Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 132: Tens of thousands died


Countless players shouted together on the World Channel, and it turned out that this time it was really messed up. There are thousands of large and small guilds in the game. It looks like a lot, but the number of these guilds combined is not enough to five million .

The other tens of millions of players are still casual players. These players are low-level and poorly equipped, but there are many of them!

According to the rules of the game, after the player joins the guild, he can reveal his name. If it is revealed, there will be a suffix of the guild name after the name. In the past, this was a brand name that could be used to bully others, but now it has become a brand that everyone shouts and beats. Street rats.

Starting from above the avenue, under the first attack of this level 3 player, all players with the guild name were attacked one after another.

"Separate people form a team, a group of 100 people."

Among the casual players, there are many masters and people with organizational skills. Seeing that such an attack is easy to accidentally injure, they began to organize players to launch attacks in the form of a team.

The players of the major guilds were originally the majority, but as a result, they became a minority instead. However, the players of the major guilds were used to bullying the uninitiated, and suddenly they were bullied by the uninitiated. How could they tolerate this situation and rely on their own strength? With excellent equipment, he immediately started fighting with casual players.

In the local battles, the guild players were killing the individual players at random. Lu Yang didn't want to join this melee. His target was the Demon Soul in the distance. At this time, the only blood remaining in the Demon Soul was 70% up.

"Kill him." Several guild players spotted Lu Yang and rushed towards him frantically.

Lu Yang saw that the other party belonged to the Jianwu Cangqiong Guild, and Han Ying and Han Yu had suffered under their hands last time.

"You're lucky, I'll deal with you next time when I have a chance." Lu Yang found a place to hide from the battle, looked at the top of the house 14 yards high on the left, and swung the escape dagger upwards.

The dagger spun at a high speed and drew a graceful arc in the air and inserted it on the roof of the yellow house.

At this time, five or six members of the Sword and Martial Sky Guild had already rushed in front of Lu Yang. Suddenly, a blue light burst out from Lu Yang's body, and Lu Yang disappeared in front of them.

"What about people?"

"Who saw where he went?"

"I didn't see it, there is nothing around."

The members of the Sword and Sky Guild searched around but did not see Lu Yang. Immediately, they changed their target and rushed towards another group of scattered people.

Lu Yang stood on the top of the house and looked down at the surroundings. He found that the entire city of St. Gall was in a riot. Even the safe zone in the city had a war. As long as there were no guards, the players all fought together.

The same is true for the bridge ahead, the most congested place is the bridge, and another biggest reason why the bridge is congested is that players from more than 20 large guilds and other casual players in the area are being chased and killed by the demon soul.

Lu Yang sneered, the Knights of the Holy Light do not have hatred attacks, so as long as the player attacks the Demon Soul, the Demon Soul will immediately attack the player.

Now the player's level is generally below level 9, not to mention level 9, even a level 50 non-warrior player can't stop a normal attack from Demon Soul, not to mention that Demon Soul can use "Soul Pull" infinitely, 5000 Whoever is hit by the hurtful soul's pull will die, and if he runs away, more people will die.

However, who wouldn't run away when the player is attacked, especially the mage player, relying on the flickering skill to be attacked by the soul's pull and immediately flicker and escape. killed.

Some mage players are far away from themselves, escaped the attack of the soul's pull, and avoided the skills, but it does not mean that they can escape the pursuit of the demon soul. As a result, the players along the way were either trampled to death by the demon soul, or were The scimitar swung by the soul of the soul was killed.

The first batch of players reacted and stopped attacking, but the later players didn't know this, and attacked with all their might as soon as they saw the boss. As a result, Demon Soul kept chasing and killing them, and just like that, not long after, Demon Soul was taken near the bridge.

At this time, the blood of Demon Soul was only 50% left, and the players on the bridge stopped attacking each other. They all aimed at Demon Soul, and they all wanted to snatch equipment.

When Lu Yang saw this situation, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he started counting down involuntarily.




The blood of Demon Soul was knocked down to 49%. He suddenly stood still and stopped chasing the player, raising the black scimitar with his right hand.

"Dark Power"

Centering on Devil's Soul, countless purple chains flew out of Devil's Soul's body. Because Devil's Soul was facing the bridge, tens of thousands of players on the entire bridge were locked by purple chains at the same time. Afterwards, tens of thousands of players died at the same time , and the blood of the Demon Soul recovered to 100%!

All previous efforts were in vain.

"This boss will suck blood."

"Everyone retreat, don't move forward."

"Run, this boss has no hatred."

Seeing the tens of thousands of corpses on the bridge, all the players were dumbfounded. The surviving players under the bridge all retreated involuntarily, and no one dared to go over to collect anything.

The players on the other side of the bridge were also dumbfounded when they saw this situation. They didn't expect the dying Demon Soul to have such a powerful skill, so they hurriedly scattered to avoid it, not daring to come within 100 yards of Demon Soul.

Demon's Soul lost its target after sucking blood, turned around and continued to fight with the Holy Light Knights.

The 50 knights of the Holy Light Knights have very high attack power, long-range, melee, spells, and healing, and the blood of the demon soul is rapidly falling.

In less than 10 minutes, the blood of Demon's Soul dropped to 30%. However, at this moment, the surrounding players couldn't hold back anymore.

At this time, whoever fights the boss first will definitely have the experience of the boss, and whoever can pick up the equipment first, wouldn't it be too much of a disadvantage if someone else snatched it.

With this mentality in mind, the players from the major guilds first ran towards the bridge, and the surrounding players under the bridge in the north of the city gradually gathered towards the Devil's Soul.

I don't know who it is, but one of the players under the bridge suddenly hit Demon Soul with a fireball.

Devil's Soul turned around in an instant, and there were a thousand or two thousand people in that player's position.

"Dark Power"

Thousands of purple chains were released from Demon Soul's body. In the blink of an eye, these thousands of players were killed on the ground at the same time, and Demon Soul's vitality recovered to 50%.

When this player launched an attack, all the players on the bridge had red eyes and rushed towards the bridge desperately. At the same time, everyone aimed at the Devil's Soul and launched an attack.