Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation

Chapter 114: What a big moon


Han Xuan swore that this time she came out to meet Lorraine because she mustered up the courage to breastfeed.

She racked her brains before thinking of using such an excuse to contact Lorraine. Looking for the owner of the mobile phone... Khan, the conscience of heaven and earth, although Han Xuan has a strong heart and a very good family background, she is not very accomplished in lying. This was already the best idea she could think of. In fact, from the bottom of her heart, she had always been repelled by lying and deceiving people. It wasn't that she didn't know how to do it, it was just that she disdained it. What happened this time was actually a long-term psychological struggle for her at first.

When she sent a text message to Lorraine for the first time, she didn't expect to be called Uncle Lei Feng in exchange for it, which made her not know how to respond. Lorraine's thinking mode is very jumpy, at least, for a lady like her who has been immersed in orthodox family education since childhood, it is very jumpy. She couldn't figure out Lorraine's thoughts, so she simply made the mistake and ended up naming herself "Sister Lei Feng".

Regarding this title of hers, Han Xuan blushed just thinking about it. She had always been serious about words, let alone joking. This slightly teasing title was forced on her head, mainly because she wanted to be with Lorraine. There is a special way of encountering someone.

Although Han Xuan is a girl with relatively orthodox and conservative thoughts, due to the little domineering character in her heart, she will never allow the person she likes to become a "good friend" of others. Lorraine was the first boy who caught her attention, and her feelings became stronger and stronger. The relationship between Lan Lan and Lorraine is getting closer day by day. This is something that all the students of No. 1 High School in the city know. It is impossible for her not to know. And it was precisely because of the closer relationship between Lan Lan and Lorraine that Han Xuan felt a sense of crisis in her heart for no reason. So, she went against her own principles and took the initiative to spend time on a boy, and "dated" him in a special way...

Thinking of this, Han Xuan felt a little contempt for herself, but more importantly, her heartbeat was beating!

Han Xuan stood at the north entrance of Central Mall, looking around with her big watery eyes. Finally, she spotted Lorraine at the overpass. However, Lorraine's slightly surprised expression naturally fell into her eyes.

Although Lorraine's expression was a little astonished, his tall figure, evil aura mixed with heroic eyebrows made her unconsciously sink in. She still can't figure out why she was attracted to this bad boy Lorraine

But she didn't want to think too much about it. She couldn't control her favorability towards a person.

She swore that the moment she came to her senses, she really wanted to find a place to hide. Lorraine has clearly discovered him, will he see through my little trick? ! ! If he finds out, will he think I'm a scheming bad woman?

Thinking of this, Han Xuan suddenly regretted it.

No wonder many people say that women fall out of love faster than flipping through a book, and their thoughts are like silver needles on the bottom of the sea, unpredictable. Not to mention that men can’t see through them. Many times, women themselves don’t know what they are thinking or doing. What, many times it is due to inertia, or even just following a trace of obsession and intuition in one's heart.

This is the biggest difference between women and men. If you pay careful attention, you will find that every man has his purpose in everything he does. Even a look, a smile, a gesture, it all has a reason and is justified. As for women, some of the things they do make people feel inexplicable. Because most of the time, their attitude and style of doing things change at any time according to their mood.

That's why it is said that a woman's heart is as deep as the bottom of her heart.

At this time, Han Xuan didn't know what to do. The figure standing there seemed a little stiff. She looked at Lorraine blankly, her eyes didn't know how to dodge, her face became redder and redder, and her heart beat faster. Come faster and faster.

As for Han Xuan's rather clumsy "encounter plan", the quick-thinking Lorraine seemed to have accidentally grasped some clues the moment she saw Han Xuan standing there.

The impression of Han Xuan was deeply engraved in Lorraine's mind, including the righteous and hurtful words she had said to her without mercy before her rebirth. In fact, personal grudges aside, Han Xuan is still a very upright girl. Although she is a little arrogant and even a little cold and arrogant, she is still relatively kind-hearted.

Lorraine felt that if Han Xuan's personal character was judged, it was indeed possible for her to engage in such a thankless behavior. But, how can there be such a coincidence in the world? It happened that a girl picked up a mobile phone, happened to send text messages to the wrong number, and happened to be a classmate. … Lorraine, I don’t believe it.

However, I have to say that Han Xuan today looks outstanding in temperament and refined appearance. She is wearing light-colored winter clothes, which shows her innocence and beauty. Counting down the beauties who have appeared around Lorraine, no matter their age, they all have their own styles.

Let’s talk about Qin Wanshu first. She is gentle and considerate, like a lily blooming quietly under the warm sunshine. And Song Meiyuan is smart and beautiful with a hint of willfulness, just like a purple lilac flower. There will always be that casual moment that makes you feel that she is breathtakingly beautiful. Lanlan is more like an orchid in bud, a little shy, a little stunning, and so quiet and beautiful that you can't help but want to care for her. Speaking of Jiang Yan, she is more like a noble peony. Her capable beauty that emerges from the mud but remains unstained is vividly reflected in her body.

