Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 156: Fire Spirit


The official gave this explanation, proving that this is not a bug but their setting. Players are vying to use this style of play, but it is very difficult to use this style of play.

First of all, the boss will release the sky-extinguishing fire, which is a very disgusting skill for players.

The Mietian Huo fell to the ground after a delay of 2 seconds, and the radius of the attack range was 5 yards.

Normally, this is a skill that is easy to hide, but when the player jumps onto the palm of the statue, the radius of the palm is almost 5 yards, and it is impossible to dodge at all. They can only jump onto the other hand of the statue, and release the sky fire. The symptoms are very slight, and a little carelessness will destroy the group.

Another one, in terms of hardware, there are less than 10,000 players in the world who have been able to challenge the SSS level mission of the Clown King, and there are only a handful of people who can use this bug.

It just so happens that Lu Yang is one of the few. With five years of mercenary training, he has keen insight and superb skills, and now he has the escape dagger, so he can easily do this.

Lu Yang walked within 30 yards of Piggie the Golden Hammer, uttered a spell, and a burn hit Piggy the Golden Hammer on the head.


A flame symbol appeared on Pig's head.


Pig's ferocious face became even more angry. With a roar, he raised the huge golden hammer in his hand and charged towards Lu Yang.

A phantom passed by, and at the moment Piggy hit Lu Yang, a white light flashed on Lu Yang's body and appeared 30 yards behind Piggy. A ball of flames burst out from under his feet, and he ran quickly towards the statue in front of him. go.

Pig missed a hit and turned around to charge again, but Lu Yang had already run out of his charge range.


Pig took big strides and chased after Lu Yang. Although Pig was a huge wild boar, as a boss, his movement speed was 1.5 times that of the player.

Lu Yang's fiery speed was just equal to that of Piguet, relying on the advantage of the distance of less than 1 yard, Piggie couldn't launch the second charge skill, even though it was only 1 yard away, it could be the difference between life and death.

3 seconds later.

Lu Yang ran to the foot of the statue, and threw the escape dagger in his hand upwards. The high-speed rotation of the escape dagger fell with a blue halo, which was really beautiful in front of the dim temple statue.

Pig finally caught up with Lu Yang within 30 yards, raised his golden hammer with his right hand and launched an interception skill towards Lu Yang.

A phantom moved towards Lu Yang, and at the moment Pig rushed to Lu Yang, just as the golden hammer was about to fall, a blue light flashed on Lu Yang's body, and he jumped onto the right hand of the statue smoothly.

Pig missed the shot and stood below anxiously, walking back and forth with his head raised, wanting to rush up but dared not.

Lu Yang didn't have time to catch his breath, he recited a spell, and released 4 burns to Golden Hammer Piglet in succession.

"Firewall Technique"

A wall of flames ignited under the statue's feet, forming a sea of flames soon after, covering all of Pig's walking routes.

Piggie couldn't hit Lu Yang, so he walked back and forth anxiously under the statue's feet. Under the effect of 5 layers of burning, Piggy lost more than 700 qi and blood every step he took.

Lu Yang raised his staff with his right hand to aim at Pig's head, and said the Pyroblast spell in his mouth. After 0.5 seconds, a huge fireball formed at the front of his staff.


A giant fireball whizzed out and hit Golden Hammer Piglet's pig's nose.


Pig's total blood is 1.5 million. Generally, a player who is only level 13 would have to single out a boss with 1.5 million blood. This is simply impossible. However, Lu Yang has the heart of a demon god , Divine Fire Staff, Burning, Awakening, Fire Wall and other equipment and skills, the impossible things just became possible for Lu Yang.

Lu Yang raised his spirit to the limit, and aimed his staff at Pig's head with his right hand. Pyroblasts flew out of the front of the staff one by one at a speed of 0.5 seconds each, hitting Pig's pig's head.

Piggie's size is too big, so the head is also very big, much larger than the 17-inch display screen. Even if Piggie's moving speed is 1.5 times that of the player, Lu Yang doesn't need to take special effort to aim. It is enough to decide the position of Piguet.

Faced with Lu Yang's attack, Pig couldn't use all his melee skills, so he could only walk around anxiously on the ground.

One minute later, Pig's blood was knocked out by 150,000.


Pig suddenly stood still, the pig's head turned to the sky and roared, and the golden hammer in his hand suddenly burst into flames.

Lu Yang's eyes widened involuntarily, he turned around and jumped towards the statue with his left hand, and when he reached the air, a white light flashed on Lu Yang's body, appearing on the chest of the statue, and at the moment when he just flashed , a mass of crimson flames descended from the sky to where he was standing just now.

This is Mietian Huo, the favorite magic skill of every free mode mage in the mid-term. It is an essential skill for chasing and killing bloody enemies and showing off operations.

Lu Yang looked at it greedily, threw the escape dagger, and flew towards the statue's left hand.

With a flash of blue light, Lu Yang, who was falling, successfully stood on the left hand of the statue with a dagger in his hand.

Seeing that Lu Yang had changed places, Pig ran after him, and Lu Yang repeated his old tricks, continuing to cast Burns on Pig and set fire walls on the ground.

It just so happened that after the firewall was laid, the last drop of mana on Lu Yang's body was used up. He glanced at Pig's blood volume, and there were still more than 100,000 blood left before the next 10%. A storm of blue magical energy appears in the center.


This is the skill that Lu Yang obtained from killing the skeleton elf before. After guiding it for 8 seconds, the magic value will be restored by 2000 points.

Lu Yang's full mana was only over 2000 points, and after 8 seconds, it was almost back to full.

"Brother, I have finished signing the contract with She Sirius, and I have also signed the contract with the pharmacist you asked me to find." Mu Yi sent a message.

"Not bad." Lu Yang already knew that Mu Yi would be able to complete his mission satisfactorily. Having lost his parents and grandma since he was a child, and had to take care of a younger sister, Mu Yi was much more mature than ordinary people.

"Take them to refine the medicine, and let the anti-poison medicine be sold in large quantities as soon as possible." Lu Yang said.

There are not a few wolf players who have reached level 8. The faster you complete the potion, the more money you can earn.

After closing the dialogue bar, Lu Yang continued to output, and hit Piggie again. After two times of extinguishing the sky fire, Lu Yang was completely out of mana.

He took out the magic potion (vial) and drank it, then sat on the ground waiting to recover.

Pig has 1.5 million blood, and now there are about 1.2 million left. The boss of the dungeon has a characteristic that he cannot slowly recover his blood. This is another factor why Lu Yang dared to single out Pig.

After half of his magic value recovered, 2 minutes had passed, Lu Yang stood up and continued to output, and then used wake up when the blue was gone.

An hour later, Lu Yang successfully hit Pig's blood volume to 10%. At this time, Pig had fallen into a frenzy, and Mie Tianhuo would be released every 30 seconds.

Groups of crimson flames fell from the sky, and Lu Yang kept flickering between the hands of the statue.

After another 2 minutes, Pigg could no longer hold on, the golden hammer in his hand fell to the ground, and his whole body collapsed.

System prompt: You have successfully killed Golden Hammer Pigg

You got 14684 experience points

A mass of pure flame energy slowly rises from the shrine in the middle of the statue, this one is the flame elf.