Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 219: Time, time!


Start the next afternoon.

Jiang Ze and Tu Feng were very busy. If they could sweat in the game, they would already be sweating profusely. However, it was not tiredness, but cold sweat.

"How many people were killed or injured?" Tu Feng asked.

"4000, from last night to now, we have already killed 4000 people." Jiang Ze said.

Looking at the panicked two, Lu Yang remained calm and said, "Don't worry, check out the moles for me. If they can kill so many people, there must be moles. Find them all and clear out the guild."

Tu Feng and Jiang Ze suddenly realized.

"That's right, it must be a traitor. Find out the traitor first, and I'll do it right away," Jiang Ze said.

Lu Yang nodded and let Jiang Ze go.

Tu Feng said: "This is not a solution, we have to find an opportunity to fight back, at least to improve the morale of the gang."

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "It doesn't make sense. We can only wait for the news from Zhuojiu and Xia Yuwei. When will we have all the equipment and when will we be able to start a war with the Bloodthirsty League?"

"That's the only way to go." Tu Feng said anxiously.


Lu Yang's holographic projection space prompt sounded. This is a new function of the game settings. Paying players can open a virtual space and project the player's phantom into the space for communication.

Lu Yang looked at the people in the group, they were Old Man Chi Mu, Xiong Ba Tian Xia, Lei Long and Qian Qian Si Yu.

Lu Yang clicked to connect, and a flash of light appeared in the virtual space. This is a virtual space that looks like a conference room. Chi Mu and Xiong Ba are sitting around a desk.

"Brother, here we come." Chi Mu said.

Lu Yang asked, "What's the matter?"

Chi Mu asked with a serious face: "I heard that the Bloodthirsty Alliance launched a large-scale attack on you today. You have suffered more than 4,000 casualties. Can you hold on? Do you need our help?"

Xiongba said: "We have discussed it, and if it is absolutely necessary, we will help you send troops to contain it, but the effect is not certain."

Lu Yang said: "Thank you in advance. You are willing to help me at this time. However, sending troops now is not meaningful. Instead, it will expose the relationship between the five of us. Keep waiting, I can hold on."

Lei Long frowned and said, "I'm in Beifeng City. Although I don't know the situation on your side, if it's really a last resort, you can launch an attack in advance. Qianqian Siyu and I are ready to respond."

Qianqiansi said: "Handsome guy, we will follow your arrangement."

Lu Yang said, "Thank you."

The old man Chi Mu said: "Why don't we fight, Xiong Ba and I each draw 20,000 people to fight with you."

Lu Yang still shook his head and said, "Wait a little longer, I will contact you when I am ready."

Chi Mu, Xiong Ba and others looked at Lu Yang in surprise, they did not expect Lu Yang to be so persevering.

"Okay, we'll get in touch after you decide." Chi Mu left the room.

"I wish you good luck." Lei Long and Qian Qian Si Yu left together, and Xiong Ba also left after saying goodbye.

Lu Yang exited the room, and Tu Feng next to him asked, "Why didn't you move just now?"

"Just now Chi Mu and Xiong Ba came to me and asked if I needed help." Lu Yang said.

"It seems that they are quite abiding by the covenant. With their help, we can hold on for a while longer." Tu Feng said.

Lu Yang shook his head with a smile, and said, "I didn't ask them to help, now is not the time."

Tu Feng was taken aback, and said excitedly: "Why don't you let them offer to help you? If you let them stop the Bloodthirsty League, the guild will really be finished."

Lu Yang patted Tu Feng's shoulder and said, "With me here, nothing will happen. Go help Jiang Ze and get rid of the traitor first."

"Okay." Tu Feng left puzzled.

Lu Yang came to the outside of the spore village, looked at the fire method divided into 10 groups to practice simplified spells, and asked: "Who has any questions, let's continue to discuss."

"Boss, I have a question." A young mage raised his hand and asked.

Lu Yang looked at the other person, his eyes couldn't help but widen. Lu Yang couldn't help asking, "What's your name?"

"Boss, my name is Hei Yan." Hei Yan said.

Lu Yang's head was like five thunderbolts, he never thought that his fire magic guards would accidentally sign the top fire magic of the previous life - the black flame magic god.

He hurriedly looked through the contract, and when he saw that Hei Yan had really signed a formal contract with him, he almost shouted out excitedly.

"What's the problem?" Lu Yang asked.

"I can already use the spells of Pyroblast with ease. I found that the spell of Flame Impact is similar to the spell of Pyroblast. I tried it just now and almost used it, but I couldn't find the difference." Black Yan said.

"I'll teach you, just wait a moment." Lu Yang clapped his palms and asked, "Who else can skillfully use Pyroblast?"

The other 99 fire skills were a little ashamed. Although they had learned it for a day, their release speed was still 6 seconds, which was 1 second slower than the automatic mode. Only Black Flame could release it in 1 second.

Lu Yang said: "From now on, Hei Yan will be the head of the Guards of our Huofa Guards. He will be responsible for everything when I am not around."

Hei Yan said in surprise: "Boss, I'm afraid I'm not capable enough."

"I believe you." Lu Yang said.

How could the Black Flame Dharma God in the previous life be insufficient? Besides, the Black Flame Dharma God was known for his loyalty, Lu Yang knew that his choice was right.

"Come with me, I'll teach you other spells, I'll supplement you with some skill books, and you can re-sign a contract with me..." Lu Yang decided to take pleasure in the bitterness, and first firmly hold the master of the previous life in his hands Let's talk again.


Jiang Ze dialed Lu Yang's intercom and said, "We've almost eliminated all the traitors. To my surprise, Bloodthirsty Batian has sent more than 30 traitors to our guild, and the most powerful ones have reached the rank of squadron leader.

A squadron leader is responsible for coordinating 150 people to upgrade and fight monsters on the same map.

Lu Yang said, "How did the players in the guild react?"

Jiang Ze said: "It's not very optimistic. The whole channel is filled with a sad atmosphere, and there are many people who quit the membership. More than 1,000 people left today."

Lu Yang said: "Don't worry about it, just keep waiting."

copy inside.

Zhuojiu Qingshang, Xia Yuwei, Bai's Sanxiong, Kuai Bansheng, and Sun Yu all had anxious expressions on their faces.

They are very clear about the affairs in the guild, but now they have no way to go out.

"Output at full capacity, beat this boss in seconds, let's go to the next dungeon, the guild needs us, the boss is waiting for us." Zhuojiu poured his glass and shouted.

The 39 players around shouted in unison, each with grief and indignation on their faces.

The first and second batches of 2000 players have completed the level 20 silver suits, and now these 2000 people are helping the third batch of 1000 players to equip under the leadership of Zhuojiu and others. The player immediately rises to level 20.

Time, everything depends on time.