Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 164: Level 2 Meteor Falls


"Yeguxing?" Kuai Bansheng said with a frown. Yeguxing's name has been spread all over the game these days. There is already a title of general in the middle school.

Ye Guxing ignored Kuaibansheng, stared at Lu Yang with a sneer and said, "Lu Yang, it depends where you go this time."

"It's up to you?" Lu Yang snorted coldly.

"Why do I have to kill you?" Ye Guxing had an angry look on his face, obviously thinking of the fact that he was unable to fight back when he was beaten by Lu Yang last time.

"Today is your last day in this game. I will let you know what price you will have to pay for offending our Bloodthirsty Alliance." Ye Guxing waved his hand, and in the dense forest behind him, 200 bloodthirsty people wearing Viper Canyon suits The blood alliance players came out, with grim smiles on everyone's faces.

"Not good, there are too many people on the other side." Twilight Harvester said nervously.

"Master, hurry up, things happened because of us, let us stop them." Kuai Bansheng stood in front of Lu Yang.

"That's right, masters, go away." Who Zong Me I was rampant said through gritted teeth.

Han Liu and others also stood in front of Lu Yang.

Lu Yang didn't expect these people to be quite righteous, and said: "Follow me, the place not far ahead is Shuangfeng Mountain. I am familiar with the terrain there, and I have a way to get rid of them."

"Really?" Kuai Bansheng thought that he was going to die, but he didn't expect that there was still a way to survive.

"Follow me." Lu Yang looked at Gu Xinghan, and after speaking to the people around him, he turned around and led the team into the level 10 map.

"Boss Lone Star, Lu Yang is about to run away." Crazy Wolf Juxi said anxiously.

"What are you panicking? There is a level 10 map in front of them. They can't run fast enough to kill monsters all the way." Gu Xinghan waved his hand and said triumphantly: "Follow me, I want Lu Yang to be killed by me in desperation .”

The 200 people followed Lone Xinghan into the canyon secret road on the level 10 map, which is the only way to the next big map of Viper Canyon.

The secret road is in the middle of the canyon, as if a mountain has been cut with a knife so many paths.

Lu Yang led the team to run all the way. He encountered many poisonous snakes along the way, and he used Instant Burn to attract them to him. When a certain number gathered, Lu Yang used Flame Storm and Blazing Bird.

The mobs at level 10 had 1390 HP, and were easily killed by Lu Yang's combo, barely affecting their escape speed.

On the way, White Wolf asked excitedly: "Boss, what shall we do next? Do we just keep running like this?"

Baishi said: "The opponent has a lot of people. If they are divided into groups of 30, we can win together."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "You guys are more aggressive than me, don't worry, when you make a move, follow me first."

When Kuai Bansheng heard that Lu Yang would fight back under such circumstances, his face showed excitement, and he said, "If the war counts as five of us, what good plan do you have?"

"Following them, a bunch of rubbish is relying on the number of people, one against two, we are fine." Whoever let me go crazy said.

The equipment of Kuai Bansheng and others is average, all of which are level 5 black iron equipment. Facing the full-body level 8 Viper Canyon suit, the elite of the Bloodthirsty Alliance can say this, showing their strong strength.

Lu Yang looked at the cliffs on both sides that gradually decreased in height ahead, and said, "Do you believe me?"

"Trust me." White Wolf said.

Kuai Bansheng and others also nodded.

"If it wasn't for your help just now, we would have died a long time ago." Whoever indulged me said wildly.

"Do you have any good suggestions?" Han Liu asked.

Lu Yang said: "I'm going to Hukou Gorge in front to make some preparations. You stay here to attract them. Remember, don't let them separate."

"No problem." The white lion said without hesitation.

"Boss, what are you going to do?" White Wolf asked.

"You'll know in a while." A flame burst out from under Lu Yang's feet, and his body turned into a phantom and galloped forward.

When Blazing Speed reaches level 2, the movement speed increases by 150%. Normal thieves only increase their movement speed by 50% when they have Wind Walk. Lu Yang's current speed is twice that of normal players.

"I'll go, the master's speed is too fast." Twilight Harvester said.

The three heroes of the Bai clan nodded in agreement, only then did they realize that Lu Yang's real moving speed was so fast.

"If the boss turns on Blazing Speed when fighting us, we will be the target." White Wolf said in frustration.

"It doesn't matter, the boss has more skills. If we mix with him in the future, he will definitely give us all the skills." Bai Shi said.

"That's right." White Wolf cheered up again.

Bai Hu also had a happy face, they didn't feel ashamed to lose to Lu Yang, on the contrary, it aroused their fighting spirit.

But there is something strange in the hearts of the five people who love half their lives. It can be seen that when they killed the remnants of Crazy Wolf Juxi just now, the three heroes of the Bai family were all powerful masters, because even the remnants were members of the elite group of the Bloodthirsty League. Killed the opponent with almost no blood loss.

"Catch up with them, kill them." Suddenly there was a shout of killing from behind.

Ye Guxing and the 200 members of the elite group behind him carried a horseshoe-shaped white symbol above their heads, and quickly approached them at 1.5 times their moving speed.

"How come they are so fast." Han Liu frowned and said.

If Lu Yang was around, he would have recognized this skill. It was the Book of Speed, a group acceleration skill. It could give up to 50 players a 50% movement speed bonus at a time, lasting for 30 seconds.

