Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation

Chapter 22: Negotiate smart


Lorraine was very busy during the remaining days of the October 1st holiday. Regarding the renovation of the Internet cafe, it was not as simple as he imagined. Various materials and various design concepts confused him. of.

However, there was no problem with funds. Originally, Lorraine was thinking about raising some small shares, but then he had an idea and lied, telling his mother that he was going to travel abroad during the National Day holiday. Mom put 50,000 yuan into the card without saying a word.

When the funding problem was solved, Lorraine did not breathe a sigh of relief as she imagined, but an inferiority complex that was difficult to control rose in her heart. … In the end, I am still a rich second-generation dude with no great abilities…

Thinking of this, the deep scars in Lorraine's heart were revealed again. The Fourth Young Master of Beijing, headed by Pan Jiajun, at his age, probably relied on family connections to dominate the business world and even other fields... He is now I even lied to my mother about the 50,000 yuan decoration fee to open an Internet cafe. It's really incomparable.

Taking a deep breath, Lorraine lay quietly on the sofa in the living room. Thinking of the surging mood when she had just returned from rebirth, she couldn't help laughing at herself: The idea is good, but it is difficult to implement. Even if it is rebirth, even if it is possible to predict the future, so what? You don’t need your own strength. Everything is just clouds, being down to earth is the way to go. Now he really wants to become a tycoon who can cover the sky with one hand, and then appear in the capital with a high profile to have a refreshing contest with the stubborn and arrogant rich boy. Unfortunately, his level is not enough now.

But after thinking about it, I felt relieved. What kind of rich family is not rich? In our country, counting back three generations, who is not a farmer? Now that money is a bit stinky, what kind of family hierarchy and family status are there? To put it bluntly, are you not a small upstart from a backward third world country

These words were said by the old man who taught Lorraine authentic Tai Chi in his previous life. Now that I think about it, they are really words of wisdom that can stand up to speculation.

The words are rough, but the reasoning is not rough.

Lorraine rested his arms thoughtfully and leaned back. The memories of his previous life and this life were a little blurry for a moment. He couldn't tell which was illusion and which was reality. After a long time, the turbulent thoughts finally eased, and his mind gradually calmed down, with a confident smile that was unique to him on his face: Don't worry about things in vain, you are a man, just work down-to-earth, don't think about these trivial matters.

"Ring ring ring..."

At this moment, Lorraine's phone suddenly rang. Lorraine looked at it and saw that it was an unfamiliar number. He answered it without thinking.

The call was connected, but no one spoke for a long time. Lorraine had already guessed who it was, so she hung up the phone without saying anything.

After a while, the phone rang again. Lorraine put it on speakerphone and put the phone on the table. Sure enough, there was still no one talking on the other side of the phone. Lorraine smiled and hung up the phone again.

The phone rang four or five times like this. Finally, when Lorraine was about to hang up the phone again, he lost his composure and said angrily: "Luo Xiaoguai, you are quite calm."

It was a woman's voice, with a hint of anger and sharpness of a royal sister. Lorraine knew that she had guessed correctly, so she did not answer directly and said calmly: "Madam, my name is not Luo Xiaoguai, my name is Luo." Forest."

"I just like to call you Luo Xiaoguai, don't you?" The woman on the phone retorted without a doubt, and then smiled, "Did you forget that I said you are not allowed to answer my calls, otherwise I will call you?" Tell you about what you took advantage of me that night, Qin... Ahem, tell you Aunt Qin, kid, aren't you afraid?" At the end, she kept giggling and seemed very touched by the fact that Lorraine called Aunt Qin Wanshu. interest.

Lorraine said calmly: "Miss Song, I answered your call, but it's up to me whether to hang up or not."

Miss Song corrected her dissatisfiedly: "It's Song Meiyuan!"

"Yes, yes, (Song Meiyuan) will give me dollars? Can you give me euros? I heard that the dollar has depreciated sharply recently, so I don't dare to accept it."

Song Meiyuan did not accept Lorraine's provocation, and changed the subject: "I mean, little guy, the beautiful lady called you personally, and you didn't say anything?"

"What do you mean, treat you to dinner? Sorry, beauty, I'm busy."

Lorraine is not lying. Now that the Internet cafe has just been put into operation, he has to worry about obtaining a formal business license and renovating the store. School will start tomorrow, and he doesn't have time to cultivate a relationship with such a sister. Even if it is training, it is with dear Aunt Qin, right

But this Song Meiyuan was quite unexpected to Lorraine. When she heard Lorraine say she was busy, she giggled: "What are you busy with? Are you busy with the Internet cafe business procedures? Or the store decoration? Or your gang Little brother, would you like a massage?"

This time it was Lorraine's turn to be silent, and Song Meiyuan was not in a hurry, waiting for Lorraine to take the initiative to ask.

After a long time, Lorraine's half-smiling voice came over the phone: "Are you investigating me? This is a bad habit."

Song Meiyuan smiled and said, "Luo Xiaoguai, are you angry?"

"My name is Lorraine."

