Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 202: Infernal Ax (Gold Rank)


The flames rose, and a dazzling light flashed.

Zhuojiu Qingzhang and others opened their eyes to look, and all the demons within 50 yards in diameter in front of them were completely wiped out.

"Boss is mighty!" Zhuojiu poured out his glass and shouted, raising his weapon.

"The boss is mighty!" White Wolf and more than 200 elites shouted together holding up their weapons.

Lu Yang, who turned into a Balrog, pointed to the open space in front of him, and said, "Fighters, guards, step forward, expand the protective circle, priests heal and keep up, and warlocks, mages, and paladins release range attack spells."

The mage's regular attack spells include blizzard and wall of fire, the warlock has fire rain, the paladin has holy wrath, and the damage of holy spells to demon creatures is doubled.

The four teams of Zhuojiu Qingshang, Xia Yuwei, Bai's Three Heroes, and Kuai Bansheng quickly expanded the protection circle in accordance with Lu Yang's instructions.

When the protection circle can accommodate 500 people, Lu Yang sent a message to Jiang Ze, saying: "Let players from groups 1 to 5 enter."

"Okay." Jiang Ze immediately directed the 500 players at the gate to enter the Devil's Gate in order.

The light flickered, and countless players entered the palace and fell into the protection circle. Tu Feng and Jiang Huai were also among them. Seeing the scene in the field, Tu Feng asked, "What are we doing?"

Lu Yang said: "Restrain the manpower, let them divide into four square formations, and leave a 1-meter-wide cross-shaped passage in the middle."

The situation on the field is not stable yet, Lu Yang needs support from all directions.

"Brother, I seem to have encountered a boss here, and Zhang Zibo can't stop it." Lan Yu sent a message.

Lu Yang looked in the direction of Lan Yu. Six red demons, half a meter taller than normal demon sentries, continuously spewed flames as long as 5 yards from their mouths. Not only Zhang Zibo was attacked, but even the mage players behind Zhang Zibo were almost burned to death. .

Fire Demon (Sub-Elite)

Level: 25

Vitality: 7866/7866

"I'll support you." Lu Yang wanted to run over, but the 500 players who had just entered hadn't completed their team yet, so they couldn't make way for Lu Yang in time.

When Lu Yang saw this situation, a white light flashed beside Lan Yu and Xia Yuwei.

"Meteor Impact"

Lu Yang pointed to the sky with his right hand, and one, two, three high-temperature red meteorites formed in the air, and smashed towards the flame demon in front of Zhang Zibo with a whistling sound.


The meteorite fell to the ground and hit 6 flame demons. Afterwards, the meteorite rolled forward, causing huge damage every time it moved.


"Blazing Bird"

"Extinguishing Fire"

One after another intermediate magic appeared in Lu Yang's hands, and the six flame demons were beaten to death on the ground before they could last for 5 seconds, and even cleared the 10-yard blank area in front of Zhang Zibo and Xia Yuwei's shield team.

"The treatment gives priority to increasing the blood of the soldiers, and the mages in the back row take recovery medicine. Zhang Zibo and the warrior team move forward." Xia Yuwei shouted loudly.

Dozens of healing spells fell on Zhang Zibo and other 16 warriors and knights, and the defensive position was stabilized. Zhang Zibo raised his large shield and led the team forward to expand the protection circle.

"Brother, you are amazing." Lan Yu said to Lu Yang.

In this crisis situation, Lu Yang's strength brought incomparable confidence to everyone, and the position was soon stabilized and gradually expanded.

"Boss, I have a boss here." Duojiu poured out his glass and shouted.

In front of Zhuojiuqingshang, who is in charge of guarding the protection circle in the south direction, a 3-meter-tall, brown-black body, with a black long ax in one hand and a black long knife in the other, is attacking Zhuojiuqingshang crazily.

Felguard (boss)

Level: 30

Vitality: 250000/250000

"Old God, please grant me the power to punish the enemy." The demon guard recited a spell, and a gray light shot out from his eyes.

The place where the shield was hit by the light became nothingness.