As for Long Er... Haha, Lorraine hasn't had too in-depth contact with her, but he can at least make some comments about her. The metaphor of red roses with thorns that Jiang Yan once mentioned couldn't be more apt for her. Looking from a distance, people can't help but want to pick it up. In fact, under her charming beauty, there are invisible thorns hidden, which will always hurt you the moment you fall into it. There are many things in the world. The more beautiful they are, the more dangerous they are. In Lorraine's view, the most untouchable woman was Long Er. The reason was simple: he couldn't see through her.

Looking at Han Xuan in front of her, she has snow-white clothes, snow-white skin, snow-white face, watery eyes, and a hint of noble arrogance unconsciously revealed between her brows. The white snowflakes on the ground have not yet melted. In the white world, she is like a plum blossom blooming in the ice and snow. It is a bit narcissistic, but it makes people love it endlessly, making some people want to come forward and play with it. , stopped unconsciously and watched from a distance.

The smile on Lorraine's face became thicker and thicker. Perhaps there was still a trace of fateful entanglement in Lorraine's heart. Recalling all the events in the previous life and the strange entanglement in this scene before him, he felt like a sudden. Dreams are like illusions, and fate is so wonderful. Unexpectedly, two people who have never spoken face to face after rebirth would meet alone in this special way outside of school.

Seeing Lorraine's smile getting closer, Han Xuan felt her heart pounding. In the cold winter, it was like a ball of hot fire, almost melting her body. At this moment, she no longer wanted to worry about how she deceived Lorraine. She only knew that she could finally talk to Lorraine like a pair of friends.

For a girl with a strong personality like her, it is very difficult for her to take the initiative to lower her body and talk to a boy. But now this seemingly unexpected encounter was the best way to meet. At least, the subtle atmosphere between the two people at this time made Han Xuan gradually feel relieved and filled with joy.

"Hello, monitor Han, what a coincidence."

Lorraine came forward with a smile, without any unnaturalness, with a handsome and slightly evil face, filled with a gentle smile.

After Han Xuan was stunned for a short time, her face turned slightly red. Fortunately, the weather was a little cold at this time, and the redness on her face soon receded, turning into a trace of throbbing hidden in her heart.

"Ah, Lorraine, uh. Y-yeah...what a coincidence."

Lorraine looked at the slightly embarrassed monitor of Han University, and raised his eyebrows slightly. This was very different from his impression of the cold, arrogant and noble daughter Han Xuan. No wonder others said that women are fickle, and in school and There are two completely different things outside the school. However, he knew in his heart that Han Xuan should be the "Sister Lei Feng", so he simply stood next to her, preparing to test her with words. In fact, after he saw the slightly strange look in Han Xuan's eyes just now, he had some vague guesses in his mind. He felt that his encounter with Han Xuan was as if it was exquisitely arranged. His thoughts were extremely delicate. With just one glance, he could see through the thoughts of a little girl like Han Xuan.

I saw him standing side by side next to Han Xuan, hands clasped behind each other, looking up to the sky and sighing: "What a big moon."

"Pfft." Han Xuan couldn't hold back her breath at this time and actually laughed out loud. The atmosphere was a little tense, but it was broken by Lorraine's slightly nonsensical words.

Lorraine turned her head and saw Han Xuan's blushing face covering her mouth with a chuckle. She couldn't help but admire: Hey, they say women have the most beautiful smiles, and this is true. If Han Xuan didn't always have a cold face, her popularity would be a hundred times better than now.

Realizing that she had lost her composure, Han Xuan quickly came to her senses, and then said to Lorraine very into the role: "I'm sorry, classmate Lorraine, I'm still waiting for someone. I'll see you again next time." Let’s talk.”

Well, Xiaonizi, pretend, you continue to pretend for me.

"Waiting for someone?" Lorraine narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile, "I'm waiting for someone too, let's just wait together."

As he said that, Lorraine was a bachelor, so he stood side by side with Han Xuan. Pedestrians passing by couldn't help but glance at them. Han Xuan is young and pretty, and Lorraine is tall and handsome. They are really a very well-matched couple. Some lovers passed by, and some even showed a look of envy.

Sensing the ambiguous looks from the passers-by, Han Xuan's face turned redder and redder unconsciously. Finally, she couldn't stand the atmosphere anymore and said, "Classmate Luo Lin... I have no problem with you waiting for someone. But can you?" Stand far away, I'm afraid people will misunderstand..."

Lorraine smiled at this time and said: "Okay, I'll leave first. I have to go on a date with my sister Lei Feng!" After saying that, he turned and walked towards the entrance of the Central Mall without looking back.