Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 222: A battle recorded in history


Xia Yuwei, Bai Sanxiong and others immediately followed Lu Yang's request and led the team into the hillsides on both sides to hide in the grass.

Lu Yang rushed to Gutland at high speed, with Level 3 Blazing Speed, Rocket Booster, Blink and Escape Dagger, Lu Yang's speed was five or six times faster than normal players, and he ran to the gate of Gutland in only 5 minutes .

"Boss, you're here." Zhuojiu poured out his glasses excitedly and led people to greet him.

Lu Yang asked, "How's the preparation going?"

Zhuojiu poured out his glass and said: "In order to pretend to be a little bit, I asked Yeyue Tingfeng to lead people to clear a small path in the ruins of Gutland, and I can retreat at any time."

"Very good." Lu Yang said.

Suddenly, Mao Qiu sent a message, saying: "Ye Guxing's 5,000 people are chasing them, and they are still 5 minutes away from here."

On the high mountain, Mao Qiu watched with his own eyes the entrance of the orc hills in the distance, and Ye Guxing led 5000 players to quickly gather.

"The enemy is in Gutlan, follow me." Ye Guxing ordered, and 5000 people chased towards Gutlan.

During the march, 5,000 people are divided into 10 square formations, each with 500 players, and each square formation is divided into 25 teams of 20 people. Each team is equipped with a hunter. Turn on the cheetah aura to increase the movement speed by 30% , the entire team of 5,000 people did not fall behind, and it was almost done like an arm.

The reason why he has this ability is because Ye Guxing has been training these players non-stop during this period of time, just to wait for this day to come.

Ever since he met Lu Yang, Ye Guxing had been killed three times in a row, and the huge bloodthirsty alliance had nothing to do with Lu Yang, and he even lost face in front of the bloodthirsty tyrant.

"Lu Yang, this time I will definitely kill you with my own hands." Ye Guxing showed a ferocious expression on his face.

Passing through the orc hills and entering the Gutland Mountains, when Ye Guxing ran to the entrance of the Gutland ruins 100 yards away, the hairball suddenly jumped out from behind a big rock in the ruins and shouted loudly: "It's not good, people from the Bloodthirsty Alliance are chasing you, everyone run."

At the entrance of the ruins of Gutlan, Lu Yang turned his head and glanced at Ye Guxing, who was standing in the middle of the team, with contempt in his eyes. This is a vicious dog raised by the bloodthirsty Batian.

Although it was 150 yards away, Ye Guxing would never forget Lu Yang's appearance in his life, and his eyes widened instantly.

"It's Lu Yang." With uncontrollable anger on Ye Guxing's face, he took out an acceleration scroll from his backpack and tore it open, shouting loudly: "Lu Yang is also in this team, give me all of them." Chase, whoever kills Lu Yang first will be rewarded with 30,000 credits."

The 5000 players immediately went into a runaway state when they heard the reward, and rushed towards Lu Yang with bloodshot eyes. With 100% acceleration, they quickly approached Lu Yang.

Lu Yang sneered, and with a wave of dirty wine, he ran out with 600 players along the pre-set route, saying: "The hunters set up frost traps and freezing traps along the way to interfere with their movement speed."

The frost trap slows down by 50%, which can greatly slow down the enemy's movement speed, while the freezing trap can freeze the enemy in place for 10 seconds, and can even destroy the enemy's formation.

Ye Guxing was the first to step into the trap and enter the deceleration state. He looked at Lu Yang who was running away unwillingly, and shouted on the world channel with a grim face: "Lu Yang, you can't run today, I must kill you!" you."

"Only by you? Not worthy." Lu Yang also replied on the World Channel.

Ye Guxing was even angrier. After the frost trap was triggered once, it only lasted 10 seconds. With 100% acceleration, Ye Guxing quickly led the team to catch up with Lu Yang. However, he only caught up to 50 yards distance, the acceleration effect disappears due to time.

