Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 157: Golden Armored Pig Guard


Lu Yang jumped to the ground and picked up the flame spirit from the shrine.

Fire Spirit (Piece 1)

Description: He looks broken

With such a simple sentence, Lu Yang almost wanted to break his head in the previous life. At that time, he thought that the fragments of the flame elves were in other dungeons, but in fact, he was asked to play this dungeon 10 times.

10 flame spirit fragments can be synthesized into a complete flame spirit.

Lu Yang put the flame elf in the backpack, walked to the side of Golden Hammer Pigg, bent down and clicked on the equipment.

A fiery red ring appeared in front of Lu Yang's eyes. The whole body of the ring was made of gold, and the gemstone on the ring was a ruby with red light.

Ruby Ring (Gold Level)

Level: 30

Spell Damage: 9—19

Intelligence: +15

Constitution: +12

Extra fire damage: +30

Lu Yang showed an excited expression on his face. Among all the items dropped by Golden Hammer Pig, the most difficult thing to get out is the ruby ring, and the ruby ring is the top equipment corresponding to the fire method. Unexpectedly, he exploded the first time he hit it. out.

The second item is a totem pole-like thing.

patriarch token

Description: The symbol of the patriarchs of the wild boar clan in the past. If you give it to the king of San Gal City, you will get unexpected gains.

Lu Yang was stunned. When he came to play the epic book Ottoman Temple in his last life, this dungeon had already been beaten through countless times. Unexpectedly, he would be given a task when he cleared it for the first time.

If Lu Yang's guess is correct, this type of mission is the only mission in the world, that is to say, whoever completes this dungeon for the first time in the world, and any player in the subsequent countries will not trigger this mission.

Lu Yang put the patriarch's token in his backpack, looked at the mobs outside, there was a certain chance that the fire potion formula would burst out in this dungeon.

The flame potion can passively increase the damage of the fire spell by 60 points. For any guild group, this is a rare potion, but the burst rate of this potion is only one thousandth.

Lu Yang ran towards the path of the dungeon, there were 6 groups of Golden Armored Pig Guards outside the temple where Golden Hammer Pigeon was, 10 in each group, they were the last hurdle to enter the temple.

Golden Armored Pig Guard (Elite)

Level: 35

Vitality: 300000/300000

The Golden Armored Pig Guards are about 3 meters in size. They wear heavy gold armor and hold a golden mace in their hands. Their strong physical output and physical defense make them a nightmare for all physical professions. However, they But they can't bear the damage of mages, and they are all melee attacks, and there are no long-range occupations.

Lu Yang came to a position 30 yards away from the Golden Armored Pig Guard, and uttered a spell in his mouth, and a big crimson bird condensed from above his head with a scream.

"Blazing Bird"

Lu Yang pointed at the 10 pig guards in front of him, and the blazing bird swooped away immediately.

"584" "1024"...

A series of 10 damage figures popped out from the top of Zhuwei's head, and all 10 Zhuwei turned their heads at the same time, looking at Lu Yang with ferocious faces.

When Lu Yang released the blazing bird, the flames under his feet activated the blazing speed skill and ran sideways. After more than 30 yards, the pig guards were unable to charge and could only wave their maces and chase after Lu Yang.

Lu Yang kept his distance, and after using burning to attract the remaining 5 waves of Golden Armored Pig Guards, he turned around and ran towards the inside of the temple. When he came under the statue, Lu Yang threw out the escape dagger, and a blue light appeared on the statue above the palm of your hand.

The Golden Armored Pig Guard's attack method is the same as that of Golden Hammer Piguet, but without the magic attack ability of Golden Hammer Piggle. He can only watch Lu Yang stand on top of the 30-yard-high statue, walking back and forth anxiously under the statue's feet.

Lu Yang uttered the spell, and walls of fire appeared under the statue's feet. In less than 2 minutes, the feet of the statue turned into a sea of flames, enveloping all 60 golden armored pig guards.

The Golden Armored Pig Guard's intelligence is very low. After being attacked, he could only walk around under the statue's feet, and his blood dropped rapidly.

Suddenly, black ripples emerged from the sea of flames, and then, with a bang, a 10-yard-high beam of flame shot up into the sky among the Golden Armored Pig Guards.

The pig guards who were attacked were all stunned in place for two seconds. Lu Yang chanted the spell again, and the blazing birds swooped down from the air one by one.

The 300,000 Golden Armored Pig Guards, who seemed to have a lot of blood, died on the ground not long after.

System prompt: You have obtained 1608 (of which 968 experience points for leapfrogging monsters)

A series of system prompts popped up from Lu Yang's dialogue bar continuously, and 60 Golden Armored Pig Guards increased his experience bar by a small amount.

At level 13, Lu Yang needed 600,000 experience to level up. If he followed the usual method of fighting monsters, his level would be overtaken by the bosses of the major guilds. Only by fighting monsters in such a place can he be safe.

With a flash of white light, Lu Yang returned to the ground and walked around among the pig guards. Suddenly, he found a paper object dropped on the ground, and Lu Yang hurried over to pick it up.

System prompt: You have obtained the formula of fire potion

Lu Yang's eyes lit up. He didn't expect to get the blueprint of the flame potion. It has to be said that the chances of opening up wasteland to make a dungeon for good things are really high.

He put the formula in the backpack, looked up at the upper part, in order to download the dungeon tomorrow, Lu Yang had to run back to the entrance of the dungeon.

Throwing the escape dagger in his hand, Lu Yang kept jumping on the rocky protrusions on both sides of the cliff. In less than 3 minutes, Lu Yang returned to the entrance. At this time, the wild boar on the bridge at the entrance still hadn't found anything.

A smile appeared on the corner of Lu Yang's mouth, and he turned and walked out of the dungeon. If he was an assassin, he felt that his assassination was perfect.


There was a flash of white light, before Lu Yang could see the situation outside clearly, he heard a humming sound that was 10 times heavier than ordinary black wild boar panting, and the sound was right in front of him.

Suddenly, a gust of wind came from above.

"Not good." White light flashed on Lu Yang's body, and he appeared 30 yards away from the front of the dungeon. As soon as he landed, Lu Yang looked back and found a white wild boar with a height of 5 meters holding a black meteor hammer towards the dungeon. He charged forward.

General Boar (Elite)

Level: 40

Vitality: 150000/150000

Lu Yang didn't expect to run into General Wild Boar at this place, he flung the escape dagger backwards, a blue light flashed on his body, and fled to a place 30 yards away before General Wild Boar hit him.

As soon as he landed, Lu Yang found that more than 30 black wild boars had spawned in his corridor, scattered around him in twos and threes.

Lu Yang is a fire technique, and the output needs space. In this case, Lu Yang knew that he could not kill General Wild Boar for the time being. Flames burst out from under his feet, and he activated the fiery speed skill. Lu Yang ran towards the entrance of the third floor of the secret passage.

General Wild Boar was chasing after him, and his moving speed was comparable to that of Lu Yang after releasing his fiery speed. This made him unable to choose to turn or run sideways to avoid the Wild Boar in front, and could only move forward with all his strength. run.

The cooling time of General Wild Boar's interception skill is 30 seconds, that is to say, if Lu Yang cannot run out of General Wild Boar's skill range within 30 seconds, he will definitely die.