System prompt: Your defense power is reduced by 200 points

"Flame Slash" The double-edged ax of the demon guard was slashed with flames on both sides.

The demon guard's regular attack hits Zhuojiu and pours a cup to lose 400 points of blood. Now Zhuojiu's defense power is reduced by half, and the demon guard uses the flame slash that increases the attack by 2 times. Zhuojiu will die if he resists hard.

With the skill of pouring wine, if he fights alone, he can dodge to the left, right or backward to avoid the fatal blow, but now there are teammates on the left and right of pouring wine, and the anemic mage and priest behind him, he retreats There is bound to be a gap in the formation, and the demon guards will take the opportunity to enter the protection circle and the casualties will be even more severe.

"Prepare to retreat and tighten the formation." Zhuojiu poured out his determination to die, and shouted, raising his shield to resist.

Just when the demon guard's ax was about to hit the wine glass, Lu Yang threw out the escape dagger and landed behind the wine glass, a blue light flashed, and Lu Yang appeared.


Lu Yang just hit the demon guard with a burst of flames, and the monstrous flames knocked the demon guard unconscious.

"The priests are dispersed, and the formation remains ready to move forward." Lu Yang said.

Yeyue listened to the wind to disperse her, she poured out the wine to restore her defensive power, and put her shield back in front of the formation.

"Boss, this monster is too strong. If you use it together with the Flame Slash, any melee combat will be lost in seconds." After drinking the wine, he said fearfully.

Lu Yang said: "Yeyue is optimistic about Zhuojiu, I will use all my strength to kill him."

The demon guard is a powerful monster second only to the big boss in the demon palace. It is so powerful that Lu Yang needs to output all his strength to defeat it.

Aim the divine fire staff at the head of the demon guard. In the Balrog state, Lu Yang's Pyroblast is like a machine gun in CD-free mode, hitting the demon guard's head one after another at a speed of 0.5 seconds. superior.

"2042" (Critical Strike)

"2046" (Crit)

The demon guard was attacked, but he only leaned back a little, and still maintained an offensive state. The four priests poured blood into the wine at the same time, and the blood volume of the wine kept decreasing and rising, which was very dangerous.

Three minutes later, the demon guard fell to the ground with a whine, and a black double-edged battle ax shining with golden light fell to the ground.

Lu Yang's eyes lit up, and he shouted: "The boss has a gold rank, and the Zhuojiu team is moving forward with all their strength. This weapon belongs to the Zhuojiu team."

"Kill." The turbid wine and more than 50 people roared at the same time, and the morale was high.

Gold-level weapons are hard to find in epic-level dungeons, but now that one has exploded, Lu Yang rewards Zhuojiu's side, and Zhuojiu and others advance 5 yards in an instant.

Purgatory (Gold Level)

Level: 25

Damage: 26-99

Strength: +26

Constitution: +26

Additional additional attack power: +36

Slots: 3

Lu Yang picked up the weapon and sent the attribute to the team channel.

"Gold-level double-edged axe, the name Purgatory is so cool, it does a total of 161 points of damage, and there are 3 slots, an artifact."

Everyone in the team was amazed.

Lu Yang said in a loud voice: "In this map, there are 25 gold-level weapons from all professions. Whoever expands the encirclement first and finds the boss will get the items dropped by the boss."

With great rewards, there must be brave men, and the already high-spirited Bai family Sanxiong and Xia Yuwei led the team to expand the protection circle even more passionately.

Although there were many demons in the palace, the number of casualties increased rapidly in the face of the red-eyed members of the elite group, and the circle of protection gradually expanded.

Half an hour later, Lu Yang's Balrog's form ended, and the protection circle expanded enough to accommodate 1,000 people.

Lu Yang sent a message to Jiang Ze, saying: "The second batch of 500 players is divided into 5 groups, one group and one group come in."

"Okay." Jiang Ze contacted Tu Feng, and a space for 500 people was immediately vacated inside the protection circle.

The light flickered, and the second batch of 500 people successfully entered the palace.