Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation

Chapter 3: Meeting Han Xuan again


After saying a few words casually, Lorraine browsed the web and paid attention to the "current affairs" news, and then heard the call of "Auntie" Qin, a beautiful woman outside the bedroom: "Xiaolin, Auntie has prepared the meal. Stop surfing the Internet and wash your hands." ."

"Oh, here it comes."

On this day, in addition to eating, Lorraine browsed the web and checked the news. She was reborn at the age of 17, and her impressions of many current events have been blurred, so she needs to review them. Otherwise, when everyone talks about certain things, she will no longer have the impression. I'm sure Will be treated as an alien.

The next day, Monday.

Lorraine got up at five o'clock and did fifty push-ups and two hundred sit-ups. Lorraine, who has experienced middle age, knows the importance of good health, so from now on, daily exercise is a must Less, the amount of exercise gradually increases.

I took a hot shower and arrived at school at 6:10.

When he got to the class, he discovered that he was the only one in the class. It seemed that Lorraine was more diligent than those students who had both good character and academic performance!

Using the impression to find her seat in the last row, Lorraine took out a book from the table and read it.

Only after looking at it did I realize that the questions that I thought were difficult in the past are now very simple. You can understand the reason after thinking about it for a while.

"In the college entrance examination in a year's time, I should be able to get into a good university with my own strength, right?" Lorraine secretly made up her mind to study hard. In fact, attending a good university is very helpful for developing your own network of people.

Although Lorraine went to a good university in her previous life through connections, it was only a school in the province. She couldn't make a name for herself even if she tried hard. If she wanted to go, let's go to a university in the capital!

Unknowingly, it was almost 7 o'clock, and familiar and unfamiliar faces came into the class one by one. When these people saw Lorraine sitting in their seats so early, they all looked surprised. They thought that this naughty guy came to school so early when the sun was rising in the west

Lorraine's background is considered very good in the No. 1 High School in Zhengzhou City, but... there are many wealthy and wealthy children in this key high school. Therefore, although Lorraine is now a senior in high school, she has never told anyone about her family background.

This is not because Lorraine knows how to keep a low profile, but because her mother often threatens herself: "If you dare to tell me the identity of your father, grandfather, and uncle, your monthly pocket money will only be one hundred!"

Not to mention, this trick was really useful for the naughty rich young man Lorraine back then.

He has been in school for more than two years, but he has never told anyone about his identity, but... Lorraine often hangs out with gangsters and little girls in society, and Lorraine never treats these people. Not to be shy, almost everyone knows that he has a wealthy businessman father, an uncle who is the secretary of the municipal party committee, and a grandfather who serves in the military region.

The reason why those gangsters and little girls like to pester Lorraine is because they know that he is a rich second generation with a huge pocket.

Thinking that she was still stuck in this feeling of being flattered by many people, Lorraine now smiled bitterly and shook his head. When he was young, he was really simple-minded and stupid.

Lorraine, whose mental age is now approaching her forties, of course already knows how to discern the intentions of everyone who takes the initiative to make friends with her. Therefore, there is no need to socialize with those friendly friends.

I was just thinking wildly in my mind when a faint fragrance suddenly came from my side.

Lorraine turned around and found that Lan Lan had come to her seat carrying a small white backpack.

"Good morning."

Lorraine smiled and took the initiative to say hello. As soon as Lan Lan sat down, she was startled, her face immediately turned red, she lowered her head and hummed, and said no more. You know, Lorraine never took the initiative to say hello to Lan Lan in the past.

Soon, there was a loud talk outside the door. Lorraine subconsciously raised his head and looked over, and found that it was Chi Shi and several lackeys following him.

"Haha! Brother Shi, that fat guy last night was really cowardly. I sat on his fucking face and he didn't even dare to speak."

"Hey, Caitou, how awesome are you? That fat man didn't dare to speak because he was afraid of Brother Shi. Do you think he was afraid of you? It was because Brother Shi's majesty made that damn fat man awe!"

Chi Shi didn't speak, but it could be seen from his expression that he was very proud. This is what the rich second generation of this age is like. They enjoy bullying others and feel that they are awesome.

Lorraine glanced at Chi Shi and ignored him, but Chi Shi saw Lorraine sitting obediently in his seat and gave him a fierce look. Unfortunately, Lorraine didn't see it.

"Brother Shi, look at that Lorraine. When he saw you coming, he sat on his seat and didn't even dare to fart." The lackey next to him cooed softly.

Chi Shi also thought that Lorraine was afraid of him, so he snorted coldly and said to himself: "Some people do not overestimate their abilities and have a background but no background. Maybe they have a few bad money in their family, but in the face of absolute power, they can't even It doesn’t even count!”

"Yes Yes Yes!!"