"Don't worry about that, everyone, run quickly, we will arrive at Hukou Gorge soon." Baishi said.

"I don't know what skill the boss is using. Is there any skill that can kill 200 people at once?" White Wolf asked curiously.

"There's no such skill." Bai Hu shook his head and said.

"What does the boss mean?" White Wolf asked.

"I don't know, anyway, he won't harm us." Bai Hu was convinced of this.

Ye Guxing chased behind and ran closer and closer. With the bonus of the book of haste and the aura of the cheetah, their actual movement speed was 80%. When they chased to a distance of 40 yards, the effect of the book of haste disappeared. However, both sides The distance is still getting closer, because there is no hunter among them.

"Strange, where is Lu Yang?" Ye Guxing frowned.

"Could it be that they left them and ran away?" Crazy Wolf Juxi said.

"Absolutely don't let him run away." Ye Guxing opened the scroll in his hand, and a purple light curtain spread out in an instant, sweeping past the Bai family Sanxiong and others in front of him, and even swept past the Hukou Gorge that had just been cleaned up. Lu Yang of the mobs around him.

"Using the scroll that prohibits returning to the city." Lu Yang sighed, he is really rich, and he can use 10,000 credits whenever he wants.

However, even if it is used, so what, Lu Yang already knew that the Bloodthirsty Batian would send people to hunt him down. This trip to send Bitter Love to the 10th level strange area, Lu Yang was also holding the purpose of being a bait, and he never thought that he would catch him once. The 200 elites from the Bloodthirsty League were led by Ye Guxing.

The hatred in the previous life made Lu Yang very angry, and he didn't like any player of the Bloodthirsty League.

He ran to the pass of Hukou Gorge, where only one player can pass through, surrounded by unattainable cliffs, the little monster mountain tiger behind him has been killed by him, and will not spawn again in a short time.

Lu Yang stood in the very center of the gate, uttering the obscure incantation word by word.

Each scale of the simple mantra seems to have the power of heaven and earth, and the resonance caused by it makes the entire Hukou Canyon cloudy.

Ye Guxing chased into Hukou Canyon with 200 people. The spacious ground allowed him to deploy his forces. What made him even happier was that Lu Yang was standing at the gate of the canyon.

"Lu Yang, did you find that you can't go back to the city, the place in front is too narrow and is blocked by monsters." Ye Guxing laughed wildly.

The three heroes of the Bai clan, Kuai Bansheng and the others all had solemn expressions on their faces, and they ran to Lu Yang one after another, turning around to block him.

Ye Guxing walked to a position 31 yards away from Lu Yang. He thought he would not be attacked at this distance. With a big wave of his hand, the formation behind him spread out. The 200 players were divided into 15 rows and stood behind him.

When Lu Yang saw the formation of the other party, the smile on his face became stronger. After reading the last scale in his mouth, Lu Yang looked at Ye Guxing coldly and said, "Go back and tell Bloodthirsty Batian for me, his guild I will destroy it with his own hands."

"Is this your last word?" Ye Guxing waved his hand with a smirk, and said, "Give it to me, whoever kills Lu Yang will be rewarded with 10,000 yuan."

Bai's Sanxiong, Kuai Bansheng and others hurriedly formed a defensive formation, but when they watched the other party rushing, they couldn't help but widen their eyes to look at the sky, and couldn't help but put down their weapons.

Ye Guxing watched the changes of the three heroes of the Bai family in confusion, and a sound of air tearing sounded in his ears. Ye Guxing looked up and saw a group of dazzling fireballs the size of a house pulling a stream of fireballs above his head. The long tail of fire was hitting them.

"Meteor Fall"

Lu Yang roared, Ye Guxing didn't wait to say a word, he thought he was in the center, and within 15 yards around him were concentrated by fire meteors.

A flame lit up into the sky, and everyone couldn't open their eyes due to the severe sound and the dazzling flame light.

White Wolf waited for three seconds before recovering his vision. Looking into the field, he found that out of the 200 players brought by Yeguxing, only 50 were still standing.

"How is it possible?" White Wolf was so excited that he almost went crazy.

"Forbidden spell, it's really a forbidden spell!" Everyone's adrenal hormones exceeded the standard. Before the game was launched, a reporter once asked the creative team whether there would be a forbidden spell in such a highly free game. At that time The main creative staff interviewed just showed an inscrutable smile, making everyone think that there must be a forbidden spell.

However, that was just a good guess of the players, but today, they really saw the forbidden spell.

Lu Yang chanted a spell, and a big crimson bird landed on Lu Yang's arm. With a flash of white light, Lu Yang appeared in front of the stunned Bloodthirsty Alliance players. This was the largest group, probably There are more than 20.


"Blazing Bird"

The three heroes of the Bai family reacted to the soaring beam of flame and the sound of the fire bird bursting.

"I'm dizzy, Boss, save some for us." The white wolf found that Lu Yang had killed more than 20 people, and rushed over to see the last few scattered people left.

The white tiger and the white lion also leaned together silently, and rushed to the field.

The morale of Ye Guxing's subordinates had already been demolished. Facing the attack of the three heroes of the Bai family, they could not muster up the courage to resist at all, and were killed by the three of them like chopping melons and vegetables.