"Haha, actually, these little things about you will be clear through a casual investigation. Not only that, I also know that you are the eldest son of Luo Company, and your uncle is Secretary Li of the Municipal Party Committee of our Zhengzhou City. As for your grandfather... Don't you need me to tell you? In terms of school, you are an out-and-out ruffian student. You don't do your job all day long and hang out with the speedsters in the night market every day. Because of this, our Wanshu has a lot of headaches. She has been looking for her many times. I asked, how should you discipline a troubled boy like you? Tsk, tsk, it’s such a pitiful world... Auntie’s heart.”

At this time, Lorraine was not angry but smiled. She was right. Lorraine's background was actually not a secret. As long as he wanted to investigate, he could find it accurately. But he didn't know what "medicine" Song Meiyuan was selling in the gourd. Why do you want to treat a high school student under the age of 18 like him

"Miss Song, are you too busy to bother me? Why are you harassing me?"

"What you say is really unpleasant, but don't think wrongly. I have no interest in you. It's my simple and kind-hearted Wanshu... Hey, little guy, I finally understand why you, a middle school student, can make so many rich families." Qin Wanshu is moved even though the young master is helpless."

"It doesn't seem to be any of your business, right?" Lorraine suddenly realized that what she said was very unconfident, "Besides, Aunt Qin and I have a very pure relationship."

"Don't talk nonsense with me. I can see through your little thoughts right away. Wanshu is so innocent that she probably didn't even know she had tricked you to death. I have been sisters with Wanshu for more than ten years. How can you just watch her fall into the tiger's mouth?"

What and what

Lorraine was a little impatient. She had a good relationship with Aunt Qin, so what was this little girl messing around with

"Are you done? I'm done."

"Oh, no, wait a minute." Song Meiyuan still smiled and said, "Don't you want to easily solve the problem of the Internet cafe business license? If you are willing to agree to my request, I will also help you decorate the Internet cafe. It will definitely be cheaper than the market price. More than double. Anyway, you, a rich man, don’t care about the money, you just want to play for fun. Fortunately, I have nothing to do, so let’s cooperate for once. "

This sentence spoke to Lorraine's heart. He was worried about this now. If he could handle it easily, then he could safely hand over the stall to Xiaochuan and focus on more important things.

I have to say that this Song Meiyuan is a master of negotiation and can directly attack the opponent's vital points. But what is her purpose? As she said, she was worried that Qin Wanshu would be deceived by her. This excuse was so bad that it was even difficult to deceive a child.

Lorraine's tone gradually became colder: "I don't like your negotiation method very much. Give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise this phone call will be our last conversation."

Song Meiyuan heard that Lorraine was a little impatient, so she stopped joking and told the truth: "To tell you the truth, I live in Beijing now and came to Zhengzhou City to study for a master's degree this year. I want to find something to do for myself. At the same time, It can be regarded as an inspection for my sister. If you open an Internet cafe, I want to see what you can do. I will handle all the procedures for you. The prerequisite is that you give me 30% of the shares. From now on, we are in business. Partner, I will have something to do in Zhengzhou City from now on, and it will not be so boring. The most important thing is that with me watching from Zhengzhou City, you will not be able to do anything to our Wanshu. God knows if you will be there. What Wanshu drank was laced with 'drug'..."

When it came to the word "drug", Song Meiyuan's tone was unnatural for a while, and in the end her voice simply froze.

A scene that made her blush quickly emerged in Song Meiyuan's mind. In the dim bedroom, Lorraine roughly pressed herself to the vagina, then lifted up her clothes and inserted a needle into her belly, and she was still shameless. She pressed it against Lorraine's body and shouted, "Little darling, thirsty... thirsty..."

Noticing the silence on the phone, Lorraine certainly knew what the other party was thinking of, and coughed softly without shame: "Don't think about it. I was a gentleman and gave you acupuncture that night. If you have anything Illusion, that is also the needle 'inserting' you, not me 'inserting' you. I didn't do anything."


Suddenly, Song Meiyuan hung up the phone.

Lorraine smacked her mouth in embarrassment. He didn't mean anything. The Chinese culture is profound and profound. Any words you say have another meaning. I'm really embarrassed if I don't say it well.

Shrugging helplessly, Lorraine put the phone aside and began to recall every detail of the conversation with Song Meiyuan just now. She found that she could not have any malicious motives at all, and the reasons she said were very credible. As far as Lorraine knew, Aunt Qin had very few friends. If they were sisters for more than ten years, they must have unusual family backgrounds. You must know that when she was a child, Qin Wanshu grew up in the family home of the military region and grew up together. Which of your children is not the son of an official

It just so happens that this Song Meiyuan is a smart woman who is studying for a degree here and making some small income by playing with tickets. By cooperating with this kind of woman, Lorraine will not have any mental burden. Business is business, which is the best. And... ahem, Lorraine actually has a good impression of Song Meiyuan, and it would be nice to be her friend. When she gets home from now on, there will be two beauties having dinner with her.

The most important thing is that this woman can solve her urgent needs, why not

Just then, the phone rang again.

Lorraine answered the phone, and there was a smiling voice from Song Meiyuan, as if nothing happened just now: "What, have you thought about it?"

"I'll leave the relevant procedures and store decoration to you. It must be completed before the end of next month, but you only get 20% of the dividend." Lorraine said concisely and to the point.

Song Meiyuan was also very straightforward: "So, deal?"

“A pleasure to work with.”