Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 190: Prelude to the war


Zhuojiu Qingshang, Xia Yuwei and the others were busy with the guild's affairs, and they all showed excited expressions when they saw Lu Yang bring people back.

"Boss, you are back." White Wolf said.

Lu Yang pointed to Jiang Ze, Zhao Xu, Tu Feng, Jiang Huai, Li Rui and others behind him and said: "The five people in the deep sea and sky, the nine-headed bird, the butcher's knife, the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, and Luoyue Kuangdao are my classmates in real life. In the future, the logistics work will be handed over to them, and you will handle the handover work."

"Okay." Baishi, Zhuojiu and the others showed expressions of relief together, and each handed over to Jiang Ze, Zhao Xu and the others.

Lu Yang couldn't help but laugh when he saw them, and they were handing over at the side, Lu Yang opened the guild list and looked at it.

Different from the previous life, Lu Yang established the guild too late, and all the masters were recruited by the major guilds. In this life, Lu Yang established the guild when the server was opened for more than 20 days, and it was established when the scattered group was defeated. It is sure to be able to recruit many top players.

Sure enough, on the first page, there was a god-level player in Lu Yang's memory—Black Note, he was a warlock.

9 pm.

The recruitment time was up, and Jiang Ze, Zhuojiu and others finished the recruitment work. Coincidentally, Lu Yang also read the team roster. Among all the recruited 70,000 players, Lu Yang found 224 players whose names he could name in the previous life. players.

Let the players who were still waiting to disperse first, Lu Yang led everyone back to the abandoned house in the south of the city.

After taking his seat, Lu Yang asked, "Is there any problem with the handover work?"

Jiang Ze said: "Everything is going well, tomorrow we can recruit players alone."

Lu Yang nodded and said: "Very well, our tasks will become very heavy next time. Only when your rear is stable can we fight in front with peace of mind."

"Boss, are we going to fight the Bloodthirsty Alliance?" White Wolf said eagerly.

Lu Yang shook his head with a smile, and said, "Didn't you realize that our establishment of the guild should have been difficult, but up to now, no gang has come to trouble us."

"This matter is really strange." Xia Yuwei said, when he established the guild, he often had conflicts with other people.

Lu Yang said: "On the one hand, everyone is waiting to see our jokes."

"Joke?" Everyone frowned.

Lu Yang said: "That's right, it's just a joke. Everyone thinks that I, Lu Yang, and you young and inexperienced children here are not capable of supporting such a huge guild. , Let you either quarrel for rights or quarrel for interests and dissolve."

"How is that possible?" White Wolf said.

Fuqiu also shook his head.

Lu Yang said with a smile: "Why didn't the Bloodthirsty Alliance immediately counterattack us, why didn't the Black Blood kill our subordinates in the wild, Xiong Ba and Chi Mu clearly knew that our rise was a threat to them, but they still gave up a lot of training grounds, Try not to conflict with us?"

Zhuojiu, Xia Yuwei and the others thought about it for a while, and found that everything went smoothly as Lu Yang said, which was unimaginable to them.

"Boss, we will never quarrel over money and rights. Playing games is our pleasure. What we enjoy is the feeling of galloping in the game and the novelty of entering another world." Kuai Bansheng said.

Han Liu said with disdain: "I hate things like rights before it's too late."

Lu Yang said: "Whoever finds fault with us first will usher in the great anger of more than 70,000 people in our entire guild. The Bloodthirsty Alliance can beat us now, and the Black Blood may also defeat us, but they don't want to touch us." This frown, after all, if they win against us, what they will get is just a tragic victory, and what they will face after winning will be a merciless blow from the hostile guild."

"No one dares to provoke us now. The presidents of the major guilds are indeed a bunch of old foxes." White Wolf said.

Lu Yang said: "Exactly, exactly, I am also a little fox."

Everyone laughed.

Lu Yang went on to say: "This period of time will be the best time for us to develop. I can't be sure how long it will be. Therefore, starting tomorrow, the four of you, Zhuojiu, Xia Yuwei, Baishi, Kuaibansheng, and you will each lead 200 people. Players open up wasteland and accumulate equipment in major dungeons. It won’t be long before the major guilds find that there are no problems within us, and the operation is getting better and better. We will become a piece of fat surrounded by wolves. At that time, if we can Only by defeating the Bloodthirsty Alliance can we truly gain a firm foothold, otherwise, our guild will collapse in an instant."

Xia Yuwei, Zhuojiu and the others hadn't considered such long-term things, but after Lu Yang's description, they could fully understand the current situation of the guild.

"Boss, equipment is not a problem. We can solve this soon. We can do wasteland dungeons. The only problem is the skill book, which can't be bought with money. Those of us who are after level 10 can do it. The skills are not yet complete, if you fight against other guilds, you will be at a disadvantage without high-level skills." Zhuojiu said.

It is also a battle, the damage dealt by one side with the skills learned at level 10 is disproportionate to the damage dealt with the skills learned at level 1. If both sides have the same equipment, when competing skills, whichever side has poorer skills will be defeated.

Lu Yang said: "I have a way to solve the problem of skills. Starting tomorrow, I will retreat and level up. We will limit it to 10 days. After 10 days, I will bring you a lot of skill books, and you should also bring them to me. At least 800 level 18 players equipped with a full set of silver."

This kind of request, in other guilds, the subordinates have long said that it is impossible, but the people such as Duojiu Qingshang and Bailang have shown their interest in challenging.

Only Xia Yuwei and Lan Yu's Ice Studio were a little embarrassed, but they didn't show it.

"I have a list of personnel in my hand." Lu Yang sent the list of the great gods of the previous life, such as the black note, which he found before, to the dialogue column of Zhuojiu, Xia Yuwei and others.

"The first batch of these people will be upgraded first. Their equipment and levels are relatively high. I will make other arrangements for them later." this explanation.

"Okay." Zhuojiu Qingshang and others also noticed Black Note and others when they recruited players. In their minds, they also hoped to bring these people first.

Lu Yang said to Jiang Ze, Tu Feng and others: "During your next mission, you need to find potential game masters for me. When you need to spend money, you should contact a player named Heijia Warrior. His real name is Xiao Liang is the brother I grew up with in reality, if the guild expenses are less than 500 gold coins, if you ask him for money directly, I will tell him."

"You are so rich." Jiang Ze asked in surprise.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "I don't have any money, how can I open a guild?"

Zhuojiu Qingshang, Xia Yuwei and the others were originally worried that Lu Yang's guild would not last long due to lack of funds, but now they were relieved and showed relaxed expressions.

Lu Yang clapped his hands and said, "Starting tomorrow, everyone, let's work together, let's prepare a big surprise for all those who look down on us."