Several people on the side responded in succession. They knew that Chi Shi's father was the deputy mayor of Zhengzhou City, and they also knew that the "some people" Chi Shi mentioned were Lorraine.

Although no one in the school knew Lorraine's identity, one could tell from the way he dressed that he was not a child from a poor family. Chi Shi just classified Lorraine as a "little nouveau riche whose family has some bad money", so naturally he had nothing to fear from him.

"Hey, Brother Shi, Sister Xuan is here." Lackey No. 1 reminded in a low voice.

Chi Shi turned around and took a peek. Han Xuan was still as beautiful as ever. She was only seventeen or eighteen years old, but her figure was already plump and mature. The floral dress highlighted her alluring figure, which was slender but yet delicate. Without losing fullness. This is the most intuitive evaluation of Han Xuan's figure.

In addition, Han Xuan's big, kind eyes are even more dazzling, and her long and dense eyelashes cannot cover up the moistness under her eyes.

"Xiaoxuan, are you here? How about I treat you to dinner after school today?" Chi Shi greeted her without saying a word.

Han Xuan ignored Chi Shi, but walked straight towards Lorraine with sullen eyes.

Noticing Han Xuan's eyes on Lorraine, Chi Shi was immediately stunned!

"Brother Shi, did Sister Xuan go to find Lorraine?"


Slapping this kid on the head, Chi Shi's eyes widened: "Shut up!"

Not only Chi Shi was stunned, but Lorraine also frowned slightly. He vaguely felt that Han Xuan was walking towards him.

Lan Lan saw Han Xuan approaching her and noticed her sexy figure and beautiful face. She immediately lowered her head in inferiority and did not dare to look directly at her.

Han Xuan walked to Lorraine and stopped. She slowly and elegantly took out an envelope from her bag and threw it on Lorraine's table. She glanced disdainfully: "Don't be so boring in the future. Write love letters when you have time. It's better to focus on studying." In addition to being one of the four most beautiful girls in the school, Han Xuan is also the monitor of this class.

love letter

The whole class was stunned for a moment, and Chi Shi's elongated face just now also had a look of pride.

Haha, it turned out that this was the love letter written by Lorraine to Han Xuan, but Han Xuan returned it! This time it was better. Lorraine had her love letter returned in front of the whole class, which made her very embarrassed.

Lorraine looked at the returned love letter on the table and suddenly realized: It seemed that she had written a love letter to Han Xuan.

I still remember that when Lorraine confessed her love to Han Xuan for the first time in her previous life, Lorraine directly gave her a new BMW sports car. It can be said that she spent a lot of money on a beautiful woman. It's a pity that Han Xuan didn't buy it at all. Ma Lei, one of the four young masters in the capital, was nearby. In front of many wealthy children in the capital, he smashed the sports car given by Lorraine to pieces without saying a word.

Not to mention how angry Lorraine was at that time, but who knew that Han Xuan was determined to humiliate Lorraine, the idle rich second generation. Han Xuan, a wealthy daughter with a silver spoon in her mouth, had plenty of money. She casually wrote a check and threw it into the car seat. She coldly left a sentence: "The man I, Han Xuan, can like must be a man of uprightness. One person can hold up a blue sky. And if you don't have the blessing of your family, you may not even be able to survive in this world." Although the people present at that time were all children from rich families, they were more or less knowledgeable. The actual thing is not like Lorraine, the standard gnawing old man.

Thinking of all the things that happened in her previous life, Lorraine felt very sad. But after being reborn, he has taken all of this lightly. He also looked down upon the beautiful woman in front of him who he had chased so hard.

A good man with ambitions everywhere! ! Everyone has a love for beauty, and no one is a saint, but Lorraine will never stumble on a woman! This is his bottom line!

In the past, Lorraine might have felt humiliated by having her love letter returned in public, and then she would have become angry and furious, and might even have rushed forward to fight with Chi Shi, who had been laughing at her.

But now the steady Lorraine, how could he get angry over such a trivial matter

Lorraine smiled casually, took out a lighter from his pocket, then took the love letter, lit it, swung it to the window next to it, and threw it out.

"Haha, I'm sorry, Beauty Han, it was just a whim."

Before he finished speaking, he continued to read the book in his hand. There happened to be a rare character called Tongjia that he forgot how to pronounce. He turned to look at his deskmate Lan Lan: "Lan Lan, what do you mean by this character?"

"Ah?" Lan Lan was stunned for a moment when asked, but quickly answered timidly, "'gun'? This word means 'gun', which means 'gun'. The meaning is the same."

"Oh, I mean 'get out', thank you Lan Lan." Lorraine sat upright with a smile, but at this time she frowned.

… Wrong.

He raised his head and found Han Xuan staring at him with a blushing face! ... All the students in the class, including Chi Shi, had their mouths formed into an "o" shape.

Oh, this is a big misunderstanding!