However, Ye Guxing was not in a hurry, the cooling time of the acceleration scroll was only 5 minutes, and if he opened it again after 5 minutes, he would be able to catch up with Lu Yang and kill him with his own hands.

Deputy Magneto Wuguang followed Ye Guxing, frowned and said, "Boss Gu Xing, the team is too scattered, we can't chase like this."

Ye Guxing was completely enraged by Lu Yang's words that you are not worthy of being stimulated. In addition, during this period of time, the players of the Brotherhood kept chasing and killing players, so he didn't take Lu Yang seriously at all.

"What are you afraid of? It's better if the team disperses. In this way, fewer people will be killed when Lu Yang releases the forbidden spell. We can annihilate him at a lower cost."

A magnet is dull and silent.

After continuing to chase for 2 minutes, Magnet Wuguang looked at the rising hillsides on both sides, and said, "Boss Lone Star, the terrain is wrong, be careful there is an ambush on the opposite side."

Ye Guxing looked at the scroll with half the cooling time, and said with a frenzied expression, "What are you afraid of? I have 5,000 people, and Lu Yang has become a bereaved dog. Can he organize more people to fight against me?"

Magneto is silent again.

The two sides chased after each other, and ran into the narrow mountain together after 3 minutes. At this time, the speed-up scroll had cooled down. Looking at Lu Yang who was 50 yards ahead, Ye Guxing showed a wild smile on his face.

Picking up an acceleration scroll again, just as he was about to crush the seal, he found that Lu Yang stopped in place with 600 people.

"Ye Guxing, I want you to know the price of slaughtering my Jagged Brotherhood." Lu Yang suddenly raised his right hand.

"Brothers, kill me."

On both sides of the narrow mountain, countless players of the Jagged Brotherhood suddenly stood up, Xia Yuwei, Lan Yu, Bai's Sanxiong, Kuai Bansheng, Han Liu, Sun Yu and others shouted at the same time: "Kill."

Thousands of spells, bows and arrows fell into Ye Guxing's team, condescending, the range of spells and long-range attacks increased at an angle, while Ye Guxing's team was at the bottom of the mountain, and the players attacking the top of the mountain were not far enough away.

Coupled with the sudden attack, Ye Guxing and the 5000 players only felt that the narrow mountains on both sides were all under Lu Yang's subordinates, and Ye Guxing shouted loudly, "Retreat, everyone retreats."

A dagger emitting blue light spun and flew in front of Ye Guxing, the blue light flashed, and Lu Yang appeared with a big fiery red bird on his shoulder.

"I want to run now, it's too late." Lu Yang sneered and said a spell, a black ripple with a diameter of 10 yards appeared under the feet of Ye Guxing and the players around him.


A huge flame storm soared into the sky, knocking Ye Guxing unconscious in place, and at the same time, innumerable more than 1,000 injuries surfaced on Ye Guxing and the others.

"Blazing Bird"

The big bird that landed on Lu Yang's shoulder swooped down to Ye Guxing and the others, and knocked out more than 1,000 of Ye Guxing's blood.

Running behind Ye Guxing is his anti-cavalry and anti-war. They are specially designed to prevent being killed by Lu Yang. Everyone is studded with blood gems, including Ye Guxing. Blood is also equipped with qi and blood gems, and everyone's qi and blood are above 5000 points.

Facing Lu Yang's second consecutive photo, Ye Guxing was not afraid at all, and shouted: "Healing increases blood." Against the impact of the meteorite, he ran towards Lu Yang, and more than 10 other fighters also followed Ye Guxing to move forward. charge.

Lu Yang snorted coldly, and just as Ye Guxing was about to come in front of him, he recited the incantation again.

"Meteor Impact"

A meteorite with a diameter of 10 yards fell from the sky on top of Ye Guxing, dealing more than 1,000 damage.

