is both internal and external, and the most important thing is... "

Before Lorraine could say anything else, the middle-aged man's eyes were already shining with admiration for Lorraine.

Lorraine pursed her lips and smiled: "Bajiquan is about strength and strength. It uses the center of the body as the axis and exerts force in all directions. You can tell it by looking at the precise movements of your uncle's hands and feet."

"Okay, okay!"

The middle-aged man clapped his hands and applauded: "It's been a long time since I've seen a young man as knowledgeable as you! It's rare, it's rare!"

Lorraine shook his hand indifferently: "Thank you, uncle. I only have a little research on boxing, not a foundation."

"Come on, come on, it's getting late. If you're not worried that I'm a bad guy, let's go have breakfast together! I still have many questions to ask you!"

Lorraine did not refuse, nodded and followed the middle-aged man to the breakfast restaurant outside the park gate. He can see that this middle-aged man is a big shot with status, informal and grand in manner. He is also a senior who is obsessed with various boxing skills. He is a good middle-aged man, and Lorraine also has a good impression of him. Good impression.

The two of them sat at the open-air stall in the breakfast restaurant and ordered two steamed buns and two bowls of white porridge.

"Little brother, don't call me uncle. My name is Han Zhennan. Just call me Brother Han!"

"Okay, then I'll call you Brother Han!"

The middle-aged man laughed and chatted with Lorraine, covering everything from astronomy to geography. No matter what questions Han Zhennan asked, Lorraine always had his unique opinions and introduction, which made Han Zhennan appreciate him even more. After some exchanges, the two became more familiar with each other.

"Little brother, you look like you are still a student, right? Where do you go to school?"

Lorraine said: "I am a senior high school student, now studying at No. 1 High School in Zhengzhou City."

"Oh?" Han Zhennan raised his eyebrows and said half-jokingly, "Shiyi Gao? There are a lot of beauties there. Little brother, you have a refined temperament. There must be many girls admiring you, right?"

If this sentence were said by other middle-aged people, it might be a bit vulgar, but when it comes from Han Zhennan's mouth, there is no frivolous meaning at all, and it has a bit of American humor.

Lorraine smiled and said, "Brother Han is joking."

After a short pause, Lorraine seemed to say casually: "By the way, Brother Han, seeing that you speak and behave so grandly, you must be a big shot, right?"

Han Zhennan laughed: "What a big shot? I am just a small nouveau riche. I went into business when I was young. I was lucky and started my business by relying on some speculation."

When Han Zhennan said this, fortunately no one recognized him. If someone heard the famous "Han Caishen" say that he was a small upstart who relied on luck and speculation, then it is estimated that other figures who hanged themselves as "entrepreneurs" They all had to vomit blood in depression.

Lorraine nodded and said nothing, but in her heart she was even more certain that Han Zhennan's identity was extraordinary. But these have nothing to do with Lorraine. My friendship with Han Zhennan was purely because of their mutual agreement. Han Zhennan didn't want to reveal his identity, and Lorraine didn't need to ask.

"Catch the thief!"

Suddenly, an old man's cry came from the park.

Lorraine and Han Zhennan looked back together and saw a young man running out of the park in a hurry, holding a wallet tightly in his hand.

Damn, these thieves are really taking advantage of every opportunity to attack vulnerable groups like the elderly early in the morning.


Without saying a word, Han Zhennan's expression immediately changed, and he jumped up and chased after the thief. Lorraine did not hesitate. He supported the wooden table with one hand, turned over and landed in the air. His speed did not slow down at all, and he walked towards him as fast as flying. Chase the thief in the direction he fled.