Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 125: Open Pandora's Box again


Such a bottle of potion, if placed on the market, would be worth at least 10 gold coins, and it was still the kind that had a price but no market.

Lu Yang returned to the alchemist, and was extremely excited when he saw this bottle of pure green potion. The potion was a transparent green color, as if it represented the purest element in the world.

"Unfortunately, it can only last for 3 seconds." Jin Buhuan said, he still doesn't understand the meaning of this bottle of potion.

Lu Yang said: "I bought this bottle of potion, and I will pay you 10 silver coins as a reward. If there is such a potion in the future, you will leave it to me."

Jin Buhuan didn't expect Lu Yang to value this potion so much, and said: "You don't need to give me money, this thing doesn't seem to be useful, it only takes 3 seconds, if you like me, I will make any weird things for you .”

Lu Yang said: "The money I gave you is actually far from the actual value of this potion. It's just the remuneration stipulated in the contract. Don't think it's too little, but this is what I have to give you. If there is such a potion in the future, I will also give it to you." I'll give you money like this."

Lu Yang went on to say: "It's not that I am a snobbish person, or that I use you as a pawn. I just pay attention to the spirit of the contract. I promised you in the contract, and I will definitely do it."

Only then did Jin Buhuan understand, and said, "Okay, then I won't be pretentious with you."

In fact, Jin Buhuan really needs the money, he needs to support his family.

Lu Yang said: "How is the production of the anti-poison potion going?"

"I have only made 60 bottles so far, and the progress is a bit slow." Jin Buhuan said.

"The speed is indeed a bit slow." Lu Yang thought for a while and said: "In this way, you should refine the medicine slowly. I will give you a list of personnel, and you can recruit a few more pharmacists. If they don't come, you tell them, You have the anti-poison potion formula in your hand, as long as you sign the contract, give them the formula."

Jin Buhuan said: "If there is an anti-drug formula, no one will refuse it."

Lu Yang smiled and wrote down the names of 8 people, sent them to Jin Buhuan, and said, "Of course, I also believe that they are willing to earn this money."

These people are all top alchemists remembered by Lu Yang in the previous life, and all of them have developed their own unique formulas.

Jin Buhuan said, "I'll contact them right away."

Lu Yang said: "I will send you the recruitment contract. Except for you, I will only share the contract with them."

Jin Buhuan nodded and said, "I understand."

Even if it is a 19-point account, in the next year, each of them can become a millionaire. No one will refuse such a good thing.

Lu Yang bid farewell to Jin Buhuan with the magic immunity potion and came outside. He couldn't help but took out three Pandora's boxes from his backpack.

I have to say that this thing is worthy of being called Pandora's Box, and it really has a magical power that makes people want to open it.

"Anyway, I don't have the Heart of the Demon God and the Staff of the God Fire. I have given other equipment to Han Ying or put it in the Palace of the Demon God. Now I have nothing but the 9 gold coins in my backpack." Lu Yang Niannian Thinking about this, he flew back to the Demon God's Temple and put 9 gold coins in the Demon God's Palace.

Lu Yang looked at the hall of the Demon Temple. It stands to reason that there is no problem using the Pandora's Box in the hall of the Demon Temple. However, the Pandora's Box can easily summon a level 50 lord-level boss, let alone a level 50 lord-level boss. Well, even the Demon Temple could easily be demolished by him, so Lu Yang returned to San Gal City.

He came to the north of the city where there were fewer people, found a place where no one was there, and put the anti-poison potion and two Pandora's boxes on the ground, leaving only one Pandora's box in his backpack.

The meaning of this is to prevent the situation where all the equipment is emptied after opening. If so, he can keep the remaining two pieces.

"It must be a good thing." Lu Yang prayed, and he lifted the lid of Pandora's Box with his hands.

A burst of black light flashed, and Lu Yang's mood suddenly collapsed. Black means that he has drawn an unlucky item.

System prompt: A burst of black mist passed over your body, taking away all the items in your backpack and on your body.

"Huh, it's so dangerous." Lu Yang let out a sigh of relief. What he was most afraid of was lowering his attributes. He was not afraid of the black mist at all, because the few things he had on him were all thrown on the ground.

"This is considered good luck." Lu Yang picked up another Pandora's Box, feeling that he was lucky today, and slowly opened it.

A golden light flashed, and Lu Yang's eyes widened suddenly. He was really lucky, the golden ones were for special equipment.

System prompt: You have obtained the Escape Dagger

A simple, 20cm long silver dagger appeared in his hand. Seeing this dagger, Lu Yang was so excited that he almost smashed his fist against the wall. If it wasn't for fear of being discovered by roaring, he would have wanted to yell. Twice.

escape dagger

Level: 0

Description: A magical dagger with the ability to break through space. According to legend, it is the personal weapon of the God of Thieves

This weapon is a treasure that all players in the previous life wanted to have. The effect is the same as he described. The actual effect is that after throwing it forcefully, the player can appear at any position where the dagger appears at any time, with a maximum distance of 30 yards.

In the last life, the price of this dagger was as high as 500 gold coins, but few people were willing to give it up, because such a weapon could not be obtained by killing a certain boss, but it needed to be lucky, and only by killing level 50 or above Lord-level bosses have a chance to be obtained, and the burst rate is one in 100,000, and there are less than 1,000 Lord-level bosses in the entire server.

Lu Yang was lucky enough to get an escape dagger in his last life. For a mage player, this dagger is too important. It can greatly increase the mage's ability to escape. With the flashing skill, he can use the two-stage flash to run instantly. out 60 yards.

In terms of output, his role is even more irreplaceable. The most famous arena style in the previous life was to use the escape dagger to appear in front of the enemy at the beginning of the game, instantly cast the flame storm + blazing bird + pyroblast, and then escape back to the original with flashing Fang camp, hit the enemy by surprise.

After being reborn in this life, Lu Yang once thought that he could get the escape dagger, but he just thought about it. He didn't expect that now he really got it with the Pandora's Box.

He put the third Pandora's box and magic immunity potion in his backpack, and then used the mage to return to the magic temple. Now, he wants to upgrade the escape dagger.

Although the escape dagger is a special item, it can also be upgraded, up to level 19. At level 0, the cooldown of the escape dagger is 2 minutes. At level 19, the cooldown is only 10 seconds.