Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 220: The war begins


Early the next morning.

Lu Yang returned to the spore village after logging in the game, and found that all 100 fire magicians were online.

Hei Yan ran to Lu Yang's side and said, "Boss, you are here."

"It's early." Lu Yang said.

Hei Yan laughed and said, "We didn't go offline last night. The brothers trained hard last night. Now there are 20 mages who can shorten the release time of Pyroblast to 3 seconds."

All the players in the guild know that the Jagged Brotherhood has reached the moment of life and death. Obviously, these 100 fire spells are all for the guild. Originally, Pyroblast is difficult to learn, but after the potential is stimulated, there are all of them. Great improvement.

Perhaps this is the reason why ordinary people can sometimes create miracles.

Lu Yang said: "Yes, keep working hard."

Hei Yan hummed, and ran back to continue practicing fire techniques.

the other side.

At the headquarters of the Bloodthirsty League, the Bloodthirsty Batian, who just went online, was watching the kill video recorded by his subordinates, and said with satisfaction: "Not bad, the recording is beautiful, and it reflects the strength of my Bloodthirsty League. Isn't the official wanting battle videos? These 8 videos Pass it on to them, let them know what will happen to Lu Yang in the end."

The Bloody Overlord laughed and said, "With this video, Lu Yang's guild will be finished, and his name will be completely stink."

Bloodthirsty Batian said: "It's not enough, tell your subordinates, keep killing me, I must force Lu Yang to have a decisive battle with me, doesn't he have forbidden spells, and I do too."

In the morning, noon, and afternoon, the Jagged Brotherhood was beaten to pieces, and they dared not even leave the gate of San Gall City. The players of the guild had nowhere to vent their anger in the face of the bloodthirsty alliance's provocation in the square.

"People from the Jagged Brotherhood, come out, aren't you Jagged, come out if you have the guts, or call Lu Yang to come out, pretending to be a grandson every day is nothing."

"Players in San Gal City, please watch the video. The Bloodthirsty League smashed the Iron-Blooded Brotherhood on various maps of the holy city. What kind of Iron-Blooded Brotherhood is simply a soft-footed shrimp alliance."

The players of the Bloodthirsty League laughed wildly, while the players of the Jagged Brotherhood were in extreme pain. A large number of players withdrew from the original 70,000 players, and only 20,000 remained.

Inside the guild.

"Please don't conflict with the Bloodthirsty Alliance for the time being, and try to upgrade in the dungeon. If you can get attribute gems, you can exchange them for guild points."

"If you are a high-level player, bring along the low-level players in the guild. At this time, we must unite and we must not be chaotic."

Facing the accusations from countless guild players, Jiang Ze and Tu Feng were already dizzy, but they still didn't send a distress message to Lu Yang, and tried their best to appease the furious players.

Spore Village, at night.

Hei Yan said excitedly: "Boss, after the training of the Fire Art Hundreds, they can compress the release time of Pyroblast to 2 seconds."

Lu Yang nodded, but did not speak.

"Why don't we go fight with the members of the Bloodthirsty Alliance first, we can definitely kill many members of the Bloodthirsty Alliance."

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "It doesn't make sense."

"There are so many quitters in the guild. Our victory in this battle can boost morale a lot, and it can also ease the difficulties of Boss Jiang Ze and Tu Feng."

Lu Yang still shook his head and said: "Don't worry, as long as we win this battle, those who left will come back, but if you are exposed, it will make the bloodthirsty alliance who has already become arrogant and look down on us wary. All your hard work will be in vain, you understand."

Hei Yan's actual age is only 16 years old, but he is very smart. Lu Yang immediately responded when he mentioned it a little bit, and said, "Boss, I understand. I will continue to take people to train."

Just as Lu Yang was about to nod, at this moment, the wine poured out a call request to him.

"Boss, 3,000 people have assembled, we can join the battle."

Lu Yang clenched his fists hard, and said, "Very good, let Xia Yuwei, Bai's Sanxiong, Kuai Bansheng, and Sun Yu each lead 600 people to sneak into the sides of the narrow mountain at the entrance of the Golan Heights to hide, and I will tell you the details. The location will be sent to each of you's mailboxes, and you will take the remaining 600 people to the level 20 copy of Gutland."

Gutlan was only 20 minutes away from Sayama. He understood it when he looked at the map after pouring out a glass of wine, and said, "I'll go right away."

After turning off the communicator, Lu Yang stopped Hei Yan who was about to leave and said, "Order the Huofa Centuries to assemble."

"Boss, have you decided to fight?" Hei Yan asked excitedly.

Lu Yang smiled and said, "You will know when the time comes, so go do things first."

"Yes." Hei Yan ran out excitedly.

Lu Yang entered the virtual space and pulled in old man Chi Mu, Xiongba Tianxia, Thunder Dragon and Qianqian Siyu respectively.

"What's the matter?" Chi Mu asked.

Lu Yang said: "Just tonight, you all get ready."

Xiongba said: "Brother, I'm just waiting for your words, I'm almost waiting for my gray hair."

Everyone laughed.

Lu Yang said: "There is no way, my 3,000 talents are assembled, and I am going to fight an ambush for the Bloodthirsty Alliance. He is killing my people so well now, he must despise me."

Chi Mu said: "Okay, then it's settled, the three of us will go back and make preparations, if you tell us to act, we will go right away."

Lu Yang said: "Okay, then it's settled, we will teach the bloodthirsty Batian a profound lesson tonight."

The virtual space darkened, Lu Yang returned to the game world, used the return scroll to fly back to San Gal City, and then walked into the teleporter.

Bloodthirsty Alliance Headquarters.

The bloodthirsty tyrant was laughing and discussing the results of today's battle with his subordinates.

The Yuxue Bawang ran over with a smile on his face, and said, "Boss, good news, good news, our people found that Lu Yang's number one general has drunk wine on the level 20 map."

"What." The bloodthirsty Batian stood up abruptly, and asked excitedly, "Is there Lu Yang among them, and are there any of those 1,000 people?"

The Bloody Overlord turned on the video projection. In the projection, a group of 600 players wearing cloaks scattered around the map, and a group of wild monsters blocked the road. When the group of players killed them, one of the players' attack revealed a side face , It is the turbid wine that pours out its own cup.

"There are only these in the video, and Lu Yang himself is not seen. According to our prediction, they probably went to the Gutlan dungeon to improve their equipment." The Bloody Overlord said.

"Gutland is a small ancient city. It is not so easy for them to break into it. We have a chance to catch up."

"Boss, this is a good opportunity. These 600 people must have been stealing equipment under Lu Yang's behest. If we catch these 600 people, Lu Yang will be completely finished."

Bloodthirsty Batian slapped the table and said excitedly: "Order Ye Guxing to lead 5,000 people to chase after me. Be sure to surround these 600 people and force Lu Yang to lead a large army to fight with me."

"Yes." The Bloody Overlord said.