Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 177: profiteering industry


"Which grandson is so quick, leave one for me." In the lobby on the first floor, a player cursed angrily. He just hesitated for a while, and the equipment was sold out.

"As for the equipment sellers, hurry up and continue selling, I am short of equipment."

The scene of thousands of people complaining in the auction house left Xiao Liang, Han Ying and others stunned.

"Brother Lu Yang, they all want to buy equipment." Han Fei asked.

Lu Yang took the 79 gold coins and 92 silver coins he got and said, "Let's go, hurry back and make equipment."

"Oh, yes." Xiao Liang, Han Ying and the others came to their senses, and hurriedly followed Lu Yang back to the house in the north of the city.

"I won't sleep tonight, I'm going to build the equipment for one night." Han Fei said vowedly.

"So do we." Xiao Liang and Han Ying said together.

Mu Yu also had a small face and was very excited.

"No, just go to 12 o'clock, and then go to sleep, money is not earned in a day." Lu Yang said.

"Ah? Oh!" Everyone had no choice but to nod in agreement.

From 5:30 to 12 o'clock in the evening, Lu Yang led Xiao Liang and others to work for more than 6 hours, and made a total of 24 sets of equipment.

Lu Yang took the equipment to the auction house, and just 2 minutes after putting it up, it was robbed and sold out again.

"A lot of money." Han Fei was very happy looking at the 240 gold coins.

"Go offline first." Lu Yang said.

"Okay." Xiao Liang, Han Ying and others went offline and quit the game one after another.

After Lu Yang returned to the Demon God Palace, he also quit the game.

Inside the room, Han Zhong looked at Lu Yang and Han Ying with a slight frown.

"Why is it so late today?" Han Zhong said displeased.

"Dad, we earned 240 gold coins today." Han Fei said excitedly.

"240 gold coins?" Han Zhong frowned in confusion.

"Oh, I forgot, you don't play games." Han Fei danced and said, "72,000 yuan, we earned more than 70,000 credits this day."

Han Zhong showed a surprised expression, the money was equivalent to his one-time employment fee, and asked, "What's going on."

Han Fei told Han Zhong in detail.

Han Zhong looked at Lu Yang and asked, "Is it really that profitable?"

"Yes." Lu Yang nodded.

Han Zhong's face was calm, and he said to Lu Yang without expression: "Come with me to the room, I have something to tell you."

"Okay." Lu Yang followed Han Zhong into the bedroom.

Han Zhong looked at Lu Yang carefully, and said, "Xiaoyang, we have known each other for so long, and we have never had a deep talk."


"What's going on with this game, can you tell me about it?"

"Of course." Lu Yang has been waiting for this day. He wants to use real data to convince Han Zhong not to let Han Ying's third sibling engage in the profession of mercenary.

From the origin of the holographic simulation game, to the summit of "Second World", and its future value, Lu Yang told them one by one.

"Master, don't let Han Ying and the others become mercenaries. I will teach them to make money and become professional players. They can grow to a very high level with a little training in the game with their skills. When they are old enough to pass the game At the beginning stage, I will train them to become professional commentators, earning more money than being mercenaries." Lu Yang said.

"Competition?" Han Zhong asked.

Lu Yang said: "20 years ago, there were professional game leagues in China, even a mobile game had a league, and the official regulations stipulated that the monthly salary of a professional player should not be less than 30,000 credits, and a professional player usually earns 30,000 credits a year. The income is in the millions."

Han Zhong is very confident in the skills of the three children. Hearing this, he couldn't help but feel excited. If there is a better job to support himself, who would be willing to be a mercenary

"As for the enemy's family, when you have money in the future, you don't need to do it yourself, you can buy their lives with money." Lu Yang said.

Han Zhong's eyes suddenly became fierce, he nodded and said, "Okay, you convinced me, and I agree to your request."

Lu Yang stood up, bowed respectfully to Han Zhong, and said, "Thank you, Master."

At this moment, Lu Yang was extremely excited. He finally managed to change the life of Han Zhong's family.

the door.

Han Ying's three siblings couldn't help screaming when they heard Han Zhong's words.

"These bastards." Han Zhong said with a smile.

"You all come in." Lu Yang took out six bank cards from his pocket and handed them to each of them.

"We earned a total of more than 300 gold coins this day. After deducting the cost, there are still about 260 gold coins left. I will give each of you 20% of the net profit." Lu Yang said.

On average, each person can earn about 8 gold coins a day, which is equivalent to earning 2,400 yuan a day if converted into cash income.

"Brother Lu Yang, this is too much, we can't take it." Han Fei shook his head and said.

Han Ying, Han Yu, Mu Yu, and Xiao Liang also shook their heads together.

Lu Yang said: "Let you take it and take it. I will recruit a group of new people tomorrow, and you will be responsible for teaching them forging. At that time, I will give you a new distribution method so that you can earn more."

"Boss, it's still too much. I feel like I can earn 300 yuan a day. I don't know what to do now that you're giving me so much money." Xiao Liang scratched his head and said.

Lu Yang thought to himself, in the last life without you blocking the gun for me, I would have died a long time ago, how could there be such a thing as jumping off the cliff and being reborn.

"Take it all, don't be polite to me, or I will get angry." Lu Yang said.

"Oh, that's fine." Xiao Liang, Han Ying and the others looked at each other and accepted the bank cards together.

"Get rich~!" Han Fei excitedly discussed with Xiao Liang and others how to spend the money.

Lu Yang couldn't help laughing while listening.

"Brother Lu Yang, how are you going to spend the money?" Han Fei asked.

Lu Yang said: "I want to establish a guild with my money, so I can't move it for now."

Compared to Xiao Liang and others, Lu Yang can earn more than 200,000 in cash a month. If he hires players after a while, he can earn more money, but it won't exceed 500,000 in another month.

Compared with Xiong Ba, Chi Mu and other big guilds who spend five or six million a month at every turn, the money he earns is nothing more than a drop in the bucket in the eyes of those people.

What's more, compared with the super rich like Liu Jie, when he just entered the game, Liu Jie spent more than 10 billion to buy several guilds. If Lu Yang uses this money to enjoy himself now, he is undoubtedly looking for death .

"Master, are you interested in joining the game?" Lu Yang asked suddenly.

"Me." Han Zhong laughed, and said, "I'm over 40 years old, what can I do in the game."

Lu Yang said: "The game will give you an 18-year-old body. The actions you could do back then, you can still do in the game, and there is no such thing as physical fatigue in the game."

"Can it still be like this?" Han Zhong asked in surprise.

"Of course, there is an old man born in the 1980s in the game. He created the largest guild in the entire server, and his skills are so flexible that even young people can't beat him." Xiao Liang said.

Han Zhong became interested this time and said, "This is not bad, I can try it."

"That's really great." Lu Yang clapped his hands vigorously, and said, "Master, from now on, I will hand over the apprentice's weapon shop to you."

Han Zhong laughed, and said: "So you are waiting for me here, okay, since you have agreed, then I will go in and have a look and do something for you."

"Thank you, Master." Lu Yang said gratefully.

With Han Zhong, he has added a big piece to the empire puzzle, and now he is short of recruiting.