"Resist the Ring of Fire"

More than 10 players including Ye Guxing were instantly retreated by Bengfei, just in front of the meteorite that was about to land, causing a continuous attack effect, and they were attacked by the meteorite every time they took a step back.

More than 20 healers behind Ye Guxing desperately added blood to Ye Guxing and others, but their spell damage was far behind Lu Yang's, and the speed of blood adding could barely match the damage of Lu Yang's meteorite attack.

The Qi and blood of Ye Guxing and others were always in a state of residual blood, and more than 1,000 points were knocked out just after adding more than 1,000 points.

After 3 seconds, Ye Guxing stopped, and the meteorite attack rushed behind him. At this time, he had 300 HP left, and the remaining HP of the soldiers around him was about 500 points, and the healing had just added HP , the next treatment will be in 2 seconds, just when Ye Guxing thought he was safe.

"Extinguishing Fire"

A streak of red-gold sky fire descended from the sky, hitting Ye Guxing who had just stopped.

"3000" (crit)

Ye Guxing, die!

The 4 fighters who follow around, die!

"Boss Lone Star is dead?" The surrounding Bloodthirsty League players immediately panicked.

"Kill, brothers, it's time for our revenge." Zhuojiu Qingzhang didn't have Lu Yang's second-stage flash skills, and just ran over with someone from 50 yards away.

Every player in the Jagged Brotherhood is full of hatred for the Bloodthirsty League. It's them who forcibly grab the boss. It's them who attack players wantonly.

The enmity of the casual group and the enmity after joining the Brotherhood, the superposition of the two made the 3100 people selected by Lu Yang hate the bloodthirsty alliance to the extreme.

"Brothers, follow me down and take revenge." The white wolf raised the level 20 long sword in his hand and took the lead in jumping down the mountain, and entered from the middle position.

The white lion and the white tiger followed behind the white wolf, and 500 melee professionals followed behind them. When they met on a narrow road, the brave won.

Originally, the morale of the Bloodthirsty League was low when it was ambushed, and Lu Yang took revenge in a state of mourning. Now that the command link between the front and the rear was cut off, the Bloodthirsty League fell into chaos.

On the left side of Sayama, Kuai Bansheng saw the white wolf rushing down ahead of him, raised the weapon in his hand and shouted loudly: "Melee class, follow me."

Another team of 500 people rushed down the mountain, and Han Liu and other mage teams and Sun Yu's hunter team swept over the top of the mountain for them, successfully causing Kuai Bansheng to cut Ye Guxing's rear team into two sections.

"Stay calm, everyone. Our level is higher than theirs, and our equipment is better than theirs. Everyone stay calm. The rear team organizes defense, and the front team retreats to minimize casualties." shouted.

There was a whistling sound.

100 Pyroblasts precisely hit Magneto's dull body.


Even if the magnet had no light, more than 5,000 qi and blood were instantly killed in place.

Hei Yan looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction, and commanded 100 Huo Mage to continue looking for the next target. Lu Yang arranged a mission for these 100 people to snipe and kill the commanders and healers of the Bloodthirsty League.

There are only 500 healers in Ye Guxing's team of 5,000 people, and each person has to undertake the healing task of 9 people. Because this team is mainly used for killing people, there are very few healers.

In order to guard against Lu Yang's attack, Ye Guxing specially placed 300 healers in the front team. As a result, in the frontal attack of Lu Yang and Zhuojiu, most of these 300 healers were killed or injured.

Without the healing team, Lu Yang fell into the situation of being slaughtered in an instant. With the same equipment, Lu Yang was like harvesting leeks, and the ground was full of dead bodies in less than 5 minutes.

Ye Guxing revived in the nearest main city, and immediately sent a message to inquire about the battle situation. When he learned that most of the team had been killed, less than 500 people escaped from the narrow mountain, and the rest were all surrounded in the narrow mountain. Xing let out a cry of collapse in his chest, and exited the game.